Cannon Fodder Strategy

Killed by righteousness (5)

Usually Dou Baihe would swallow his anger after suffering a loss under such circumstances. This time Dou Haige didn't expect that Lily would hit him with something. He was stunned for a moment, and jam crumbs flew into his eyes. He rubbed it twice and heard again Lily's gloomy words suddenly opened her mouth and burst into tears.

"If you cry again, I'll put a snake in your mouth." Lily was so noisy that she had a headache. The move she had just made when she hit Dou Haige had pulled her injured area. The pain now made her break out in cold sweat. Lily took a breath before threatening him. After a few words, Dou Haige glanced around. It was not bright yet, and there were almost all green trees above his head, blocking a lot of light. When he woke up, he did not find the snake hiding in the grass. At this time, I saw that even though he was usually brave, his expression changed a little. He subconsciously wanted to squeeze towards Lily, and seemed to resent Lily's move of hitting him with fruit just now. He held back his breath and wanted to wait for Lily to coax him. .

But he didn't hold on for long, because the snakes that could be seen everywhere made him a little scared. It wouldn't matter if it was just one snake. With a group of snakes lying around, Dou Haige moved closer to Lily, lowered his head and shouted. One sentence:

"I'm hungry." He was still a little angry that Lily had just been mean to him. At this moment, even his sister refused to call out. Lily just pretended not to hear what he said and squinted her eyes to rest in peace. Dou Haige took the initiative to talk to Lily, Unexpectedly, Lily ignored him at all. He was dumbfounded. After a while, he wiped his eyes and started crying again. He originally wanted to kick Lily again, but Lily's fierce look just now took root in his heart, and he After hesitating for a moment, he snorted: "Lily Dou. I'm hungry!"

Lily acted as if she didn't hear anything, and Dou Haige suddenly opened his mouth to cry again: "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry!"

Being upset by his noise, Lily never thought of letting Dou Haige die so easily, waiting for him to cry twice. Perhaps because there was no one to coax him and there were too many snakes around, Dou Haige was afraid that his cries would attract the snakes to bite him, so Dou Haige made a fuss for a while and then stopped. The sky was getting brighter, and Lily seemed to have had enough rest. She pointed at the corpses of several dead sparrows and mice around her: "Eat this when you are hungry."

At first, Dou Haige seemed to have no words for Lily, blinking and staring at her. Lily repeated impatiently. He first looked at these small animal carcasses with disgust and shook his head: "I don't want to eat this. .”

"The Dou family is gone. What else do you want to eat if you don't eat this? Just starve yourself if you don't eat. I'm seriously injured, don't bother me!" Lily warned him, and Dou Haige burst into tears again: "Just now you Didn't you eat the fruit? I want to eat it too."

"It's finished." Lily glanced at the core of the fruit that she had just thrown on the ground after eating the fruit, and then glanced at the eye of the fruit that was thrown on the ground: "There is still the peel left."

"I want dad, I want dad!" Dou Haige felt sad when he saw the peels on the ground. These peels cannot be eaten. Although he didn't want to eat the carcasses of those small animals at all, he had no other choice at the moment. Dou Haige didn't eat anything all day yesterday. He had a high fever at that time and couldn't feel hungry. At this time, he was only hungry. He pressed his chest against his back and persisted for a while. He cried and reached out to pick up a sparrow. After a long while, he glanced at Lily: "How to eat it?"

The two of them didn't have flints or other things on them. These little animals couldn't be roasted and eaten. Lily took one last look at the sky. He had no choice but to let Dou Haige pluck the feathers of these birds and place them out of reach of the big trees. In the afternoon, after the stone has been burned by the sun, put the bird meat on it, hoping that it will be ready to eat after roasting for a while.

Hunger in the stomach is not the most important thing at this time, but the snakes all over the mountains and plains are terrifying and abnormal. For the young Dou Haige, this day is like a year. The carcasses of those birds were roasted half-cooked on the big rocks, but when you were hungry, you didn't care whether the meat was cooked or not. Dou Haige ate something into his stomach while crying. He made a retching sound from his mouth and cried while swallowing. Lily looked on coldly and ignored him. Every child whose family was exterminated should have a miserable childhood. , Dou Baihe in the plot protected Dou Haige so well, and took all the pressure on her own. After the Dou family was wiped out, she did not let him taste the taste of hardship and hardship, and raised Dou Haige like a holy father. Like a white lotus, in the end he couldn't remember the kindness of the Dou family in raising him, and he didn't feel much about the destruction of the Dou family.

Because it didn't matter to him whether the Dou family existed or not. Anyway, without Dou's father, Dou Baihe would still serve him. So when his biological father appeared later, he forgot the Dou family's feud without hesitation and stood on the so-called On the side of righteousness.

Now he has suffered a lot and knows that he has gone from being the eldest son of the Dou family in fine clothes to living in the mountains and forests, only eating half-cooked animal carcasses to satisfy his hunger. Only then will he know what he has lost, and he will understand His biological father had ruined him. He couldn't believe that such a child who had suffered so much would only be grateful and thankful when his biological father appeared in the future. Lily looked at Dou Haige, and her eyes grew brighter day by day. He sneered with deeper resentment.

It is said that children do not hold grudges, but Dou Haige was very keenly aware of Lily's indifference to him during this period. At first, he would lose his temper like a young man, but later he found that his temper was not only useless, but might actually When Lily Dou scolded and taught him a lesson, he gradually restrained his temper, but this restraint was not like in the plot that he was moved by Lily Dou's behavior, so he was truly willing to change from the bottom of his heart. , He did not change at this time, but began to learn resentment, especially when Lily ate the fruits picked up by the snakes every day, while he silently ate the meat of the carcasses of small animals, Dou Haige felt even more resentful.

At the beginning, he felt that it was unfair and made a fuss, but it was useless. Lily would not pay attention to him at all. After Dou Haige felt that the Dou family was gone for the first time, his life began to become difficult. Originally, the death of Dou's father had no impact on Dou Haige. For a child, it just feels like he can no longer see a familiar person. It was only now that he had a comparison between when Dou's father was alive and after he was gone. Dou Haige didn't know what he had lost. He cried every day while carrying Lily on his back, sometimes He also began to hate those men in black. After a few days, Dou Haige was not only dirty, but he also lost weight quickly. Lily was applying medicine to the broken bone, and then raised more than half of it. After a month, I could already support the tree pole, get up and walk around slowly.

We can no longer live in the valley here because there are too many snakes and the surrounding area is full of fishy smell. Moreover, the big python that was crushed to death by lilies that hung on the tree pole a few days ago began to rot, and the snake's body exuded bursts of stench. The smell came. If Lily hadn't dared to change places at will before the wound was healed, she couldn't help but leave. Now her body could probably move. She directed Dou Haige to pick up some thicker branches and let him After sharpening them on stones, I caught a few snakes, took some venom and smeared them on the branches. I used two of them as crutches, and then I left this place where I had lived for about half a month.

After leaving the original place, Lily discovered that there were too many snakes at the bottom of the cliff. Perhaps because of the lush trees and humid location, the snakes multiplied here, and they could be seen everywhere twisted together. Lily was not afraid of snakes, but due to the large number of snakes, Dou Haige's back was unavoidable. After walking for half a day and walking out of the woods, she heard something in front of her. The sound of water flowing, but there was no one nearby, and the sound of the two walking could be echoed, it was so quiet that it was eerie. There is a huge canyon here, with cliffs in front and behind, a large forest in the back, and a pool in front. The water pours out from the mountainside and falls into the pool below, splashing with light smoke.

Lily walked for a long time and couldn't walk anymore. Her injured legs and feet began to hurt. She found a place to sit down. There were moss growing on many stones. The cliff was so high that the top could hardly be seen. She could only see halfway up the mountain. It is definitely impossible to go up the mountain now. The only way is to live at the bottom of the cliff for the time being. After one day I have perfected my kung fu, I can find a way to climb up again.

Seeing that she wouldn't leave, Dou Haige showed a bit of dissatisfaction on his face, but he didn't dare to show it. Lily seemed to be a different person recently. He would be beaten when he acted out, and he would not be soft at all when beating him. This time The son didn't have Dou's father to help him scold his daughter, and he couldn't beat a child, so he had to endure it. For half a month, Dou Haige had hated and was a little afraid of Lily. Now when he saw her sitting down, Dou Haige suppressed his disgust. With hatred, I couldn’t help but urge:

"Sister, can you leave? It will get dark if you don't."

"Where are you going? There's no one around, where can you go? If you don't want to stay, get out!"

Lily sneered, stretched out her hand and pressed the place where her broken leg was. Some of the wounds on her body had already healed, and the swelling on the broken part of the leg had also subsided, but some bruises still remained. It hurt when pressed. It doesn’t hurt much anymore, but walking for a long time still feels a little difficult. In comparison, the broken ribs at the waist have recovered the best. Even when you stand up and lie down, as long as you don’t move too quickly or violently, it’s almost not particularly painful. .

Hearing Lily's words, Dou Haige lowered his head, suppressed the resentment in his eyes, and said nothing. Lily doesn't care whether he hates her or not. Anyway, in the plot, Dou Baihe's kindness to him was not rewarded by him. Instead, he raised a white-eyed wolf. Now Dou Haige just hates her, and at worst he will do the same thing as in the plot. It’s just the same thing with Lily Dou, but she is on guard against him, so what if he hates her again? (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update! Second update: Mars Tong, Tong Tong Niu rewarded He Shibi plus third update~~~~~The third update, if there is no accident, should be before nine o'clock, so I have to fight for my integrity...

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