Can't Afford Gluttonous Food, Hand It Over To The Country At The Start

Chapter 1 Young Gluttonous Food Is Too Edible, Hand It Over To The Country

Longguo, Xuancheng, XX community.

"What should I do? This guy is too good to eat."

Zhou Sui looked at a little guy beside him speechlessly.

The other party is about the size of a puppy. It looks like a sheep on the outside, with pure white horns growing on its head, but it has claws like a tiger, sharp fangs, strong limbs, and a terrifying fierceness. Beast breath.

Don't look at it has a pair of cute eyes, but it is an out-and-out ancient beast, its name is gluttonous!

Once angry, unimaginable power erupts, and one bite can swallow the four seas and devour the sun and the moon.

It is said that the gluttonous food in its heyday, which even swallowed one world after another, is the ancient beast of the mythical age.

The other party is eating all kinds of things in his house, such as TV sets, sofas, washing machines, beds, etc. Basically, he eats whatever he sees, and he is not picky at all.

It didn't take long for his family to be eaten by this gluttonous glutton, and his face was not so clean.

If it continues like this, it is estimated that the whole house will be eaten up completely by it, and there will be nothing left.

But he also knew that this was impossible. After all, this young glutton was just born and was terribly hungry, so he would eat like this.

The problem is that he is too poor. If he continues to eat like this, even if he eats himself bankrupt, he may not be able to satisfy the appetite of this young glutton.

"Can you stuff this little guy back into the Classic of Mountains and Seas?"

Zhou Sui touched his chin and sensed a mysterious book in the depths of his consciousness. On the cover of the book, there were thousands of mountains and rivers and countless ancient beasts.

It is filled with the atmosphere of ancient, vast, wild, wild, etc. It seems to be a treasure that has survived for many years.

And the reason why he got this young gluttonous glutton is because in his previous life, he got a mysterious treasure, the Book of Mountains and Seas. When he died, this treasure brought him to this parallel time and space, which was completely different from his previous life. world.

This treasure looks like a book on the surface, but inside the book it contains a mysterious world, containing countless mountains and rivers, and inside it is also quietly placed densely packed with divine beast eggs.

Each egg represents a divine beast that is about to be born.

After recognizing the master, he also knew the origin of this mysterious treasure, which itself was the treasure of a supreme sect, Shanhaizong, in ancient times.

Due to a catastrophe in the world, the Shanhaizong was destroyed, so this treasure fell into the turbulent flow of time and space, and was later obtained by Zhou Sui. It can be said that he became the only descendant of the ancient Zongmen Shanhaizong.

Shanhaizong is a special sect that can control divine beasts. Every Shanhaizong disciple can control many divine beasts to fight for himself, and even use the power of divine beasts to help himself grow.

These divine beast eggs are pets prepared by Shanhaizong for the disciples.

After he became a disciple of Shanhaizong, he naturally learned Shanhaizong's exercise method, Hunyuan Ten Thousand Beasts. This exercise method allows the practitioner to condense the soul imprint and sign a life contract with the unborn beast cub.

In this way, even mortals can easily manipulate divine beasts, and can even use the power of divine beasts to quickly help themselves improve their cultivation and grow up quickly.

It is because of this that he randomly selected a divine beast egg and signed a contract with the other party, but where could he imagine that what hatched was actually the most edible divine beast cub gluttonous.

To be honest, who doesn't know the legend of Taotie, this guy's appetite is big enough to swallow the whole world, he really doesn't know how much he needs to eat to satisfy his appetite.

"It seems that it can't be stuffed back, but this little guy can eat too much."

Zhou Sui looked at his mythical beast cub, Taotie, with a longing look on his face. He knew that even if he really put the food back into the Shanhaijing, he would have to solve the food problem for him.

Putting it back in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is just a temporary solution, not the root cause.

And only if this young gluttonous grows rapidly, he can also grow rapidly, the two sides are complementary existences.

When he thought of the various magical powers recorded by Shanhaizong, all kinds of picking stars and taking the moon, moving mountains and filling the sea, and the magical powers of immortality, his eyes became extremely hot.

Whether it's for himself or for the young gluttonous, he must feed this young divine beast.

But it has to be said that the cost of raising young divine beasts is really huge, and even the Shanhaizong in its heyday recruited very few disciples.

After all, it is not so simple to feed a mythical beast, and the richest world may not be able to do it.

"By the way, although I can't feed the young gluttonous, other people can feed it, such as handing it over to the state and letting the state help raise it."

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a brilliant idea, that is, to let the state help raise his young gluttons.

You must know that if a country knows that there is a juvenile mythical beast in the world, it will definitely be ecstatic, and it will do its best to spend a huge amount of money to raise it.

And he can waste all kinds of resources of the country.

After all, it is impossible for the country to know that this juvenile divine beast has already bound a life contract with itself, and the faster it grows, the faster it will grow.

That is to say, he can let the state raise the divine beast for him, and after the divine beast has grown up, as long as he is willing, it can come back to help him with a single thought.

Of course, in the worst case, the country doesn't want to raise gluttonous, but wants to dissect it. He also has a way to make gluttonous run away. After all, young mythical beasts are not easy to mess with.

Even if it was just born, its strength is not comparable to ordinary people. If it wants to run away, no one in this world can stop it.

Anyway, Zhou Sui felt that he had to give it a try. If he succeeded, he would be rich, and the state would raise the beasts for himself, even if he failed, it would be harmless.

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