Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Revenge of the Dead (5)

In half a year, Lily has calculated the formula in her mind several times. After all, it is related to the success or failure of her mission. She does not dare to be careless in the slightest. During this period of time, she maintains it day after day. The same posture made these people relax their vigilance. When receiving food every ten days, while crawling, she calculated the size of this special cell based on the previous owner's actions, and which position was beneficial to her, Lily felt. They were all counted, and since three months ago, she had started tearing off small pieces of rags from her clothes and waiting for them in the position of the Five Elements and Bagua array that she had already calculated. All of this was done inadvertently, it was the monitor. When the people on the other end saw it, I'm afraid they would only focus most of their attention on her.

The placement of the Five Elements and Bagua and the optical formula calculated in her mind, if successful, the changes in optical shadows can stop time for a short period of time through the steel microcrystalline four-dimensional projector. This so-called stopping of time, It's not really about stopping time, but using the laws of light and shadow so that the projector that monitors you can show the scene as before during this period of time. Lily can do her own thing in the middle. Lily has made repeated calculations in the past six months. Because the steel microcrystal contains a chip and is controlled by the optical brain and not the human eye, even if certain small means can be used to create hallucinations, it does not seem to deceive the human eye. Therefore, the time she can make it stop is limited, probably within 20 to 30 seconds.

After spending more than half a year, enduring the depression and discomfort that could drive people crazy every day, and sitting motionless for so long, Lily cherished this opportunity she finally got. Now even though she can't see the person on the other side of the monitor, Lily is still confident that the person on the other side of the monitor is no longer as wary of her as she was at the beginning.

Two and a half months passed in this way, except for some irregular scraps of prison clothes on the ground, Lily still couldn't bear it. As she expected, the person on the other end of the monitor was obviously focused on her body and did not realize the difference between these small pieces of clothing slowly appearing on the ground. Maybe some people realized it at first, but when they saw the fragments on the ground, they didn't take it seriously at first because of the small number. Later, because Lily was very patient, the fragments increased very slowly, so as time went by , there was an increase in debris on the ground, and no one came in to see it through the projector.

After a long period of time, this Bagua array is finally almost completed. Tomorrow is the tenth day of receiving food. She only had to put the last piece of clothing on top when receiving the food, and the formation would be completed. This day felt particularly difficult. When the person on the other end of the monitor felt that Lily was closing her eyes, she was counting silently in her heart. When a small space finally appeared above her head, there was compressed food again. When it was thrown down, Lily crawled over slowly. She must be careful not to touch the things that have been placed on the ground, otherwise the slightest mistake will bring immeasurable consequences. When she crawls to the food and crawls back before she can sit firmly in her position, Lily will be early. He threw the prepared cloth on the last position he had planned and sat down immediately.

Suddenly there was a beeping sound from around the prison. It was obvious that the smart chip in the steel microcrystal started to sound an alarm. Lily stood up quickly. She was betting that she had been staying in the corner for nearly a year. No matter the expression or appearance, it remains mechanically unchanged. If her calculation method is wrong at this moment, someone will definitely look at the abnormal sound of her standing up and the sound of the monitor. If there is no abnormality within five seconds, it proves that her calculation is successful!

At the other end of the control room. Someone heard the chip alarm coming from Lily's cell and subconsciously glanced at the cell where she was. The formation has taken effect, and the time is frozen after she has taken the food and sat down. Her expression is expressionless, her breathing and heartbeat are exactly the same as usual, and her blood pressure has not changed at all. Although she does not know how the optical brain can make an alarm sound. , but this situation was exactly the same as usual, and soon the person in front of the monitor frowned and moved his eyes away.

Lily's calculation was successful. No one came to check within a few seconds after she stood up, proving that her calculation was correct. Her time was limited, and she had just wasted a moment. At this time, Lily did not hesitate to scratch the sharp nails that she had chewed on before on her wrist wearing the instrument. In order to prevent the blood from dripping to the ground, when the blood streaks came out, she He had already stuck out his tongue and licked it.

The control device that could lock her Qi machine was peeled off by Lily along with a thin layer of her skin. The pain was unbearable, but Lily moved quickly and without any delay. In about ten seconds, The thing with the green light left her body, and the feeling that had been pressing on her for a long time was instantly gone. Because it was connected to human flesh and fresh blood, the light was still shining as usual. As she looked, there seemed to be a stream of sweet rain slowly pouring out of her exhausted body. Lily endured the pain, sat back down, tore off the fabric from the hem of her clothes, wrapped it around the wound on her wrist, and finally wrapped it around the wound on her wrist. The green light was tied to the location of her wound, fixed with cloth, and the sleeves were pulled down, half-hiding the secret between her wrists.

After doing all this, Lily adjusted her heart, which was beating rapidly due to pain, and the alarm that had been ringing rapidly in the prison quickly calmed down. The trick she just did was able to fool the optical brain for a while, but the smart optical brain can automatically adjust the chip settings when it detects something is wrong. In the future, even if Lily uses optical principles again, it will be impossible to fool the optical brain again. Calculation is not as precise as smart instruments, but luckily I found this opportunity and it was enough.

The people at the other end of the monitoring room did not notice what she had just done. Except for someone who smelled a faint smell of blood, they could not find the source at all, and finally ignored it.

After stripping off the equipment that suppressed the Qi machine, Lily no longer sat there as before. After the prison returned to normal, she began to get up and walk around, shouting from time to time: "Let me out!"

At first, her actions shocked the people in the monitoring room. After all, the still life painting suddenly changed. A group of people were still in danger, but as Lily yelled, some people couldn't help but laugh: "You can get in." People in this prison have no chance of getting out in this life. Yao Baihe should be very clear about this. She was from the Shenji Camp back then, but now she shouted such innocent words. Many people thought she was being imprisoned. After so long, I finally went crazy.

This situation is not uncommon. Many special prisoners are locked in a secret room with no one to talk to. They stay in a small box-like place all day long. Problems will occur over time. The long human life will make people miserable in such despair. People go crazy, and many people don't even survive a few years, and there are also a few who choose self-destruction. Many people think that Lily can persist for so long before starting to go crazy.

In the first few days, Lily beat the floor desperately and shouted to let her out. When no one paid any attention to her, she started to do physical training movements again, but her movements were not standardized at first. While doing this, he was still shouting: "Let me out!"

When the people on the other end saw this scene, they thought she was going crazy more and more. Not to mention that she was wearing a device that locked her Qi. No matter how hard she practiced in her life, it would never work, even for her. She wasn't wearing this thing at all, and now she was watching Lily practice her movements like crazy, yelling every word, and her movements were not standard. It was impossible for people to think that she could achieve anything with her practice.

Soon because of Lily's sudden abnormal behavior, people noticed her for a while and stopped observing her. No one noticed that Lily's daily physical training time was slowly increasing. Every movement she practiced from the beginning He shouted once, and it took several actions before he shouted. Lily changed slowly and patiently. Each of her subtle changes would last for a certain period of time, allowing the people in the monitoring room to get used to her behavior, and then they would start the next practice.

Later, when she finished a set of physical training moves and started shouting, no one came to ask her. Everyone thought she had gone crazy. During this period, Lily began to practice day and night. Physical skills. After the instrument was stripped from her body, it could no longer lock the spiritual power into her body. Her originally dry muscles and veins were quickly filled with spiritual power. Yao Baihe already had a certain foundation. After Baihe practiced for a while, Coupled with the cooperation of the Nine Yang Manual, she quickly returned to the previous level when Yao Baihe was strong.

When the people who monitored her day after day thought she was crazy, Lily took advantage of these times to practice desperately. For people on the interstellar world, although physical training can strengthen the body, it is not effective because it is introduced into the body. There is no way to retain and lock the spiritual energy, so it does not play a big role. Lily has maximized the benefits of physical training.

The environment here does not change throughout the year. The light source of automatic lighting in the prison exists according to the human body's breathing, pulse and blood pressure. As long as she is alive and breathing, as long as her heart is still beating, the light will never go out. Locked here, she couldn't feel the difference between day and night. Lily didn't know how long she had been in this prison, but the muscles and veins in her body became more and more full. At first, she retained the spiritual energy for her own use. It's just that when she later practiced physical skills, she was able to use not only the spiritual power within her body, but also the spiritual power outside her body for her own use at any time.

She had endured it for so long, and now she finally didn't want to endure it anymore. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The first update~~~~~~~There should be three updates today. Sorry everyone, I'm late.

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