Cannon Fodder Strategy

Carp Girl Revenge (10)

"What's wrong with Qiao'er?"

After getting rid of the ghost, Yun Qiao rubbed his neck and shoulders, with a frightened look on his face still covered with tears: "Mother, mother, I'm afraid."

"When I came in the morning, I saw dead cats." The wet nurse couldn't help but interjected. She looked frightened when she said this: "A few days ago, many of the black cats raised by the master died. They were all hung on the treetops. The slave girl always felt numb when listening to the cat's meowing in the past few days, but she has not heard the cat's meow in the past two days, and the slave girl feels even more frightened." The nanny must have also been affected by this. He was so frightened that he kept talking: "It's okay if you're used to hearing that sound, but the sudden silence is really permeating. I don't know who killed these cats. They probably thought they were noisy." .”

Lily's heart sank when she heard that many cats in the house had died. Calculating the time, the six-month period that Yun Munan made an appointment with her should be almost here. The fishy smell in the house has been coming recently. It is getting thicker and thicker. Although no deaths in the plot have happened yet, the world is starting to make people panic, especially the heavy fog that hangs over Yun Mansion all year round. It seems that it has not cleared at this moment. Go, what's even weirder is that the mist seems to be alive, but the sun is shining brightly outside the Yun Mansion. Only this layer of mist is always covered in the Yun Mansion, and it is mixed with a fishy stench. Even if there are legends of being haunted, there are people who are afraid of Yun Mansion. Rumors about Munan's identity began to spread behind the scenes.

"From tonight onwards, Qiaojie will sleep with mother, okay?" Lily thought of the carp demon ghost hiding in the dark. Although there was a smile on her face, her eyes turned cold. It was too unsafe for Yun Qiao to sleep alone, especially with a nanny beside her who had no power at all. At this critical moment in her life, even if the nanny felt that Something was wrong, and it was impossible to risk his own life to save her. Only by keeping Yun Qiao by her side could Lily feel more at ease.

Yun Qiao was also frightened last night. Children are the most innocent and direct in nature. Hearing Lily's words, Yun Qiao subconsciously reached out and hugged Lily. She had just been contaminated by Yin Qi. Now she liked the aura of Lily who had practiced Taoist techniques very much, so she subconsciously stretched out her hand to wrap Lily's neck. He hugged her tightly and nodded hurriedly. He responded softly.

Lily didn't waste time in the afternoon. Now that time is getting tighter, she seizes every minute and every second to start drawing spells. Whenever the mana in her body is exhausted, Lily starts to practice star training. Inducing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fill her body, her current star training level is already at a high level despite diligent study and hard training. Therefore, the spiritual energy is restored quickly every time it is done, plus it is stimulated by the ghost of the carp demon. When Lily was drawing the talisman again, she was highly concentrated. In addition to drawing four ordinary power talisman papers in one afternoon, she finally drew a Five Thunder Forbidden Talisman that was already glowing with golden light.

Somewhat happy, I folded the talisman paper and put it in my arms. It was already dark outside now. Looking at the hourglass in the corner of the house, it was just afternoon, but the whole Yun Mansion was already lit. When the light came on, there was no more meowing outside than in the past. On the contrary, it was extremely quiet, and the strange calm revealed a bit of the calm before the storm. A strong fishy stench clogged people's minds. It seemed like there were rotten eggs hidden all around, or a rotten smell like mice that had been dead for a long time. When the servants came in with dinner, Lily saw that these people had a bit of gloom in their brows, and their expressions were dull. The three souls and seven souls had faint traces of being frightened out of the body.

"Madam, the housekeeper said that the stench around here is very bad. There have been a lot of dead cats in the house recently. I'm afraid there are dead cats somewhere that are rotten and not thrown away. Why don't you bring some people in to look for them tomorrow so that the stench can be removed." Lily said next to Lily. The little girl who was serving her face turned pale at this time. She bravely knelt down in front of Lily and said what the housekeeper told her. Now, everything in the house seemed to be polluted by poisonous gas. Not only was there a smell in the air, but also There seems to be a stench even in the water people drink and in the heavy fog. It makes people want to vomit. Moreover, the stench makes people do evil. It is even more uncomfortable when it is breathed into the lungs, like an indescribable odor. Pain gushed out from between the bones of the limbs, making people wish they could pick off the skin and flesh on the body and scratch the bones enough to relieve the itch.

"We'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow. When everyone goes back today, lock the door tightly and just cover your head and sleep." Lily nodded and told the little girl: "Anyway, there is nothing that requires you to run, and the kitchen is also There’s no need to keep anyone around.”

The little girl responded respectfully. When Lily saw the black-smelling food on the table, she immediately lost her appetite. These dishes were filled with yin energy. People in the Yun Mansion just ate these things, and there was nothing they could do about the yin energy accumulated in the body. After being driven out, the Yang fire in the body naturally became weaker and weaker over time, and many people even had death aura in their eyebrows. The ghost of the carp demon was determined to destroy the whole family of Yun Mansion, and had no intention of holding back. mean.

Lily herself could still endure her hunger now. She lost her appetite when she saw the food on the table. She saw Yun Qiao sitting aside and remained silent. Even though she was so hungry that she swallowed her saliva, she saw Lily didn't move her chopsticks, and the three-year-old could barely hold back from shouting that she was hungry. Lily couldn't help but feel soft in her heart, and reached out to hug Yun Qiao: "Qiao'er, please bear with me today. Mom will personally send someone out to buy you delicious food tomorrow so that you can fill your stomach, okay?"

Yunqiao nodded, put his arms around Lily's neck and rubbed against her, remaining quiet and silent. Now that the water source in Yun Mansion has long been polluted, Lily has no intention of giving Yun Qiao a bath. He just untied the two buns that tied her up, took off her clothes, hugged Yun Qiao and went to bed to coax her. Yun Qiao must have been frightened last night and couldn't sleep well all night. When she arrived next to Lily, the child seemed to know that Lily was a reliable person and quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep. It didn't take long for the child to fall asleep. Then she snored, and Lily stretched out her hand to pat Yun Qiao regularly, but turned her head to look at the window.

It was pitch black outside at the moment. The thick fog not only blocked the moon in the sky, but even the light of the lanterns hanging under the corridor seemed to be mostly blocked. Only faint red dots were exposed in the darkness. These red dots appeared. Not only did the dots not make people feel at ease, but they looked like the eyes of a monster dormant in the darkness, flickering and making people more frightened.

The surroundings were quiet at this time. Apart from Yun Qiao's thin breathing while sleeping, no other sound could be heard in the room. Lily had just taken out a sleeping charm that she had specially drawn for Yun Qiao in the afternoon and photographed it. On her body, there was a sweet smile on the corner of Yun Qiao's mouth, as if she had dreamed of something interesting, and she slept more soundly. Seeing that look made Lily couldn't help but laugh, and there was a burst of exhaustion at the door. With the sound of footsteps, the originally ajar door was suddenly pushed open. Yun Munan, who had not been seen for several days, was carrying a dark-faced man with a fat head and big ears, wearing a yellow Taoist temple. The ghost came into the house.

It should have been a hot day due to the influence of this fog, but the surrounding area of ​​Yun Mansion was extremely cold. Now he has brought back such evil things. I don't know how he always got into this. Lily sighed. He stood up and walked towards him, pointed at the ghost behind him and said:

"I'll give you five seconds to leave immediately. The wrongdoer has his fault. If you dare to come again, don't blame me for not giving you a chance to be reincarnated." Lily originally thought that what she said was the most benevolent thing. If this was the case, Ghost Consciousness should leave immediately. After all, she has a Five Thunder Spell between her fingers, and Yun Munan seems to have suffered a severe loss of yang energy recently. It should be related to the entanglement of these ghosts. This ghost just wants to stay any longer. Apart from killing in vain, he received no benefit at all.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lily said these words, the evil spirit not only did not leave, but instead stretched out his hand to touch the sun fire above Yun Munan's head. The fire was already looming and shaking violently. , Yin Gui's fat green face smiled ferociously at Lily, and stretched out his hand to pinch Lily's face. Lily threw the talisman towards it without saying a word, and a bright thunder spell was summoned out of thin air, surrounding it. The gathered Yin Qi dispersed in a hurry as if it had encountered some nemesis. The Yin ghost's originally black face turned pale with fright. After all, he was not a good person. He screamed and then his body turned into blue smoke. Slowly it turned into a pool of smelly water and disappeared.

"It's time to leave." Yun Munan, who had been silent all this time, moved his muscles and rubbed his shoulders: "The things this time are much heavier than last time." When he said this, he subconsciously He reached out and rubbed his chin. Although his face was ugly, he didn't show much fear at this moment, which made Lily feel dumbfounded.

At this time, there was suddenly a shrill and unusual cat meowing outside. The black cats that Yun Mansion recently bought were a pair of dead ones. At this time, the screams of black cats appeared inexplicably in the night. Lily Subconsciously, they exchanged glances with Yun Munan, and both of them sat beside the bed and protected Yun Qiao, who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

'Meow~' The sound of the cat is getting closer and closer, and many green eyes suddenly appear around the window. The scene is enough to make people feel a chill coming from the soles of their feet. It will definitely become a lifelong psychological shadow that will linger. go. But Lily has seen even the Jiuyou Ghost King, and the same Baigui Yexing. This is not the first time that she has become the head of the Maoshan Grandmaster. What kind of terrifying scene has she not encountered before? Although the situation was strange at this time, she did not panic. Instead, she reached out and touched the secret door of the cabinet beside the bed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Second update. . . . In the middle of the night, everyone in my family was fast asleep, and I was awake alone coding horror novels, which was a sour feeling. . . .


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