Cannon Fodder Strategy

The life of a humble woman (10)

Because the police came just now, many people were standing on the stairs watching. Even the neighbors opposite opened the door and looked over. Not wanting to act in front of everyone, Lily let Luo Qi enter the house first. , then his face darkened.

Luo Qi brought his surgical tools and some small instruments. He only brought two sets of clothes in the small suitcase, but he planned to stay there for a long time. He had nothing worthy of his plans. , Lily glanced at his things, and entered the room minding her own business without speaking to Luo Qi.

The feeling of having one more person at home is no different from when Lily is alone. Luo Qi is quiet most of the time. To Lily's surprise, he can cook, and almost all the meals he cooks are to her taste. He will be there when she is alone. When Lily didn't want him to disturb her, she would sit quietly in the living room in a daze. Except for the fact that he would appear in Lily's room every morning when she woke up, having Luo Qi there felt like having a snail girl.

Luo Qi stayed here for seven or eight days in a row. He was very quiet and didn't talk too much. Sometimes he was even so quiet that people subconsciously ignored him. When Lily went out to class, he would occasionally After going out, he took over a professor's job at the university for two months. He didn't have much time in class, and most of his free time was very leisurely. Apart from being in a daze, he would take out a brain model he carried with him, which was covered with The small pieces of nervous tissue in the brain, as well as the large and small brains, brain stems and other distributions in the brain were cut into pieces about the size of a small fingernail. When scattered in the box, there were probably nearly 10,000 pieces at a glance. He didn't want to be in a daze. These things will be taken out from time to time, like a puzzle. Putting every little piece together, he had already finished most of it in the past few days.

If it weren't for the fact that he wakes up in his room every morning, Lily would think that he is a very qualified roommate, quiet and obedient. As if affected by Luo Qi's quietness, Lily slept very sweetly every night after practicing physical training, and her sleep quality was much better. In addition, she had been practicing physical training all these days to use her spiritual power. Take care of your body. So her complexion looks much better, and the most important thing is that Lily has lost weight.

The reason why Cheng Lily is obese is because the root of the disease accumulated when she was in her mother's womb. Her muscles and veins were blocked and blocked, resulting in overnutrition in certain parts of the body. She was deficient on the outside and weak on the inside. It would be difficult for ordinary people to improve this situation. But it is not difficult for Lily. These days, she mainly practices physical training to draw spiritual power into the body and unblock the muscles and veins. After practicing for more than half a month, Lily has almost finished the physical training movements. These days, her body has... Once the blocked tendons are cleared and the accumulated nutrients are evenly absorbed by the body, the meat will naturally not grow in just one place. The body naturally loses weight, and it is not as difficult as it was at the beginning for Lily to perform physical training movements. As her body loses weight and her flexibility increases, she can gradually do better in some areas that she could not do well. , and with the cooperation of this way, her effect progressed even faster. Although she was still fat compared to people with normal body shapes, Lily was almost a full circle thinner than her previous one.

And because she used spiritual power to adjust her body, plus the physical training she practiced every day. Therefore, when I lose weight, my skin looks much better than before. Her complexion slowly adjusted back, but the classmates in the class did not notice Lily's change. She would come to school every day except weekends, for those who often saw her in the class. Except for Jiang Xun, no one noticed the fact that she lost weight quickly.

The wounds on Jiang Xun's eyes and hands caused by Luo Qi have long since healed. His original plan failed, and he thought that Lily was pursuing Luo Qi on his own initiative. Originally, Jiang Xun thought that Luo Qi could fall in love with such an ugly woman like Lily. He was still waiting for Lily to come back to him one day after hitting her head. Then he tried to whet her appetite again, but he didn't expect that everything went wrong. In the following time, Lily not only didn't come to him to apologize, but she didn't even contact him via text messages or phone calls. Now she's in her senior year. The semester is coming soon. Jiang Xun had planned his plans after graduation long ago, but now Lily's incident has disrupted his plans. Jiang Xun was a little uncontrollable and inadvertently released the news that Lily had been raped. Come.

He originally thought that if the news spread throughout the campus, everyone would start talking about it, and a cowardly and timid character like Cheng Baihe would always be afraid of falling into his arms. However, he did not expect that Lily would not only be fine in the end, but also turn her classmates on. After talking about this matter for two days, no one mentioned it again. Jiang Xun was anxious and panicked. The development of things was different from what he thought. He took the initiative to show off to Lily. If the two of them were dating at this moment, He had not been able to suppress Lily during this period. How could he possibly control her after they got married?

After much thought, Jiang Xun came up with another idea. At this moment, he firmly believed that it was impossible for a person like Luo Qi to fall in love with Lily. After all, this woman himself did not like her. Luo Qi was from a good background and was wealthy. With his fame and a lot of people who like him, how could he like something that he doesn't even like? Just thinking that Lily, whom he even disliked, now came to dislike him for dating someone else. Although Jiang Xun admitted that he was not as good as Luo Qi, he still felt very uncomfortable. He had recently begun to court other women in the class, and in front of others. In front of Lily, he allowed the other girls to laugh and scold him. Not only did he not feel ashamed, he actually laughed with them and occasionally turned to look at Lily proudly.

Lily had two classes in the morning. After the first class, Jiang Xun lay down next to a girl's desk. The girl teased him like a dog and asked him to pick up something after throwing it. Jiang Xun picked it up with a bang. While the girl was laughing so hard, he smiled and turned to stare at Lily, with a proud look on his face, as if to say that Lily didn't like him, and he might not be able to like Lily either. Occasionally, when he saw this scene out of the corner of his eye, a sarcastic look appeared on his face.

When Cheng Baihe was devoted to him, Jiang Xun was picky and despicable, and used despicable methods to ruin other people's lives. He wanted both dignity and face. For his own selfish desires, he came up with such despicable methods. Now that he ignored him, he She no longer acted like a grown man, and now she was happy to be teased like this. Lily turned her pen. She had been able to do almost all the movements in Xingchen's physical training recently, and Cheng Lily's body was also much stronger than before. But she was not Jiang Xun's opponent at the moment. There were still two months until the end of the semester. By then, it would not be difficult for Lily to be confident that she could deal with Jiang Xun. She glanced at Jiang Xun again and lowered her head. He lowered his eyelids.

When Jiang Xun was smiling at others, he would turn his head to look at Lily. Seeing that she was not staring at him, he gradually lost his composure. When the second class was over, he saw that Lily had already When he was packing his things and preparing to leave, Jiang Xun finally couldn't help it, stood up and stopped towards Lily:

"Lily, what's happened to you recently? You didn't say anything when I asked you what happened, and you ignored me for no reason. I heard people in the class say that you were raped. Is this true? Even if it's true Yes, I won't dislike you, you know my character..." Before he could finish his words, Lily stood up and kicked the chair, and the wooden chair quickly slid towards Jiang Xun after she kicked it. , the corner of the chair happened to hit Jiang Xun's leg bone, and he couldn't help but scream in pain. Before he could finish the rest of his words, he instinctively lowered his head and hugged the hit leg, and his face suddenly darkened.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Xun was furious and his voice suddenly became louder. He was about to reach out to grab Lily. Before he could catch her, Lily had already shrunk her head and flexibly moved around him. When he got up, he was about to kick the chair to trip him again, but Luo Qi's voice rang at the door of the classroom: "Lily, let's go."

Luo Qi's slender figure stood at the door of the classroom, with picturesque features. The simple white shirt worn on him looked like pear blossoms in March and April, giving people a fresh and chilly feeling. When he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Lily, and he turned a blind eye to other people's eyes on him. He was holding a small box in his hand. He had classes at school this morning, and he and Lily went out together in the morning. The door should have been closed by now. When many students in the class saw Luo Qi, they couldn't help but look at Lily hatefully.

At first, Luo Qi also pulled Lily away, but at that time, the classmates in the school quickly abandoned the matter after being enthusiastic about it for a while. Everyone had similar thoughts to Jiang Xun, thinking that people like Luo Qi , it was not that there were no beauties in his major when he was in school, but he didn't like any of them. After he was taken care of and went abroad, he didn't hear any scandals about him at all. He was as fresh and clean as a bucket of spring water. There are many girls who admire him, but none of them dare to confess to him. I originally thought that such a male god would not know what kind of beauty he would match in the future. There is no way he would fall in love with someone like Cheng Baihe. Fat girl, many girls who believe that their status and appearance are not bad dare to take action, but unexpectedly, Luo Qi showed a look that was very familiar with Lily and called her name intimately.

If the first time he left with Lily could be said to be a coincidence, the second time the two met together, it could no longer be said to be a coincidence. All the classmates in the class looked in disbelief, and Jiang Xun was also stunned. , under the gaze of everyone, Lily resisted the urge to kick Jiang Xun again, and then turned around and walked towards Luo Qi. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The first's a bit laggy and slow to write. My hair is almost bald...If you thank me, I'll post it in the next chapter. In addition, it will be double until the 7th. You really don't need to use it. Did Pink Ticket woo me? I have given up my shyness and reserve, and I will definitely respond enthusiastically...

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