Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (24)

Lily sneered, no longer pretending to be cute and weak before, her voice became colder:

"Sir, you should be more restrained. A true noble gentleman should not force women to do anything. I am not interested in Anna, and I don't want to know the useful things that adults say..." She hadn't finished her words yet. , Arturi laughed: "I have been very restrained, otherwise madam, you shouldn't just stand here. If you are not interested in Anna, what about the Light Festival in half a month? Andrew told me , he is going to give you a mission to complete, believe me, without my company, you will die there."

After he said this, he reached out and released Lily.

He didn't know if he hugged her too tightly just now, but when he let go, the night wind blew, and Lily shivered subconsciously. He watched coldly, and finally pulled Lily into his arms.

"A true gentleman shouldn't take off his coat now and give it to me to put on, right?"

"A truly smart gentleman would not take off his coat and give it to a lady at this moment, because a gentleman's body is far warmer than his clothes." Both of them consciously stopped mentioning what happened just now. When Leon drove the carriage over, , just in time to see Lily looking up and glaring at Aturi, his usually cold and reserved adult showed a rare smile.

Lily failed to return to the temple in the end, and instead followed Arturi on the carriage. The dance in the Royal Garden was a long way away from the temple. Archbishop Andrew left on his own and threw her down. The Romans were still in ancient times. Carnival in the castle. As if he didn't want to leave, Arturi looked reserved and polite, but in fact he had a tough attitude. He helped her into the carriage without allowing her to refuse, but he was very restrained and did not do anything drastic that would make Lily unbearable. .

Leon did not prepare an extra guest room for Lily. She stayed in Aturi's room after washing. There were no women's clothes here. She was wearing Aturi's nightgown. The large black velvet nightgown almost fell to the floor when she put it on. She tied her waist with a belt. In addition to the bed, there was a long sofa chair in front of the window. Other than that, the room was clean and simple with no other decorations, just like the feeling Arturi gave people. Generally, the whole house is filled with his personal characteristics. It seemed very deserted.

"Andrew wants you to join the trial team." Arturi came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe after taking a shower. His originally light blond hair looked darker after being wet with water. He walked around A pair of slender legs was looming in the nightgown, and a large chest was exposed from the double-breasted robe. Lily only glanced at it. Just turn your face away and hear what he said. He turned his head again:

"What trial?" Lily didn't know about this before. Andrew didn't even mention the news to her in the carriage when he came or when he just left. She vaguely felt that something was wrong. Aturi heard She asked with a meaningful look on her face.

Under the dim light, he sat down on the sofa lazily. The look in his eyes was unclear, and Lily only felt that he was looking at her up and down. She subconsciously held the hem of her skirt tighter, and heard Arturi's voice:

"There is a trial about the saint, and due to time constraints, you will have to leave within the next few days."

Andrew didn't tell Lily about this, and she frowned: "I didn't hear the archbishop say this."

"How could he tell you such an important thing before I agreed to cooperate with him?" Aturi raised his lips when he heard Lily's words, and the wet stains on his hair fell down his face. , this image is not like the arrogant way he looked before. Lily had known that Andrew was not as gentle and kind as he appeared on the surface, but when she heard Arturi speaking so frankly about the matter, she fell silent.

"Why?" After a while, she spoke. Aturi looked away from her and looked out the window. Under the starry sky, the Aturi family's manor was hidden in the night, and the rolling hills and fruit juices in the distance were visible. The trees seemed to have entered the landscape of the painting. Half of his fair profile almost glowed like white jade in the light. His eyes were like blue glass, without any warmth. His eyelashes were long and straight, and his lips were raised. There is a kind of contempt and indifference in his expression, as if he is watching a group of clowns performing, giving people a sense of indifference and alienation that is out of place and difficult to get close to.

"You know that the Festival of Light is coming in advance." When Aturi said this, he did not look back: "The specific reasons are long and smelly. I believe Andrew has already talked to you. This so-called Saintess Trial , because Andrew said that the temple found the Scepter of Light."

When Arturi said the last few words, the smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to be deeper, but the next moment his faint smile was restrained by him. He turned his head, and Lily heard "The Scepter of Light" ' When she said these words, her heart started to jump. She instinctively felt that there was something wrong with Aturi's expression just now, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

She didn't like the feeling that this mission had to be explored everywhere, but she couldn't get to the bottom. However, she couldn't resist this mission, which inevitably made her eyes look a little irritated.

"Look ma'am, in fact I invited you to my home, it's just that Andrew wanted me to tell you about it." After Aturi finished speaking, he paused: "The temple will prepare and send someone out in two days. Treat this trip to find the Scepter of Light as the saint's practice. If you find the Scepter of Light, you will naturally have made a great contribution. When you come back, you will become the core and top figure in the temple. Those who cannot go will naturally be killed. Eliminated, if Andrew can tie you to his boat, would you like to go to this trial?"

Anna's matter was not over yet. The Scepter of Light, which had disappeared for many years, reappeared, and Andrew, an old fox, concealed such important news. Lily's heart was filled with curses. She was now being held on fire, and it was only because she entered the mission. The time was too short, and the time within ten days was not enough for her to react. She had not penetrated into the core of the temple. She did not know many things, so that she knew these things from Arturi temporarily, which made her appear particularly passive. .

If she refuses Andrew's request, it is conceivable that she will not be able to stay in the temple in the future. When she has little strength, she will inevitably be suppressed by others. But unable to stay in the temple, Lily wanted to get the name of the Saint of Light. After all, this was the existence that the original owner in the plot had longed for and envied. Without knowing what the original owner's wish was, She can only spread as much as possible. Even if the original owner's wish is not to become a saint, she will try to stay in the temple, because the biggest possible target of this mission should be Anna. She has to keep an eye on Anna and cannot leave this place. .

But obviously it is not that easy to stay in the temple. Lily currently seems to have to go to this so-called trial for the task. But when a treasure like the Scepter of Light appears, there will definitely be a lot of people fighting for it. The opportunities along the way are high, but so are the dangers.

Although there is a knight Brian beside her who is not weak, but after everything she saw before, it would be better if Brian did not take action to kill her, let alone ask him to protect her at a critical moment. Arturi personally followed When he opened his mouth to talk about it, Lily turned to look at him and tentatively said:

"Sir, if I want to go, are you willing to help me?" People like Aturi don't like so many things. At this time, he had already mentioned the trial to himself and talked about it. Cooperation with Andrew, then there must be some agreement between him and Andrew. Maybe he was originally planning to send someone to follow him.

As soon as Lily asked this question, Aturi's eyelids drooped, and a few strands of wet hair stuck to his forehead: "If I am willing to help you, madam, what price are you willing to pay?"

His words silenced Lily, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

"Then what price do you want me to pay?"

"After that, leave the temple and leave Nore with me. Aturi's family needs a grand duchess, madam." He said, "If it doesn't matter, why should I help you? If you are mine, Then I will naturally be your loyal knight, and I will personally accompany you on this trial trip."

Until early the next morning, when the carriage of the Aturi family sent her away from the beautiful manor, Lily's mind was still echoing with what Aturi had said. The proposal that should have been a passionate proposal was not what he said. In line with his personal style, his slightly raised eyebrows and condescending eyes when he spoke matched his reserved and cold tone at that time, as if it was still fresh in his mind, and things suddenly fell into a ridiculous whirlpool. .

In order to become a saint, in order to complete the task, Lily must participate in the saint's trial. But if she wants to complete the trial, she needs Aturi's help, and the price Aturi requires her to pay is Let her leave the temple and leave the Nolei Imperial Capital with him.

Lily would sneer when she thought about this kind of thing. Arturi was a cunning man, as cunning as a fox. He threw the dilemma to himself. He turned around and left, saying that he was giving Lily space to think. It's a pity that after he left, Lily didn't sleep well last night, and her face was still a little bad when she returned to the temple.

She pushed open the door of her room, and Brian, who was not wearing knight armor, was sitting in her room, wondering what he was thinking, with a strange smile on his lips. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Second update...

Is it because I haven’t asked for votes recently, so no one likes to vote anymore...



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