Can't Afford Gluttonous Food, Hand It Over To The Country At The Start

Chapter 254 Working In The Interstellar Era, The Cultivation Qualifications Of Citizens Of The Drago

"But the speed of our cultivation of martial arts exercises is too slow, so far we are only in the realm of martial artists, it is said that those original citizens of the Dragon Kingdom became divine cultivators at the age of only eighteen, and they don't know how to cultivate."

Some students sighed with emotion.

He felt that cultivation was extremely difficult, even if he cultivated for hundreds of years, he might not be able to become a magical cultivator, but the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom were actually eighteen years old and a magical cultivator.

This is not as simple as one or two, but the average level of the Dragon Kingdom, which is really unbelievable.

In comparison, he felt that his cultivation qualifications were slag.

"No way, those citizens of the Dragon Kingdom are all descendants of Divine Power cultivators, their innate qualifications are much stronger than ours, and their bloodlines are constantly purified, and their cultivation qualifications are becoming more and more terrifying."

"It will take us a long time to work hard to compare with people on other planets.

Someone explained.

This is also a fact, after all, with the continuous cultivation of the first generation of Dragon Kingdom, improving their physical fitness and qualifications, coupled with the power of Qilin's blessing, these descendants of 487 births are all extremely strong and amazingly qualified.

There is no doubt that compared with more than a hundred years ago, the physical fitness of the people of the Dragon Kingdom in this era, as well as the martial arts qualifications, are too strong.

Casually, a current Dragon Kingdom child, placed more than a hundred years ago, was a martial arts genius.

This is the qualification gap.

"Not only that, the cultivation of martial arts is not only based on qualifications, resources are also very important, especially pills, often a pill, can be compared to several years, or even more than ten years of practice.

Someone said in a deep voice: "In addition to the amazing martial arts qualifications of those citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, more importantly, they also have a large supply of pills, which saves a lot of cultivation time, which causes their cultivation to progress rapidly.

If we can also buy a large amount of pills to take, I am afraid that we can also quickly improve our cultivation, and I dare not say that we will become a magical cultivator at the age of eighteen, but at least we can save decades of cultivation time. ”

He said that pills were essential for martial arts practice, and without pills, it was impossible to practice so quickly.

Every thing is (bheg) is crucial.

"That being said, our Manka Star is just a planet that has just joined the Dragon Kingdom, and we don't have so many Dragon Yuan on us, how can we earn a lot of Dragon Yuan?"

"Yes, without Long Yuan, you can't buy food, you can't buy pills, you can't buy martial arts cheats, etc., in short, everything is difficult to move [ten dollars is difficult to die Lai Xionghan

Many students said helplessly.

Before they were only lower-class people, there was not much money on them, no, even if they were originally rich people, now their net worth has turned into nothing, after all, the money on the brute card star is not recognized by the dragon country, and the so-called money has become waste paper.

So now the Manka Star people are all on the same level and are frantically earning dragon yuan.

"Well, there are many ways to make money."

Someone smiled slightly: "It is said that online mining is very popular now, basically people who do not have a skill will choose to go to online mining, at least two or three thousand dragon dollars a month, if you are lucky, I am afraid you can earn tens of thousands of dragon dollars."

At that time, with this money, it will be enough to feed a large family, in fact, my parents do not go anywhere else to help now, so they have made a lot of money in online mining.

And online mining, very easy, as long as you manipulate the game characters, you don't need to consume much physical strength, at most it consumes some mental power, compared to the previous work, I don't know how many times easier. ”

He was very emotional.

After all, compared with the previous job, now as long as you can earn a lot of money without leaving home, I really don't know how many times easier and how many times more comfortable.

"Isn't it? It is said that many of the original citizens of the Dragon Kingdom are not willing to mine online, feeling that it is very hard and there is not much protection, which is cheap for those of us who are new to joining

"No, it's really fake, what a comfortable errand is online mining, the wind can't blow and the rain can't be dripped, just stay at home and lie down comfortably, this is simply lying down to make money, and there is no need to consume labor, there is no more comfortable job than this, are those citizens of the Dragon Kingdom so delicate?"

"It is said that those citizens of the Dragon Kingdom hate that working hours are too long, that they need to work eight hours a day, and that it is repetitive and uninteresting, so they are not willing to do similar work, and sometimes it is better to discover new planets, or to be farmers, buy a large piece of land, grow food and elixirs, etc., where you need to do hard work.

"Damn, the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom are too rich, all of them are rich, and any ordinary citizen is richer than the king before us, and the gap is too far

No wonder they are reluctant to do this hard work. ”

"No way, the productivity of the Dragon Country is too developed, agriculture is also very developed, it is said that the grain output is very amazing, even if the population of the Dragon Country exceeds one trillion, but the annual grain output is enough for tens of billions of people to eat, and even the output is still increasing, now the country is still vigorously building warehouses for storing grain, basically the Dragon Country has no concept of famine."

"It's still fake, don't you need to worry about drought and floods? Won't you worry about a poor harvest?"

"Worried about a fart, the dragon country has mastered hundreds of millions of planets, and some planets have become agricultural planets, growing a lot of food, and the food of one planet is enough to meet the table of tens of thousands of planets."

"Indeed, it is said that there are also animal husbandry planets, which raise a large number of animals and provide a variety of meat products for humans, and have also built processing plants on them to assist in transportation to major supermarkets and shops."

"Is this the Star Empire? It's simply a dream world, fortunately it came to our Mankastar, otherwise we would have been crushed to death by these nobles, and we didn't even have to eat and get the face of those nobles. ”

"Indeed, if only the Dragon Kingdom had come earlier, and killed those barbarian star nobles earlier, then our grandfather's generation would not be so miserable."

"Actually, it's not bad to come now, at least we also need to worry about the oppression of those barbarian star nobles."

Everyone talked about it and sighed with emotion, after all, compared with their previous life, their life is now equivalent to the nobles of the past, but there are no servants.

It is because of this that all of them have an incomparable good feeling and affection for the Dragon Kingdom.

Without the arrival of the Dragon Kingdom, they would still be eating soil in Mankastar.

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