Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Talented Man and the Pretty Woman (6)

As soon as Lily finished speaking, Mrs. Duan's eyes suddenly lit up, with a look of surprise on her face: "A businessman surnamed Wang felt sorry for her and admired her righteous deed. He spent all his family's savings, regardless of his wife and children. He begged her and bought her regardless of the life and death of her family. At first, she just tried to coax her family into admiring her as a world-famous woman, but in the end, the two of them shamelessly ended up in the same place."

"The businessman surnamed Wang died suddenly a few years later, and Nian Jiaonu was imprisoned as a murderer. Originally, the county magistrate had sentenced her to be executed in autumn. Unexpectedly, a new county magistrate was transferred to Qinhuai at this time. Unexpectedly, This newly appointed magistrate is an old friend whom Nian Jiao Nu generously supported a few years ago." When Lily said this, she and Duan glanced at each other, and both of them couldn't help laughing, using this way of telling the story. After talking about Nian Jiaonu's life over the past few years, the two of them indirectly expressed their attitudes. Duan no longer looked as ferocious as before, but wiped away tears:

"I didn't expect that my wife is also a miserable person. We all suffered at the hands of that cheap maid who killed her a thousand times."

Lily originally thought Duan was a scheming and vicious person, but she didn't expect that she had just told Liang Jinsheng's story, and before she could express her hatred for Nian Jiaonu, she directly expressed her hatred for Nian Jiaonu. He was not happy, and now he wiped his tears and said sharply: "To be honest with you, my wife, Wang Ping and I have been married for ten years. When I married him, he was just a salesman walking around the streets. At the beginning, I valued his good character and didn't care. I didn't mind that his family was poor, so I married him and sold my property to help him open a shop to make a living. Unexpectedly, this guy had only been prosperous for two years. So he turned his back on me and took the dozens of taels of silver that the two of us had saved together. Regardless of the life and death of his children, he was so fascinated by Nian Jiaonu's worthless maid, that he eventually even owed someone thirty taels of silver on credit and redeemed Nian Jiaonu."

As Duan spoke, there was a hint of coldness on his face: "At the beginning, he repeatedly promised me that he only valued Nian Jiaonu's friendship and admired her loyalty and deeds. Although the little woman has no knowledge and has not read What book, I don’t understand any big principles, but I also understand the word loyalty in my heart. If these two people really want to redeem themselves for Nian Jiaonu because of the so-called loyalty, I will endure this injustice. I have If you and Wang Ping can save dozens of taels of silver together, you can save hundreds of taels more. It doesn't matter if you owe others money. Friendship is worth a thousand pieces of gold, so I won't tolerate any more."

Lily didn't say anything, but Duan became more and more angry as she talked. She pulled Lily and walked into the house, saying in a low voice:

"But these two people are not the same thing. They used friendship as an excuse, but they got into a ball behind their backs. Wang Ping was so fascinated by Nian Jiaonu that he even agreed to give birth to a son and go to Ruonian Jiaonu. Later, he even wanted to adopt the name of the son born by Nian Jiaonu in this cloth village." When Duan said this, a sinister look appeared on his face: "This bitch has long forgotten that he walked on the street when he had no money. In the days when I walked around the alleys, I forgot that when we and I were in dire straits, once we became powerful, we despised my mother for being vulgar and rude, but I never thought about who was doing the laundry, cooking, and raising children for him. This cloth village was originally my dowry. Now he wants to give the capital to others. There is no way."

"So, after you found out about this, you killed Wang Ping and put the blame on Nian Jiaonu?" Lily asked with a smile, and Duan suddenly laughed and patted her On his chest, he looked calm and calm, not in any hurry:

"If the wife were me, what should the wife do?" Mrs. Duan neither agreed nor refuted, but just asked Lily. A cold light flashed in her eyes, and Lily pursed her lips and smiled:

"Liang Jinsheng wants to protect his former benefactor and lover. He will thoroughly investigate this matter." Without answering Duan's words, Lily suddenly mentioned another thing: "I heard that there is a way to kill people without visible wounds. Come on, no matter how experienced Jizuo is, he can't find anything weird. All he needs to do is drive a red-hot iron nail through the person's nostril. Then the person will die silently, and there will be nothing strange about his appearance. can not tell."

Duan's originally smiling face suddenly became stiff. She turned around and stared at Lily for a long time, her expression gradually became nervous, her lips trembled twice, and Lily spoke before she could speak. Then he said: "Although this method of death kills people invisible, if the dead person is burned in the fire, the iron nails will naturally fall off after the ashes are burned, and the truth will still be revealed to the world. Liang Jinsheng's thoughts on Nian Jiao I have great admiration for you. If it is to commemorate Jiaonu, she may ask for an autopsy again. If he used this method of cremating the corpse, Mrs. Wang wonders if the iron nails I just mentioned will fall out of Wang Ping’s skull. Come out?"

At first, when Shi Shi heard Lily say that there is a way to kill people by driving iron nails into people's nostrils, her body couldn't stop trembling. Her face turned pale with shock and her body shook violently. Just after hearing When Lily talked about it later, Duan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly couldn't hold it back anymore. She looked at Lily several times, and suddenly he grinned and burst out laughing:

"That's it, that's it. I just asked such a stupid question. My wife's kindness in helping me will naturally be remembered in my heart." The stupid question Duan was referring to was that she had asked Lily before if she met her. When asked about what a heartless man like Wang Ping should do, Duan initially thought that Lily was here to ask Liang Jinsheng if she was the murderer. After Duan said what he said at first, she felt a little regretful about herself. It was too impulsive. Who would have expected that after hearing this, she would realize that Lily hated Liang Jin to the core, and she was deliberately digging a trap for him, and also to give a little encouragement to herself.

At the beginning, Wang Ping was so fascinated by Nian Jiaonu that he promised that if Nian Jiaonu had any trouble, he would adopt the family cloth village to her son's name. The Duan family was originally an upright person, and would rather die than die. Not for Waquan, she had an extremely strong temper. She was devoted to Wang Ping at the beginning, but now she thought about Wang Ping's heartlessness and lack of love for her. She immediately felt cruel and tricked Wang Ping into her room and made him drink several jars of white wine. While Wang Ping was unconscious in his sleep, he nailed him to death with red-hot iron nails.

She originally thought that this matter was unnoticed, but in the end she even blamed Nian Jiaonu for Wang Ping's death and went to the Yamen to accuse Nian Jiaonu of committing adultery and killing Wang Ping. Unexpectedly, this matter had already been sentenced. Later, after the new county magistrate took office, the matter caused waves again.

Duan originally wanted to get rid of the heartless man and then get rid of Nian Jiaonu, a despicable child who stole a man's husband in the name of justice, but she didn't expect that she was almost involved in it in the end. She didn't care. If she didn't have a pair of children to support, She had already died together with Wang Ping when Wang Ping was unlucky, but she still had a pair of children, and she couldn't lose her life even for the sake of the children.

Duan was a little frightened by Liang Jinsheng's recent investigation, and Lily's arrival today made Duan very uneasy. However, she did not expect that Lily did not ask her about Wang Ping's plot as Duan expected. Instead, he gave her a good suggestion that could kill Liang Jinsheng as well.

If Liang Jinsheng and Nian Jiaonu were really old lovers and had a strong relationship, and if Liang Jinsheng really wanted to stand up for Nian Jiaonu, then if he insisted on re-investigating the case, it would be necessary to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy.

At first, Shi Duo believed that his method of committing the crime was flawless, but it was only when Lily reminded him that he realized that although the iron nail was invisible in killing people, the iron nail itself was already the biggest evidence. If Liang Jinsheng In order to save Nian Jiaonu, he really wanted to open the coffin and insisted on cremating Wang Ping's body. Then the iron nail might really fall out, and it would be ready evidence.

"Thank you, madam, for the advice." The more Duan thought about it, the more she felt that she had acted recklessly. She did not regret killing Wang Ping, but she regretted her hasty behavior and lack of careful planning. Fortunately, she was reminded by Lily. Only then did she realize that as long as she took out the iron nail, whether Liang Ping wanted to test for poison or cremate the body to find evidence, it would be of no avail. As long as Duan was prepared in advance, Liang Jinsheng would just keep trying. , it’s just a villain in vain.

It's easy to talk to smart people. Lily pursed her lips and chuckled. In this era, opening a coffin and conducting an autopsy is not a simple matter. Digging a person's grave and opening a person's coffin is a serious crime, even for a county leader like Liang Jinsheng. Even if he has an official position, he will not lose his life, but it is difficult to keep the black veil on his head that he finally got. Without the position of county magistrate, what can he do to be as prosperous as in the plot? Without the position of county magistrate, without their reputation and prestige, even if Liang Jinsheng and Nian Jiaonu were more powerful than each other, Lily did not believe that they could fly together again.

"What did I mention to you? I just complained to you casually." Lily said a few words lightly, but Duan just smiled, feeling some admiration for Lily in her heart, but also feeling a bit of sympathy. , Lily could think of the consequences of Liang Jinsheng, and Duan also thought of it. She herself was a person who would not hesitate to kill her husband once Wang Ping betrayed their relationship. Lily's method of dealing with Liang Jinsheng was actually very suitable for Duan. meaning.

"Anyway, the little lady appreciates this kindness." Mrs. Duan laughed. She guessed that Lily might be trying to get Liang Jinsheng. If Liang Jinsheng didn't have deep feelings for Nian Jiaonu, he was not willing to risk opening the coffin for an autopsy for her. He bets his future for Nian Jiao Nu, so it is human nature for Lily not to admit his feelings today. After all, if Liang Jinsheng does not have deep feelings for Nian Jiao Nu, there is no need for Lily to be a villain in vain, and if Liang Jinsheng does not have deep feelings for Nian Jiao Nu, Lily will The slave has deep feelings, and if she can really dare to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy for her, then she will also trick Liang Jinsheng. Mrs. Duan likes this kind of calculation very much, and even Lily has her own little thoughts. , but the results of both calculations were beneficial to Duan. Naturally, Duan was not dissatisfied at all at this moment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: First update~~~~~~

The first update is on time, and the next three updates may be later. Dear friends, I will update it slowly after I get home. This is uploaded in advance~~~~~~~


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