Cannon Fodder Strategy

The emotional world of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law (4)

"What did you say, mother? It's only natural to kill people to pay for their lives and debts to pay back money." Lily knew that Mrs. Lu was angry. At this moment, Mrs. Lu started to ridicule her. It was just because Mrs. Lu loved her grandson so much. The two of them had some kind of connection. To a certain extent, the goals were the same, so Lily naturally wouldn't get angry with her. She replied meekly, and Mrs. Lu snorted coldly, showing that she didn't believe her attitude. She closed her eyes and stopped talking.

The people around who came to express their condolences were silent as they watched the conversation between the two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The body of the young master in the coffin in the lobby had cooled down. Lily looked at the childish face that was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and her body couldn't help but feel the flow of blood. Feeling unwilling and resentful, she reached out and touched the side of the coffin. In the plot of Gan Baihe, her whole life revolved around Yuan Xiuzhu. She always thought that she would make up for her son in the second half of her life, but she didn't expect that before she could make up for it, her son had already passed away. Leave her.

"Huh!" Mrs. Lu couldn't help but snorted coldly when she saw the sad look on Lily's face. What's the use of crying now? What were you doing in the first place? There was fire in her heart, but she didn't want to quarrel with Lily in public at this moment. People saw Dingwei Houfu's joke at this juncture. When Lily heard Lu's snort, she paused and stood up straight. , reached out and touched his son's cold face, and then his expression dimmed: "Bring those useless, cowardly slaves who can't protect the Lord to us!"

Hearing Lily's words, the people who came over with gift orders were stunned for a moment, and Mrs. Lu also frowned: "I'll punish this servant, let's talk about it after today." She also hated those useless things that couldn't protect her. Grandson, but the Lu family has different priorities. As the saying goes, a family scandal cannot be publicized. Punishing a servant in front of everyone will inevitably make people laugh.

"Mom, my daughter-in-law is not punishing them now, but they saw what happened that day. Whoever harmed my son can get justice for our Yuan family in front of everyone. The Yuan family has been loyal to the country for generations. , my husband Ma Ge was buried in the body. Now my son should not end up being beaten to death. Who is the murderer? In front of everyone, I vow to announce the truth to the world!" Shen Chunyi beat the young Hou Ye to death. In the plot, Gan Although Lily went to the palace with her mother-in-law to file a complaint against the Shen family, due to Yuan Xiuzhu's pleading, people in the Zhou Dynasty only knew that the entire Shen family was imprisoned for no reason. Many people did not know the inside story. It was not until later that all the Yuan family members were infected with the plague and perished. Yuan Xiuzhu received all the benefits of the Yuan family. At that time, the world only knew about the earth-shattering love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law between Yuan Xiuzhu and Shen's mother, but few people knew the real reason for the demise of the Yuan family.

When Mrs. Lu heard Lily's words, she glanced at her in surprise but said nothing. Obviously her attitude was either denial or acquiescence. Baihe ordered people to go and summon the few servants who were under guard. However, the old woman who took the order came in with a strange expression about half a quarter of an hour later. Seeing Lily standing in front of the mourning hall, she whispered something into her ear: "Madam, those slaves who were under guard were taken away by the eldest lady."

These people were deeply afraid that if Mr. Hou died, they would also suffer misfortune. Therefore, in order to survive, they regarded Yuan Xiuzhu as a savior. Later, they did escape a life because of Yuan Xiuzhu's plea. At this time, the mother-in-law came in to reply. They knew how favored Yuan Xiuzhu was in the past, and they were afraid of offending Yuan Xiuzhu and Lily spared them. Therefore, we know that Yuan Xiuzhu hid the person. They didn't dare to break into Yuan Xiuzhu's boudoir, so they came back empty-handed to report the news. When Lily heard this, she took a deep breath:

"The eldest lady is not young anymore. What does it mean to hide my husband in the courtyard anymore? The servants in her courtyard can't let her do anything nonsense? Beat the people around her ten times, and kill those few slaves and All his family members have been arrested. I want to see many of those people appear within a quarter of an hour. If half of them are missing, I will ask you for questioning!" When the woman heard Lily get angry, she hurriedly responded. People are speculating whether Lily was stimulated by the pain of losing her son this time, and even her beloved Yuan Xiuzhu lost face.

A quarter of an hour later, when a large group of young men and housekeepers were tied up, Lily's legs softened when they saw her. In front of everyone, Lily asked them what happened to the little Hou Ye. When it was said that the young Houye rewarded the singer with five taels of silver and allowed her to sing in the house but was refused, and some so-called righteous men beat the young Houye to death in order to stand up for the singer, everyone couldn't help but sigh. In Lu's eyes It also showed a bit of water.

"Then who is the person who beat my son to death?" Lily asked calmly. The person who had been speaking just now hesitated a little and hesitated to speak.

"I promise you a cup of tea. If you still can't say it, you will all be sent to the Yamen to be punished as the unruly slaves who tried to murder the master!" Lily looked at this scene and raised her brows. Everyone heard that she was willing to give you a cup of tea. While they were drinking tea, they all looked at each other with a look of struggle on their faces. Before these people had time to think of a countermeasure, Lily reached out to pick up the tea poured on the table and dropped it on the ground.

With a crisp sound of "clang", the tea cup fell to the ground and blossomed. The hot tea splashed everywhere, and a few drops flew to the slaves kneeling on the ground. The hot tea made these people curl up, and they all shivered and did not dare to make a sound.

"The time has come, if you can't speak out, twist your tongue and send it to the government, you will never speak again in your life!" Lily clapped her hands and said lightly. As soon as she said this, a group of servants became even more frightened. Like sifting through chaff, someone hurriedly said: "Madam, please spare your life, it was the eldest lady who told me not to mention it..."

This group of people didn't dare to speak just now. They had robbed someone from Yuan Xiuzhu's yard before. In the morning, they also told who the murderer was. Now they didn't dare to open their mouths. Lily naturally knew that they were influenced by Yuan Xiuzhu. He didn't dare to say anything after being warned. At this time, once someone spoke, Lily sneered and said nothing. Although the servant was still afraid that he would make Yuan Xiuzhu angry after saying this, but at this moment, Lily was determined. As if they were trying to punish someone, a group of people still looked sad and said the name of the real murderer: "To Madam, the one who beat the young Marquis was the eldest wife's unmarried husband, Shen Jiulang of the Shen family. !”

"Everyone has heard with your own ears today that my Yuan family is loyal to Zhou and the emperor, leaving my son alone, but now we are in trouble. The scoundrel of the Shen family beat my son to death for being a singing girl. I The Yuan family vows to seek justice!" After Lily said this, the faces of those who came to express condolences showed signs of sympathy and regret. Mrs. Lu had already made preparations to file a complaint, but she just didn't think about it. Lily's attitude was so resolute today. She originally thought that Lily's heart would soften after Yuan Xiuzhu cried and begged her. Now seeing Lily's determined look, Mrs. Lu felt relieved, thinking of her grandson who had died long ago. , the eye circles couldn't help but turn red.

The carriage had been prepared a long time ago. Due to the sudden incident, it was too late to ask someone to prepare a sign and deliver it to the palace in advance. He arranged for the steward around him to receive it for him. The scene of the Yuan family at this moment was in everyone's mind. There are many, so no one blames Lily for doing so. Lily and Mrs. Lu got on the carriage together, and a woman ran out in a panic, stopped the carriage, and said anxiously: "Madam, the eldest lady Jiao Lol is too worried at this time and has passed out. Madam, hurry up." Go check it out!”

When Mrs. Lu in the carriage heard this, a sneer appeared on her face. Before she could speak, Lily sat still and said:

"Of course someone will call a doctor if she passes out and reports it. I don't have medical skills. Could it be that if I go see her, she will be fine?" After saying this, Lily scolded: "Hurry up and leave!"

"Madam!" When the woman heard this, she wanted to open her mouth again. The driver driving the cart in front had already sensed the tension in the atmosphere. He whipped his horse whip and the horse started to run away in pain.

The news about the unexpected death of the young marquis in Dingwei Marquis Mansion must have been received by the palace. Baihe sent someone to the palace gate in advance to inform him of the news. When he arrived at the palace gate, the Empress Dowager had already sent a chamberlain to the palace. They were supposed to get off the carriage and walk into the inner palace, but due to special circumstances, the empress dowager specially issued a decree allowing Baihe's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to enter the palace in a carriage.

After reporting the source of the matter to the Empress Dowager, the Yuan family had been loyal for generations, but now they ended up without a child. Naturally, the people in the palace understood how Lily felt at this moment. The Empress Dowager asked Lily how to resolve the matter. Lily said without hesitation: "Go back to the Queen Mother, the Shen family allowed the sons to commit crimes, and the sons did not teach. It is the fault of the father. Master Shen's sin is naturally unavoidable. As for Shen Chunyi, it is natural and right to kill people to pay for their lives, and to pay back debts."

Although the Shen family also has meritorious deeds, their achievements cannot be compared with those of the Yuan family. In addition, Shen Chunyi and others have committed crimes, and it is only natural that one life is worth another. The Queen Mother nodded, and asked someone to ask for the emperor's will. Yu Baihe was here. Acting within a certain range can be reported later, and a group of Yulin troops were dispatched for her to dispatch. After entering the palace and getting what they wanted, Lily and Lu retreated from the palace with the imperial edict.

"I just hope you can keep my peace in mind and don't soften your heart after being coaxed by that little bitch." Mrs. Lu wiped her tears and said tremblingly, while Lily lowered her head. : "My daughter-in-law thought wrong before, but Yuan Xiuzhu really hurt my heart this time. I will know better in the future." His biological brother was beaten to death by his fiancé. Even though his brother was not born from the same mother, the two of them Having been together for more than ten years, even if they have a dog, it is time for them to have feelings. Yuan Xiuzhu is not only not sad when her brother dies, but the first thing she thinks about is the safety of her fiancé. She does not talk about revenge or a clean break with the Shen family, but instead begs. This kind of behavior of Lily Gan and Shen Chunyi's family was really chilling. Seeing the determination in Lily's eyes, Mrs. Lu nodded: "I just hope you can keep your word!" (To be continued~^~)

PS: The first update ~ There are three updates every day this month. Don’t you want to check out the fans’ votes? The last day will be double fans’ votes. Before three o’clock tomorrow afternoon, it will no longer be double fans’ votes~~~ ~~~~~~~Everyone who has tickets now, don’t save until the end of the won’t be double at the end of the month!

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