Cannon Fodder Strategy

The defeated leader (5)

"He Qinghan, aren't you going back?" Lily glanced at He Qinghan, stretched out and made two body stretching movements. He Qinghan shook his head and put his hands in his pockets: "I'll go there with you. .”

The principal wanted to leave, but he was afraid that something would happen to the eldest son of the He family. He would not be able to explain it when the time came, so he followed along with a grimace.

Lily thought for a moment and took out two triangular talisman papers from her pocket and handed them to the two of them respectively: "Take them with you." This was what she occasionally used to change her mood when she was disappointed when she drew the Five Thunder Curse last night. Although she had not been on this mission for a long time, the spell she drew was still far more powerful than those drawn by ordinary heavenly masters because of her study of the orthodox Tao Te Ching. Even though the spell had no lethality, But it is enough to protect Qinghan and the two from evil spirits entering their bodies.

The two took it over, and the principal looked unconvinced. As soon as Lily left the office door, Jian Yunyun hurriedly led three people dressed as Taoist priests in yellow robes over. His eyes lit up when he saw Lily. Liang, proudly said: "Master, I have brought someone over!"

When the Taoist priests saw Lily, they snorted, but Lily ignored them and asked the principal to lead the way to where the girl jumped from the building.

It got dark very quickly. Several people took out their mobile phones and turned on the flashlight. When they arrived at the teaching building, the roof was almost covered with clouds. There was no moonlight at all tonight, and it was so dark.

"What should we do now?" As soon as everyone got to the top of the building, the principal's voice started to tremble a little. It was quiet all around. The students moved out of this teaching building after the accident. There was no one there so far, which seemed extremely strange. As soon as the principal opened his mouth, there were even echoes from all around.

A shrill meow sounded, and Jian Yunyun frowned: "Where did that wild cat come from? It scared people."

Although this girl has a proud personality, she is also silly and bold. Lily frowned when she heard this and subconsciously handed a peace charm to her hand. Suddenly a melodious singing voice came: "Do you love me or not..."

This song sounded in the middle of the night, and the voice was still a very sad female voice. Everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps all over their bodies. The principal stammered: "The dead girl had studied professional vocal music for several years... "

The words fell. On the edge of the building, a figure wearing red clothes and long hair appeared in front of everyone.

The principal almost screamed. Jian Yunyun Leng was shocked when he saw such a scene, and subconsciously hid behind Lily. The Taoist priests obviously did not expect the mother and child ghost to appear so quickly. He Qinghan hurriedly went to take out the thing in his hand, but He Qinghan subconsciously took a half-step towards Lily. Lily pushed him away impatiently.

"You're here again. Why are the people here always these annoying flies instead of him?" The female voice with her back to everyone rang out faintly. One moment, everyone clearly saw her standing on the edge of the top floor, but the next moment suddenly In an instant, her face, which was bleeding from all its orifices and extremely pale, appeared in front of everyone. Her facial features had been knocked out of place, and she looked extremely terrifying. Jian Yunyun was so frightened that he screamed and waved his hands randomly. She also pinched the peace talisman Lily gave her. With this wave, the female ghost screamed, and a burst of green smoke suddenly appeared on her face. The talisman in Jian Yunyun's hand suddenly turned into a burst of black ash and fell to the ground.

This incident made everyone dumbfounded. Jian Yunyun was also shocked. Seeing the talisman that had turned into ashes in his hand, he stared at Lily with a mournful face: "Master..."

"There is a road to heaven, but there is no door to hell..." The female ghost suddenly reached out and took off her head, which was smashed like a watermelon, and carefully touched the area on her face that had just been injured by the talisman. Her hands were so white that they had a sinister aura, and they quickly smoothed the scars on her face until her face became smooth and fair, just like a photo that had been beautified with beautiful pictures, weird and unreal. , she put her head back on her neck.

The weird scene in front of them scared several people's backs to numbness. Jian Yunyun, who was so bold just now, grabbed Lily tightly with his hand and his body was shaking violently.

The female ghost was still chattering endlessly. Lily Leng might as well take out a Five-Thunder Spell and throw it at her: "There's so much nonsense! Five Elements Thunder, follow my orders."

There was a sound of thunder, and suddenly a bolt of lightning broke through the layers of clouds in the sky. The moon, which was originally blocked by the clouds, suddenly showed some brilliance. The huge thunder and lightning struck down and hit the female ghost. The female ghost wailed, and half of her originally solid body suddenly dispersed and became looming.

She seemed to be irritated, and suddenly her stomach bulged up like a balloon. Her stomach kept moving. Her fingernails became dark and long, and she suddenly scratched her stomach, and a small blood-red head was drilled. Then a little ghost baby crawled out from her belly, grinning at everyone.

"I want you to die, I want you to die!" the female ghost screamed, and the clouds that had just broken quickly closed again. Seeing this scene, Jian Yunyun reached out and pulled Lily: "Lily, let's go, Let those people..."

Before she finished speaking, several Taoist priests she invited turned around and started running when they saw something was wrong. Jian Yunyun was so angry that she stamped her feet, but Lily made a gesture again: "Heaven and Earth are infinite..." She thought of the Gate of Heaven and Earth. After the formula, the Taoist magic began to operate in the body. The female ghost seemed to feel fear. At this time, a humanized look of fear appeared on her face. Lily Mudou paused for a moment, looked at the female ghost and sneered: "I still have a few more Five Elements Thunder Spell, now I give you two choices, either be subdued by me or die."

She had no intention of transforming into a female ghost, nor did she want to refine her so-called grievances. Instead, she was preparing to suppress her with strong means. She saw a few talisman papers and the knot on Lily's hand. The female ghost was startled when she saw the handprint. After her face twisted for a while, suddenly a sound pierced the air in the distance. It was like someone shot a sharp bow and arrow made of talisman paper from the air. When it landed on the female ghost, she His body suddenly became filled with resentment, and his face was filled with black energy, as if he was suddenly violent. He let out a sharp cry and walked towards Lily. The ghost baby that had just crawled out also began to crawl towards Lily. At an extremely fast speed, the thin black and red arms grabbed Lily, and the small mouth that was originally small suddenly became very large, and it opened its mouth to bite Lily's leg.

Faced with such a female ghost who suddenly became violent, Lily saw the long arrow just now and guessed that someone was causing trouble. Fortunately, she was prepared this time, so she threw out another Five Thunder Spell without thinking. The ghost retreated, raised his leg and stepped on the ghost baby's head. A burst of shrill screams from the baby rang out. The ghost baby's head was stepped on tightly, and the seal made in Lily's hand fell on the quilt. The Five Thunder Curse struck, and the female ghost stagnated and then rushed forward.

The female ghost who was very attractive when she just appeared was now grabbed by Lily's long hair that was transformed into Yin Qi, and she hit the female ghost's face and body with powerful fists, until she cried like a ghost.

"..." Seeing such an incident, everyone was in a daze. The principal took half a step back unconsciously, and the corners of Jian Yunyun's mouth began to twitch. The ghost baby who was stepped on the ground screamed, but could not struggle at all. Come on, the female ghost was beaten for a while, and her body began to gradually become transparent. She finally couldn't help opening her mouth to beg for mercy: "Master Taoist, please forgive me, please forgive me. We, mother and son, have surrendered, surrendered..."

The fierce ghost just now had a sad face after being beaten. Lily let go of her hand, and the female ghost hurriedly hid aside. When she saw her son at Lily's feet, she looked like she wanted to come over but didn't dare.

"If you had given up earlier, why would you have to suffer?" Lily had just hit the female ghost with Taoist power every time she hit her. At this time, the resentment on the female ghost's body had been dispelled a lot. Such a fierce ghost is originally based on resentment. In fact, now that most of her resentment has dissipated, her body has begun to look a little transparent. As soon as Lily loosened her feet, the ghost cried and crawled over to the female ghost. After a while, he crawled back into her belly again. The ghost's stomach disappeared and returned to its previous flat appearance. Her face did not dare to look like it was bruised and bruised anymore. Instead, it returned to its beautiful appearance when she was alive. She stared at Lily with sobs and sobs: "The Heavenly Master makes the decision. My real name is..."

"Stop talking about this, I don't want to hear it, come in." Lily interrupted the female ghost's intention to express her grievances, reached out from her arms and took out the container that had been prepared to contain the female ghost, and shouted at the female ghost. After Yang Yang, the female ghost's expression froze, with a pitiful look on her face: "..." Finally, after looking at Lily for a while, she stamped her feet, and her body turned into a puff of smoke and got into this inconspicuous little cloth bag. .

"Just, it's over like this?" The principal couldn't believe it. The scene he just saw was over before he could be frightened to the point where his legs weakened. At this moment, the dark clouds that blocked the moon began to dissipate because there was no resentment from the female ghost. Suddenly, the entire gloomy teaching building revealed its true colors. The principal felt as if his feet were stepping on cotton, and he subconsciously asked: "Thank you so much, Little Heavenly Master..."

"You're welcome. The ghost-catching fee is 200,000 yuan. Do you need another peace charm? If you want it, just add another 50,000 yuan. If not, please return it to me. I will give you the bank card number before tomorrow, that's it." Maoshan sent. Now that it has already withered, in order to revive a sect, in addition to having real skills, you also need a lot of money. In the plot, Ye Xuanzhi made a fortune by catching ghosts and making talismans. Lily took her first step at this moment. Lao Lu, the principal looked touched at first, but after hearing the money, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely. After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and agreed to the debt. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: There are still four updates today~~~~~~~~The first update!


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