Cannon Fodder Strategy

Female supporting character original heroine (6)

No matter what kind of conspiracy, it is all in vain in the face of absolute strength, and Tang Enya has had a vague vigilance and hostility toward Lily Yang ever since she got in the car. Such a person has the strength, and it is so early. If she is prepared, it is logically impossible for her to fall into Lily Yang's trap, unless she intentionally wants to drive Lily Yang out of the team!

Thinking of this, Lily couldn't help but sit still. If Tang Enya was deliberately targeting the original owner, then she could expel Lily Yang from the convoy in the plot, and she would do the same thing this time. ;top;point;Novel Now I am suffering from a severe cold. In this era of lack of medical treatment and medicine, if I want to fully recover, I can only rely on my own body to get through it. Lily Yang herself is a delicate and frail person, not The strong type, if he wants to wait for himself to completely recover from his illness, I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for less than ten days and a half. If he is left behind by the convoy until then, he will definitely encounter the same group of scum as in the original plot, and once If you encounter someone, maybe you will have to suffer what happened to Lily Yang.

Although Lily was sure that Li Yanxi would pull out his soul when such a thing happened, even if his soul left again, Lily couldn't help but think that her temporary body was being used as an object of play. If you want to break this situation, you can only have absolute strength. If you have the strength, you can go anywhere. And according to Lily's current situation, the only way to get absolute strength is to practice hard, which will take at least half a year. It's a pity that she entered the mission too late. The apocalypse has already begun, and Tang Enya obviously can't tolerate her. Instead of waiting for her to plot her plan in two days, it's better to think of a way to deal with it in advance.

But that would be fine if Tang Enya's role in the plot was unintentional. If it is intentional. Lily couldn't hide even if she wanted to. In order to avoid the same ending as the original owner, Lily had to find a way to survive this disaster. She wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. Due to time constraints, it was obvious that martial arts training was temporary at this time. It was too late to retaliate, but Lily suddenly remembered that in the plot, Lily Yang was caught by zombies when she was pushed out of the car as a shield. So the lightning ability was turned on.

When she thought of this, Lily's eyes lit up instantly! Compared with martial arts training, although the foundation is solid and useful, it is obviously too late at this time. If you want to gain strong strength in a short time, you can only find a way to obtain super powers. This super power comes quickly and is still powerful. Okay, although you can only attack twice at a time in the early stage. But at least he has a special ability, and he no longer cares about being in this convoy. He was still left behind by the motorcade. What those scumbags wanted to do to him again would not be as easy as in the plot.

Lily's heart gradually beat faster. As long as she has a superpower, it will be very easy to break the current situation. The only difficulty is the occurrence of the superpower. How did Tang Enya get it? Lily doesn't know the so-called space power, but Lily knows how Lily Yang got the power. Now that she doesn't have the "Zombie King's Blessing" in her body, she has no idea whether the zombies outside will hurt her. Most importantly, she is also worried that even if she is scratched by a zombie, she wonders whether the final result will be the same as the original owner. After all, many ordinary people in this world will directly be scratched by zombies. She has become a walking zombie without emotions and consciousness. Although the original owner has been successfully transformed, the chance that she will develop supernatural powers if she is scratched is more than 80%, but there is still some risk after all.

But wealth comes from danger. If she wants to break the current deadlock and fend off Tang Enya's attacks, Lily has no other way to think of except her own strength. If she doesn't take risks now, she will only be played by others in the future. What's more, Lily still vaguely believed in Li Yanxi. When he was almost knocked unconscious by Basil during a campus mission and died unconsciously, Li Yanxi saved him in time. He once said that he didn't have to be afraid. , Lily decided to take a gamble. She wanted to bet that if she couldn't produce supernatural powers after being scratched by a zombie, she would definitely be rescued by Li Yanxi when she turned into a zombie.

This decision sounds a bit risky and crazy, but now the plot has progressed to this point. Tang Enya already had space powers from the beginning. The starting point is too high, and she seems to be the type of person who particularly dislikes Lily Yang. The two seemed to be destined to be rivals by nature. If Lily wanted to change this situation and gain strength quickly, it seemed that she could find no other way besides this method.

If she wanted to be scratched by the zombies, Lily was not prepared to stupidly lean over and let the zombies catch her. After all, Lily Yang was still ill at the moment and was already weak. In this world, after humans turned into zombies, Although her reaction ability is a bit slower than before, her strength is four to five times greater than that of ordinary people. If she wants to fight Lily, she is no match for the zombies. She is afraid that if she gets close to the zombies like this, she may not be caught. The injury may have been caused by a bite. Maybe she would die in the mouth of a zombie before she had a chance to activate her powers. Therefore, she was planning to catch a zombie or use some method to kill a zombie. Die, and then scratch your own skin with zombie fingernails.

Lily stood up while holding on to the wall. She was going to find some kind of weapon. Unfortunately, all the sharp things in the farmyard had been taken away. Some kitchen knives, machetes and other items were not found after Lily endured her dizziness. Seeing that there was not even a hard stick that could be used as a weapon, and everyone in the convoy carried their own weapons with them, just to be afraid of any accidents and to make it easier to react when the weapons were around them. In the apocalypse, a useful weapon can be said to be a person's second life. Lily would definitely not be able to get it. When she was a little discouraged, she saw a curved sickle hanging outside the corner of her eye. Although it was above It was already somewhat rusty, but Lily hesitated for a moment, then dragged her heavy steps forward and took out the sickle.

This sickle had not been used for a while. Lily knocked it on the wall twice, making a "clang" sound. She couldn't help but smile twice. This was the only weapon in the farmyard. If it had been used to cut grass before, there would have been no problem, but now this sickle might even have trouble killing chickens, so how could it really kill zombies? It's just that apart from this thing, there are no other weapons in the small courtyard. At least this thing is not a favorite, but it is still a knife. Lily hesitated for a moment, then took the sickle in his hand, and after thinking about it, he saw the wall. After finding a pile of scattered mud and rocks, she quickly cut a section of the rope that originally hung the clothes drying pole under the eaves with a sickle, tied the sickle and hung it on her waist, while using the sickle to pry off a piece by the wall. The half-sized red brick came down, weighed it in her hands, and then took a look at the courtyard. At this moment, before anyone else got up, she gritted her teeth and pushed the door open.

Although Lily didn't know the time at this time, she could probably feel that it should be shortly after noon, but there seemed to be a layer of blue mist floating outside, and the heavy fog that rose in the morning had not yet completely cleared up. The sound disappeared, and the roar of zombies not far away after the courtyard door was opened seemed to ring in people's ears. Lily trembled and walked cautiously against the wall of the small courtyard, holding the bricks in her hands tightly, far away Everything here seems to be enveloped in mist, making it hard to see clearly. After the apocalypse, some plants have acquired attack power and become very scary. Some green shadows under the mist are not known to be abandoned cars, or hidden in Zombies in the dark.

When Lily walked to the corner of the wall cautiously, she looked warily into the distance. No zombies were found not far away, but the roaring sounds of zombies still came one after another. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she smelled it through her nose. There was a stench. When she turned around, she found that a figure who had been squatting on the ground at the corner had now stood up. Just now, she was just looking into the distance. The zombie was hiding on the big stone behind the corner of the wall and was gnawing on it. Something, maybe smelling something strange at this time, turned around slowly and stared at her with a pair of big blood-red eyes. He was holding something like a piece of intestine in his hand. At this moment, Stuffing it into his mouth.

"..." Seeing such a scene, Lily almost screamed. She suppressed the panic in her heart and threw the stone in her hand towards the zombie's face. She was not far away from the zombie. This hit happened to hit the zombie's face. The zombie's originally green and rotten face was suddenly hit as if the facial features had been displaced. The swollen face looked a little pitted. It seemed to be irritated, and the zombie's mouth He let out a "roar" in a low voice, glanced at Lily, took two steps back, lowered his head and threw the intestines in his hand towards Lily, squatted down with difficulty with his trembling body, and lay on the ground without daring to move.

Zombies shouldn't have such expressions when seeing fresh flesh and blood. Lily was nervous at the moment. She instinctively reached out to untie the scythe hanging on her waist, but she didn't know if the more nervous she became, the harder it was to untie it. Lily finally pulled up the rope with all her strength. When the scythe was pulled off, the zombie was still lying on the ground without moving, as if it was dead. When Lily took the scythe and took a deep breath and slashed it, maybe Because of the nervousness and lack of strength in his hand, the tip of Lily's knife was originally aimed at the zombie's head, but it suddenly dug into its shoulder and back. The most tragic thing is that the knife got hooked into the bone and Lily couldn't pull it out.

"..." Lily was speechless for a moment. She tried hard to pull out the sickle, which was her only weapon, but no matter how hard she tried, the sickle was hooked on the zombie. It couldn't be pulled out of the bones, but fortunately it didn't know the pain, and for some reason it was lying on the ground motionless, letting Lily toss it around, and it didn't resist even when Lily cut a hole in its body.

"Stupid." A soft voice sounded in the mist. When Lily was so nervous that she could only hear her own heartbeat, the male voice suddenly sounded, which startled Lily. She instinctively pressed her body close to hers. When she reached the wall and found that she was unarmed and her only weapon was still stuck on the zombie's back, Lily suddenly felt that misfortunes never come singly came into her heart. (To be continued...)

ps: Third update~~~~~~~~~~

Thanks to: Ding Xiatong, He Shibi for the little girl’s reward. . . Touch it big...

For: zxy Wei, the dear and patient Weiwei rewarded Heshibijia for one~~~~~~~

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