Cannon Fodder Strategy

The defeated leader (3)

"I'll take you back.%" Jian Qinghan shook the car key in his hand. The road up the mountain was very long. Now both of them had entered the city. It was already dark. I'm afraid the taxi wouldn't want to go up the mountain, but some people were willing to go up the mountain. , Lily was unable to cope with the fear of a young girl. Lily saw what Jian Qinghan meant. Although she wanted to say that she was not afraid of the so-called taxi driver now, she frowned when she saw Jian Qinghan's face and agreed. Come down.

When he returned to the mountains, it was getting late. He was sent back as a disciple in name. Jian Qinghan didn't even mention leaving yet, so Lily simply let him find a room to rest at will, and she went in to wash up. Then the whole night passed by meditating.

When the genius had just dawned, Lily had already stood up. After a night of meditation, the Yin Qi in Long Lily's body had been completely driven away. Lily stood up and began to practice star training. This time, Ye Xuanzhi seemed to have some skills. In the later stages, in addition to some Taoist spells, this person seemed to also have a lot of knowledge in martial arts. If she wanted to defeat such a mortal enemy, Lily would naturally have to use as many life-saving methods as possible before she knew her.

Long Lily's body is really good. When the sun shines on her body unconsciously, Lily has already completed a set of movements. She straightened up, sweat pouring down her body, her clothes clinging tightly to her body, and a steady voice came:

"What are you practicing for?"

There was no sound beside her just now, but now she suddenly heard voices. Lily looked back subconsciously and saw He Qinghan with his hands folded around his chest, staring at him as if he had just run back. He looked at her with a bit of exploration in his eyes. Maybe he just entered the mission. I haven't even been able to practice Taoism or martial arts yet. Lily didn't notice He Qinghan's presence at all when He Qinghan appeared. This shows that He Qinghan must be a practitioner, and his skills should be extraordinary. Such a person would actually sneak into Long Lily as his apprentice. He was born in the He family. Even if he wanted Taoism, he could recruit talented people. He would also lower his status to be Long Lily's apprentice, which made Lily a little suspicious of him.

"It's just a simple training method. If you like it, you can also learn it." Lily endured all the speculations in her heart and answered calmly. He Qinghan shook his head with a smile and said softly. : "Go down the mountain together?"

Today happens to be the weekend. Except for Friday night, Long Lily will go back to the mountain to stay for two nights. She lives next door to the school the rest of the time. She really should go down the mountain this weekend. She heard that He Qinghan wanted her to go down the mountain together. When there is nothing. Lily nodded.

At the foot of the mountain, he asked He Qinghan to drive him to buy a lot of talismans and other items. Lily was going to collect the Jiuyin ghost mother and son in a few days. After all, the longer it takes, the more people die in the school, and the stronger the ghost mother and son become. Most importantly, it was Ye Xuanzhi who benefited from this incident. She didn't know what method she used to The ghost mother and son subdued their grievances and sent them to the underworld. Because this incident was a favor to the school, the principal was very flattering to her and gave her a lot of money. This changed the poverty-stricken environment of Xianzong and also made Ye Xuan Zhi's family also benefited, and she got her first pot of gold. Later, she was able to buy medicinal materials for practice, and finally became very powerful.

Although Lily was preparing to defeat Ye Xuanzhi with her strength this time, she would be happy if it could cause her a little trouble and make her success more difficult. With their current strength, this ghost mother and son will use force to It was a bit reluctant to use her own spells to absorb her, but it would not be difficult to absorb her if some spells were added. Thinking of this, Lily did not hesitate to spend money to buy a lot of talismans, paper, cinnabar and other items. She said at this moment The force sensor is not strong, so I may not be able to draw every picture successfully, so I bought many backups.

When he carried her into the car, He Qinghan looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile: "You have bought so much, why don't you give up on going to the Business School?"

The Industrial and Business School he mentioned was exactly where the Nine Yin Ghosts and their children came from. There was a girl who got pregnant after being deceived by a teacher in the school. In the end, the teacher wanted to break up with her. She jumped out of the teaching school in a moment of sadness. Because she was pregnant before her death, the unborn child was resentful and the mother was resentful. In addition, it was cloudy when the girl died and she was wearing a red dowry. Therefore, by chance, she became Fierce ghosts, very scary.

At that time, Long Lily was not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, and Long Xianfang did not dare to touch the fierce ghosts without preparation. It was better for her to go there alone. If not for a team of security guards suddenly appearing that night, they were full of yang and forced the ghost mother and son. Retreat, I'm afraid she would have died at the hands of the evil spirit and been possessed.

"After suffering such a big loss, of course you have to regain your position. Otherwise, do you really think that suffering a loss is a blessing?" Lily sorted out the cinnabar and other items in her bag. When she heard He Qinghan's words, she couldn't help but smile. Glancing at him, He Qinghan had the same facial features, with a bit of honesty between his brows, but he didn't have the sunshine and cheerfulness of his age. Instead, he looked a bit mature. When he heard Lily's words, he grinned. He smiled, stretched out his hand to scratch his head, and said without hesitation:

"Then I'll go with you."

Compared with the other two in the plot, this apprentice is quite affectionate, but Lily Long doesn't like his dullness and calmness. Therefore, although the two of them have the title of master and apprentice, in fact, Lily Long has never really taught him. What, after all, the two of them are not much different in age. Long Lily accepted him as his apprentice just because of the status of the He family. At this moment, he looked like he was going to follow her to catch ghosts, which made Lily hesitate. :

"Do you really want to learn this technique?"

He Qinghan laughed when he heard this, showing his white teeth. His originally calm face now showed a bit of freedom and openness: "I really want to learn." What he said revealed It means that he wants to learn, but the He family may not agree. After all, the He family is such a powerful family. Even if he has that idea, the He family may not agree. The reason why he didn't care about him before is that he doesn't know what is going on in his heart. Lily pursed her lips, having already guessed this result, she lowered her head and stopped talking.

Returning to her rented room, Lily said goodbye to He Qinghan. She practiced Xingchen Taijutsu for a while. After feeling that her body was much lighter than before, she sat cross-legged for a while and felt that her energy was almost restored. , and then started to draw the talisman.

This time, she planned to collect the evil spirits first, so Lily drew the Five Thunder Curse first, which suppresses all evil spirits. This time, the evil ghosts were different from those that Long Lily had encountered in the past. The first talisman was drawn very smoothly, with some Taoist power on it. Although it was not as powerful as the talisman Lily drew during her heyday in the monastic world, now with the orthodox Taoist mental skills she had learned, even the talisman she had just drawn was In practice, the Taoist skills are not very high at the moment, but the power of the talisman is much stronger than the previous talisman passed down by the so-called ancestor in Long Xianzhen's hand.

The second time she failed, Lily was not discouraged. Once she failed, she would try again until her energy became too much. She meditated and practiced Taoism for a while and drew talismans again. In this way, the whole night passed quickly. She After drawing four Five Thunder Curses, Lily was very satisfied with the results in one night.

She had classes in the morning, packed her things and went to school. Taking advantage of the absence of classes in the afternoon, Lily was originally going to go to the School of Industry and Commerce to find the principal. Unexpectedly, as soon as she left the school, a familiar car parked outside the school gate.

"Here." When the car window was lowered, He Qinghan waved to her. Lily got in the car. Before she could speak, He Qinghan started the car. Seeing that the direction he was turning around, he was going to the Business School. Lily's lips moved but she didn't speak.

A series of crisp ringtones rang. When Lily took the phone out of her bag, Jian Yunyun's name was beating on the phone. As soon as she connected the phone, Jian Yunyun's shout came over:

"Lily, Lily! Ye Xuanzhi, this little bitch, is trying to steal business from you. She went to the industrial and commercial school and wants to take over the recent troubles there. He Qingleng is also helping her. You must say this for me. , I’ll go over right away, and you have to go too!”

Jian Yunyun seemed a little anxious on the phone, and her voice sounded like crying when she spoke. Before Lily could speak, she hung up the phone again. It was obvious that she was in a hurry to rush to the Business School. Lily She frowned, but she was going to the Business School this time, so she didn't call Jian Yunyun again. Just thinking that she was about to meet Ye Xuanzhi, the original owner's body instinctively surged with excitement. Emotions of excitement and resentment come.

"Are you ready? Do you want me to find someone to help you?" He Qinghan took advantage of the gap in driving and turned to look at her. Jian Yunyun's voice was loud just now, and Lily was sitting next to the driver's seat again. Naturally, he also He heard Jian Yunyun's words just now.

The He family has an extraordinary status. It is not difficult to find a few Taoist priests with real talents. Lily knew what he meant, but she shook her head and curled her lips: "No, I'm ready." ”

Hearing what she said, He Qinghan smiled and remained silent. The car parked in front of the School of Industry and Commerce. As soon as Lily pushed the car door and got out, Jian Yunyun drove her arrogant red sports car and parked in front of the school entrance. In front of the door, she took off the sunglasses on her face. When she saw Lily, her eyes couldn't help but light up. She stretched out her hand and waved to her: "Lily, here!"

Lily ignored her and Jian Yunyun stamped his feet. Seeing that there were no cars left or right, he quickly ran over here, pulled Lily and ran to the school: "I tell you, you must not let that little bitch Ye Xuanzhi steal it." Before you, I have already called my family and asked them to find a few Taoist priests for me. Don’t worry, there will be no problem tonight!” (To be continued...)

ps: Third update~~~~~

Mr. Jie Cao is back...please give me some fans' votes, beg for your fans' votes by wallowing in cuteness, you annoying little fairies, give your fans' votes to others, you're disgusting~~~~~


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