Can't Afford Gluttonous Food, Hand It Over To The Country At The Start

Chapter 257 The Future Plan Of The Dragon Kingdom, The Construction And Wood Barrier Covering The Mi

At this moment, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, many high-level people are also holding meetings, basically editing the budget every year and formulating policies to develop the future economy of the galaxy.

It can be said that this is a remarkable meeting that determines the future development of the Dragon Kingdom and even the Milky Way.

The current Dragon Kingdom basically occupies the Milky Way, and even its influence has begun to involve other galaxies, which is an out-and-out interstellar empire, and its strength has been improved geometrically.

"At present, the work carried out by our Dragon Country interstellar development is quite good, and it has occupied 135.76 million life planets in the galaxy, basically each life planet has been planted with god seeds, as long as the sunlight and temperature are suitable, it can be transformed into a planet suitable for human habitation.

A high-level boss spoke, with a smile on his face, obviously compared to a hundred years ago, the number of planets occupied by the Dragon Kingdom now is too much, it is simply not a level

This also represents that the Dragon Kingdom has expanded a large number of human living space, so that millions of people have a habitable area, basically everyone will have their own house in 20, and there will be no shortage of food.

In this era, even the lowest ordinary people live better than rich families a hundred years ago, which is that the development of science and technology can bring earth-shaking changes to human life.

If it weren't for his own experience, who would have believed that the Dragon Kingdom could actually develop to this point, it was really strange and beyond the imagination of many scientists.

Of course, as for each planet planting the seeds of building trees, this is also a normal thing.

Because the planet where the Dragon Kingdom universe is located basically does not have the existence of heaven and earth aura, if you want to use heaven and earth aura, you need to use the power emperor of Jianmu.

Only the power of building wood can draw huge dimensional energy from the dimensional time and space, and transform the entire planet into a place suitable for human cultivation.

If there is no power to build wood, then this planet is a barren land, not suitable for human cultivation, and no one will migrate to live there.

"Yes, be sure to plant god seeds on every planet in the galaxy, once hundreds of billions, or even trillions of planets in the galaxy are planted with divine trees, then the divine trees and divine trees can echo each other and form a huge building tree enchantment."

A military uniform boss said in a deep voice: "If the Jianmu Enchantment is formed, then the entire galaxy will be shrouded in our dragon country, and any enemy who wants to enter the galaxy will be known to us, and we will be foolproof at that time."

You know, the Milky Way is too big, with a diameter of 180,000 light years, which is unimaginably large, and most of it is a vacuum.

Even according to the current power of the Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible to monitor every corner of the galaxy.

But if you use the power of building wood, it is different, forming a huge building wood enchantment, and then entering the life inside the enchantment, will inevitably be understood by building wood.

In this way, it is impossible for the enemy to silently penetrate deep into the hinterland of the Dragon Kingdom and cause damage to the planet of the Dragon Kingdom.

It can be said that the construction of the Jianmu Enchantment is an imperative and the national policy of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Not only the Milky Way, but other galaxies as well, can form building wood enchantments.

Another big man spoke: "After all, as time goes by, the speed of the integration of the two universes is getting faster and faster, and more and more otherworldly creatures will arrive in our universe, and then not only will we be able to travel to other worlds, but creatures from other worlds will also be able to reach the universe we are in."

Although the power of the ordinary world is basically unable to help our dragon country now, it is said that the universe where the Xuanhuang realm is located, and the high-dimensional world called the immortal world, if those immortals living in the immortal world also enter our universe, it will inevitably cause us great turmoil and damage, and we have to be cautious. ”

They have long received news from Zhou Sui about the fusion of the two universes, of course, this is the top secret of the Dragon Kingdom, and no one will know about it except for the high-level bosses.

After all, such a top secret, if it is known by too many people, is actually of little use.

"This point is reassuring, according to scientists' speculation, the fusion of the two universes is from the low-latitude world, and then fused into the high-latitude world, and the time is extremely long, if you want to start fusing the immortal world, there is no time for tens of thousands of years, it is impossible to do it, so far, it should only be a fusion of the low-latitude world.

A scientist spoke.

He said that there were at least more than 10,000 years before the arrival of the immortals, which meant that they did not need to worry about the threat from the immortals.

Even if those immortals are powerful, they are still helpless in the face of the restrictions of the laws of the universe.

So they still have a lot of time to develop the power of the state.

"Even so, we must not take it lightly, who knows if the speed of the fusion of the two universes will suddenly accelerate, if it is accelerated, then we will be completely finished, even if there is the protection of the divine beasts, it will definitely lead to our heavy losses, or even countless deaths and injuries, so we still need to speed up the development of the country and occupy more planets."

Obtain a lot of resources and even cultivate a large number of immortals. "

A high-ranking boss said in a deep voice.

Now their gaze has long been not limited to the tenfold supernatural power, but beyond the existence of the tenfold supernatural power, become an immortal, only by becoming an immortal can it be regarded as 243 mastering the power of high latitude.

Compared with the immortals, the Divine Cultivators still don't know how far they are.

Of course, at present, they have only given birth to cultivators with five layers of divine power, and they are still far from the king of divine power.

"Where is it so simple, the more the cultivators of the Divine Power Realm reach the later stage, the longer it will take, don't look at our more than a hundred years, there are many cultivators with Divine Power Fivefold, but it takes at least thousands of years to be ten times away from Divine Power, and it may not be successful."

Someone sighed.

Basically, every high-level master here is a magical cultivator, and they have also begun to experience the difficulties of cultivation, sometimes it is not because of insufficient resources, purely because of insufficient temperament.

In this way, even if more resources are accumulated, it will not be able to go to the next level.

So it's not a human thing.

"It doesn't matter, the population of our country has exceeded one trillion, and in hundreds of years, even thousands of years, it will be able to break through the scale of trillions, or even trillions, with such a large population, I don't believe that the emperor immortals cannot be born."

"Indeed, the success does not have to be mine, as long as we formulate a fair policy, a steady stream of immortal cultivation talents will naturally be born."

Many high-level bigwigs are talking about it.

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