Cannon Fodder Strategy

The emotional world of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law (1)

When she returned to the starry sky, Lily remembered that Li Yanxi had concealed something from Li Yanxiu before and was still a little upset. Although she had also thought about it during the mission, Li Yanxi entered the mission to help her, and the two of them at that time were very different. It was not a close relationship, but it was understandable that he did not choose to tell her the truth. It was the truth that Li Yanxi had helped her. Lily understood this, but Li Yanxi did not tell her about it afterwards, which made Lily feel a little depressed when she thought about it. When she was still feeling uncomfortable because of Li Yanxiu, who had helped her and died in front of her, she didn't expect that she had been longing to change the plot again, but the person she saved was always by her side.

In the previous story in Interstellar, Lily had thought about entering the sea plot again after the mission was completed, rescuing Li Yanxiu, healing her original regrets, and getting along well with Li Yanxi, but she didn't expect that the regret in her heart would turn out to be... It was Li Yanxi. After Lily figured it out, she didn't blame him, but she just didn't know how to face Li Yanxi.

"The mission is accomplished." Li Yanxi held her hand, and Lily didn't refuse, but she didn't say anything either. It was obvious that she was angry last time, but now she has thought about it but has not completely calmed down yet.

Li Yanxi's eyes flashed, and Lily's information emerged from the starry sky:

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 87 (out of 100)

Appearance: 91 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 77 (100 full points)

Force: 67 (out of 100 points)

Spirit: 82 (out of 100)

Reputation: 35 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Heaven and Earth Gate Tao Te Ching, Southern Gu Technique, Star Body Training Technique

Specialties: Advanced cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua (slightly dabbled in)

Charisma: 65 (out of 100)

Mark: Royal True Dragon Spirit

This mission was unlike the previous mission in Interstellar. The values ​​of the attribute data fluctuated greatly. Lily felt that Li Yanxi's eyes had been falling on her. Finally he sighed: "I will send you to the mission first." He did not defend what he said in the starry sky last time, nor did he ask Lily not to be angry because he concealed that Li Yanxiu was him, but the calmer he became, Lily slowly began to feel regret. She moved her lips, but just as she was about to speak, Li Yanxi had already touched her head. Lily was drowsy when she saw him gently lower his head and touch her forehead. In the end there was no consciousness anymore.

As soon as her figure disappeared from the starry sky, a faint smile appeared on Li Yanxi's originally calm face.

"Mother, mother, please don't kill Brother Ninth..." A miserable female voice rang in Lily's ears. For some reason, when she heard this voice, it should be because Lily had just entered the body of the original owner. She only felt It seems like I can't control myself. Various complex emotions such as resentment, anger, sadness, and heartache surged into her heart. She instinctively raised her hands, and there was a sound of wind blowing in her clothes. Her soft and warm body seemed to rush to her side, and she grabbed it with both hands. He took off her sleeves and shouted in a sad voice: "Mother... Xiuzhu, please..."

"Let go!" Lily yelled involuntarily, but the person who called herself Xiuzhu didn't really let go of her hand. Instead, he hugged her tighter. After a while, Lily only felt warm water droplets dripping onto the hem of her clothes, quickly causing a water stain on her clothes. Lily endured the discomfort of just waking up from the task and opened her eyes. She stood in front of a long incense table. The smell of incense candles was very strong and the surrounding decorations were very simple. A girl of about eighteen years old with disheveled hair He was holding her legs now. He buried his face in her skirt and cried hard.

The maids and wives standing on both sides didn't even dare to make a sound at the moment. The girl's soft and timid crying could only be heard all around, which made Lily feel annoyed for no reason.

"Take her down and take good care of her!" Lily suppressed the anger in her heart and kicked the girl. The girl's body was kicked so hard that she staggered backwards. Hearing Lily's words, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

When the people around heard Lily's order, they responded and hurriedly dragged the girl up. She cried for a while and struggled to get rid of these maids and women: "Mother, spare Brother Jiu and let him live. Xiuzhu, please, Xiuzhu has never asked you for anything since she was a child. She only asked her mother to spare Brother Jiu..."

"Get out!" When Lily heard this, she felt even more aggrieved for no reason. She shouted sharply. Seeing her getting angry, the servants at home did not dare to let the girl cry anymore and quickly dragged her out of the hall. .

The remaining servants in the room were chilling at this time. The smoke from the incense that had just been lit in the stove on the incense table was slowly rising. The dozen or so tribute plaques placed on it looked a bit eerie, and most of them had already been lit. At the end of the year, when one of the brand-new spiritual tablets appeared, the pain and discomfort in her heart surged up. Lily had just received this body, and she couldn't control her emotions at this moment. The more she saw this brand, the hotter her eyes became. stand up.

"Madam, don't be sad. If the young man has a spirit under the spring, he will definitely feel uncomfortable knowing that Madam is so sad for him." A woman sighed, came forward and handed Lily a piece of handkerchief. She shook her head: "I know what's going on, help me go back and have a rest." Lily took a few deep breaths, and the influence of the original owner's body on her gradually became much smaller, but she hadn't accepted the plot yet, so she didn't know what was happening in the original owner's room at this moment. She was there, so she had to pretend to endure the pain. The old lady responded, stepped forward to hold her hand, walked out of the hall and walked down the corridor, turning left and right, and sent Lily to the wing. .

With the excuse that she wanted to be alone for a while, Lily rushed the waiting girls and women outside the door. When she was lying on the bed, she first thought about Li Yanxi's expression when she entered the mission. She vaguely regretted returning to the starry sky. Zhongshi did not speak to Li Yanxi, but he was already on a mission. Even if he wanted to apologize to him, he could only wait until he returned to the starry sky next time. He suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart, Lily closed her eyes and began to receive Let’s start with the plot of this mission.

When she just saw a young girl calling her mother, Lily already knew in her mind that her body should be quite old for this mission, and it turned out not to be what she expected.

The original owner was born in the family of a military general named Gan under the Zhou Dynasty. At this time, the five kingdoms were in a powerful position, wars were going on between the kingdoms, and bandits were everywhere. The country valued military affairs over culture. Gan Baihe's father was originally Dingwei of the Great Zhou Dynasty. A fierce general under Hou's command, he once saved Dingwei Hou's life when he was young. The two families formed a close relationship. Hou Gan Baihe's father made many military exploits and was promoted to the position of a third-rank general.

Gan's father was born in the wilderness, married his wife Qin, and had two daughters. After he became prosperous, some people persuaded him to divorce his wife and marry another one. However, because Gan's father and his wife were inseparable in their early years, Qin's family accompanied him in the north and south campaigns and had enough food. After suffering a lot, even though he had no children for the Gan family in his middle age, Gan's father couldn't bear to abandon his wife and had to take in several more concubines. I don't know if it was because he was destined to have no children. In the end, these concubines And no one bore him a son.

The Dingwei Marquis Yuan family is different. The Yuan family is also a family of military generals. When the Great Zhou Dynasty was founded, the ancestors of Dingwei Marquis had made military exploits. After the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, rewards were given according to merit. The Yuan family was named Dingwei Marquis and was hereditary. It has been inherited for more than three generations now, and it is extremely wealthy. Unlike Gan's father who had no children, the Yuan family has many heirs, and the descendants of the Yuan family once fought for the position of the heir. Gan's father had saved Dingweihou's life in his early years, so the two became irreversible friends. When he saw Gan's father worried about his son's succession, Dingweihou joked: "I would like to exchange my son for Brother Gan's daughter. "

The Yuan family has many heirs, but very few daughters. There is no shortage of sons such as Dingwei Hou, who are rare among others, but he regrets that he has no daughters. Although Mr. Gan is tall and thick, except for his daughter from his concubine, Xiaojiazi, who is not very popular, the two daughters born to the Qin family are as beautiful as the other. The eldest daughter Gan Bailian is gentle and beautiful, well-informed and courteous, and the younger daughter is more beautiful than the other. Gan Baihe has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and she is as good as a boy in all aspects of riding and shooting, but it is a pity that she is born as a girl.

At first, Dingwei Hou said this casually just as a joke, but he didn't expect that when he discussed it with his wife later, the couple became more and more interested. The two daughters of the Gan family knew that either one was good, and the most important thing was to talk to Yuan. The eldest sons of the family are of the same age. Although Gan's father has a poor background, since ancient times, high-ranking families have married young wives and high-married daughters. The rules of a family of military generals are not as many as others. It is better to marry a daughter-in-law who knows her roots well than outsiders. It's better to find a random woman, one your son doesn't like.

With such a joke, Dagan was carried into the Yuan family when she was fifteen years old and became the crown prince's concubine. After the marriage, the couple had a great love. However, Marquis Dingwei was unfortunately killed in a battle. The eldest son succeeded to the throne as Marquis and went to war in his father's place. However, Da Gan finally got pregnant at the age of 18 after three years of hard work. She originally thought that When everything was gradually improving, Dagan was injured during childbirth and became critically ill with hemorrhage.

Before she died, she sent someone to call her sister Gan Baihe into the house. She was about to die, and the Da Gan family knew it. However, she had just given birth to a daughter, and her husband was two years older than her. She was only twenty now, and she was in her weak years. , will definitely get married and have children in the future. If her poor daughter does not have her biological mother by her side, the young Dingweihou will go on an expedition again in the future. If the newly married stepmother is not good, her daughter may not survive.

This baby girl named Xiuzhu was the fate of the Da Gan family. How could she watch her daughter end up like that? Therefore, the Da Gan family begged Gan Baihe to marry her into the Dingwei Marquis Mansion and become her stepmother. Take care of your daughter. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The first update...

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