Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Revenge of the Dead (16)

At this time, Lily also had other ideas in mind, so she naturally didn't pay attention to the middle-aged woman's expression. After seeing that she acquiesced to her request, she took the tool box and pressed the elevator that went directly to the underground. When she entered the elevator, the scanner scanned her body. A large amount of spiritual power surged out of Lily's body, wrapping up the circuits in her clothes. The scanner did not scan the results. Obviously everything was normal, so she smiled. He lowered his head and entered the elevator.

It was quiet in the underground at this time. Everyone working here was responsible for different areas. After leaving the monitoring area, Lily walked directly towards the power supply. Originally, she planned to take her time. At first, she wanted to draw the power lines. After preparing the drawings, she can slowly arrange these lines. After all, it is not difficult to arrange a mechanism, especially for a place like this where she has already sneaked into. The most difficult part of this mission is how to connect Lin Yunzhen and the Shenji Camp. The warriors unknowingly led them into the empire and wiped them out in one fell swoop. Lily originally thought that she had plenty of time, so she could take her time to ensure nothing was missed.

But now things have changed. The Lin family has invited the Pope from Elan Star. The empire is on full alert. She does not need to think of ways to attract people from the Shenji Battalion. I am afraid that in order to defy the order of the empire, the soldiers from the Shenji Battalion will already go there. The most important thing to maintain the security of the imperial capital is that Lin Yunzhen, as the leader of the Shenji Camp, is also a member of the Lin family. This time the Lin family has invited a figure like the Pope to the empire. As the future heir of the Lin family and a top figure in the military The representative will definitely return to the imperial capital early.

The Pope of Elan Planet hid his whereabouts for fear of being assassinated. When Lily was not arrested and sent to the security bureau, the Interstellar Network said that the Pope would come to the imperial capital within ten days. In addition to the two days she was captured, plus the very likely fifteen days the official said there would be water, Lily speculated that the Pope might arrive in the empire within about ten days. It will just show up after the 13th.

Before that, Lin Yunzhen would definitely lead the soldiers from the Shenji Battalion back to the empire. Maybe others would have already returned by this time, leaving her little time. Especially since she had offended Su Shanshan. At this juncture, if someone asked her to be deported in the name of smearing the empire, her previous efforts would have been in vain.

Under such various circumstances, Lily was naturally no longer prepared to arrange things as slowly as before. This was her crisis, and it was also her turning point.

Lily has memorized these underground pipes and circuit diagrams for a long time. With her eyes closed, she can almost recall these intricate circuits for others. From the day she took this job, she had already taken advantage of this job to obtain a map of the underground sewers in the imperial capital, and incorporated the map into her optical brain. During her time in the imperial capital, She forcibly wrote down these lines, and then Lily first found a large power strip that she used to be responsible for. Carefully opened the electric box.

The optical brain inside is not intelligent, but it is connected to the central computer. Once a problem occurs, the empire's central computer will directly issue instructions. Lily does not dare to cut off the network, because once the network is disconnected, the central computer can quickly realize the abnormality. place to make a judgment. Fortunately, she had been prepared. Now she took out the materials she had prepared in advance, simulated the shape of a power board, and made a disguised power chip. After setting everything up normally. The authority originally controlled by the central computer was quickly transferred to the fake product that I made. The signal light on it flashed twice at first due to the transfer, and then returned to normal.

Lily has already tried this method at home and it works. Only then did I dare to get it here to use it. Now I tried it and found that it really works. My heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. After transferring the monitoring rights of the central computer, Lily began to modify the real power board. She made some small changes and connections to the circuits on the power board, and installed new signals that could be commanded by herself. , then re-locked the power box and entered the next area.

As long as the status of these signal lights is normal and there is no abnormality in the central computer, then even these humans working underground cannot open the power box to check from time to time. She only needs a few days to arrange all the work she needs to do, then she will The original owner's revenge plan is mostly completed.

She now has enough spiritual energy in her body, and her movements are fast. It is not difficult to transform such a power source. Her physical strength can keep up. When she uses her spiritual energy to fly through the underground passages, she only leaves a faint afterimage. Just, in two days, Lily used her identity to install her own devices in the four directions of the Imperial Capital and several major places in the center of the Imperial Capital.

Because she no longer had to work part-time to get paid, she spent a lot longer in the underground passage in the past two days than before. People on the ground did not notice this, although some people were surprised as to why Lily had already finished working when everyone else was working. When they were still staying in the underground passage during the time they left, they immediately remembered what Lily had said about preparing to atone for their sins. Whenever they thought of this, those people's faces showed contempt and sarcasm.

In the eyes of these people, no matter what Lily does, she has hurt Su Shanshan and damaged the image of the empire. This will not be offset by her hard work. The fact that she works hard and does not need salary has become a problem in the eyes of the citizens of the imperial capital. Pretending to gain sympathy, the number of people calling for her deportation gradually increased in the past two days, from more than 60% to 75%. As long as a few more people agree, she will still will be kicked out of the empire.

Recently, people on the Interstellar Internet have been very excited about this matter. They seemed to be driving away a pest. Seeing that Lily is still working, many people on the Internet who laughed at her and ridiculed her left messages and discussed, They treated her like a clown, and many of them even shouted bad words, but Lily had no time to look at these people who spent all day on the interstellar network and talked about her as if she was a scum and a waste who deserved to be executed. She She didn't know about the insults and abuses against her on the Internet, but even if she knew about it, Lily didn't care. She was very busy, very busy, so busy that she almost didn't have time to eat.

As early as when she first came to the empire, she had purchased many power cords overtly and covertly through many channels. There were all kinds of power cords. Her time was running out. As the Pope was about to arrive in the empire, As she approached, the empire's defenses were obviously much tighter than before. She had to speed up her actions. She had renovated almost all the places where she should have renovated the power box in the underground sewer, and she had also touched all the places that she shouldn't have touched. She tried her best to get through the water purification area and buried some small things she made with her own hands. Thanks to Yao Baihe, she had spent many years in the military and learned a lot of knowledge that ordinary people should not learn.

In the past few days, she had checked the map of the largest power transmission station in the imperial capital area on the interstellar network. In the past few days, she had been hiding on the streets and was everywhere 24 hours a day. The tireless robots were tampering with these lines. Now it is finally almost done, and there is only one final step left for her to complete it all.

During the day, she went to the underground waterway for one last check to make sure that the trap she had set had not been touched. When Lily came out of the elevator with her backpack on her back, she still had a smile on her face. She had a ponytail and was wearing work clothes. It had been replaced by Lily and was now handed back to the management office. The person in the management office was still the middle-aged woman Lily had seen before. At this time, she accepted the clothes and said with a look of disgust: "You should have left a long time ago."

She had never said anything like this about her free labor when there was a shortage of people in the underground passage. At this time, she was helping the empire to do things for free, but these people got an advantage and still behaved. Lily would not argue with her. Anyway, if today She was making good progress, and everything in this imperial capital no longer existed, so why should she have a quarrel with this dying person?

"You are right, ma'am." Lily smiled and nodded at her, pulled the strap of her backpack, and gave her a meaningful look: "I hope ma'am can live a happy life in a different environment in the future."

The middle-aged woman squinted her eyes and looked like she didn't want to pay much attention to her. Lily glanced around again, then quickly turned and left.

It was getting dark now, but the streets were bustling with activity. The lights of the hovercars floating in the air looked like fireflies, big and small, from a distance. The building in the center of the Imperial Plaza At this moment, the iconic building was playing projections of virtual fireworks with optical computers above its head, giving it a festive atmosphere. Many pedestrians on the street were riding floating cars to look at the beautiful scenery outside. The surroundings were bustling. Lily turned into a restaurant next to the street. At the dessert shop, with the clerk looking impatient, she took out her alliance coins and bought a large bag of bread and stuffed it into her bag. She was so busy today that she had no time to eat. Now With her stomach empty, she bought bread and packed it into the backpack behind her. She walked out of the dessert shop, called up the largest transformer power station in the imperial capital, and walked directly in that direction.

The street was crowded and crowded. When Lily took a step forward, she had actually walked far away. However, most of the people in the crowd were focused on the projection of the fireworks on top of the building that represented the landmark building of the empire. No one noticed anything strange about Lily. Every time she took a few steps, she would change her appearance. Sometimes she would be tall and thin, sometimes fat and short. Even if the robot on duty on the road scanned her appearance, it would only detect a different look. character image. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The third update! This time, my moral integrity was finally preserved~~~Thank you: Pao_Mo, dear He Shibi who gave the reward to Buo Mo, please add more to He Shibi who gave the reward to Niu~

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