Cannon Fodder Strategy

The life of a humble woman (6)

In Cheng Baiyan's mind, the original owner was a thief who stole her parents' attention. In the past, when Cheng Baiyan was given away to others, her parents only had her as a daughter. She enjoyed the love of her family, but after Cheng Baihe returned home , Cheng's father and Cheng's mother felt a little guilty for sending her away at the beginning, so although they were not very close to Cheng Baihe over the years, they were not bad. With Cheng Baihe's room in Cheng's home, Cheng Baiyan felt as if it belonged to her. Cheng Baiyan felt like her things had been divided, and she had always been very unhappy with Cheng Baiyan. In addition, Cheng Baihe was not good-looking and had poor academic performance, which made Cheng Baiyan feel even more ashamed that she had such a sister. Generally speaking, Cheng Baihe never talks about their relationship to the outside world, but Cheng Baihe is completely opposite to her. She has always been proud of this sister. Every time she sees her, she will always come up to say hello excitedly, but every time she is ignored by Cheng Baiyan. Unceremoniously slapped in the face in public.

Cheng Baiyan was different from Cheng Baihe's eagerness to please when she saw her. She felt that Cheng Lily was fat and ugly. Every time she talked to her, she was embarrassed. Generally, she could hide when she met Cheng Baihe. Hide. If you can't hide, just pretend not to see it. This time when Lily passed by Cheng Baiyan and a few others, a girl sneered: "She's here." Several people lowered their heads and said quietly However, Cheng Baiyan was staring at Lily from the corner of his eye. Cheng Baiyan frowned tightly, and the boredom in his eyes seemed to overflow from his eyes. When Lily saw her like this, she didn't avoid it in particular, but straightened her eyes. Walked past her.

She didn't stop to call Cheng Baiyan's name timidly like the previous owners, nor did she try to please her in a humble way. Cheng Baiyan saw this scene. She was stunned for a moment, and the girls around her were also in a daze. It wasn't until Lily was almost out of the school gate security room that they realized what she was doing. Although Cheng Baiyan hated Cheng Lily, when she saw Lily passing by her, she had already prepared to ignore her, but in the end, she ignored her at all. She was still a little angry. Several girls were still discussing in surprise whether Lily had taken the wrong medicine today. Cheng Baiyan snorted coldly, pulled a few more people, and changed the topic back to Luo, who was discussed by them before. On the seniors.

This school was originally a public school. The reason why it is now called an aristocratic school is because students who cannot meet the school's admission score can use the method of paying sponsorship fees to make up for the outstanding credits. When the new regulations begin, Year. There were so many children of powerful people in the school that later on in the school, except for a small number of students who were admitted based on their own ability, most of the people in the school were descendants of powerful people. Once there were more resources for such students, many Parents are willing to send their children to school in advance so that they can establish their own relationships early. Because of this, the school has always been known as an aristocratic school behind the scenes. After the principal was changed more than ten years ago, the school name was simply changed to Noble School.

Cheng Baiyan and others mentioned that Senior Luo Baihe had vaguely heard this person's name in his memory. There are three types of middle school students in this university. One is those with good grades, which the school will charge extraordinarily, and the second is those with poor grades. A few points, those who cannot get into a really good school can only get in by paying extra money. The third type is the children of powerful families who send their children to school to build connections. The original Cheng Baihe was the second type of person. The Senior Luo mentioned by Cheng Baiyan and others is not any of these three types of people. He is a person with good looks and good moral character. He was selected by the school as an exchange student in the UK when he was a sophomore. student and went to England for further study for several years.

Senior Luo has a high reputation on campus. Even though he has been abroad for many years, there are still many legends about him in the school. When Cheng Baihe entered school, he had been abroad for several years and had never seen him in person. However, his name was still on many lists in the school and he was a very popular figure on campus. It's just that such a person has nothing to do with Lily, so she put the matter behind her after hearing it.

After going home and practicing Taijutsu once, Lily couldn't finish all the Taijutsu exercises when she started to enter this body. The original owner's body was so poor that she could only perform Taijutsu exercises up to the twentieth. Today, Lily tried a lot. After doing two actions, she was already out of breath from exhaustion. Once these actions were completed, there were only forty minutes left before the afternoon class. Although the house Cheng Baihe rented was not far from the school, it was only the school gate. It took about half an hour to get to the elective classroom. Lily wiped her sweat, grabbed an apple and bag, and hurried out the door and ran towards the school.

She stopped in front of a traffic light and waited for the green light for pedestrians to pass. After crossing the road and turning the corner, she could see the school's main entrance sign. Lily stood in front of the traffic light and waited for a long time, silently calculating in her heart. Counting the seconds, she was about to leave when she saw the green light on the opposite side. A black car came speeding towards her. When she saw the green light in front of her, the brakes sounded and the car suddenly stopped. Beside Lily, she was forced to retreat from the steps she was about to take forward.

The window slowly lowered, revealing a handsome face. The driver was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties. His soft black hair hung down to cover his eyebrows, making him look quiet and peaceful. .

"Excuse me, how do I get to Teito University?" He didn't seem to be very good at dealing with people. He was a little cautious when he spoke. He pursed his lips with a serious expression. When he stared at people with his eyes, he gave people a kind of It seems like he is only focused on your illusion in the whole world.

Lily was startled by the speed of his driving. Cheng Lily's body was not flexible. If the car hadn't stopped in time, she would have been hit by the car. At this moment, she heard that the driver was just asking for directions. , she frowned, and first took out her phone to check the time. This young man has a handsome appearance, and his facial features are not extremely delicate, but when put together they are pleasing to the eye. The most important thing is that he has a special temperament. In this day and age, beautiful appearance and exquisite facial features can be fine-tuned with plastic surgery technology. In this era, he has such a refreshing and clean temperament that is simply amazing.

It's just that Lily has experienced a lot in the mission and has seen a lot of different men. Although the young man's temperament made her take a second look, but after seeing the time on the phone, Lily decided Pretending not to hear the young man asking for directions, she twisted her bag and ran across the road quickly as time ran out at the traffic light.

"..." The young man looked at her running by with a dull expression. Lily's figure was reflected in his beautiful almond-like eyes. When he saw her figure running to the other side of the road, he pursed his lips and kept his gaze from She did not move away from the direction in which she disappeared. When the street light representing pedestrians changed from green to red, he quickly turned the steering wheel and followed Lily in the direction she had just run.

This time because Lily ran fast, the bell rang as soon as she entered the classroom. There are many people in this elective class. Most of the seats have been taken. There are only a few scattered seats left. The corners of the classroom have long been occupied by people who are getting ready to sleep. There is an empty seat in the second to last row. , Jiang Xun, whose hand was wrapped in a bandage, turned his head the moment Lily entered the classroom. He glanced at Lily and turned his face away. There was still room beside him. There are only two seats left, and the only one left is the one closest to the professor in the front row. Generally, most students don't like to sit in that seat. The closest to the professor, even deserting, there is no way. In the past, Cheng Baihe She doesn't sit in that seat either. It's not because she wants to desert her job, but because she doesn't look good. Although she has a serious personality, her talent is really poor. She is also a bit introverted and cowardly, so she usually chooses a corner seat to sit down. Lily came late today and there was no other place.

She didn't want to sit next to Jiang Xun. At this moment, Jiang Xun was probably waiting for her to sit over. He didn't know what he was thinking about. Lily thought about carrying her bag and walked to the first row and sat down. She was originally sitting in the first row. As soon as people saw Lily sitting down, the male classmate next to him, whose hair was combed back with hairspray and dressed fashionably and flamboyantly, suddenly stood up in an exaggerated manner, dragged his chair and walked towards the back of the classroom. This move caused a lot of confusion. A group of people in the classroom burst into laughter, but Lily looked calm. Jiang Xun, who was originally waiting for Lily to sit down, saw that she did not come to sit next to him. He cursed Lily a few times in his heart for being such an ugly woman. He clenched his fists and his expression changed instantly. It was very ugly.

Before she had time to take out her materials before the professor came, there were already bursts of gasping sounds in the classroom. Lily did not turn around to look. In the empty seat next to her, there was a man in sky blue. The tall and thin figure in the white shirt sat down. Lily smelled a fresh scent of soap in her nose. Before she could turn her head to look, someone behind her seemed to stand up all of a sudden. She put out her things. , someone from behind pulled her hair: "Change position."

Lily originally didn't want to sit in the first row. If the person behind her asked her to change seats, she might agree instead of pulling her hair. She turned her head to see the person sitting behind her. , but the first thing she saw was a pair of beautiful almond-like eyes, staring directly at her at this moment. It was the young man with a special temperament who met on the road and asked where the Imperial University was. He was wearing a well-fitting blue suit on his upper body. He was wearing a white shirt with the beautiful crystal buttons buttoned neatly. It was obvious that his slender legs in black trousers could not be squeezed under the desk. The shirt showed off his slender waist and how much Judging from the curve, his bare palms on the cuffs of his blue shirt looked very white. At this time, the fingers of his hands were interlaced in front of his lower abdomen, and his expression looked a little reserved and serious. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update, there will be two updates this month... In addition, from 3 pm today to 3 pm on May 7th, it is double pink ticket time. This month, there are also girls with small pink tickets. , if you are willing to vote for me, you can vote now. Don’t waste your little fan votes! mwah.

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