Cannon Fodder Strategy

The sea has no plot (3)

For several days in a row, everyone on the ship was looking for the girl. The pirate ship was searched several times every day, but I don’t know if these pirates were very confident. They might have thought they had already searched the kitchen, so they searched the kitchen two or three times in a row. Tiandu was very safe, and no one came to search again. The girl relied on the food that Lily squeezed out for her every day, and she spent a few days safely.

Five or six days later, the originally endless sea level suddenly burst into a loud and neat song, with a majestic momentum. The usually arrogant pirates among the pirates now showed fear for the first time: "The navy is coming. "

The huge white ship was originally very far away, but the ship came very quickly. As if in the blink of an eye, Lily could hear the sound of the huge sails on the navy ship being blown by the wind. Coming over, the pirates had no time to react. Marines dressed in white and blue and wearing navy hats jumped onto the pirate ship. The pirates who had been arrogant in the past were now ashen-faced, and almost no one dared to resist.

The first young man with the navy captain's logo, his hair neatly combed, and a white cloak held a pipe in his hand, looked around, smiled and said loudly: "Miss Pang Lili, from the Pang family, is she here? "

A group of navy locked up the pirates, took something and tattooed the pirates' faces. The pirates' faces were pale, but no one dared to speak. The leader was locked away without tattooing, while the remaining minions were tattooed. Rushing to the other side, as if being chased away, when she heard the voice of the navy, Pang Lili, who had been hiding in the kitchen, suddenly staggered out and said, "Are you here to save me?" She has been eating and drinking these days. Lazarus was in the kitchen. He was no longer as glamorous as when we first met him. He looked very embarrassed now. Her hair is a little messy. When he saw the navy, he couldn't help crying: "You are here. You are finally here."

"Miss Pang Lili, I belong to the team leader Moang under the command of His Majesty the King of Haikong Lane. I was entrusted by Miss Pang's father. Now I have finally found Miss Pang." The young man holding the pipe smiled slightly and wore a His white cloak was blown by the wind, and his white uniform stretched his figure extremely long. He was used to seeing pirates who often had their upper bodies bare and only wore trousers. Now Leng might as well see a navy man. He is really handsome.

"Thank you Captain Moang for your rescue. Eight days ago, I was attacked by the Black Pearl Pirate Ship. Now, thanks to Captain, I am truly safe." Pang Lili wiped her tears and couldn't help but want to cry again. The man who called himself Moang The young man smiled slightly and his eyes fell on Lily. Although his eyes were calm when he looked at people, they gave people a great sense of shock. Lily couldn't help but shrink when he looked at her. Only then did he see his brows wrinkled: "Is this Miss Pang's attendant?"

"Oh, no. He is also one of the members on the pirate ship. But thanks to him for helping me these days." Pang Lili shook her head without hesitation, with an apologetic smile on her face, and turned to Lily and said: "Thank you for your help. I hope to see you again in the future."

When Lily heard this, a bad premonition came into her heart. She had helped Pang Lili once anyway, but now she said that she was a pirate. Now Lily wanted to scold her. She just wanted to explain:

"I'm sorry, I'm not a pirate. I was also robbed by the Black Pearl..."

Na Moang smiled at Lily, showing his white teeth, and then waved his hand decisively: "Take the tattoo with you! Although the body is a little thinner, we can sell it together when the time comes."

The two marines responded, stepped forward and picked up Lily like a chicken, and carried her towards the pirates who had just been tattooed. When Lily heard Pang Lili say that she had helped her, the pirates looked at her with something wrong. After all, the pirates were still looking for Pang Lili a few days ago, not to mention that the Black Pearl Pirates Group was wiped out now. , it seems to be related to Pang Lili.

Now that she had saved her, the pirates who fell into the hands of the navy would inevitably think that Lily was the one who caused them to fall into this situation. Now she had to be tattooed and even sold. She panicked and gave Pang Lili a hateful look. , I also knew that if she was really locked up with this group of vicious pirates, with everyone resenting her, she would definitely not get a good ending. She was angry in her heart. If she was not sold into slavery by the navy, she would be more likely to be in the navy. She was bullied to death by a group of pirates on the ship, so she might as well find another way out now.

"I'm really not a pirate. I was also captured by the Black Pearl. Only because I can cook, these pirates kept me." Lily struggled twice, but Moang did not After hearing what she said, Pang Lili smiled apologetically at Lily:

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this. I, I thought you were also on the pirate ship. After all, I saw you were preparing food for them..."

It's okay that she didn't say this. When she talked about these things, the navy looked at Lily even more wrongly. Moang frowned impatiently. He had a slender sword on his thin waist. It looked like he was about to pull out at this moment. Lily's face was covered with blood by Pang Lili's words, and she decided that she would never be a good person again. She suddenly used the Nine Yang Magic to kill the two navy guards guarding her. She was pushed away and stumbled to the side of the ship. The remaining internal strength she had just been used up when she pushed the two marines away. A navy man couldn't help but glance at her with interest, and his eyes swept over the two navy men coldly:

"Trash!" He pulled out his slender sword, obviously preparing to kill Lily on the pirate ship. There was no way to avoid it. The group of extremely vicious pirates already hated Lily to the bone, and he couldn't stay with them. Instead of ending up like this, It would be a tragic ending. It would be better to jump into the sea now. There is a possibility of encountering other ships and being rescued. If not, the most is to die in the sea, which is better than falling into the hands of pirates.

Lily's face turned pale at this moment. She really didn't know if Li Yanxi would help her again if she failed in this mission. At this moment, she cursed Pang Lily to death in her heart, but she saw the killing intent in Moang's eyes. , with tears streaming down his face, he jumped into the sea without even thinking about it.

"Hey, why did you jump into the sea?" When the seawater poured into Lily's body from all directions, she tasted a bitter taste in her mouth. The boat was twenty feet high from the sea. Under the impact, Lily finally Hearing the exclamation from Pang Lili, his chest couldn't hold his breath and he fainted.

"It doesn't matter, he's just a little thief. There's no way he can survive. Let's go!" Moang loosened his hand on the handle of his sword. A small person is really not worth his effort. This seemingly calm sea is actually full of dangers. , there is a ferocious Poseidon Beast inside. When the time comes, a person who is too weak for him to even be sold as a slave will no longer be able to survive. This trip has found the eldest daughter of the Pang family. This is the most important thing. The Pang family can donate a huge amount of money to the navy. Maybe even if his strength does not reach the level of a great swordsman, it may be enough to promote him to a lieutenant.

Lily originally thought she would not wake up. As the Black Pearl drifted on the sea for a long time, she rarely saw other ships. Although she thought that someone passing by might save her, that kind of extravagant hope The chance was really low, and she knew that it was completely impossible for such a thing to happen, so when she opened her eyes, she saw the stars in the sea and sky, and blinked in confusion for a moment, thinking that she had returned to the starry sky. generally.

The sound of waves came from all around, which seemed different from the silence in the starry sky. Her body swayed, and the ground was not stable. The gentle ripples of the sea rang in her ears. She seemed to still feel that she was very far away from the sea. Close, because the clothes on her body were still wet.

"You're awake." An indifferent male voice rang. Lily was startled and hurriedly wanted to sit up. She turned around and saw that she was on a small boat that could hold about four or five people. The place where she lay just at the stern of the ship was now very wet. A very tall figure was sitting there at the sail of the bow, with his dark and smooth hair being blown by the sea breeze. The black cloak also made a whirring sound. He carried a long sword on his back. He had not turned his head when he asked, as if his figure had merged with the night.

"Thank you for saving me." Lily was stunned at first, and then became ecstatic. She was sure that she had been saved by someone now. Thinking that she was not dead yet, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. , the fact that she didn't die meant that her mission this time had not failed. But thinking of what happened after she jumped into the sea, Lily scolded Pang Lili again in her heart, and planned to wait until she had the strength to settle the score with that woman. I have seen people repay kindness with hatred, but I have never seen anyone who repay kindness with hatred as a matter of course and with an innocent look like her.

She was not the type to swallow her anger and pretend to be generous when being bullied. Her job was to vent anger for others. There was no reason for her to swallow her anger instead.

The tall figure who was sitting turned his head. With a pair of slender eyebrows flying into the temples and a head of smooth black hair, his face was extremely white and clean, and his skin seemed to be like fine ivory, standing in the sea. It exudes soft luster under the starry sky. He has a pair of black eyes that are different from most people in this world. The eyes are somewhat narrow and long, and the color at the end of the eyes is extremely dark, which makes those eyes eye-catching.

A bit of fierceness was revealed inadvertently as the eyes moved. Under the tall, slightly hawk-like nose, there were light-colored and extremely thin lips. (To be continued...)

ps: There are still two updates today, dears~!

A novel about group friends, it is vertical and horizontal, but it can also be read at the starting point

"The Blood-Eating Princess"


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