Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 1104: More people than ideas

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"That is, no one stipulates that college students are required to have qinqishu and demonstrative meetings. I don't believe you go and ask Mr. Lu to see if he is a city?" said Lin's wife.

Jiang Yao silently bowed his head and laughed silently. Lu Xingzhi was really a metropolis. He learned piano when he was young and was not good, but he should be able to play a little.

He is also good at painting. Jiang Yao visited his hometown this time and read the textbooks he was studying.

In addition to calligraphy and calligraphy, Lu Xingzhi is superb and good at calligraphy, painting and calligraphy. Although the other three cannot be said to be special, they are at least a little bit, they are all in the door.

But she is different from Lu Xingzhi. The Lu family has money, so she has focused on cultivating children's all-round development from an early age, and Lu and Lu are both teachers and they understand children's education better.

But her parents are ordinary farmers, and her family is poor, so it is very hard for her to study all the time, so she naturally has no chance to contact those qinqi paintings and paintings.

But Jiang Yao did not feel that she would be sorry for her status as a college student. She specializes in surgery, and she studied medicine. As long as the medicine is superb, it is worthy of the cultivation of her parents and school.

"You all go back to your own home." Lin's sister-in-law started to rush people, "Don't think of how to find someone to be happy without asking for help."

Lin Sister-in-law said so bluntly that the people outside could not stand still, and one or two left.

After the outsiders were gone, Jiang Yaocai said to the female soldiers of the cultural troupe: "Will you go downstairs and ask Zhu's sister-in-law?"

"Let's go together, there are many ideas." The female soldier smiled at Jiang Yao. "We came early to arrange two programs for you."

Jiang Yao was actually very interested, so he agreed and went back to the bedroom to get things cleaned up, put on his coat and went downstairs with the three sisters-in-law to find Zhu's sister-in-law.

The two female soldiers were actually very curious about Jiang Yao, because they had heard a lot about the company’s husband and wife before they came, and heard that the company’s wife’s medical skills were also very good. Therefore, Jiang Yao is also a little admired.

When going downstairs, the two asked Jiang Yao a lot of things about studying medicine. Jiang Yao said that the people studying medicine would have contact with the body. Both of them were shocked.

When the four arrived at Zhuying's home, Zhu's sister-in-law was watching the two children writing homework. She was pleased to hear the female soldiers. She took out the flute and played a song for the two female soldiers.

Not to mention, Jiang Yao just praised Zhu's sister-in-law's flute and it wasn't nonsense. After listening to the two female soldiers of the cultural corps, they praised them again and again.

Zhu's sister-in-law didn't dare to say anything else, but she was very confident in her own flute. "My dad would cut bamboos in the mountains to make flutes for sale. When my dad teaches my flute, my dad plays the flute. Our county town is famous!"

"Then arrange a flute solo for you!" After solving a show, the two female soldiers were happy. "One more time, do you still know who will sing?"

"There is another program that can arrange the children in our troops to come on stage? That's so interesting!" Jiang Yao saw Zhu sister-in-law's child's spirit flashing, "You can teach the children to dance without too complicated, there is an atmosphere It will work."

"Good idea!" Lin's sister-in-law clapped, "I agree, how about you two?"

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