Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (3)

"You shouldn't go out with Aturi today!" Brian's voice was a little solemn. After he took off his helmet, he revealed his handsome face.

He has curly, half-length mousse-colored hair, very white skin, eyes the same color as his hair, an extremely straight nose bridge, tight lips, and extremely sharp eyes when he stares at Lily. His appearance was not as perfect as that of the man in black robe before, like a masterpiece from heaven, but he had a kind of manly perseverance, revealing another kind of beauty.

But Lily didn't like the tone of his voice. He gave off an extremely strong feeling, too revealing and domineering. Lily frowned slightly.

Originally, she wanted to take in the plot while she was in the carriage, but now it seemed that Brian had followed her into the carriage. Obviously, her wishful thinking had come to nothing. Lily did not say anything, thinking about Brian in her heart. I wrote down what I said.

Obviously the Aturi he was talking about was the man in black who was called 'Sir' before. But he didn't know what the relationship was between the original owner and him, and what the relationship was between Brian and the original owner. It seemed like these two people were similar. Very familiar, she pursed her lips tightly. When Brian saw that she didn't make a sound, his thick eyebrows gradually wrinkled, and his expression became more and more fierce:

"Although Arturi is from a noble family, he is not the right person for you. As a saint of the Holy See, your future husband should at least be an adult who believes in the God of Light, not that one!" Brian said in a serious tone. After a while, his eyes became cold: "But he has a cold personality and no mercy. Today he will take you to the arena. It is bloody, brutal, dirty, and full of disgusting atmosphere. There are evil earth dragons there, those Depraved people take pleasure in vulgar ways..." He became more and more excited as he spoke. A fair face began to turn red, and veins appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that he had great opinions on today's group: "The goddess of light is compassionate and beautiful. As a saint, you should cut off everything with Arturi." Relationship!"

As he spoke, he got closer and closer, and his white teeth were exposed from time to time as he spoke. It was obvious that Brian was extremely excited at this moment, and his breath almost hit Lily's face, and Lily's body moved unconsciously. Leaning back, the more she listened to him say this, the more her frown became tighter, until she was forced to press her back against the wall of the carriage. It was inevitable to avoid it, so he raised his head and stared at Brian coldly.

She hasn't received the plot yet. Lily doesn't know what the original owner's wish and purpose are. No matter how dangerous Arturi is in Brian's mouth, even Lily herself feels like she wants to stay away from him, but she doesn't know If the original owner had her wish, she would not be able to promise anything to Brian.

What's more, she doesn't know what the relationship between the original owner and this Brian is. She just looked up and met Brian's eyes.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Brian's eyes showed a bit of disappointment. He stared at Lily coldly for a long time, then suddenly straightened up, took the helmet he had thrown aside in his hand, and opened the car door without looking back. Jumped out.

As soon as Brian left, the air in the carriage suddenly became much lighter. Lily breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and then she sat up with her body propped up.

The door was open, and there was no one outside. Brian was nowhere to be seen. The two unicorns pulling the cart seemed to be very intelligent and moved forward without anyone's instructions. Now that there was no one else around, Lily got up first and closed the carriage door. He leaned back on the soft couch and began to take in the plot this time.

The mission world this time is called Loland Continent. There are many countries, large and small, in the continent, and human beings are ruled by imperial power.

The original owner's name was similar to the Chinese sound of "Lily", and he was from the Roman family in the Nore Empire. His father was originally an ordinary viscount in the Nore Empire. When the original owner was baptized in the church when he was seven years old, he was found to have an innate body of light, and was elected to the Holy See as a candidate saint.

The Holy See has an extremely special status at this time. In the hearts of mankind, the Holy See is the spokesperson of the Goddess of Light, the daughter of the Creator God, in the human world. Becoming a saint of the Holy See is like the avatar of the Goddess of Light in the human world. It is a very worthy celebration. , humans in the mainland are proud to serve in the Holy See. Although the Holy See has no real power, its reputation in the world is very high. The moment the original owner was selected as a candidate for the saint, the Roman couple personally sent her into the Holy See. In the Holy See of the capital of the Nore Empire, the couple was summoned by His Majesty the Emperor because of their daughter's status, and Baron Roman was granted an exceptional title and made an earl, becoming one of the new nobles of the Nore Kingdom.

Every year, the Holy See selects a large number of young children to come in. The original owner stands out among the competition. She has worked hard to practice the Holy Canon of Light, and in ten years she has grown into a gentle, beautiful and kind-hearted girl. There are also factional struggles in the Holy See, and Lily is just the most popular one. She is just one of a group of outstanding saint candidates. After becoming a true saint, not only will the Roman family's reputation be further improved, but perhaps their status will also rise.

Back then, the original owner was only selected as a candidate for the saint, so the Roman family was summoned by His Majesty the Emperor and was granted the title of count from baron. Once Lily becomes a real saint, Count Roman will most likely be promoted from marquis to earl.

The original owner was seventeen this year. Seeing that she was approaching the age of marriage, the Roman family began to look for someone to be her lover, hoping to help her take the next step.

A saint must serve the Holy See all her life and cannot marry. However, people in this world do not have a strong concept of chastity. A saint is not required to be a chaste virgin. Brian, the personal knight beside the original owner, was originally supposed to be her backup in the future. One of her lovers, it was just because the Roman family was full of expectations for their daughter and did not allow her to give her first time to these vulgar men. In addition, the original owner's character was truly pure and kind, so that film was kept. to date.

But now, with the fierce fighting within the Holy See, coupled with the ambition of the Roman family to move forward, Count Roman treated his daughter like a commodity and began to order her to travel among the powerful people, trying to select the right one among them. The person who is most beneficial to him hopes that his daughter can seek benefits for him.

The original owner had a gentle and obedient personality, and she followed her father's instructions and wandered among a group of powerful people. Because of this, the personal knight gradually became resentful of her.

She and Brian had a lot of affection for each other. They both believed that they would be each other's lifelong lover if they decided to dedicate their lives to the goddess of light. Count Roman's actions directly ignited Brian's dissatisfaction. He was young. He is young, but his strength has reached the level of a knight captain, and his future is unlimited. He has even derived the power of the Bright Knight. He feels humiliated that Count Roman is selling his daughter like a commodity.

Although he was originally just the future wife of the original owner, responsible for meeting her physical needs and protecting her safety, as Brian's strength increased, he began to be dissatisfied with this situation. He was far more possessive of the original owner than More in the past, Count Roman's actions directly caused a rift between the two people who had been so close in the past. The original owner felt very painful about this, but on the one hand, she was her favorite knight, and on the other hand, she was her own parents. Her character was originally so kind that she was almost... She was weak and therefore did not know how to reject others. Under such circumstances, Brian was even more disappointed with her, which led to Brian betraying her in the end, quitting the Temple of Light, and following another girl named Anna.

Brian's betrayal was like a knife in the heart of the original owner, but she was still kind and generous and did not resent Brian. Instead, she sincerely blessed him. On the other hand, the Roman family members kept urging her to continue. Wander among the rich and powerful, choose a suitable person to devote yourself to for the first time.

At this point in the plot, when Lily thought something would happen that would make the original owner feel devastated and sad, the plot came to an abrupt end!

There was no unexpected incident, and even the end of the story had not yet appeared. It was only inexplicably received that Brian had betrayed Lily and betrayed the Temple of Light for the girl named Anna. The plot suddenly stopped at this point, and Lily closed her doors unwilling to give up. I closed my eyes and tried to take in the plot again, but my mind was blank. Apart from the memories and plot I had received before, there was nothing else.

Even though Lily was calm for a moment, the urge to scold her still came to her heart at this moment.

Without the original owner's wishes and the original owner's ending, her mission was like a headless fly. She didn't know which direction to go at all, and there wasn't even a hint. Lily suddenly held her tightly. He shook his head, resisting the urge to yell, and forced himself to calm down.

Her previous hunch was correct. This time the mission was really difficult and there was nothing. Even though the original owner felt sad about Brian's betrayal at the end of the plot, she clearly did not blame Brian and blessed him in the end. What to do with this task?

"Hahaha." Lily laughed dryly. During the time she was receiving the plot, the unicorn pulling the cart had returned to the Roman family and suddenly stopped.

The carriage door was suddenly pushed open, and a woman wearing a blue skirt with a waist commonly seen among aristocratic women poked her head in. Before she could see the lily leaning on the carriage, she asked:

"My dear, how was your date with Grand Duke Aturi today? Isn't he perfect?" This is the original owner's mother, Mrs. Roman. If the Roman family wants to serve their daughter well, they can help her get on the real throne. The candidate for the position of Saintess has settled on a few princes who really hold power in the Nore Empire. The original owner has met with several people in the past few days, but in the end it was nothing because of Brian's sabotage. For this reason, not only Brian was dissatisfied, but even the Roman family members were extremely hostile to Brian who had "ruined their good deeds". Today, the original owner went to make an appointment with the real leader of the Aturi family, Ah. Grand Duke Turi. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Third update...I got home late, and I was stuck in I deleted and deleted it until now, but fortunately I still didn't break my promise. . . But if I don’t have the energy to continue writing, tomorrow’s first update will be a little later~~~~~~~Please vote!

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