Cannon Fodder Strategy

Revenge of the Jinghe Dragon King (2)

What Li Yanxi likes is Lily's satisfaction. From the beginning, he never thought that this ordinary girl could persevere until now. Many people can't bear things, but she has amazing resilience. Maybe she is not blessed with a beautiful appearance. She doesn’t have perfect figure, intelligence, or extraordinary talents, but she is braver and stronger than anyone else. Her perseverance is stronger than many smart people, and she knows the current affairs and rules. In this regard, Li Yanxi was willing to The reason why he spent his soul power to save her in Swordsman and was willing to give her this heaven-defying skill this time.

"You can do it for yourself." He was silent for a while and nodded to Lily. Before he was about to disappear, he smiled at Lily: "Do you want me to cut it off for you?" He smiled so brightly that his eyebrows seemed to be full of brilliance. When he is not smiling, Li Yanxi has that aloof and cold temperament, like a god above the nine heavens, which makes people dare not even look at him from a distance, as if even talking to him feels like he is under great pressure.

But now he laughed, as if the spring breeze bloomed in front of her eyes after the ice and snow first melted. Lily even seemed to hear the sound of flowers blooming in her ears, but after he finished speaking, Lily She fell silent, hesitated for a long time, and then gritted her teeth. She thought about the scene when she went to the toilet to take a shower in the future. She couldn't stand the situation where she was holding the beep. Being a man was already shameless. If she had to do it again in the future, If she does something even more immoral, she's afraid that she won't be able to help herself and will cut her off too!

Although Li Yanxi's words made her speechless at first, Danmian Lily thought about it and gritted her teeth: "Just cut it! Is that okay?"

"No." Li Yanxi suppressed a smile and looked at her wonderful expression for a moment. The shock and disbelief were completely revealed in her cow-like eyes. I couldn't help but turned my head away and laughed twice. Then he turned around and said seriously: "The original owner who issued the task would not want him to become a eunuch after the task was completed!"

"..." Then why do you still mention such a thing? Lily was a little crazy for a moment, and couldn't help but want to stretch her head to push against the rocks nearby. Seeing her behavior, Li Yanxi couldn't help laughing again: "But don't worry, as long as you eat good food, it will turn into You can understand your own energy in this way, and nothing embarrassing will happen to you."

Lily heard this. She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Li Yanxi had just made fun of her on purpose, but he had always been cold-tempered. She never expected that he would make such a joke. Lily laughed twice and watched his figure slowly disappear into the background. In the starry sky, she forgot one thing and shouted hurriedly: "Where is my other dimension and how can I get in..." As soon as she finished speaking, Li Yanxi could no longer hear what she said, and Lily was in front of her. A flash. The body has appeared in a gray space. She must have entered the gap of time and space accidentally.

Although coming in once means that you have found a way to come in in the future. But she wasted such a precious opportunity without preparing anything.

There are only ten chances, and going out means one less chance. Thinking of this, Lily gritted her teeth and refused to go out again. The surroundings were quiet, with nothing but a gray mist. She could only hear her breathing and heartbeat. She simply closed her eyes and absorbed the plot first. No matter what happened in the future, she had to absorb the plot before talking about it!

Waves of severe pain came from her head, and a lot of plots flooded into her mind. Only then did Lily realize that she had become more than just a man, she had also become a witch! She became the Dragon King!

She became the unknown old dragon in the Jinghe River outside Chang'an City. She married Xihai Ao Run's sister and had nine sons together. The first eight sons were each given the title of official and went to manage various rivers. But the unknown old dragon in Jinghe Many people may not know it, but he is actually the origin of the famous Journey to the West. He was the Dragon King of Jinghe who appeared early in Journey to the West, but also died early!

There was a fisherman named Zhang Shao outside Chang'an City. He often hunted in the Jing River. Every day he caught fish, he would always send a golden carp as a gift. He mentioned Yuan Shoucheng, a fortune teller in Chang'an City who claimed to be able to know life and death, and to judge yin and yang. At his stall, Yuan Shoucheng collected the carp every day and calculated the location of the Jinghe aquarium for Zhang Shao, so that Zhang Shao never left home again.

The disappearance of the descendants of the Shui Tribe in the Jinghe River made the old dragon of Jinghe greatly panic. These were the descendants of fish roe and crabs under his management. Seeing that they were decreasing day by day, he was angry that Yuan Shoucheng was so in vain of the lives of the Shui Tribe and actually cooperated with mortals to salvage them. A member of the Shui Tribe, he transformed into a scholar in white and prepared to trouble Yuan Shoucheng.

But who would have expected that this Yuan Shoucheng, who knew both astronomy and geography, had an immortal appearance that made people fall in love with him at first sight. Although Jinghe was angry, he calculated the location of the Jinghe Aquatic Tribe with others for no reason. As a result, the fish man always fished for countless aquatic creatures. After seeing Yuan Shoucheng's extraordinary temperament and conversation, he felt a bit of respect in his heart, so he sat honestly in front of the gown stall and started counting gowns with Yuan Shoucheng. .

He calculated what he was good at, managing thunder and rain. He originally thought that Yuan Shoucheng was just an average person. After all, it was his responsibility to predict whether there would be thunder or rain, and when it would rain. How could Yuan Shoucheng, a mortal, be able to predict it accurately? Who would have expected Yuan Shoucheng to be so efficacious? He not only calculated when it should thunder, when it should rain, but also how much rain should fall and when it should fall.

Even though Jinghe didn't believe it, he made a bet with Yuan Shoucheng. Unexpectedly, after he returned to the Dragon Palace, the Jade Emperor actually sent an immortal envoy to convey his will. What he meant was completely inconsistent with the hexagram predicted by Yuan Shoucheng. Jinghe was extremely surprised and at the same time unwilling to accept this news. He lost the bet to Yuan Shoucheng and paid off the money, but Yuan Shoucheng had harmed him so many lives of the water tribe, and now he had to bow his head and apologize to him. This breath was really hard to swallow. Jinghe Old Dragon originally had a strong temperament. Therefore, he violated the Jade Emperor's will and delayed the rain that should have fallen half an hour earlier. However, the amount of rain that should have fallen was three feet, three inches and forty-eight points, but he only rained three feet and four points. At ten o'clock, he finally deducted three inches and eight points. When he turned into a human and went to find Yuan Shoucheng to trouble him, he saw him sneering and said that Jinghe River was in danger.

He violated the Jade Emperor's will, but was taken to the Dragon Beheading Platform and beheaded. Jinghe was shocked and hurriedly knelt down to Yuan Shoucheng to beg for mercy. Yuan Shoucheng only gave him instructions and asked him to ask Taizong Li Shimin for help. When Jinghe heard this, he hurriedly thanked Yuan Shoucheng and asked Li Shimin to beg him in his dream. Because the person who killed him was Wei Zheng, Li Shimin agreed to Jinghe's request and left the wise minister Wei Zheng in the palace the next day. Playing chess made him unable to concentrate on anything. Unexpectedly, Wei Zheng fell asleep in the palace in the end. Seeing that he was sweating profusely, Li Shimin couldn't help but shake his fan three times for him. Wei Zheng took advantage of these three cool breezes to behead the old Jinghe dragon in his dream.

The Dragon King of Jinghe River was unwilling to die like this. He always pestered Li Shimin to go to the underworld at night to tell the Lord of Hell clearly and give him justice. Li Shimin himself promised to save him, but in the end he helped Wei Zheng kill him. He couldn't swallow this breath, and it was just right. Because of this, Li Shimin had to order Qin Qiong and General Qin Qiong to serve as door gods in front of his palace during the night. The Dragon King of Jinghe was afraid of the ferocious appearance of the two generals and their heavy evil spirits, so he did not dare to entangle them anymore. These were also folk door gods. The origin of.

After Li Shimin was frightened, he could only resort to Buddhism, but the Buddhism in the Eastern Tang Dynasty at that time was incomplete. This is why Xuanzang later went to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. If the story ends from now on, although the old dragon of Jinghe feels unjust, he has been beheaded after all, but there is no way to recover. However, he has nine sons. After his death, his wife returned to Xihai Aorun and suffered all the people in Xihai. He made things difficult and rolled his eyes, and finally died of illness early.

The dragon clan is the righteous god of Si Yu. Although his lifespan cannot be said to be as long as that of the sky, he is definitely not susceptible to sores and diseases. In the end, the wife of the old dragon of Jinghe died of illness, and his youngest son Jie Jie was left alone. The guard was sent to Blackwater by Ao Run, and finally he took over the cave and became the king. In Journey to the West, he was supposed to be the son of the Dragon King. He was born so noble, but in the end he was reduced to a water monster. He caught Tang Monk's flesh originally because he wanted to please Ao Run and celebrate his birthday, but Ao Run was afraid of the Monkey King. Sun Wukong, in the end, not only refused to accept Miao Jie's love, but also sent his son to capture this evildoer. In the end, his son also violated the law of heaven and was sent to the dragon cutting platform.

Because of his early death, his son had no one to discipline him in the end. Jinghe was really unwilling to end up with such a result. Although his son had a bad character, he knew what was good and did not dare to keep it to himself when he caught Tang Monk. Instead, he wanted to invite Ao. In the near future, I wish to congratulate him on his thousand-year birthday. For such a child who knows how to repay his kindness, if someone just gave him a little guidance, he would definitely not end up like this.

Why did Marshal Tianpeng break the law of heaven but was only cast down to the mortal world? Just because he had a causal relationship, he could not be punished with death if he committed a crime while drunk? Why was it that General Roller Blind was only found guilty of falling into the river as a monster after he broke the wine cup? Why was it that Yuan Shoucheng ordered people to kill the life of the Shui Tribe and reveal the secret, but nothing happened? Why did Sun Wukong make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace but was finally suppressed under the Five Fingers Mountain?

I am just fighting against others. Even if I am guilty, I will not be punished to death. The most I can do is to be imprisoned. But I have no cause and effect, and I have no strong help. Brother-in-law He is just another hard person who only knows how to please and bully the weak.

God is unfair, and the Jade Emperor is too harsh! Just because Zhu Bajie, Sha Seng and others wanted to follow Tang Xuanzang in the West to learn Buddhist scriptures and achieve righteous enlightenment in the future, so they violated the laws of heaven and were not allowed to die, but they themselves had to end up being beheaded? Poor his wife and children, they all died early! (To be continued...)

ps: The last two updates today. . . The debt has been paid off, thank you all for your previous votes. . .


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