Cannon Fodder Strategy

Palace Fighting Cannon Fodder Royal Concubine (5)

"You!" Ms. Su's breasts couldn't help but rise and fall when she heard Lily's words. She was wearing a Xiang Fei-colored palace dress today, and the skin exposed at the neckline was as white and tender as snow. Even though she was so angry at this moment, , but it did not affect her beauty. It was a pity that Chu Yunyang was not here at the moment. Lily waved her hand: "But if Sister Su insists on relieving me of my worries, she will stay. Fufeng and others are short of manpower. Please be patient with me, Sister Su. I am very trapped, so I will excuse you now."

After saying this, Lily was helped up by several palace people. Without even looking at it, several women with ugly faces went straight into the inner hall to rest after hearing Lily compare the second concubine Er Jieyu to a servant. .

After that day, the arrogant words of the noble concubine in the palace often spread to the ears of everyone in the harem, but Chu Yunyang turned a deaf ear to them. Before the newcomer entered the palace, Lily could be said to be the most favored one in the entire harem. Until August In the middle of the day, the selected beautiful women were already waiting outside the palace gate a day in advance. After dawn, they were led by the eunuchs into the imperial garden from the north gate. Then they were divided into several groups for Chu Yunyang to visit.

Since there was no empress dowager in the harem and no owner in the middle palace, Lily had received this mission earlier. The day before, Concubine Su and Concubine Xian, both of whom she had always been at odds with, came over and begged her to go with them. It was a good show, so Lily naturally agreed. Many people in the palace did not sleep soundly that night. Many people in the palace had already endured a long day, and now a batch of fresh and delicious beauties would be introduced, which would naturally make many elderly people in the palace feel uneasy.

But Lily slept soundly. When Chu Yunyang reached out to touch her hair, she turned away impatiently, which made Chu Yunyang laugh gloomily.

After dawn, everyone dressed up and headed to the Imperial Garden. At this time, the garden was already full of people standing neatly. Chu Yunyang got off the dragon chariot in front. Groups of internal servants and beauties who had just entered the palace knelt down one after another, and Lily also got off the chariot. Among the group of pink figures kneeling on the ground, there was only one plump and tall girl. Kneeling, she twisted the hem of her skirt and looked over curiously. But because she was a little far away, she seemed to be unable to see the scene clearly, and then she stuck out her tongue. After being pulled by the person next to him, he reluctantly knelt down.

You don't need to look at it to know that this is Yang Yuru who defeated Guo Baihe later in the plot. At this moment, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met. Baihe waved her hand without thinking, and said to Fufeng beside her: "Whose family is that from?" Girl, if you don't understand the rules, if you see the emperor delaying in kneeling, and dare to stick out your tongue, you are so immodest, I will give you five slaps."

Later, Concubine De and Concubine Xian happened to come together in a hurry and heard Lily's words clearly. Su touched her belly and let her personal maid help her off the chariot, and saw that Chu Yunyang was still there. When the emperor encountered such a situation, before the emperor could say anything, Lily rushed to hurt someone, feeling very dissatisfied. Although she did not like these beautiful girls, after all, Su was already quite old now, but compared to a group of She didn’t know if she would be favored in the future, but the girl she disliked the most was naturally Lily, who had been with her for a long time and was now very favored. Comparing the two, Su said without hesitation:

"Sister, what you said is wrong. This person may be our sister in the future. In addition, it makes sense that she is young and doesn't understand the rules. Sister is also an old man in the palace. After entering the palace, we will become sisters. Just teach her slowly, why bother to hit someone when you first enter the palace, especially in the face? You must know that the face of a girl's family is the most important, if it is damaged, what will my sister do to compensate?"

Mrs. Su looked at me with pity, but her sharp mouth showed her ability. She not only pointed out that Lily was not too young, implying that she was a faggot in the past and had to make way for young girls in the future, but also ridiculed her for being mean and disrespectful, and even pointed out that she acted too much. Guo Baihe was so domineering that she gave Lily eye drops in front of Chu Yunyang. With this mouth, in the past, Guo Baihe was only willful and no match for her, but Lily did not compete with her for her clever words. Instead, she sneered:

"As the saying goes, beating means kissing and scolding means love. I want to get close to her right now. This is her blessing. Otherwise, if you look at so many beautiful girls, if I don't reward her with this blessing , How can the emperor see her? Your Majesty, please tell me, is this the truth behind what I say as a concubine?"

Lily curled up her lips and smiled. She didn't have as many worries as Lily Guo. Lily Guo's wish to live or die made Lily feel less constrained. She didn't speak or act like Lily Guo, who seemed arrogant but was actually full of worries. , those who act neither up to nor down, bear the name of being domineering, but in fact it is only on the surface. At this moment, Lily showed the arrogant and arrogant demeanor of the original owner, and even though he was clearly hitting someone, he still wanted to say that it was for someone. His face did not give Su Shi any face at all. Su Shi was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stared at Lily speechless.

Fu Feng and Fu Liu followed Lily's wishes and brought two strong nuns to catch Yang Yuru from the crowd. They slapped Yang Yuru five times across the face, and the innocence in Yang Yuru's body was immediately shattered. Most of the time, her mouth was bleeding, and her originally combed hair was a little messy. Although she struggled hard, she was still dragged in front of Lily in a very embarrassed manner.

In the plot, Yang Yuru did not intend to attract Chu Yunyang's attention. She had no interest in serving the king at first, but it was precisely because of her unique and arrogant appearance that she successfully attracted Chu Yunyang's attention. His eyes made him subconsciously notice this beauty who was mixed in a group of prostitutes, but finally stood out. Although Yang Yuru is beautiful, she is not a rare beauty. She has a contradictory but wonderful combination of stubbornness, weakness, and innocence. After slowly getting along with her, Chu Yunyang likes her. Fall in love with her inner beauty instead of just admiring her outer beauty.

The first time she met Chu Yunyang was when Chu Yunyang was wearing ordinary clothes. Yang Yuru did not let him out. She only thought that he was a chamberlain of some palace. After talking with him, she showed her naughty expression. Her nature, coupled with the way she was neither humble nor arrogant when she entered the palace on the first day, and dared to speak out, and did not give in because of power, made Chu Yunyang remember her in his heart.

Guo Baihe was often jealous of this and couldn't help scolding her, and finally became crazy with jealousy. However, Baihe was sneering in her heart at this moment. A casual eunuch in the harem dared to lead an attendant around, even if he was as domineering as her palace. No waiter dared to do this, not to mention that the clothes worn by the emperor had their own particularities. Even regular clothes were embroidered with the sun, moon and stars according to their own rules. Which eunuch would dare to wear such regular clothes? Yang Yuru also comes from a family of officials, and has read poetry and books since she was a child. She dared to pretend not to recognize Chu Yunyang in the plot. Either she was born stupid, and her parents copied her Four Books and Five Classics. What should men do? She was taught everything she learned, but not the etiquette and rules at all, or she was just pretending to be crazy and acting like a fool, that's all on purpose.

Who among the people who have entered this harem dares to be innocent and simple, without even the slightest desire? If you really don't want to compete for favor, you won't enter the palace in the first place. Now that you are here, why bother pretending to be a chaste and fierce woman, saying that you don't want to compete with the world for a husband, and you only want to be single? It was as if everyone else except her was as vulgar as others.

Lily sneered at the target of her mission, covered her mouth with a beauty fan, and smiled softly:

"I will reward you with the opportunity to give you five slaps in exchange for greeting the emperor from a close distance. You must thank me for your great kindness."

Today, her lower body is wearing a bright purple gauze skirt, which flutters gently in the wind. Her upper body is in a goose-yellow tube top, covered with lavender tulle. Except for the shoulders, which are covered by a shawl, her snow-white arms are loomingly wrapped in it. Under the narrow sleeves, she is even more sultry than if she wasn't exposed at all. The color makes her skin sparkle like snow, and her delicate collarbones and round shoulders on both sides are exposed on her chest. After she has changed inside, she seems to be a bit uncomfortable in the past. The patient Guo Baihe's whole person seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Chu Yunyang just looked at her willful behavior with a smile, without interrupting, nor did he cast his eyes on Yang Yuru, who was standing about three meters away in front of him, with a swollen face. Although he He liked beauties, but he didn't like them looking so embarrassed, especially when there was a ready-made lily in front of him that attracted his attention. He didn't even turn his head to Yang Yuru, and just allowed her to be embarrassed. He stood and did not interrupt Lily's words.

"Sister, it's such a great kindness. I slapped someone and asked someone to thank me. My sister has learned this trick." Su pursed her lips, glanced at Chu Yunyang subconsciously, and smiled softly: "Why, Your Majesty?" look?"

"Well done to the noble concubine for the crime of immorality." The beauty Enchu Yunyang, who came over automatically, accepted it naturally and did not refuse. He took Su Shi's delicate body into his arms, but when he saw that Su Shi had already stretched out When she got up, her smile became a little lighter: "My beloved concubine is pregnant with Liujia, so it's not appropriate to worry too much."

Su's face turned pale. Chu Yunyang's two words clearly hit her harder than Lily's cynicism just now: "What does the emperor mean, is my sister a good fighter?"

"Not bad." Chu Yunyang nodded. Before Su could speak, Yang Yuru, who was being restrained, got the strength from nowhere and pushed away the two palace servants who were restraining her. She shouted: "Your Majesty, this slave is not convinced." Just now she had the strength to push away the two strong palace men, but now when she ran towards Chu Yunyang, her steps staggered, and in the end it was as if all her strength had been exhausted, and she was limp. He knelt down in front of Chu Yunyang, raised his face and stared at Chu Yunyang: "Your Majesty, this slave is not convinced. Your father has taught you to behave uprightly since you were a child. If you make any mistakes, you will be punished. But your concubine will admit it." The empress asked the slave to be beaten, but the slave refused to accept it. Father said that if the emperor is wise, he will be able to distinguish right from wrong and distinguish between right and wrong..." (To be continued...)

ps: Third update~~~~~~~~

Thanks: Pao Mo, dear He Shibi who gave the reward, He Shibi will have the fourth update at 8 o'clock~~~~~

The fourth update is so cute and asking for fans’ votes...

Imperial Concubine Liangliang: Bring the pink tickets, or grab them if you don’t want them!

Everyone: Spare your life! Spare your life! Here comes the little fan ticket...


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