Cannon Fodder Strategy

Supporting characters in online games (2)

In the quiet space, a "ding" mission prompt came from the computer. In her memory, An Lily should have downloaded the large-scale game that was just released today, "Dragon Fighting the World". She heard that her brother was in a relationship with her. Her favorite brother Gu Licheng was playing this game. An Baihe thought that she couldn't catch up with the cold man Gu Licheng in reality, so she would chase him in the game.

Who would have expected that once she got into the game, her life's destiny would change. I'm afraid An Baihe never dreamed that she would go from being the aloof little princess of the An family to the indulgent and willful eldest lady that everyone despises.

Lily got up and sat in front of the computer. Because the An family was rich and doted on her daughter, Lily An had no idea of ​​working in her own company after graduation. Instead, she stayed at home except for shopping every day. Lily An had just gotten up from her nap, and no one was bothering her at this time. Lily had just installed the game, and at the same time called the maid to bring some afternoon tea and desserts, and relaxed comfortably. The body sank into the chair.

The life of the rich is so pleasant. When she saw the maid quietly putting the delicious and fragrant afternoon tea in the trolley, Lily couldn't help but close her eyes again and sighed gratefully. Once again I think that my mission this time is actually no different from that of a vacation.

An Baihe's computer has excellent performance and top-of-the-line configurations, so in less than ten minutes, before she finished eating her cake, the other end already prompted a message that the game was installed.

After clicking into the game, clear music rang throughout the room, which was the room where Lily was originally installed. Expensive imported surround sound was once installed in the room. It now sounded like the sounds were coming from all over the room. The sound quality was so perfect that Lily couldn't help but grin. After she was so happy, she didn't even notice the area she had logged into, so she happily took on Lily An's original game name: Variety Fairy and entered the game.

Lily doesn't actually like the name "Variety Fairy", but Lily An's original personality is like a girl, so she likes this name very much, since she wants to fulfill her wish. Of course, it is best to use her name. Of course, this is also because the original owner did not call her Fairy Lily, otherwise Lily would not care whether the original owner would be satisfied with such an idea. Judging from the memories in the original plot, she originally hesitated between these two names for a long time. Finally, because she heard An Qianlin accidentally said that men like mature and enchanting women, she gave up the one she originally thought of. The name "Lily Fairy" was changed to the ever-changing fairy.

Amidst the soft music, the reading data quickly ran out. Lily thought of the elf mage played by the original owner, and hesitated for a moment. I still chose the human priest.

Dragon War is a newly developed game by the largest game developer at this time, just the guide on that game page. It is enough to make people fall in love with it easily at first sight. Among them, Longzhan Tianxia is divided into five ethnic groups, including: Elf, Blood, Human, God, and Monster. The professions are divided into: mage, Archers, Assassins, Priests, Warriors and Summoners.

Except for the Protoss, which stipulates that only warriors can be chosen as a profession, summoners are a profession exclusively for demons. Except for summoners, who are already fixed as demons, other professions can choose races at will. In these pictures, the elves look the most beautiful, slender and graceful, tall and plump, with beautiful proportions. The human race seems to be more common, and the most popular one is probably the protoss, but that profession is only warrior, and if you choose this profession, you must spend a lot of real money to accumulate it, otherwise you will not see it. Effective.

At first, An Baihe only knew to choose a beautiful appearance, but did not read the game introduction at all, so she chose the elf priest. Little did she know that for this race, the talent of high agility and performance destined this profession to be the only choice. Archer.

Since Lily was ready to play the game, she naturally wanted to consider her future strength. She chose the human race, but after hesitating between the mage and the priest, she still respected the original owner's wishes and chose the priest.

After she made her selection, she entered the game directly without adjusting her facial appearance, hair color, eyes, etc.

The server has been open for several days, but there are still many people in Novice Village at this moment. Roosters and sheep can be heard from everywhere in the room. Lily is dizzy due to the noise, and the sounds of many people setting up stalls and shouting can be seen everywhere.

She received her first novice task from the village chief, who entrusted her to hunt ten rabbit skins and gave them to the village tailor Zhang Aunt Zhang to make coats to give to her wife who has been with her for many years. Lily accepted the task and ran out, but the sky was green and wild, the wind and grass were low, and the cows and sheep could be seen. She could see both the cows and the sheep, but she couldn't see any rabbits.

She originally wanted to ask someone for a clear explanation, but unexpectedly, the two trumpets standing next to her were having a conversation:

[Normal] Dongfang Momo: Brother, can you take me to hunt a sheep? The village chief wants to eat mutton, but he can’t get it~

The human male warrior standing in front of the female number agreed without hesitation. Lily twitched the corner of her mouth, thinking that she couldn't pronounce the word 'brother', so she honestly went out and looked for it on her own.

Fortunately, her level was low at first, and so were the monster levels. These were low-level monsters that would not actively attack people. Lily walked through the sheep herding grassland, and as long as she didn't touch the sheep on her own initiative, those seemingly honest and well-behaved sheep seemed not to notice. After walking a few steps, Lily found a small white thing in the grass. Lily was delighted and commanded her character to reach out and cut the grass. Sure enough, a rabbit squatted down there, staring fiercely with red eyes. Looking at her, spittle came out of his mouth, and the computer screen in front of Lily suddenly changed from color to black and white.

System: You are attacked by King Rabbit!

System: You were killed by King Rabbit!

[Normal] The Proud One of Heaven:...

I don't know when a male soldier lying next to him stood up. After looking at Lily's body for a while, he vomited a bunch of bubbles and silently slashed the rabbit to death with two or three cuts. Lily saw a bundle of rabbits falling out. Rabbit skins, as well as some bits and pieces, made his eyes red:

[Normal] Variety Fairy: This is my rabbit.

[Normal] Heaven’s Proud One: It’s mine now.

After he finished speaking, he stood next to Lily's strangely moving body on the ground and stood there for a while before turning around and leaving.

After looking for the rabbit for a long time, someone snatched it away the first time he found it. Lily angrily found the resurrection button and returned to the main city. Fortunately, the system had protection before level 10. After death, she would not lose her clothes for a long time. Yes, but it will also lose experience and money in the bag. Fortunately, Lily is currently a three-no person. She has no money and no experience, so she got up dead, remembered the address just now, and ran over in a hurry. This time she didn't find the rabbit, so she had to fight the sheep. After struggling for a long time with the priest's only attack skill, she finally reached the second level.

During this period, Lily didn't encounter a rabbit. It wasn't until she killed sheep and cows and reached the fourth level that she saw a white rabbit again.

Unlike before, Lily led the rabbit to run and hit him. After nearly two minutes of grinding, the rabbit fell to the ground, and a bunch of rabbit fur stingily fell out, making Lily's mouth twitch involuntarily. twice.

She stayed at this place and waited for the rabbit to be refreshed. Five minutes later, it was refreshed again, but this time she was lucky. The rabbit fell out of a piece of rabbit skin. After guarding like this for nearly an hour, ten pieces of rabbit skin came out. She was just about to get the last piece together. When she saw the rabbit spawning again, Lily was so excited that she didn't have time to fight. She saw that her experience gauge was only one small space away. As long as she killed this rabbit, she would definitely be able to do it. After reaching the fifth level, before she could take action, a sound of hooves was heard not far away, and the screen in the game began to shake.

System: The great protoss warrior, the proud son of heaven, has awakened the Wild Boar King. Fight, warriors!

Lily had a bad premonition in her heart. Before she could hide, a wild boar that looked like a hill was running towards her. It was shaking so much that she could not stand still and was knocked down. He was disobedient on the ground. This is the unique intimidation of the boss. Regardless of whether it is a big or small boss, as long as it exceeds a certain level of the player, it can make the player feel coerced. All attribute values ​​will be reduced. At the same time, there will be five seconds of uncontrollable time. Lily has not yet With enough time to wait, the wild boar stepped directly on the human priest, and the screen turned black and white again. What made Lily want to scold her even more was that she had been busy all afternoon, but her experience dropped to level three, and the key was her. The nine rabbit skins that I had just beaten all fell out at once.

System: You were killed by the Wild Boar King!

The proud man, whose equipment was obviously more powerful than what he had seen before, swung a long sword and hit the Wild Boar King until he was scurrying all over the ground. After a while, he screamed and fell to the ground, and the screen shook. After a while, a lot of things exploded on the ground.

The proud man of heaven picked up the things on the ground without hesitation. When he saw the nine rabbit skins dropped by Lily, he glanced at the dead bodies on the ground and picked them up into the bag without hesitation.

Although she knew that even if he didn't pick up the rabbit skin, he would be wiped out by the system, Lily still couldn't help but feel depressed. She hated this proud man of heaven. It was obvious that he was in conflict with her. She thought of playing in the afternoon. Tupi, who had been waiting for a long time, hesitated for a moment, lay on the ground, imitated the little girl's voice from before, gritted his teeth and typed:

[Normal] Variety Fairy: My proud brother, that rabbit skin is mine, can you give it back to me?

[Normal] The Proud One of Heaven: No.

[Normal] Variety Fairy:...

[Normal] The Proud Son of Heaven: And I don’t have a sister.

[Normal] Variety Fairy: ...(To be continued...)

ps: Second update~~~~~~~

I know that even if I don’t ask for votes, my dear friends will understand what I mean and will give them to me...

I persevere every day with the tenacious spirit of Xiaoqiang, send out different declarations asking for votes every day, and carry out my request for votes to the end. This is my style~~~~~~~


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