Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 529: Wait a while

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"You are like this, I won't come in the winter vacation!"

Jiang Yao shoved his face away with a slap, and looked at the landing with a blushing face. If he was to let him continue to do something wrong, she would not be able to catch the plane tomorrow.

Lu Xingzhi rubbed her face in the palm of her hand and rubbed her chin before her beard, itchy and weird, she had to put her palm back.

Looking at his eyes with a two-point smile, Jiang Yao hummed and threatened, "I'm serious, I'm not kidding you!"

"No." Lu Xingzhi's tone was more assured, "You don't want me to be alone in the army for the New Year."

Without hesitation, neither speculation nor temptation, he knew that she would not do it.

Jiang Yao choked, a little speechless.

Lu Xingzhi is really good at grasping people's hearts.

During the summer vacation, he said a word to her, still cautiously, either temptation or flattering, for fear of saying the wrong thing casually, she would ignore him, not even National Day.

Now, he has already figured it out in her heart, she is rare in her heart, likes him, loves him, so his overbearing temperament does not cover up at all, and begins to do whatever he wants.

He made sure that she was reluctant to be alone in the army.

In fact, Jiang Yao said so, and it was indeed impossible for him to reluctantly leave Lu Xingzhi alone in the army during the Chinese New Year reunion festival.

"Yaoyao, after tonight, you go back to Nanjiang City and wait for our next meeting. It will take a long time. You have to be considerate to me..." Then she whispered in her ear, "You also have to be considerate of it ..."

When he said the next sentence, he used a wicked way to push her there, and then gave her no opportunity to speak, sealed her lips and robbed her fiercely.

One night, he was proud.

However, she still cares about her getting up early to catch the plane the next day, and also cares about her mood. She is even more afraid that she will lose her energy the next day. What will happen to her when she gets off the plane and goes back, so she asked twice , He hugged her and fell asleep.

After having breakfast from the army canteen the next day, Lu Xingzhi was ready to send Jiang Yao to the airport in Jinshi.

The little soldiers of the army knew that Jiang Yao was leaving early in the morning, so many people came to the army at the gate of the army early to send Jiang Yao.

Although everyone didn't spend much time with Jiang Yao, she really taught them a lot in the past few days, but in their hearts, Jiang Yao was like a little teacher, even if they all knew that Jiang Yao would come during the winter vacation However, when Lu Xingzhi drove Jiang Yao away in a car, there were still many people who were reluctant.

Jinshi’s troops arrived at Jinshi’s airport in more than 40 to 50 minutes. Xu was about to leave, so the two were in a slightly depressed mood. No one spoke. The atmosphere in the car was quiet for a while.

In this way of silence, Lu Xingzhi drove the car to the gate of Jinshi Airport.

Jiang Yao looked at Lu Xing for a few seconds and saw that he still didn't mean to speak. Before moving, he unfastened his seat belt and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to send me in?"

Lu Xingzhi started talking, um, and looked at the wrist watch, "It's still early, the car is warm, sit in the car and wait for a while."

When he was finished, Lu Xingzhi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, poured a cigarette out, clicked, lowered his head, and then mouthed, before raising his eyes and looking at Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao looked at him stunnedly, holding a cigarette, lighting it, and spitting it.

Some are fascinated.

She hasn’t seen him smoking for a long time. He has always known that she doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes very much, so she avoided smoking at the beginning. Later, she noticed that after she smoked, she still smelled of cigarettes. Quit smoking directly.

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