Can't Afford Gluttonous Food, Hand It Over To The Country At The Start

Chapter 55 Jianmu's Tree Birth Enchantment, Crazy Growing Plants

It didn't take long for the news that Zhou Sui handed in a divine tree again, and it also spread to the top of the country like a hurricane, and everyone was stunned.

"What did you say? Comrade Zhou Sui picked up another sacred tree, and also planted the sacred tree in the land of Bashu. Is this true or false?"

To be honest, Zhou Sui picked up two divine beasts in a row, which is amazing enough, which is unprecedented. Who would have thought that the other party actually picked up a divine tree again.

Although it is not a divine beast, but a divine tree, it is also a creature from the age of mythology, and there is no doubt that there must be incredible power.

"Yes, it's true. Comrade Yao Yuning has brought this sacred tree to the land of Bashu, and it should be planted soon. It is said that this sacred tree is called Jianmu."

A big man in military uniform said solemnly.

"God tree builds wood? No way, is it the god tree in myth that can communicate with the fairy world?"

"Really or not, there really is such a divine tree? I thought it was a fiction."

"Even divine beasts like Taotie and Jinlong have appeared, so what's so strange about Jianmu?"

"That's right, I just don't know what kind of power Shenshu Jianmu has. Can it really communicate with the immortal world? Or does the immortal world really exist?"

"I don't know, according to Comrade Zhou Sui, once Jianmu is successfully planted, its power can accelerate the growth of the plant, which will greatly increase our food production and elixir production.

If our fields could barely support 1.5 billion people before, then when Jianmu grows up, our land alone may be able to support at least 10 billion people. "

"No, this divine tree is really so powerful. If this is the case, then our Dragon Kingdom will really be released. From then on, we will no longer need to import foreign food."

"To be honest, this is just a conservative estimate. If the power of the gods and trees is really like myths and legends, I'm afraid this is only the most basic power."

Many bigwigs talked a lot, and all of them were overjoyed.

If they could, they could hardly wait to fly to the land of Bashu immediately to witness the process of the growth of the divine tree.

But this is just a thought. After all, they are in the capital and have a lot of things to do.


A few hours later, Yao Yuning flew directly to the Air Force Airport of Bashu Base on a military fighter plane, and then took a local helicopter to a high mountain in a virgin forest somewhere in Bashu.

"Comrade Yao Yuning, stop here?"

asked an Air Force pilot.

There were also several local soldiers who followed Yao Yuning, and they were all responsible for protecting Yao Yuning's safety.

"Okay, just stop."

Yao Yuning's heart moved, she felt that there seemed to be a message from the small tree in her hand, she instinctively chose a place in the land of Bashu, and then she put the small tree on the ground.


The moment this small tree was placed on the ground, it seemed to come to life, and black roots spewed from its body immediately, stabbing deeply on the ground, and instantly penetrated hundreds of meters below. the earth.

Originally, its volume was only the size of a palm, like a sapling.

At this moment, it is actually growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, growing, growing, growing.

It's just a breath of time, Jianmu has grown into a huge tree hundreds of meters high, which is already comparable to a high-rise building with more than 30 floors.

"what happened?"

"This sapling seems to be growing like crazy, completely contrary to the principle."

"Is this the country's latest biotechnology? Has the country's technology developed to such an extent?"

The soldiers next to him were instantly stunned and stunned, because they didn't know what their mission was at all, but only knew that they needed to be responsible for protecting an important military figure and then do something extremely secret.

But what it is, they are not very clear.

But now, they actually saw a small sapling grow into a towering tree in a few breaths.


But this was just the beginning. When Jianmu grew into a 100-meter tall tree, bursts of green light erupted from it, forming a huge green enchantment.

In just an instant, this green enchantment covered the whole of Bashu, covering at least three provinces, and all the plants sensed this incredible force of life.

It seems that at this moment, all the plants are alive and rejoicing.

What? !

Yao Yuning's beautiful eyes widened, she saw an unbelievable scene, after the surrounding trees absorbed this green energy, they began to grow wildly.

Trees that were originally only a few meters high, or more than ten meters high, are now growing wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they have grown to a height of tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters.

All kinds of weeds on the earth, originally only a dozen centimeters in height, have grown to dozens of centimeters, and they have reached the level of a person's waist.

All major plants, flowers, etc. have grown up, and the entire Bashu land is lush, covered by endless green plants, full of endless vitality.

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