Cannon Fodder Strategy

Jade Super Power Female Supporter (Seventeen)

Seeing the seriousness on Du Xiaming's face, Lily didn't want to talk nonsense to her. When she turned to leave, Du Xiaming quickly stopped her and said, "Don't you want to know who the murderer is?"

Seeing that Baihe didn't speak, Du Xiaming suddenly sneered: "Maybe you actually know in your heart that the murderer is you, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking, an inevitable murderous intention surged up in Lily's heart. She moved her fingertips slightly, and Du Xiaming stared at Lily for a while: "I checked, that car I can't find out his identity. He must be your accomplice, right? I won't let my brother die. I will protect him. If you don't stop, you will fall into my hands. I will protect Xiao Ran, Xiao An and others. Revenge, murder will pay for life, retaliation for retaliation is fair in this world..."

Lily didn't say anything. She just raised her hand and looked like she wanted to slap Du Xiaming. Du Xiaming was shocked. Lily had hit the back of her hand twice before. When she saw Lily's action, she subconsciously She put her hands behind her back, shrank her shoulders, and closed her eyes tightly, looking a little wary. Seeing her like this, Lily sneered and raised her hands in front of her eyes and looked at them: "I said It’s over, get away.”

When Du Xiaming opened his eyes and saw this scene, his face turned very ugly. Her defensive and frightened posture just now was too much. Now when she saw that Lily didn't reach out to hit herself, Du Xiaming felt afraid of herself just now. Feeling a little embarrassed, she snorted coldly and didn't speak. She saw that Lily had turned around and left, and her high heels made a loud sound when they stepped on the smooth floor. It seemed like every blow hit Du Xiaming's heart. She hesitated for a long time, and then suddenly shouted at Lily's back: "I will find evidence and send you to prison!"

This person is so annoying. Lily originally only wanted Du Xia Rui's life, but now Du Xia Ming made her feel a little uncomfortable. Du Xia Ming did not appear in front of her in the next few days, but a bunch of relatives of the original owner appeared. It made Lily feel a little bored. These people probably thought that the original owner was now prosperous, so they all clung to her, following her every day as if they were stalking her. They opened their mouths to tell the story of their relationship with the original owner, especially Tong Baihe's mother, who burst into tears. It expresses that she had no choice but to leave.

A few days ago, after Lily informed the mall security that they were not allowed to let the group of people into the downstairs of the company, the group of people stayed outside the highway, if Bu Junhuan's car was there. These people didn't dare to come out, but if Lily drove to work by herself, a group of people would surround the car and prevent her from leaving. Bu Junhuan seemed to be very busy in the past two days. Sometimes he would send a car to take her here in the morning, and come in person when he got off work in the afternoon. It took a lot less time to pick up Lily, so Lily didn't care. Recently, Du Xiarui thought he had found all the children's father's relatives and all his contacts. He seemed to feel that he was safe, so he returned to the company to work again, and his face looked much better than before. Lily was ready to do this She would attack him within a short period of time and deal with Du Xia Rui. Then she would be completely cut off from Bu Junhuan. It didn't matter to her whether he was cold or enthusiastic.

When I drove out of the garage, I had just exited the parking lot. A group of relatives gathered around him like flies that had smelled the meat. The one anxiously patting her window glass happened to be Tong Baihe's mother's greedy face with a forced smile.

Seeing such a scene, Lily stopped the car, and a proud smile appeared on her face: "Xiaohe, let's talk carefully. I didn't mean to leave you at the beginning. Your father was a fool at the time. You You are also a woman. You should understand Mom, which woman would be willing to live with a fool for the rest of her life? I am also a human being, and I also need a normal life, but now that Mom has found you, I will definitely take good care of you in the future... "

Lily sneered. Even if this woman said something extravagant, her heart still remained calm. This middle-aged woman's words might not even be able to coax the original owner, let alone coax her. No matter how nice the woman's words were, it was a pity that she was not the original owner. I can't feel her sincerity. A group of people gathered around, some anxiously said they were her aunt, some said they were her siblings, and a man said he was the husband of a middle-aged woman and wanted to treat her as his biological daughter from now on. Lily took the phone away Come out and call the police:

"Someone maliciously blocked the car and robbed it." She reported her address. People outside the car only saw that she had just made a phone call, but did not know what she said until a group of policemen on motorcycles came over half an hour later. While the middle-aged women were somewhat covered, they were all surrounded by the police.

"Who called the police?" the policeman asked, and Lily opened the car door and got out of the car: "I called the police. These people have been following me recently. I wonder if there is some criminal group behind them. attempt."

The middle-aged woman had a look of confusion on her face and was still trying her best to explain that this was her daughter. However, the police hesitated and decided to take the group back to the police station first. After all, this place was owned by Bu Junhuan. Property, if a bunch of people stay here for a long time, it will have a bad impact. When it was her turn to take Lily away, Lily made a call to the people around Bu Junhuan. After a while, the policeman headed by Kung Fu answered the phone. With a wave of his hand, he took away all the young girls and others who were still trying their best to explain their identities.

Lily got into the car again, and decided in her heart that before she and Bu Junhuan were cut off, she would use his reputation to punish this group of people. Just because the group of people had surrounded her car for more than half an hour, and this paragraph There is superficial evidence that these people are always following her. It is very easy to make this group of people bear the name of criminals. As long as there is more pressure behind them, these people may have to spend two or three years in prison. . Before she could start the car again, the phone rang. This time it was Bu Junhuan calling.

"Were you in trouble just now?" He first asked about the situation. Lily didn't want to talk to him and didn't say anything. He quickly continued: "Wait for me where I am. I'll be there soon."

After saying this, he hung up the phone again. Lily didn't even think about listening to him. As soon as the phone was put down, a RV stopped behind. As expected, he came very quickly. At this moment, a big man came to pick him up. Her car keys helped her drive the car back, and she sat in Bu Junhuan's car.

Bu Junhuan didn't say where he was going, and Lily didn't ask. When the car stopped at a large entertainment venue, Lily frowned.

This is the most high-end entertainment club in Kyoto. Almost all the best dignitaries from China in Kyoto love to come here. There are only ways to play here that you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't find. It is the early investment in Bu Junhuan's name. The most important thing is that under this club, the largest underground jade trading market in Kyoto is hidden. In the plot, Tong Bai was never brought by Bu Junhuan, but she did inquire about this. place and had been there in person. It was precisely because of this place that she discovered that Du Xiaming and Bu Junhuan were together. At that time, Bu Junhuan had almost cut off contact with Tong Baihe and asked her to use it again. Tong Baihe wanted to intercede with him because he couldn't use his name, so after asking about this place, she saw Bu Junhuan accompanying Du Xiaming, and also saw with her own eyes Du Xiaming's weird luck.

The car drove directly into the parking lot, and the two of them took the direct elevator downstairs. The underground jade market was now resplendent, and cheers could be heard from everywhere. Unexpected people thought that gambling on stones could kill one person in one minute. You may become rich overnight, but you may also lose everything in an instant. But Lily knows in her heart that it is possible for people who play stone gambling to lose everything. It is almost impossible to become rich overnight in this place. If only Stones worth hundreds of thousands are just fine, and you may be able to get out of this place. If you really get a stone worth tens of millions or nearly billions, without any background, don't even think about getting out.

In the plot, Du Xia Ming frequently sells nearly 100 million yuan of imperial green jade raw stones, and in the blink of an eye, she becomes a rich woman with a net worth of billions. If it were not for Bu Junhuan to protect her, she might have died countless times.

There was a lot of noise all around. When Bu Junhuan appeared, a large number of security personnel from the stone gambling den immediately gathered around him. Many people came up to say hello to him, but he ignored him and just held Lily's hand. Ask her: "Do you want to play?"

Lily wanted to shake her hand away by arranging her hair, but he held on tightly. In the end, he simply clasped his fingers with hers and pulled her to stand in front of a stone betting ground, where a large number of rough stones were piled. The tools for cutting stones on the side were very complete. Many people were sitting around at the moment. The atmosphere was lively. When Bu Junhuan passed by, someone moved out chairs. After looking at it for a while, Lily didn't have much interest in gambling on stones. The wealth that could attract other people's attention was just passing cloud to her. She couldn't take it with her or spend it after leaving the mission, so she looked away after looking at it for a while. After she opened her eyes, Bu Junhuan had been paying attention to her secretly. When he saw her like this, his eyes immediately darkened.

During the time they had been together, Bu Junhuan became more and more elusive to Lily. She seemed not to notice the great strength and wealth he displayed in front of her. At this moment, even everyone was obsessed with gambling. Shi She didn't seem to care, as if nothing could hold her gaze. Bu Junhuan's eyes flashed with a bit of haze. Before he could speak, a familiar female voice rang in their ears:

"Mr. Bu!" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The first update...and the third update today. . . Thanks to: the rabbit who can’t turn, and He Shibi who rewards the rabbit obediently! Recommended novel for gay friends: Palm Pearl Summary: Everyone in the capital knows that Ruosheng, the eldest daughter of the second room in the Lian family, is severely blind. She will recognize you if you wear a ponytail today, but if you wear another one tomorrow, she won't remember you. But there was one person who was wrapped in a bear, and she could always tell the difference at a glance. Because they first met at the most embarrassing time, but they met again in the best years...

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