Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Revenge of the Dead (3)

Just now I saw Yao Baihe independently launching a small battleship from the spaceship with the symbol of Shenji Camp. Knowing her identity, these interstellar pirates gave Yao Baihe two ways to go, either to join the interstellar pirates or to be sold. For female slaves. According to Yao Baihe's skills, if she joins the Cross Hall, naturally, since the Cross Hall selects pirates and only elites, Yao Baihe is barely qualified. But if she is sold as a female slave, just based on her identity as a soldier of the Shenji Battalion, plus her Her beautiful appearance will arouse the love of many wealthy perverts, which is enough to sell her for a good price!

But the Yao family has guarded the empire for generations. Although Yao's father is not a famous public figure, the Yao family's family motto is still there. Decades of training in the empire have penetrated deep into her bones. She chose to resist. During the empire's training, both male and female soldiers had to endure hardships. She has been trained in the temptation of beauty, but Yao Baihe was strong enough in the past, so she did not need to use this trick. No one in the Shenji Camp needed to rely on beauty to complete their missions. In order not to join the pirate organization and not treason, she She chose to keep her head down, and finally Yao Baihe succeeded. She seduced the boss of the Cross Hall pirate organization, a man whose face she had never seen before, and successfully escaped.

By the time she escaped from Cross Hall, it was already two years later. People in the Shenji camp thought she had already died or been sold into slavery. Yao Baihe's return surprised many people. In the past two years, Because of Lin Yunzhen's successful mission, he had already been promoted to the leader of Shenji Camp, and his wife Su Shanshan was pregnant. Yao Baihe had already developed hatred for Lin Yunzhen at this time, but now the strength of the two is no longer at the same stage. Even a month after returning, she found out she was pregnant.

In the interstellar age. With the improvement and optimization of human body quality, it is no longer simple and easy to get pregnant. Yao Baihe never thought that she would be pregnant, although the arrival of the child was not normal. But she still couldn't bear to abort the child. After shesitating in the end, the child slowly grew up in her belly day by day, and Yao Baihe was naturally reluctant to give it up.

It's just that the large amount of daily training in the Shenji Camp was obviously too much for Yao Baihe, who was obviously pregnant. She insisted on training every day, trying to hide it from everyone's eyes. A few months later, Lin Yunzhen's wife Su Shanshan gave birth to a son in October. In the past few years, Lin Yunzhen had established a firm foothold in the Shenji Camp. The people in the Shenji Camp worshiped and respected him very much. Su Shanshan was also the original God. The daughter of a colleague in the aircraft camp, after learning that she gave birth to a son, everyone in the camp was very excited about it. He clamored to meet Lin Yunzhen's future heir.

Lin Yunzhen agreed, and Su Shanshan came to the family area of ​​Shenji Camp for two days with her son in her arms. When she accidentally saw Yao Baihe, she couldn't help but asked: "Miss Yao was captured by the people of Cross Hall." In two years, why have I gained some weight instead of losing weight? My belly is also getting bigger. Could it be that I am pregnant?" Her seemingly unintentional words shocked Shen Jiying, who had not thought much about it. Eventually rumors started to spread.

Many people question the identity of Captain Yao Baihe. She was captured by interstellar pirates, and her reputation and personality have been stained. She is no longer the dazzling star she used to be. As long as she carries the reputation of being captured by pirates, she will live her whole life. It was impossible to take another step forward. In addition, because of her pregnancy, she could no longer keep up with the previous training intensity. In addition, Su Shanshan's joke made more and more people in Shenji Camp question her. more. Lin Yunzhen finally had to comply with everyone's request. After Yao Baihe was removed from the position of captain, many people who respected Yao Baihe in the past were wary of her strength because of her current weakness. She began to provoke her, and the Shenji camp respected strength. This is where the strong survive and the weak die. In the past, Yao Baihe was so powerful that no one dared to challenge her. But now that her strength is not as strong as before, many people naturally look down on her.

It was under such circumstances that Yao Baihe gave birth to her son.

This son came from a wrong path, and even had it in such a bad way, but after living in her belly for a year and being connected by her blood, Yao Baihe found that she couldn't help but love him. Every elite in the Shenji Camp had an independent personality. In her room and residence, Yao Baihe hid her son in her nutrition cabin during training. After a few months, because everyone ignored Yao Baihe, no one even noticed that her belly had become flat again, and she no longer had her son in her body. , Yao Baihe gradually returned to her previous state, using her strength to make those who dared to bully her become honest again.

Half a year later, the alliance went to war with other countries, and Yao Baihe also received a mission. She did not dare to return her son to the Yao family. The Yao family had been loyal to the alliance for hundreds of years. If it was known that she had an affair with an interstellar pirate and gave birth to a son, Yao Baihe would Her father would definitely kill her son. She usually had no other friends, so in the end she had no choice but to lock her son in the nutrition cabin and add a large amount of nutrient solution before setting off on the mission. While the soldiers of the Alliance's Shenji Battalion were on missions to other countries, elites from other countries sneaked into the alliance first, causing a commotion. Lin Yunzhen, as the current leader of the Shenji Battalion, is attracting attention. His wife and children Someone plotted against him first. In order to protect Su Shanshan and his son, Lin Yunzhen took his wife and children to the Shenji Camp. In order to lure elites from other countries to appear and kill them in one fell swoop, Lin Yunzhen proposed using his wife and children as bait. This suggestion made everyone in the army admire him very much. The superiors made it clear that if the plan was successful, they would achieve military merit for Lin Yunzhen.

In the end, the plan did succeed. Su Shanshan and her son lured out enemy spies. However, nothing happened to her, but her son died in the war. When Yao Baihe came back from completing her mission, she didn't take it seriously when she heard the news. But when she returned to her room, she discovered that her son was missing. Her originally locked nutrition cabin was opened, and the fat and white son in it was missing. trace.

Thinking of the rumors about returning to the Shenji Camp, Yao Baihe's mind was buzzing and she went to find Lin Yunzhen. Next to him stood Su Shanshan wearing a big cloak. Everyone thought that Su Shanshan was in sorrow recently, so they treated her There was no doubt about the cloak, but now Yao Baihe realized something was wrong. She attacked Su Shanshan first, but while Lin Yunzhen was resisting, Su Shanshan's cloak was torn off. She was holding her son in her arms, and her son was not there. If nothing happened, then the child who died was definitely not Lin Yunzhen.

After being discovered by Yao Baihe, Lin Yunzhen simply admitted it. Su Shanshan found out that Yao Baihe was pregnant. When he knew that Lin Yunzhen wanted to kill the enemy's spies, he took the initiative to offer himself as a bait. Just because the interstellar offspring was precious, Lin Yunzhen now had no choice but to With a bloodline, it is definitely impossible to take risks. Su Shanshan thought of Yao Baihe's belly. The last time she saw Yao Baihe's belly was bulging, but when she looked at it later, it was flat. Su Shanshan guessed that Yao Baihe was being held captive. She became pregnant during this period, and when she left, she found the child in the nutrition cabin in her room.

Of course, there is no need to say more about what happened next. Yao Baihe's son was used as bait and died in that accident. Su Shanshan stared at Yao Baihe with an encouraging face, as if to cheer her up. Lin Yunzhen said coldly: "You are pregnant." You are a species of interstellar pirate. If this matter spreads, it will cause great damage to the reputation of Shenji Camp, and it will also have a certain impact on the prestige of the army among the civilians of the empire. Your son cannot exist." He is just for the army. In the name of Zhong, he made the right choice and said: "You should feel honored to be able to eliminate hidden dangers and be loyal to the empire."

Yao Baihe was caught because of his deception, otherwise she would have fallen into the hands of pirates, and how could she have given birth to a son. When she heard Lin Yunzhen's words again, Yao Baihe couldn't bear it. She attacked Lin Yunzhen and was regarded as an empire. Traitor, Lin Yunzhen ordered her to be captured.

Yao Baihe worked hard for thirty years to become the pride of the empire and join the Shenji Camp. However, it was just a short moment from the pride of the empire to the shame of the empire. Although Yao Baihe was strong, she was outnumbered. Because of her skills, He is a strong and dangerous person, so he was imprisoned in the Empire's Special Prison Detention Center, where he will be imprisoned until death on charges of treason.

The cell was full of monitors and isolation bodies, and the daily energy delivery could barely keep her alive. It only took a year for her body to weaken. When Lily came, she had already been imprisoned for treason. After a year of extreme physical weakness. The Yao family was very unforgiving of her because of her treason. After knowing the truth, the Yao family was already very unhappy with her. When something happened to Yao Baihe, the Yao family did not even see her once.

After receiving the memory, Lily sighed silently, closing her eyes without opening them, a feeling of mania and resentment still lingering in her heart.

Yao Baihe was unwilling to give in. She had been loyal to the empire for thirty years, but in the end, it ended up like this. Her son died in the hands of Lin Yunzhen. She wanted Lin Yunzhen to also experience the pain of losing a son. She wanted to let the entire god The machine camp no longer exists, she wants to destroy it!

This mission is very difficult. The most troublesome thing is that when Baihe came to this mission, Yao Baihe was already at his weakest.

After being captured by the interstellar pirates, she at least still has freedom and is not completely desperate. Yao Baihe could escape from the vicious interstellar pirates in the past, but in this place where surveillance is all around, all parties use special tools. In a prison made of materials that could not be destroyed even by bombardment with artillery shells, Yao Baihe had nothing to do.

She stayed here for a year, with hatred and resentment gnawing at her heart, but she was still getting weaker a little bit. The special jewelry she wore that restricted the Qi she had developed not only suppressed her The spirit and energy are still devouring the abilities in her body. Back then, Yao Baihe was an elite in the Shenji Camp. Now, let alone defeating the soldiers in the Shenji Camp, Yao Baihe might not even be able to defeat an ordinary imperial soldier. He may not be able to beat it. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update! There are two updates today. The second update will be at 7 o'clock. Please don't refresh at 5 o'clock.

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