Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Queen from Another World Arrives (3)

The hall of the mercenary guild was deathly quiet. Many people turned their heads in unison to look. Lily began to feel bad. She was hesitating whether she should get involved with this young man who seemed unreliable. , just when he thought it was absolutely impossible to recruit people with this method, two figures in the corner moved quickly towards this side.

This is a pair of men and women of similar age. The man looks cold and gentle, with thick glasses on his face. The woman is very thin and tall. She wears loose clothes and has no graceful curves. She just That face was very beautiful, not as delicate and beautiful as Lily's body, but more charming than her. At this moment, when he felt Lily looking at him, he turned his eyes slightly and looked at Lily. He winked, then covered his mouth, turned around shyly and started laughing.

"..." Lily looked at the strong woman who was almost two heads taller than herself. She subconsciously closed one eye that was not covered, and turned her head to the side when she opened it.

After there were five people, the mercenary organization was quickly established. The two newcomers were also poor and penniless, but the young man was generous. He had a lot of money and bought a mercenary ticket first. After reading the crystal card of the soldiers' guild information, and then registering the identities of several people, Lily saw that this young man's name was Rong Shujin, and his sister was named Rong Shuyan, and the other two newcomers, the beautiful woman His name is Tianfeng Ichiro, and the other young man with an indifferent expression is named Tsukigami Akira.

Lily subconsciously glanced at the woman with such an exquisite appearance that people could not help but hold her breath. She did not expect that she would have such a manly name.

"Come on, Xiaohe. It's your turn to fill it in." After Rong Shujin finished shopping, a group of people had been surrounded by the mercenary guild as if they were guests. Just when Lily was filling in her name, Rong Shujin had already Seeing her name, he began to get close to her in a familiar manner. Lily touched the simple blindfold that blocked her eye and leaned towards the counter. Rong Shujin put the quill on the She stuffed it in her hand and pointed the place to Lily enthusiastically: "Fill it in here."

When I almost wrote down my name. Only then did Lily see clearly that the column where she almost signed was the captain. She was not used to seeing things with one eye, so she almost got tricked by Rong Shujin. Knowing that he was going to pretend to be the captain, Lily suddenly He turned his face:

"Why should I be captain?"

It's not a mercenary team with good fortune, judging from Rong Shujin's behavior of paying but not being the captain. Captain is a position that involves a lot of work and little money, and you get a lot of criticism. We all have just met each other, and no one will obey you. Everyone doesn’t understand each other. When you become the captain, you are a doormat. No one will listen to her when she gives orders. of?

"Then why don't we let it go? Let's let it go." Rong Shuyan heard that Lily was not willing to be the captain. Suddenly he beamed: "It just so happens that I'm going home for dinner."

The team has just been established and the team name and captain have not been decided yet. This girl had already begun to make noises about breaking up the team, and the people in the mercenary guild didn't even receive any money. When she heard what she said, several beautiful girls glared at her.

"It's good to be the captain. Everyone listens to the captain. After completing the task, the captain will also get more money." Rong Shujin ignored his sister and instead approached Lily in a close relationship: "What's more, women generally It’s about having a career first. Then having a family~”

He wanted to lean towards Lily coquettishly, but Rong Shuyan grabbed his ear. Rong Shujin could only turn his head away, and winked at Tian Fengyilang: "Fengfeng said, are they right?"

"..." Tian Fengyilang didn't say anything, but just smiled at him. Tian Fengyilang's name sounded like a man, but his appearance was so beautiful that Rong Shujin was not the only one who was fascinated by his smile. Feeling dizzy, even the girls from the mercenary guilds nearby had a look of confusion in their eyes subconsciously.

Lily's weakness at this time is money. She just owed a huge debt because of two useless pets raised by the original owner. It is said that if the contract is not terminated, the creditor has the right to find the debtor at any time, which is equivalent to her own Unknowingly, she signed an agreement that was very detrimental to her hiding her whereabouts. The original owner only wanted revenge, and she was also cheated. She originally thought that she would leave the debt and run away, but now it seems Lily couldn't run away at all, and she had to take revenge on her brother Lianjing. If she couldn't run away, she would be caught at any time. Lily hadn't been in such a miserable situation for a long time. At this time, she didn't want to be the captain, but When I thought about getting money, the corner of my mouth still twitched. I hesitated and wrote my name in the captain's column.

Once she signed the contract, ripples appeared on the surface of the crystal, and the words that had just appeared quickly disappeared. Lily's heart trembled, and the quill was quickly taken back. The mercenary team was temporarily established. When everyone When receiving the name tag, Lily twitched her mouth when she saw the words 'Mercenary Squad' written on the name tag. She glanced at Rong Shujin subconsciously. The girl from the guild took out the task book and signaled to Lily and the others. Pick a task.

The registered mercenary team relies on completing tasks to improve the team's level. The tasks are divided into different levels. The lowest level is naturally A level, and the highest level is S level. Nowadays, most S level tasks are rarely accepted. That is representative. There are tasks with a certain degree of difficulty and danger. Mercenaries can choose tasks according to their own rankings. For example, A-level mercenaries can choose A-level tasks. It is not difficult to upgrade at the beginning. As long as the failure rate of the task is not high, it will naturally be easy to complete, but There is a risk of being downgraded after failure, and if an A-level mercenary group skips a level and takes on an E-level mercenary mission, after completion, it will be upgraded from the mercenary guild to a B-level mercenary group, and so on. If it is the lowest mercenary group, If you have the ability to accept S-level difficult tasks, then after completing two or more to prove your strength, the natural mercenary group can be upgraded to the highest S-level. S-level mercenaries not only represent their own strength and identity. The status also means that the value will also increase accordingly, and they will become a mythical and legendary team in the mercenary world.

However, although several members of the newly established mercenary guild had a copy of mercenary information in their hands, almost no one looked through it. When Rong Shujin squeezed over, he first looked at the lowest tasks with disgust and found that the rewards on them were almost all It was only a few copper coins, and even the reward of silver coins was very small. When I turned over the task book with a serious face, I didn't stop with satisfaction until I saw that the task had E-level.

The extremely difficult task was already written in red letters, which represented extreme danger. However, Lily had just entered the task world, and the original owner only knew revenge and knew nothing about the situation in this world, so she was fearless if she didn't know. When he saw that some of the tasks in red font showed that they had been accepted, Rong Shujin chose a task in the last row. That task said: Kill the giant crab beast, obtain a pair of giant claws, and the reward is 300 gold coins.

Compared with the previous tasks where only a few hundred coppers and a few hundred silvers were given out at every turn, the person who issued the task was so generous. Everyone went over to take a look and expressed satisfaction, and a few people took the task. The mercenary The people from the guild looked at them strangely, but did not say anything. Instead, they enthusiastically handed them the map of the giant crab monster's location. When Lily and others were about to leave, they were stopped.

"Thank you for coming, twelve gold coins in total." The girl with a sweet smile stretched out her hand. Lily glanced at Rong Shujin subconsciously, but Rong Shujin seemed to have not seen her gaze at all, but his face was full of attentiveness. He followed Tianfeng Ichiro around.

Lily had no money at all. She trembled her brows and glanced at Rong Shujin, but the girl stood in front of her. She knew that the captain was not that easy. When Lily was about to give up the burden, Yue Shangzhao's face was filled with tears. Standing up indifferently, he impatiently stretched out his hand to push up his glasses, and asked the girl in a low voice: "Where is your boss?"

When his expression cooled down, he seemed to have an aura of calmness and self-reliance. Even though he was not very old and looked to be in his twenties at most, Yue Shangzhao had an aristocratic cold and luxurious temperament. At this moment, he As soon as she opened her mouth, the girl who asked for money was stunned for a moment, and soon became a little respectful: "Sir, please wait a moment." When the girl turned around to go to the elder of the mercenary guild, when she turned around and left, Yue Shang Akira was there. His gloomy face turned pale instantly, he wiped his forehead with trembling hands, and started to run out without thinking.

Seeing this move, everyone didn't understand, and they all started to run out. Lily was stunned for a moment, then quickly grabbed her sword and followed behind. She cursed twice in her heart, and she started to worry about her newly formed guild. She felt a little suspicious. Sure enough, it was either an acquaintance who didn't know the details or it was just bad. None of these people seemed reliable. She didn't know where they came from. She just owed someone 10,000 gold coins, and She didn't want to be hurt by these cheap teammates. Thinking of the name she signed in the captain's column, she now wanted to chop Rong Shujin twice. She glared at Rong Shujin bitterly and ran away. Quickly, the two pet bags hanging on her waist swayed violently from side to side with her movements, pulling so hard that she felt like her pants were about to fall off, and the cloth strip covering one eye on her face also fell down and almost pulled her down. Both eyes were covered, and she didn't know for a moment whether she should pull the cloth off her eyes or grab her pants first.

After doing the mission for so long, she had never been so embarrassed. Lily scolded Rong Shujin in her heart. The girl from the mercenary guild behind realized that she had been deceived. At this time, a group of people chased her out, and several people even ran away. It was a little faster, and I didn't dare to stop for fear of being caught. I couldn't eat today and walked around. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)


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