"Wow! There are so many people watching the match between Musashi FC and Nanlu FC," Shi Qiliao said, shaking his head.

"This is enough to prove how much attention Musashi FC has attracted," Xiaoyi replied excitedly. After all, he is very enthusiastic about playing against strong teams.

Just as the people in Nange were laughing and talking about the players of the two teams below, a shout from behind attracted everyone's attention.

Xiaoyi... Yayoi was hesitant to speak.

Hmm? It's Yayoi, why are you here... ? Xiaoyi said in confusion.

"I have something to tell you, please come with me, okay?" Yayoi said seriously.

Uh, okay. Xiaoyi followed Yayoi and walked to the park opposite.

A Liao teased: "Xiaoyi, you have to be careful not to let the big sister see you, it will be very sad, haha."

Pubian also said in a mean way: "Yeah, if she sees this, she will make a scene, hehe."

Xiaoyi stumbled, but still followed, and was also curious about what Yayoi wanted to talk to him about.

"Okay, you two, that's enough, watch the game carefully." Xin Benfeng's words were still very effective for the two monkeys, and they could only say "oh" in a sly way.

Interesting, as expected, just like the original book, she finally came. She is really a speechless girl, but since I'm here, how can I let you get what you want, hehe. Thinking of this, Xin Benfeng took advantage of everyone's attention on the court and ran towards Xiaoyi.

Next, they will go back for another truck trip. Sanae, the head of the Nankatsu cheerleading team, stretched naturally, and then her eyes froze. Hmm?

Ah... It's Xiaoyi and... That girl? Humph, what are these two people trying to do there? It's unforgivable. Sanae raised her fists angrily and was about to rush over. Then she thought for a moment and hid behind the nearest tree, listening with her ears erect.

Xiaoyi... Yayoi stepped forward and held Xiaoyi's hand and said, "Xiaoyi, please. Let our captain win. The captain actually has a bad heart and can no longer play football."

"Ah, can't... play football anymore," Xiaoyi was also shocked when he heard it.

"Actually, the doctor has already advised him, but he said that no matter what, he has to wait until the end of this competition." . . Yayoi said with a distressed face.

"Is that why you can't play in the game?" Yi replied

"Well, only the coach and I know about this," Yayoi said.

"Please, this is the last competition in his life for us! So I want him to win no matter what!! Tomorrow's game..." Yayoi suddenly shouted at Xiaoyi.

Xiaoyi was silent for a moment, then said: "I'm sorry, I can't do this. My dream is to win this competition, and then I can go to Brazil with Robert."

Sanae behind the tree was also very disappointed when she heard what Xiaoyi said.

Brazil? Yayoi was also very surprised.

"Yes, Brazil! Brazil, the kingdom of football, where I want to become a professional football player, so no matter who the opponent is, I must not lose!!! And, Misugi, will definitely be happy because of my full effort." Xiaoyi said seriously.

Xiaoyi, you... Yayoi stared at Xiaoyi speechless.

"Well said, Xiaoyi, I support you. Hearing the voice, Xiaoyi and Yayoi looked at the same time, only to see Shinbenfeng standing not far away with his hands in his pockets."

"Wind God, why are you here..." Xiaoyi said in surprise.

Uh, this, sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you, and at the same time, Shinbenfeng also glanced at Sanae on the side. You have been out for so long, the coach asked me to come and see you.

"Oh, so that's how it is," Xiaoyi scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed look.

"This is the manager of the Musashi team, Yayoi, right? I want to say, do you know that you are very selfish?" Xin Benfeng walked closer and said.

Yayoi was stunned. . . Selfish?

"Yes, you are very selfish." Xin Benfeng nodded and continued.

You are not just because Misugi is in poor health, but you also like Misugi Jun, right?

For the person you like, are you asking Xiaoyi to play a fake match and lose deliberately? Have you ever thought about the feelings of all the players in our Nankatsu team? Letting Xiaoyi lose deliberately is not only an insult to Xiaoyi, but also an insult to our Nankatsu team, and even more an insult to Misugi and the entire Musashi team in your mind. Football is not only a good friend, but also a pure and free sport.

If you really want to do it for Misugi Jun, you shouldn't ask Xiaoyi to lose deliberately here, but you should ask us to play a fair game with all our strength. This is the greatest respect for a person who loves football, and it will makeSansugi has no regrets in his heart, do you understand? Shinmoto Feng said righteously.

"Humph, when I saw this plot in the original work before, I was upset with people like you who ask others to lose deliberately for their own selfish interests. Now I am finally relieved." Shinmoto Feng thought to himself.

Xiaoyi and Sanae who was still hiding behind the tree were stunned when they heard what Xinbenfeng said, but at the same time they felt that it made sense.

Yayoi bowed with red eyes and said: "I'm sorry, I was abrupt and didn't think about these... I just wanted to."

Okay, no need to apologize, Shinmoto Feng interrupted: "I think even if Sansugi knew about this, he would not agree with your approach. Go back to the court and do what a manager of the Musashi team should do."

Yes, then Yayoi ran away without looking back.

"Xiaoyi, it's getting late, let's go back too. Get in shape and face every game. For our common goal, we will work together to win the championship first as a farewell gift." Shinmoto Feng patted Xiaoyi's shoulder.

"Well, thank you Feng", Xiaoyi said.

"Uh, it's okay. Call our cheerleader Sanae, let's go back together", Xin Benfeng smiled.

Ah, Sanae, there. Xiaoyi was surprised and looked around.

Hearing this, Sanae jumped out from behind the tree with a red face. That... Xiaoyi, Fengshen, "The coach asked me to call you back."

"Haha, then let's go back quickly, we can still watch the game of the Musashi team, I think Sansugi should play." After saying that, Xin Benfeng walked forward with his hands in his pockets, and the embarrassed Xiaoyi and the two hurriedly followed.

This game did not change. After Sansugi entered the field, the score was quickly changed back, and the result was a 6:2 victory over Hitachi FC.

On the way after the game, Sansugi found that Yayoi was absent-minded and asked what happened. Yayoi also said everything, and said that after Tsubasa won the game, she would go to Brazil. While Sansugi was envious, he also agreed that this was a great dream for Xiaoyi. At the same time, in the match against Nankatsu tomorrow, I will also go all out.

The first match of the top four in the national competition is between Minghe and Furano, and the second match is between Nankatsu and Musashi!

The match between Matsuyama and Hinata was really exciting. Matsuyama's perseverance made Tsubasa admire him very much, and at the same time, he was more determined to go all out. Hinata was the same. He was able to play such an exciting game with a fever, which was enough to show that he was equally persistent in winning.

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