Cannon Fodder Strategy

The girl who wants to apologize (10)

Judging from the plots received during this mission, it is not something out of the ordinary to raise and raise Gu insects. There is even a special beast sect in the world of immortal cultivation in Xinglan Sea, and the people in it make a living by raising spiritual beasts. As a means of attack, the spirit beast is raised until its strength reaches the golden elixir or even the Nascent Soul stage. It will become one with its owner and its power cannot be underestimated. Lily was previously thinking about refining elixirs, but she put aside the matter of finding medicinal materials for gu training. , only then did I think about it when I saw the long-mouthed mosquito.

Zong Yan kept his gaze on her face. When he saw her seeing the long-mouthed mosquito, she wanted to hide at first, and then narrowed her eyes. He cast a cleaning technique to clean the corpse of the mosquito on her hands, and then asked:

"Junior sister wants to raise a spiritual beast?" He is a little higher than Lily. It can be seen that Lily's strength has reached the middle stage of Qi refining. Such a cultivation level is too low. Although she relies on a sect, she needs to It can be seen from collecting medicinal materials to make elixirs that she is not valued within the sect. If her cultivation level is low, she will be easily bullied.

If she could have a spiritual beast by her side, she wouldn't be able to defeat him with her own strength. At least with outside help, she wouldn't lose too many people. Zong Yan found out what was in Lily's mind, and an idea came to him.

"Insects are pretty good among spirit beasts. I wonder if I like them, junior sister?" Lily is only in the Qi refining period now. If the spirit beast is stronger and has superior intelligence, she may not be able to sign the blood contract, but will be rebelled against by the spirit beast. If it is a reptilian spirit beast, there will be no such concerns. Most insects are not as attractive as beasts in appearance. In the early stage, most insect spirit beasts are weak in strength. She can easily sign the contract successfully. The most important thing is that the appearance of insects is ferocious and terrifying. . Female cultivators generally don't like it very much. Even if the blood contract is a spiritual beast, they won't care where the treasure goes.

"Senior brother is right." Lily didn't expect that he was so observant. She just stared at the long-mouthed mosquito for a moment. When he saw it, she nodded. Zong Yan pondered for a long time and asked her to come back tomorrow. At this moment, she didn't want to leave her standing there together. Lily didn't know what she was going to do when Zong Yan made an appointment with her. When she went there the next day, Zong Yan gave her a spirit animal bag and asked her to drop her blood to recognize it. When she was reading the book, she found that there were seven or eight purple bees inside. Zong Yan gave her another book on the Beast Taming Sect. He seemed to have something wrong this time. After giving the things, he told Lily that if she didn't understand anything, she could crush the jade token and find him, and then left.

Lily returned to the cave and dug out these things. After returning yesterday, she had not had time to sort out the contents of the Qiankun bag, so she poured out the contents now.

Most of the medicinal materials in the bag are used to refine elixirs to increase some mana during the foundation building period. They are not very precious, but are suitable for her next step. Each of those jade bottles contained a Foundation Building Pill and seven or eight Remote Valley Pills. Except for the dozens of spiritual stones that were slightly more precious, there wasn't much in the bag. Lily breathed a sigh of relief. At first, I doubted whether Zong Yan had any intentions for me, but when I saw that the things were ordinary, my heart relaxed.

She turned around and began to read the secret records of the Beast Taming Sect. The first half of the secret records contained the rankings of various spirit beasts and insects, as well as the living habits of each major spirit beast and how to raise them. Explain in detail. It was indeed very applicable to Lily at this time. When she turned to the insect category, Lily turned several pages before she saw the Purple Golden Queen Bee ranked 39th. This is the kind of bee that Zong Yan gave her this time.

Purple Golden King Bees generally live in groups, and an ordinary Purple Bee is born with only the strength of the late stage of Qi refining. But if the person who keeps it can find a way to make the purple bees reproduce and evolve, and the purple bees devour each other and evolve, then every time they reproduce, the number of bees in the colony will increase a lot, and then they will devour each other. When new bees are born, It will be the strength in the early stage of foundation building. After it is swallowed and then reproduced, the newly born bee colony will be the strength in the middle stage of foundation building. And so on, until the real purple gold king bee evolves. The real purple gold king bee can reach the level of Yuan Dynasty. He has cultivated in the infant stage and can summon the same kind, and his strength can surpass the same level of spiritual beasts.

The reason why it is ranked so low in the Secret Records of Spiritual Beasts is because although the Purple Gold King Bee is recorded in the Secret Records, there are beekeepers in the Beast Taming Sect in the Xinglan Sea Area, but bee colonies can actually reproduce and come into estrus. The time is extremely long. At first, it reproduces once every few decades, and then the time becomes longer and longer. A monk can wait until the bees evolve and reproduce three times at most. No matter how long the life of the monk is, they will no longer be able to wait. The Purple Gold King Bee has Once a blood contract is signed, the temperament cannot be transferred. Once signed, it cannot be passed on to others like other spiritual beasts. Once the owner is dead, the bee swarm will also die. A purple bee initially has the strength of the late stage of Qi refining. It has evolved three times at most, which is in the late building stage. There are only about twenty of them in number. It has an instant kill effect on low-level enemies, but it has no effect on monks above the Nascent Soul stage.

Coupled with the fact that it is not easy to go crazy, reproduce and devour, although the bee colony is extremely powerful if it is raised until the purple golden queen bee appears later, the purple golden queen bee is just a legend. If you want to raise such a thing, you must use a large number of top-quality elixirs to catalyze it. Many If a monk really has the best elixir, but he doesn't even have enough to take it, how can he be willing to give it to the spirit beast? Therefore, the purple bee is destined to be a useless thing. Even if it is recorded in the secret record that in the later stage, if it has a swarm of bees, it can block a hundred enemies. However, because of its certain characteristics and the fact that it is not easy to find in the Xinglan Sea, it is Its ranking is still very low.

However, there is a special note at the end of the secret record. Zigbee honey can be used for beauty and beauty, and can increase spiritual power. It is also a good material for medicine. Unfortunately, because there are not many Zigbee bees, the speed of producing honey ointment is not fast, so the honey is The price is quite expensive. In recent years, only those who control beasts will occasionally sell some.

Purple gold king bees are very rare. I don’t know where Zong Yan found such a few to give to him. Lily originally wanted to refine Gu, but when she saw these bees, she felt a little moved in her heart.

These purple bees are all in the late stage of Qi refining. They are now slightly higher than me. I don't know if my Gu refining technique is useful in raising these bees. If it is useful, it can stimulate them to multiply and devour them. , so although she has never tried beekeeping before, it’s not like she can’t try it once.

Lily also looked at the characteristics of the Purple Golden King Bee. This thing is poisonous. The poison can be numb in the early stage, but it will be fatal in the later stage. Unless honey of the same level is used as the antidote, once you are poisoned by the Purple Bee Venom, you will suffer to death.

The bee swarm seems to be really useful to her at the moment. Lily hangs the spirit beast bag on her body and decides to wait until her Qi refining period before coming to the blood contract with these purple bees. She is not strong at the moment and is very likely to be in the process of signing the contract. , if you are not careful, not only will you fail to succeed, but you may be attacked by the purple bee.

In the next few days, Lily swallowed the Quiet Valley Pill and no longer had to worry about her stomach problems. During this period, she was originally planning to swallow the top-quality Concentrating Pills she had made and rush into the later stage of Qi refining. But now that there were bees, these medicines had to be taken by Bees. Lily could only use the body refining technique to introduce spiritual energy into her body. After three months, she successfully entered the late stage of Qi refining.

After the late stage of Qi refining, Lily did not sign the contract with Feng'er right away. Instead, she spent half a year to maintain her magic power at the state of great perfection in the late stage of Qi refining before she started to swallow the Foundation Establishment Pill and prepare for the impact. Foundation building period.

Although there is only one layer of cultivation between the foundation building stage and the Qi refining stage, the more you practice, the more you realize that even if it is just a simple progress, after the body is tempered, the more spiritual energy can be left. Although Lily's physique is much better than the original owner's Five Spiritual Roots due to the practice of body refining, the original owner's qualifications have always affected her to some extent. I don't know if it is because she is practicing the Tao Te Ching. Because of this, her training speed was not as fast as in the previous mission world, but her progress was slightly slower.

The first time I rushed to the foundation building stage, I failed. When the spiritual energy surged up, it seemed to be stuck in the mouth of a bottle and could not be flushed out. In the end, I returned without success.

Faced with this situation, Lily just practiced her physical training again. After recovering the spiritual power in her body, she prepared to swallow the Foundation Establishment Pill and try again. She had expected such a result early on, so she did not panic or be impatient when entering the foundation building stage. The most taboo thing in practice is to have a distracted mind. Lily has a calm and calm personality, and even after failing three times in a row, she did not become impatient.

And when she was trying to attack the foundation period, more than a year passed in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, she had the Remote Valley Pill. During this year, she didn't have to interrupt her practice for food. A few pills to attack the foundation period The pill has been taken long ago, and it can be seen that the physical qualifications of the original owner are indeed very poor. In the remaining time, it is all up to Lily to accumulate spiritual power to attack the foundation period. She does not know how many times she has tried, but the originally tight The barrier that imprisoned Lily's mana was diluted weaker and weaker as Lily hit the foundation building stage again and again, until she finally rushed into the foundation building stage.

Lily tried this simple action thousands of times for more than a year. When she finally succeeded, Lily couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She always performed the same actions over and over again. Fortunately, she was very patient, otherwise she would have been unable to endure it any longer. A large amount of wasted spiritual energy that her body could not store in the past filled her body. Lily carefully guided the spiritual energy and began to follow the instructions of the Tao Te Ching. The operation mode started to move. It took her two months to consolidate her cultivation in the early stage of foundation building. Then she took out the spirit beast bag that Zong Yan had given her. Through her own mental power, she could I saw seven bees sleeping peacefully in the bag. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update...I'm sorry everyone, I got up late, ugh! Half an hour late~~~~~~~~~Hey, Cheek is making trouble, my little fan vote is about to be exploded, everyone, please help me and let me struggle to death for a while...

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