Cannon Fodder Strategy

Girls in Acrobatic Class (13)

At this moment, when Lily was joking with people at the consulate, her cell phone suddenly rang. The caller was one of the Zhao family members who had stayed behind when the Zhao family's class was separated and was preparing to follow her. Waiting for the call When the call was connected, the other end said in a panic:

"Master, there are a lot of police here now. They say that we are an illegal gathering and they want to arrest us and take us to the police station. They also say that they want you to show your business license..."

People from the Zhao family class traveled all over the country in the past. When did they encounter such a battle? Now they were frightened by a group of neatly dressed policemen. They even felt a little awkward when talking, and there was a cry in their voices. Don't look at that. From this appearance, one can imagine that the Zhao family class was probably in a mess at this moment. Lily naturally knew whose handiwork this was, so her face that was originally smiling suddenly darkened, and she quickly comforted her. The person on the other end of the phone said a few words, quickly hung up the phone, and then said to the person at the embassy:

"I'm sorry, sir. It was a pleasure meeting you today, but there were some minor accidents in my acrobatic class right now, and I have to rush back."

The people at the consulate were about to call their colleagues to come over and enjoy the Chinese martial arts and skills. Unexpectedly, Lily actually said that she wanted to leave. The foreigner spread his hands with regret. I wonder if it was because he had a good impression of Lily. , the foreigner who shouldn't have inquired about Lily's secret actually asked: "Okay, please, Miss Zhao. If there is anything I can help with, please don't be polite."

After talking for a long time, Lily was waiting for his words. After hearing what he said, Lily was indeed not polite. After explaining his current situation, Zhao Jinying did not differentiate between the Zhao family's class in the morning and the Zhao family's class in the evening. However, today he received a bunch of people who wanted to divide the family and property, just to divide the Zhao family's acrobatic class that Baihe had registered before. It became a legal company under the name of Zhao Jinying, and Lily, the founder, turned into an illegal gathering group. This was originally just a small matter. If there was someone above to help, it would only be done by completing the formalities tomorrow, but if Lily had no one, it would be done. She was determined to suffer this loss. Even if she just went through the procedure, she would definitely be known as a criminal in the end. If Ganlu wanted to take this opportunity to punish her, even if he sent her to prison and locked her up for ten years, he would be able to do it. She was convicted.

When the people at the consulate heard this, they frowned. She smiled at Lily, said "Excuse me", picked up the phone and walked aside. Not long after, the man came back with a smile on his face: "There may have been a misunderstanding, but now the misunderstanding has been resolved." Well, I’ll send someone to take Miss Zhao back first.”

This is a big trouble for the Zhao family team. But to some people, it is nothing at all. The Zhao family team is not a big shot. What's more, the Zhao family team didn't really commit anything. In the final analysis, the joint action of the police station and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau was just because Ganlu wanted to persecute Lily. This matter could be big or small. If no one from Lily said anything, Naturally, this matter can be taken to a serious level and it can be said that she is making illegal profits. Not only can the income be confiscated, but she can also be charged with gathering a crowd to cause trouble. This time, people from the consulate came forward to intercede. China has always been very tolerant of foreign guests. Whether it was for the sake of the image of the imperial capital or for other reasons, what the Zhao family team made was not a principled error, it was just revealing their own personal grudges, and they could just let the matter go lightly.

Lily did not refuse the foreigner's proposal. After thanking the people at the consulate, she left in the consulate's car.

That night, when the remaining people in Zhao's class saw Lily returning, they all told her what happened that day. These people had never seen the police investigation scene before, and they were all frightened. Yesterday, a bunch of terms such as temporary residence permit, fiancée certificate, etc. were thrown around so that a group of people almost didn't react. If the call from the consulate had been made later, I'm afraid Lily would have had to put in more effort to get them out again. .

After appeasing the members of the Zhao family team, they went back to their rooms to rest. The next day, Lily went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau again and officially changed the existing acrobatic class under her name to Lily Acrobatic Troupe. Her original name was Zhao Family. As expected, the legal representative of the team now became Zhao Jinying. Seeing the embarrassed look on the face of the person who received her at the Industrial and Commercial Office, Lily sneered in her heart and completed all the procedures so that Ganlu would not trouble her again in the future. Method.

The fact that the acrobatic class was going to perform abroad was soon reported in the newspapers. This time the acrobatic class was famous and went abroad. You must know that in recent years, there have been almost no acrobatic troupes actually invited to perform abroad. On the contrary, foreign magic troupes Performing masters and others became famous in China one after another. The Lily incident caused quite a stir, which made many Chinese people feel proud. Therefore, the people in the acrobatic class became popular again, sweeping away the sluggish situation some time ago. Many people who were originally Some merchants who did not dare to invite Lily to perform because of the reputation of Manlu wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to offer an olive branch to Lily, but Lily refused one by one on the pretext that people in the acrobatics class needed training.

Because Lily recently refused to perform and spent a few days renting a new place outside the suburbs as a training venue at a high price, she did not show up for several days in a row. However, the newspaper reported that the newly renamed Lily Acrobatic Class was going to perform outside. Everyone in the capital now knows that Baihe has been training in the new venue for several days, staring at everyone. When he was about to go home in the afternoon, he was blocked by a group of reporters downstairs in his rented house:

"Ms. Zhao, I heard that you are now going to perform abroad to bring glory to the country. How do you feel about this?"

"Miss Zhao, you changed the name of the original Zhao Acrobatic Class to Lily Acrobatic Class. Is there any reason for this?"

When a large number of reporters who had finally found out about Lily saw Lily, their cameras immediately focused on Lily, and all kinds of questions came one after another. One of the reporters said sharply:

"I heard that Miss Zhao once met Mr. Smith from the consulate in private. I wonder what their relationship is?"

When asking this question, the microphone in the reporter's hand almost hit Lily's face. Lily stretched out her fingers to clamp the microphone and pushed the crowd away. Her hand contained inner strength. Several reporters involuntarily took several steps back under the push of her son. Only after she almost regained her footing did Lily laugh: "I am very happy to be able to compete for the country. The name of Zhao's acrobatic class was changed because of my relationship with him." Mr. Zhao has different concepts and ideas. As for my meeting with Mr. Smith..." When Lily said this, she prolonged her voice. Her gesture whetted the appetite of a group of reporters. When everyone was a little anxious, Lily felt When all the cameras had captured him, he said loudly:

"I have heard before that there is a young lady named Gan in Beijing who dislikes me very much and bribes a former friend of mine to harm me. I am a newbie here and I don't know if I have offended any young lady named Gan in Beijing. If I'm here to say sorry to the lady named Gan for offending me. Please forgive me, a wild girl from the countryside!" When Lily said this, she bowed deeply to the camera. The reporters Obviously, they didn't expect that what they were asking was about her relationship with people from foreign embassies in Beijing. She finally said such a thing in a cold voice. Many people were stunned for a while, and then looked at each other. There was obvious suspicion in his eyes.

There are eldest ladies named Gan in Beijing, but now there is only one, Ganlu, the adopted daughter of the current mayor of the imperial capital. Who in the capital doesn't know about this crown prince's daughter? But to say that a girl from an acrobatic class would offend such a prince's daughter, everyone was a little unconvinced. Many people hesitated and did not turn off the camera to take pictures, but intentionally or unintentionally moved people up to block Lily's face. If what she said was meaningful, everyone would naturally broadcast the news. If she was talking nonsense, the scene would be cut.

"I wonder what Miss Zhao means? Miss Gan, could it be that Miss Zhao is referring to Miss Gan from the real estate company?"

At this moment, a group of reporters did not dare to offend the mayor because they did not know what was going on. Therefore, they did not dare to mention the identity of Mayor Ganlu's adopted daughter. Instead, they mentioned the name of the company she opened. Lily knew that these people were afraid of Ganlu. Mayor, she had expected such a result, so she was not surprised. After hearing the reporters' questions, she smiled: "I don't know if it's Miss Gan, but I just heard from a former companion that she accepted a certain person." Miss Gan is worth tens of thousands of dollars and is prepared to leave me disfigured and disabled. I am a small person. If I have offended anyone, I would like to apologize to Miss Gan. Although I believe that the laws of the imperial capital are fair, I speak lightly. Between me and Mr. Smith Because we know each other about the acrobatic troupe performing abroad, I had no choice but to ask Mr. Smith to beg Miss Gan for me and ask for mercy."

Although Lily's words sounded nice, when everyone heard that Manlu had bribed someone to force Lily to be disfigured and disabled, they still couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. What's more, Lily's words meant that she was forced to do something by Manna. They were desperate, so they had no choice but to seek help from foreigners. After everyone got such a big revelation, they originally wanted to stop Lily and ask a few more questions, but Lily refused to say any more.

Sometimes it is enough to just stop talking. Talking too much will be useless. She pushed aside the reporters' obstruction and went upstairs to return to the house. After a long time, the reporters downstairs slowly dispersed. The next day Lily When I got up, I went downstairs and bought a newspaper. I saw the headline of today's imperial newspaper: Zhao's daughter asked for foreign aid because of a personal grudge? Disgraced and thrown out of the country! How can a girl named Gan take revenge for her personal grudge? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: The third update~~~~

Thanks to: Wu Lulike, dear Keke for the reward and Heshibi~~~~~

Thanks to: Jieyou Grocery Store, dear Heshibi for the reward. . . .

Thanks to: Yan Shui Ning, dear He Shibi who gave the reward~~~~

A total of three updates are owed, and one more will be added after the year. Starting from tomorrow, two updates a day are guaranteed, and He Shibi’s debt will be repaid later.

Yesterday, the third update was for me, Ruth Nail: Nail Grass, and the reward was added by He Shibi~~~~~

The third update today: Ke Dabao, my dear, more update~~~~~~


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