Cannon Fodder Strategy

The life of a humble woman (8)

When that foot kicked Jiang Xun's calf bone, Lily herself felt a dull pain in her toes under the black leather shoes. This kick was no easier for Jiang Xun than the slap he received from Lily in the morning. , it hurt even more, he gritted his teeth. When Luo Qi's name was called out by the professor, he already knew Luo Qi's identity, so naturally he couldn't offend him now.

He is just a child from a poor mountainous area. Luo Qi has a high reputation in the school. Although he took a scalpel and stabbed the back of his hand, if Jiang Xun dares to fight back, from now on Luo Qi's admirers in this school will Squeeze him out until he can't stay any longer.

What's more, Luo Qi's identity is something he can't offend. The only one he can offend is Lily. Jiang Xun doesn't believe that Lily said she loved him a few days ago, but now she doesn't love him anymore. It must be Seeing that Luo Qi had spoken to her now, she thought she could climb a high branch, so she had some thoughts that she shouldn't have.

Although Jiang Xun was very unhappy when he thought about this idea he had guessed. After all, Cheng Baihe used to be his exclusive item, but now he has some strange thoughts, but he believed that Luo Qi would not be attracted to Lily who is so fat and boring. woman, so Lily will come back to him one day. Who else will want her besides himself? She doesn't admit her mistake at the moment, but there will be more opportunities for her to admit her mistake in the future!

"Hmph, if you regret it later, don't come to me! I've seen you clearly!" Thinking of this, Jiang Xun endured the anger in his heart and said a harsh word. The back of his hand still hurt. He had no extra money in his hand. I went to the hospital to get stitches. Although the wound was a bit bruised, fortunately it was not big. It will probably heal in a few days, but thinking that he can't swallow this breath, and will only have to wait for Lily to beg him for forgiveness in the future, it will happen to her again, Jiang Xun snorted coldly. Covering his hands, he endured the pain in his legs and turned around and left without hesitation.

As soon as Jiang Xun left, Lily wanted to shake Luo Qi's hand away from her wrist. A crowd of people were already gathering in the classroom corridor not far away. Seeing the scene here, many people couldn't help but whisper. Lily occasionally heard a few adjectives such as 'fat person' and 'fat sister', and her brows furrowed. Cheng Lily's body was not beautiful and ugly at first. She didn't care, after all, for Lily, this was just an ill-fitting dress at most, but now she stood in front of the tall and thin Luo Qi, and she looked even more bloated. Lily didn't care about her appearance, but hearing these whispers still couldn't make her happy.

"Is something wrong?" I don't know if it was because Luo Qi ignored him when he asked for directions, but now he was staring at her intently. Lily wanted to pull her wrist back, but Luo Qi held it seriously. Her arm: "Can't move, it's injured."

He didn't seem to talk to people often. He only said a few words at this moment. There was some silence again. He carefully took Lily's hand and motioned her to put the hand that had just been injured by Jiang Xun into the pocket of her clothes, as if it was fixed like this and would not move, and then a look of relief appeared on his face. The look in his tone, when Lily's eyes fell on his face, he curved the corners of his mouth and showed a smile.

That smile was very pure, with an infectious power of purity, until Lily reacted. The cold look on her face had melted a bit. Subconsciously, she smiled at Luo Qi. She had already been pulled several steps away by Luo Qi. He didn't want to touch her wrist that had just been scratched, so he stood quietly beside her, watching Lily holding a bag with information in one hand. His fingers moved and his eyelids drooped again. The thick eyelashes blocked the eyes that were as clear as a stream, the lips were pursed tightly, and a hint of melancholy slowly emerged from the delicate and clean eyebrows.

Lily remembered that he drove when he entered the school. It seemed that he was not close to her. She could have walked the same way as others. After leaving the campus, he should have driven away. Unexpectedly, she had already passed the traffic light. Seeing her rented house from a distance, Luo Qi followed her meekly.

"Mr. Luo, are you okay?" Many people around looked at the strange pairing of the two and cast surprised glances from a distance. Lily couldn't help but ask. Luo Qi seemed not to have thought that she could speak. He raised his head in a daze, and after a long while he seemed to realize that Mr. Luo she said was calling him. He shook his head silently, his bright eyes not looking at Lily, as if he was starting to feel dazed.

She couldn't help but sigh. Seeing his appearance, Lily turned around and walked towards home. Luo Qi, who had been stunned just now, saw her move, but he followed her again. It was still early at this time, and many old people downstairs from the old residents were sitting in the leisure area playing. When Lily came back with Luo Qi, someone couldn't help but curiously asked: "Daughter, is this your partner? What does he look like?" He's so handsome." When others asked, Luo Qi just stared at Lily without making a sound. Seeing such a scene, the people around him couldn't help but get even more misunderstood.

Cheng Baihe has rented this place for almost four years. She has been living here since she was in college. Many old neighbors know her. The original owner and Jiang Xun have been dating for several months, but Jiang Xun has never been here. Here, he seemed to find it embarrassing to be with Cheng Lily. Except for the occasional secret date when no one was around, they spent most of the time in contact with Cheng Lily via mobile phone. He had never been to Cheng Lily once, so The old neighbor here didn't know that the original owner had dated Jiang Xun, and it was obviously a misunderstanding.

After explaining a few words that Luo Qi was not her boyfriend, he looked silent and looked like a wooden man. When Lily went upstairs to get the key to unlock the door, he also stood beside him obediently. Seeing him like this , Lily couldn't help it anymore, frowned and ordered:

"Just stand there and don't come in again." As she spoke, Luo Qi's expressionless face suddenly moved. He raised his drooped eyelids and stared at Lily seriously for a long time, then nodded and gently Said: "Okay."

His back was straight, his hands were placed neatly on both sides of his thighs, and his eyes kept falling on Lily. Until Lily entered the door and closed the door, he kept staring at the door, and gradually his eyes became a little blurry.

After walking all the way, Lily was covered in sweat. She was so flustered that she locked Luo Qi outside the door. Lily quickly forgot about this person. The most important thing at the moment was to nurse Cheng Lily's body back to health. If she Her body is a little better. When Jiang Xun dared to drag her out of the classroom today, she was able to teach Jiang Xun a lesson. She still couldn't finish the whole set of physical training moves. Lily did another move that she could do now. , I was sweating profusely from practicing, and it was getting dark outside now.

Just immersed in the feeling of being enveloped by spiritual power, Lily did not turn on the light. Now it was dark all around. She felt much better. She walked to the wall next to the door and turned on the light. Somehow, Lily She thought of Luo Qi, who came back with her in the afternoon. It was already past three o'clock when she finished her afternoon class. After returning home, due to the poor health of the original owner, it took more time to practice physical skills. Even if she There were only more than twenty actions performed, but it was already more than four hours later, and Luo Qi should have left.

But Lily couldn't help but pull the door open. With the fluorescent lights spilling out of the room, Lily saw a tall and thin figure still standing there in the dim corridor, still maintaining the same posture as when she entered the door in the afternoon. , his hands were placed neatly by his sides, and his eyes were still staring in the direction of her door. When he saw her leaning out her body, the expressionless Luo Qi smiled at her.

"Why are you still here?" Originally, she just wanted to see if he had left. Unexpectedly, after opening the door, she could see Luo Qi appearing outside the door. Lily was surprised. Luo Qi was staring at him seriously. Eyes in one direction followed Lily's appearance and spoke, and the focus slowly fell back on her: "You said it." He said a few words, but Lily seemed a little confused, so he reluctantly added a few more words to explain. : "Stand there and don't come in again."

Lily thought of the two words she said when she went home to warn Luo Qi not to follow her into the house again. It was obvious that Luo Qi really listened to what she said. He did not follow her into the house, but he also Didn't leave.

"Then how many hours have you been standing here?" I have met many people of all kinds during the mission. Lily rarely encounters people like Luo Qi who are down-to-earth. She didn't expect what she said casually. , he carried it out as an order for so long, Lily was a little dumbfounded: "If I don't come out, don't you have to stand until tomorrow morning?" As soon as she finished speaking, Luo Qi did not make a sound, but the silent expression on his face showed that he Lily was not afraid of meeting a scoundrel like Jiang Xun, because she had many ways to be more scoundrel than Jiang Xun. But when she saw Luo Qi's appearance, Lily couldn't help but frowned and said: "You go first Come."

She remembered that Senior Luo, who was popular among thousands of boys and girls on campus, was not a retarded person. There must be some reason why he was pestering her now. She motioned Luo Qi to come in first, and then see if she could find someone to pick him up. Leave, forget it if you don't know that he is standing outside the door. Now that you know it, Lily has to invite him into the house first. Luo Qineng will stand outside the door for several hours just because of her words. Even if he entered the house, he wouldn't be able to do anything to her. She didn't have any beauty or extra money, not to mention that Luo Qi didn't seem to need these. If he had evil intentions towards her, he could have taken action in the afternoon, but he didn't. Instead, he stayed at the door obediently. outside.

Besides, for a young man with such clean eyes, his eyes are as pure as two clear pools of water. No matter how bad a person like this is, there is only so much he can do. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The belated second update... I'm sorry everyone. Thanks to: zxy Wei, dear Weiwei for the gift of Xianpa Yuan... Thanks to: *Changsun*, He Shibi for the comb reward... Thanks to: Xin Yun Qianyin, Yun Yun for the reward to He Shibi... group What a.

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