Cannon Fodder Strategy

Stupid female partner wants to stand up (8)

"People inside, come out and talk to me if you have anything to say, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless!" Qi Tao dragged him for a long time, and got a little angry. He stretched out his hand and smashed the toilet door, and then kicked it with his legs. He began to threaten: "I count to three, if you don't come out yet, you will stay in the toilet!"

The school has ended, and people will come to the toilet one after another after a while. If someone sees a few people pulling the door of the women's toilet here, it will also damage their image. Lily ignores him and goes out now. He was really asking for trouble. After counting twice, Qi Tao became angry and said:

"Get something to lock the toilet door. If she doesn't come out, don't let her come out again. Find out which female teacher in the school is not in the office right now. Let's go!"

The voices of students talking and laughing could be vaguely heard outside. The princes hesitated for a moment. Lily only heard the sound of locks on the door, and her face couldn't help but darken. A group of people came out to play. Her daughter had to carry a lock and key with her. It’s really a bit of a back-up. The sound of footsteps came from outside. Lily opened her clothes from the crack in the door and looked outside. These people had gone far away, so she jumped down from the toilet. The voices outside were getting closer and closer. Qi Tao and others should After walking far, Lily tried to pull the door first. After a tug-of-war between her and several princes, no matter how good the quality of the door was, it would inevitably shake and make a sound. The lock outside seemed to have a chain. Yes, Lily opened the iron bolt inside the door, and when she saw the thing used to lock the toilet door above, she was speechless again.

Qi Tao and others actually used the handcuffs that had been used to lock Yu Lianxin's hands to lock the toilet door. No wonder she was curious as to why these people wore locks when they went out. Lily tried to put her fingers in through the crack of the door. She used her inner strength on her fingertips and made a soft 'click' sound. Although the handcuffs were well made, they still cracked when Lily pinched them like this. Lily pushed the door open. Instead of going out at this moment, he took off his female teacher's coat. There was really no way to cover her skirt. She thought for a moment and took off the sweater she was wearing to cover her buttocks. After a wave of students came in to use the toilet, she mixed in with the group of female students before following them out.

When we returned to the office, the female teachers who usually liked to sit outside in the office hall and gather together to chat began to come back one after another. When this group of people came in, they looked puzzled, and one female teacher still had snacks in her hand. I returned to my seat and sat down:

"Strange, why did the students from the student union ask to go to the student union office for a meeting today? Although we can see Qi Tao and others, will anyone come to the school today?"

Everyone shook their heads. Lily was spraying her coat with perfume in the office. Her coat had just been stained with a lot of incense from the toilet, with a refreshing lemon fragrance. Anyone with a sharp nose might know that she had been in the toilet. Fortunately, Zhu Lily had bought a bottle of branded perfume before. She kept it in the office like a treasure, not willing to use it more. Lily rarely used perfume after entering the mission, so she left this thing in the office. At this time, she found it and sprayed it all over her head, face and clothes. Then she heard a few people outside. The teacher talked about how people from the student union summoned everyone to the student union today.

Not long after, the phone in the office rang. Sure enough, it was the news that the principal had asked a group of male and female teachers to go to the student union for a meeting. When a group of teachers heard that they could go to the student union, they didn't resist too much. Many people showed some excitement. Lily was among a group of people and walked all the way to the student union office. At this time, Qi Zhao and others should have informed the teachers of the entire aristocratic school. At this time, the student union office of Nottingham University There were people in uniform standing in front of the building.

On weekdays, even the principal of the school may not have such great appeal. On campus, only the heirs of the three major families in the future may be able to summon all the male and female teachers from many backgrounds to hold a meeting with just one phone call. It seems that a sofa and coffee table have been set up outside. Qi Nuo is lazily sitting on the sofa wearing a gray silk shirt and black casual trousers. A ferocious-looking Tibetan mastiff is lying at his feet obediently. A hand gently stroked the dog's huge head. Even though the dog had its eyes narrowed, it looked fierce.

There was another prince sitting on the sofa on the other side, but the heir of the Bai family was not here. The surroundings were in a mess. Qi Tao's face now lost the anger he had seen when he saw it in the toilet before, and returned to normal. With a cold and cool expression, he didn't even look at the group of teachers. His expressionless look actually made many female teachers jealous, and they stared at him intently.

"Are everyone here?" Qi Tao asked, crossing his legs and pointing to a stack of thick papers on the coffee table next to him: "Take it down and let them sign it."

The principal who was waiting on the side nodded and bowed in response. He followed Qi Tao's assistants and took the paper and began to ask the teachers to draw ticks one by one.

This is a thick stack of paper, with the names and information of all the teachers in the aristocratic school written on it. When he found his name and information, the teacher drew a tick under the gaze of the principal and assistants. When it was Lily's turn, The page had almost been ticked off. She guessed that Qi Tao and others were making such a big fuss in order to find out who was in the toilet. However, in order to hide the name from others, she also called the male teacher. Coming over, Lily calmly checked in her name. Half a quarter of an hour later, after all the teachers' names were checked, an assistant walked over to Qi Tao with a phone. This cold-looking young man finally expressed his expression for the first time. He looked a little horrified:

"What? Ran away? The lock broke?"

He looked very ugly for a moment, Lily could see it clearly, he almost crushed the phone in his hand. The other end should be saying that the handcuffs locking the toilet were broken. Lily sneered in her heart, and Qi Tao hung up the phone. He looked at everyone present with a gloomy look, and stood up. He patted the dog he had been stroking. The Tibetan Mastiff also stood up, shook its body, and rushed towards a group of teachers. .

This Tibetan Mastiff is very fierce. Normally, the teachers in aristocratic schools are from extraordinary backgrounds, if they are not in this school. Anyone here who goes out is someone who will be praised by others. At this time, they have to swallow their anger in front of someone who is more fierce than them. When the dog rushed over, everyone's face changed slightly with fright. Many people dared to be angry but did not dare to Her body instinctively wanted to hide, especially when the dog sniffed on her body. Several female teachers were so frightened that their bodies trembled. When the dog ran to Lily, Lily's eyes narrowed. Although she had sprayed perfume on her body, she didn't know if she could hide it from this Tibetan mastiff with a keen sense of smell. When she was thinking about whether she should rip off a hidden button on her skirt and use her internal force to force the dog away, unexpectedly this Tibetan mastiff passed by. There was a look of fear in her eyes when he was next to her. Her tail was instinctively tucked between her legs, and she ran to the other side with a 'ouch' cry.

"Champion?" The dog didn't act like he had found the person in the toilet. Qi Tao hesitated for a moment and called the dog. The dog flicked its tail and ran towards him, but it didn't look like anything was wrong.

Finally, although the incense in each toilet in the Noble School is different, there are several people who go to that toilet during recess time, and the dog stops and barks every time he is next to someone. There was an assistant nearby who wrote down the person's name. Lily looked at the innocent faces of the unlucky people she had implicated. I felt relieved.

This farce didn't end until the last prince returned. The boy named Bai, who usually liked to laugh, also had a gloomy look on his face. His baby face now showed a bit of chill. Those people didn't know how to discuss it. What, Qi Zhao finally announced that a group of teachers should leave individually.

Several female teachers originally thought that coming to the student union would be an opportunity for them to get close to the three princes. However, they did not expect that the princes did not touch them and were almost bitten by dogs. They were all so frightened now that they supported each other and left. Lily, caught in the crowd, turned and glanced in the direction where Qi Tao and others were standing. As if feeling her gaze, Qi Tao turned his head. The moment he turned his head, Lily lowered her head and stood aside.

The princes made a big fuss to find out the person who peeped in the toilet, but after a long time of fussing, they found nothing. After that day, even if no one in the school dared to talk loudly about what Qi Tao and others had done before, they secretly Discussions are unavoidable, but there are still benefits. When the salary was settled this month, Lily still laughed when she found the extra double salary in her reissued salary card.

She was short of money now. After she lost her cell phone, she had no one to contact, so she never bought it. Zhu's father and mother told her several times. Lily didn't have much money at the time, and she didn't want Zhu anymore. The matter of father and mother's money and mobile phone was put aside until now. Now that her salary was paid, Lily went to buy a mobile phone as soon as possible. When she got home, Zhu's father and mother, who were usually at home, actually went out at this time. She didn't leave a note at home. She didn't have a mobile phone before. Lily guessed that Zhu's father and Zhu's mother might have gone somewhere. Anyway, when she returned home, if her parents really had something urgent to go out and couldn't make it back, they would still call the landline. Lily didn't take this matter to heart, but when her father and mother didn't come back until nine o'clock in the evening, Lily felt that something was wrong.

She took out her newly bought mobile phone and called, but the message on the other end was that the call could not be reached. Lily's heart sank, but the landline at home rang. She picked up the phone. The other party must have used a voice changer, and she couldn't tell the man or woman:

"Zhu Lily, your brother is in my hands..."

"Whether you kill him or sell him, it has nothing to do with me, that's it." When Lily heard that it was Zhu Ao, she felt disgusted. After finishing her words quickly, she was about to hang up the phone. The other end obviously didn't expect her. He actually said this. He was stunned for a moment and said anxiously: "Your parents are also in my hands!"

When Lily heard this, she fell silent, and the person opposite seemed to be relieved: "Before ten o'clock, come to a bar called City of Desire in the south of the city. I will contact you again then."

This matter was obviously done against him. Apart from offending Yu Lianxin, Zhu Baihe had not offended anyone else, except Qin Zhaonan.

Forget about Zhu Ao, if Zhu Ao and Zhu Ao were really in his hands, she would have to go this time. Lily was a little tired of causing so many troubles one after another for the sake of Yu Lianxin. She would The pistol she got from Qin Zhaonan last time was put on her body. Now she has been involved in the plot for a while. Her martial arts training is not particularly high, but at least she can deal with ordinary gangsters with weak internal strength and the accumulation of her many missions. The martial arts experience she had gained could cope with it, so Lily packed up and went out directly.

She took a taxi to the designated bar and entered the bar. Several big men gathered around, sandwiched her and pushed her inside. Lily didn't struggle and allowed them to take her to the second floor of the bar. As expected, there were people sitting in a private room with gloomy expressions on their faces. Qin Zhaonan, who was surrounded by a group of men in black, was like a king in the dark night. He had lost the youthfulness he had in school during the day, and showed a bit of loss and bluff that seemed ridiculous to Lily.

Among them, what surprised Lily was that Zhu Ao was also there. He stood next to Qin Zhaonan. Lily didn't notice him during this period. He had dyed his hair ridiculously purple, had earrings pierced on his ears, and was wearing a pair of ripped jeans. He looked gaudy.

"Zhu Ao. Why are you here? Where are my parents?"

After knowing that Zhu Ao was not the biological son of the Zhu family, Zhu Ao's father and Zhu's mother initially thought about taking care of him, but Zhu Ao always felt that he had a car accident and Zhu's father had received a lot of compensation from the other party. The money was hidden and not given to him, but instead he was transferred to another school. This made Zhu Ao especially angry. He became very rebellious after being discharged from the hospital. Every day, the words of wishing my father and mother were ignored, and I would yell loudly and ignore them at every turn. Skipping school and running away from home became a common occurrence. He was not his biological son in the first place. What little affection Zhu's father and mother had for him gradually became less and less due to Zhu Ao's wear and tear, and in the end he was too lazy to do so. Never mind, Zhu Ao had already left home for two days before today. Lily didn't expect that he would hang out with Qin Zhaonan. I wonder if the two of them had the same odor. The reason why they all like Yu Lianxin the same.

"Bah, what parents? Two old bitches, they are not my parents at all!" When Zhu Ao heard Lily's words, he immediately became furious and almost jumped up: "Fortunately, I saw that picture when I went back today. Note, otherwise I really wouldn’t have known that you and your family were working together to punish me. No wonder you embezzled my compensation, and no wonder you didn’t allow me to study in a noble school. It turns out you had planned it in advance!”

As Zhu Ao spoke, he took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket and threw it at Lily: "These two old immortals are not my parents at all and they dare to take care of me. They ate my money and refused to give me any money." Now Brother Qin will help me get it back in full!"

When Lily heard what he said, she calmly bent down to pick up the piece of paper. The burly man standing behind clenched his fist and swept over her head: "Be honest."

Lowering her head to avoid the fist, Lily quickly picked up the note. After spreading it out to read, it read: We have found the place where we held the wrong child. Your mother and I will rush there in as little as three days. If you come back in five days, don't think about it. The name of Zhu's father was also written on the back. Zhu's father was a teacher in his early years and was good at writing with a pen. Lily knew it was his handwriting at a glance. There was nothing wrong with Zhu's father. Lily felt relieved at first, and then His face became gloomy again:

"Since nothing happened to my parents, Zhu Ao, you knew they would leave, but you deliberately led me here?"

Qin Zhaonan, who was sitting on the sofa, clapped his hands and sneered: "I've given you my life so many times and run away. Now I see how you run away. Either kneel down and beg for mercy from Teacher Yu and cut off one of your hands." After a while, let's forget the matter between us, or you just want to have fun with my brothers, don't even think about leaving this place today!" Maybe he thought that Lily could no longer escape from his grasp, but Qin Zhaonan didn't Hiding his purpose, he pointed at the big men around him, stood up, turned around and went out without even looking at Lily.

Qin Zhaonan knew that even if he left, his men would carry out the order he had just given, so he did not show any intention of staying and watching. Zhu Ao followed him and smiled coldly at Lily. After leaving, the door was closed. About seven or eight strong men in the room gathered around Lily. Some of them had an ax in their hands and threw it in front of Lily. Lily neither wanted to break her hand nor to cripple it. Qin Zhaonan was right about his own feet. He always had to go against him for Yu Lianxin again and again. Not to mention that he was impatient, Lily was already a little impatient. She stood up now, After seeing that there was nothing in the hands of the group of people, Lily suddenly squatted down. When the group of people thought she wanted to pick up the axe, she stretched out her legs to sweep them away.

Maybe some of Qin Zhaonan's people had suffered from her move before. Several big men were alert and jumped back. No one was caught by her, but seeing Lily still resisting at this time, a group of big men were angry. He stood up, clenched his fists and rushed over. Lily might not be able to deal with a group of real masters at this time, but although Qin Zhaonan is the heir of the black path, he is not the real leader at this time. He has bodyguards around him, but The strength is not particularly high. It is enough for ordinary girls to do kidnapping, but it is far from the title of master. Lily has real power in her hands. After quickly knocking down two big men, someone just After picking up the axe, Lily had already taken out the gun on her waist.

"Don't move, otherwise if my hands shake accidentally, don't blame me." Due to the difference in physical strength, Lily took a few breaths and pulled up the safety of the gun. The big men did not expect that she would There was a pistol, and everyone was shocked. Lily took the ax from the big man's hand, relying on the weapon in her hand. Without thinking, she swung the ax with one hand and hit one of the big men on the head. She never thought about making trouble. There was no one killed, so his men used a measured force, but the big man was still beaten to a bloody head, and passed out without saying a word on the spot.

Lily followed the same pattern and knocked the remaining people to the ground. Then she threw the ax and went to open the door. The door was not locked. Qin Zhaonan should think that this time he had a chance to win. Lily went downstairs and took advantage of the dim light of the bar. Turning on the light, she saw Qin Zhaonan's figure sitting in a corner of the bar, explaining something to someone. After a while, she led Zhu Ao away alone.

Originally, Qin Zhaonan was the son of the leader of the Black Road, and he should have many bodyguards around him. However, in order to deal with Lily, he took the initiative to keep the people around him. Lily followed quietly at this moment, taking advantage of Qin Zhaonan's absence. When he was in the car, he kicked Zhu Ao away. Before he could react, he strangled Qin Zhaonan's neck and hit him on the head with his elbow. He hit him five or six times in a row before Qin Zhaonan gradually stopped struggling.

Zhu Ao, who was lying on the ground, was kicked for a long time and could not get up. He was originally loved by Zhu's father and mother, but looking at the tall man and horse, he looked useless. Now he was knocked down by Lily. He struggled twice and before he could get up, Lily kicked him in the head again, knocking him unconscious.

Doesn't Qin Zhaonan like to play with women? Lily wants to let him have a good time.

Almost everyone in the capital knows what kind of place it is on the north side of the city. Lily carried the two unconscious people into the car, got into the driver's seat and started the car, and then directly transported the two people there. . There was a street in the north of the city that was a red light district. Lily parked the car on the side of the road, took her bank card and withdrew all her wages. She randomly found a hair salon and dragged Qin Zhaonan and the two of them in. The two seemed to be Outsiders and some older and scantily clad women were sitting in front of the mirror, pulling their hair. When they saw a guest coming in, the two of them stood up. Lily lowered her voice:

"Do you know anyone from other shops around here?" The two women looked confused, but they were very happy to see business coming to them. They nodded hurriedly, and Lily took it out of the bag first. Ten Wan waved in front of Xiang Ren:

"Two hundred yuan per person, please serve these two people well. The more people, the better, regardless of gender. And I want to see your evidence. If you have the ability, you can let them stay until tomorrow night. In addition to these 10,000 yuan, I I'll pay another 10,000 yuan." People in the red light district here rarely see such generous patrons, so when they heard this, they were both surprised and happy. The two women even took the initiative to drag Qin Zhaonan out of his sleep. The two took it and called others in the store to go outside and call for help.

The business here is deserted. Generally, rich people go to high-end clubs. Therefore, although there is business here on weekdays, it is not good. I didn't expect such a rich man to come all of a sudden. Anyway, they charge per visit and do the work. If it works out well and you can get some extra money, naturally the two women will be active. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Second and third updates!

Yesterday everyone saw that there were two updates, but it was actually two chapters with a total of more than 20,000 words, so it was actually seven updates in one, and three thousand words was counted as one update~~~~This chapter is six thousand words , so it’s two updates in one, and there will be another update later~

The third update: Tongmeng’s Heshibi adds update 9~~~~~~~~~~~~


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