Cannon Fodder Strategy

The CEO’s Fiancee (9)

Lily saw Liang Siqi looking depressed but unable to express her suffering. She couldn't help but feel happy. Today was worth the day. After torturing Liang Siqi for a long time, she cut off her hair. In the past, Rong Baihe If all kinds of flattering could not win Liang Siqi's sincerity, then she would be extremely mean to Liang Siqi on Rong Baihe's behalf. One day, she would be able to let go of her anger. This was just the beginning!

When the two of them were sent out of the store by people from the club, it was already dark outside. The neon lights around them were shining with colorful lights. Under the lights, Lily's styled hair was trimmed to fit her face even more. On the contrary, Liang Siqi had no hair. The cover-up made her look a little fatter, and the weak temperament that I had pity on her in the past was naturally swept away at this time, as if once she lost her beautiful hair, her whole person became much uglier.

"Go back, I'm tired." When the parking boy drove the car over, Lily opened the door of the back seat, sat in and closed her eyes. Liang Siqi, who had just sat in the driver's seat, heard this She clenched her fists again. She walked with Lily all day today, and finally suffered such torture. Now Lily had the nerve to complain that she was tired. She took several deep breaths in succession, and her chest could not help rising and falling. After a long while, she lit the car on fire and drove angrily on the road.

She gave half of the things she bought today to the maid at home. Lily was not short of these things. The reason why she bought things when she saw them today was just to torture Liang Siqi. Now that her purpose was achieved, her things were naturally It was used as a gift, but after the family received the gift from Lily. I have been grateful to her for a long time.

Lily took the remaining half of the things and threw them into the car. She looked at the time and saw that it was already nine o'clock. For people like the Gu Rong family, nine o'clock in the evening was not too late. It was a time when night life was rich. The Rong family is not far from the Gu family. Today, Lily asked the property management outside the Rong family community to find out the news that Mrs. Gu and Father Gu did not go out to socialize today. The villas of the Rong and Gu families each occupy an area of ​​nearly 3,000 square meters. meter neighborhood. Juxtaposed together, there are many families like the Rong Gu family living nearby. In addition to each family having its own property management, there are also layers of property management on the outside. Lily can easily ask if the Gu family has gone out. out.

It wasn't until the property manager outside called as Lily asked to tell her that Gu Tiansheng's car had entered the community, Lily quickly jumped in the car and drove towards Gu's house.

When they arrived at Gu's house, Gu's father and Mrs. Gu were indeed there today. Lily first distributed the things she bought today to the servants of the Gu family. After receiving grateful looks from the servants, about half a quarter of an hour later, the voice of the servants saying hello to Gu Tiansheng could be heard outside:

"The young master is back."

Gu Tiansheng said nothing. Logically speaking, people like the Gu family value traditional etiquette much more than ordinary people. Even ordinary servants should say hello. But as a host, he should return the favor, but Gu Tiansheng had no answer at this time. It was obvious that he was in a very unhappy mood at the moment. Mrs. Gu, who was joking with Lily in the room, frowned. Father Gu sat aside without saying a word. After a while, Gu Tiansheng's tall figure wearing a royal blue suit appeared at the door.

The third sister of the housekeeper personally handed him the slippers, and he put them in his suit trousers carelessly with one hand. His expression was gloomy, and he was obviously very unhappy today. From the plot, it seems that Gu Tiansheng is keen on nightlife. It was rare to come back before ten o'clock today. Lily thought about today's events and looked at Gu Tiansheng's face. It was not difficult to guess that the reason why he came home so early was probably because of his mood after seeing Liang Siqi's appearance. Angrily, he was not in the mood to play and came back bitterly. While Lily was a little gloating, when Gu Tiansheng saw Lily, his gloomy handsome face turned out to be as dark as the bottom of a pot, just like the scene when a storm was about to come. He even didn't even put on his slippers. Without even changing it, he took out the hand that was originally in his trouser pocket, pointed at Lily and said sternly:

"Rong Baihe, have you had enough trouble?"

He started to go crazy as soon as he came back. Not to mention Lily, even Gu's father looked a little ugly. He glanced at Lily, then glared at his son and said, "If you have anything to say, please change your shoes!"

Father Gu's words sounded like he was blaming his son, but in fact he was defending Gu Tiansheng, and hinted that even if he was wronged by Lily, he should speak up and support Gu Tiansheng in disguise, but this time Rong Baihe heard the meaning of Gu's father's words, but Gu Tiansheng didn't. When he thought about what happened today, he became very angry: "Dad, you don't know that Rong Baihe took Siqi out today." Liu Jing had no agent and only an assistant all day long!" What's more, when he came back, his little beauty turned into a little chubby girl, from the long wavy curly hair he liked, to The short hair that was now as messy as a dog's gnawing, when he saw Liang Siqi at the first sight, he was so shocked that he couldn't recover for a long time.

No matter how good his appetite is, Gu Tiansheng originally planned to have a night of fun with the beauty tonight. He even bought the sexy underwear that Liang Siqi wanted to wear, but when he saw Liang Siqi, he couldn't think of it at all. , he took Liang Siqi to the styling club, but the top stylists in the club were unable to do anything about Liang Siqi’s short hair, which was now as short as a bun. In addition to trimming her hair more neatly, they all tactfully advised Gu Tiansheng to have it. He didn't wait for the female companion to wait for a while and wait until Liang Siqi's hair grew out. After some trimming, Liang Siqi's head looked much neater, but the same hair was shorter and more elegant than what he has now. The black hair is even half shorter, which makes Gu Tiansheng unable to eat no matter how good his appetite is, so he came back feeling depressed today.

Thinking of the night of lingering love that he had spent tonight, and then thinking of Liang Siqi, who was unhappy but stubborn and refused to say anything, Gu Tiansheng felt even more upset, especially after knowing that Lily was the initiator of everything, he came back for the first time One thing rushed to the Rong family. Unfortunately, the Rong family said that Lily was not at home. He did not expect to see Lily sitting on the sofa in his home when he returned home. He thought of Lily letting her pigeon fly yesterday, and then... Thinking of the trouble she would cause him when she came back, Gu Tiansheng blurted out:

"Why don't you just stay in the United States? What are you going to do when you come back? Go back to your America. You will be upset when you see it!"

The two of them were childhood sweethearts. Even without the relationship of an unmarried couple, just based on the friendship between the two of them who grew up together, Gu Tiansheng should not have such a bad attitude towards Lily. The reason why he spoke so rudely was purely out of pride. Rong Baihe is his fiancée in name only. Rong Baihe seems confident and proud, but in fact, she likes him very much. Gu Tiansheng knows this very well, so now he is not willing to marry Baihe again, but he also knows that the two of them are very different. He said bad words to her because of such a relationship.

Lily's face suddenly darkened. Even if Father Gu wanted to defend his son, he couldn't help but feel that what his son said was too unpleasant. If Lily minded what he said just now, it might reach the ears of the Rong family and his wife. This can cause the Rong and Gu families to become enemies. The Rong family is a well-known real estate group in China with rich assets. The Rong family has only one daughter, Rong Baihe. Such a huge property will be inherited by Rong Baihe alone in the future. The Gu family originally Being able to find such a daughter-in-law makes many people envious. Gu Tiansheng used to seem obedient, but now he is so stupid that he speaks without thinking!

"Shut up! Did you drink too much tonight and start going crazy?"

Father Gu scolded his son, slapped his thigh hard, glanced at Mrs. Gu, and motioned her to appease Lily. Lily was not angry on the surface at this time, but in fact she had begun to sneer in her heart. She still couldn't She knows how to clean up the Gu family, but Gu Tiansheng owes Rong Lily, so she will naturally let Gu Tiansheng spit out everything. At this time, she will use Mrs. Gu's support to first get rid of Liang Siqi, the so-called best friend, out of the original owner's heart. After a breath of bad breath, she slowly started to clean up the Gu family, so Lily suppressed this breath, with a somewhat humiliated look on her face, and she seemed to shout impulsively:

"Why should I go back to the United States? It's you who should get out. You're going crazy as soon as you come back. What did I do? What happened to Liang Siqi when I asked her to accompany me? She is originally from my Rong family. I asked her What's wrong with you staying with me? Don't tell me I'm going to shave her head, I'm going to make her take out the shit, and she has to listen to me honestly!" Lily screamed deliberately, and Mrs. Gu and Father Gu were shocked. Her ears were ringing, and Mrs. Gu endured the throbbing pain in her forehead. Before she could speak, Gu Tiansheng roared like an enraged lion:

"When did Siqi become a member of your Rong family? She is an employee of my Gu family and the manager of my Gu family's artists. If you dare to let her shovel shit, you are not allowed to see her again in the future!"

"She owes me a lot of money with interest. The money was originally used to invest in her studies and let her enter Rong's. Now she has been working in Gu's for a few years. It is a breach of contract and she has to pay more than 50 million yuan. If she doesn't come out, she will have to come to Rong's to listen to my command!" Lily shouted back to her with a higher voice than Gu Tiansheng. When Gu Tiansheng heard this, he said without thinking: "Fifty million, I will pay it back to you on her behalf. !”

This is what Lily has been waiting for for a long time. In the plot, when she broke off her engagement with Gu Tiansheng, the fact that Liang Siqi and Gu Tiansheng were fooling around was concealed so well that the two got married with their children, even if someone had gossiped about them behind their backs. There were speculations that the two had an unclear relationship before marriage, but because there was no substantial evidence, nothing happened in the end. On the contrary, it was Rong Baihe who was ridiculed miserably because she was the one who was abandoned. Lily was the one who She wanted to expose this matter in advance and let Gu Tiansheng speak out on his own, instead of finally breaking out the adultery between Gu Tiansheng and Liang Siqi. Seeing that the two people were having an affair before marriage. In the end, even if these two people truly love each other, how can they be as happy together as in the plot! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Second update. . .

It was locked for 500 words, but it ended up being locked for 5,000 words in the dark room. . . Is it my fault? I just crawled out of the dark room now. . . . I also lit a candle for my IQ.


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