Off the court, Furano's shot was saved by Nanyu and the goalkeeper again.

At this point, the whistle sounded and the first half of the game ended.

Hinata stared blankly at the situation off the court and snorted coldly: "What are you dawdling about?"

Nanyu and ended the first half with a 1-point lead.

Well, it's almost time for us to warm up. At this time, Xiaoyi stood up and said to everyone.

Well, it's too boring here. Xin Benfeng stood up and stretched his waist to respond. At this time, he saw a familiar figure in his peripheral vision, and Xin Benfeng smiled and said: "Xiaoyi, you go first, I suddenly have something to do and will be there later." . ... Daoxiang said with a look of anger.

Tengze remembered what his mother said and shed tears.

Nanyuhe Middle School Lounge

Okay everyone! The performance in the first half was not bad. It will become even hotter next time, and the opponent will also be unable to bear the heat. Don't let the opponent take advantage of the opportunity to attack! Nanyuhe coach urged.

Yeah! Let's score another point in the second half and get rid of them! Ishida said to Takei with confidence.

Oh! No problem. Takei said as a matter of course.

Furano Middle School Lounge

Sorry, it's all my fault. If that ball had gone in... Oda said to everyone with a guilty look.

Don't worry, just work harder in the second half. There are still 30 minutes left. Calm down and play. Matsuyama wiped the sweat from his forehead and interrupted Oda.

At this time, Furano coach came over and said: The 1 point taken away is a fact, let's tie the score first! In this way, we can take advantage of the good situation. Everyone should have confidence!

Yes! Everyone in Furano responded loudly.

Only Matsuyama lowered his head and thought: Damn it, if we procrastinate at this time, how can we win the championship!

The sun is getting stronger. The temperature is now 36 degrees. We have to fight against the scorching heat. The second half will start soon. The commentator's voice resounded in the venue again.

I believe in you... Matsuyama-san. Tenzawa Miko in the audience said with a worried look on her face.

The whistle sounded, and the second half of the game continued.

Nanyuwa Middle School took the lead in launching an offensive. Let's go! Let's get another point and end the game! Captain Ishida shouted loudly.

Don't lose, you can't get the second point. Everyone in Furano also shouted and immediately went up to intercept.

Under the leadership of Captain Ishida, Nanyuwa passed the ball quickly and advanced steadily.

It is indeed a good team, Nanyuhe, it is not a coincidence that they are leading 1:0 until now! The commentator commented.

Hearing this, coach Nanyuhe nodded and said complacently: Of course, since I became this coach, this Nanyuhe is the strongest team I have ever seen! After dominating the four countries, we will use this team to dominate the whole country!

Nanyuhe's sharp attack, on the other hand, the Hokkaido representative Furano, who has not adapted to the hot summer, is his physical strength decreasing little by little? ! The commentator said again.

On the court, the Furano players were all panting in this hot temperature, and it was obvious that their physical strength had been overdrawn.

Come on, everyone must grit their teeth and persevere! Coach Furano looked at this scene and muttered to himself.

What's wrong, Matsuyama, don't you still have a score to settle with me! Hinata in the stands stared at Matsuyama on the court and thought.

Damn, if they get the second point, it will be over, we know this best! Thinking of this, Matsuyama immediately chased the ball and slid to steal the ball from Nanyu and his team members. Then, he took the ball and attacked the opponent's half.

Matsuyama, whose physical strength had long been declining, saw the opportunity and passed the ball long, and the ball landed at Kaneda's feet with great accuracy.

Nanyu and captain Ishida immediately shouted: "Predict the pass and steal the ball."

Beautiful pass. Kaneda, who received the ball, shouted and was about to pass it to the front line personnel, but found that the passing space was firmly blocked by Nanyu and his team members. In desperation, he flashed his peripheral vision and immediately passed the ball to captain Matsuyama Hikaru who was inserted on the sideline.

Oops, return to defense, reinforce in front of the goal for me. Nanyu and captain Ishida shouted, and immediately ran to their own half with center forward Takei.

Before that, cross the ball first. Matsuyama immediately kicked the ball into the penalty area from the side.

The unattended striker Oda immediately ran in, jumped up, and headed the ball. This time, Oda shouted.

Unfortunately, the ball hit the goalkeeper in the face. Nanyu and the goalkeeper easily caught it.

This... This is such a pity! Oda once again let the chance to score slip away, this is the second time! The commentator said.

Oda knelt in front of the goal in a daze, with a look of dismay on his face.Unbelievable.

Oda... Matsuyama said worriedly.

Okay, hurry up now! Matsuyama can't make it back! Captain Nan Yuhe shouted, awakening the distracted Matsuyama.

The ball was kicked high by the goalkeeper and flew to the front court. Nan Yuhe blew the horn of counterattack again.

Captain Ishida rushed to Furano's half with the ball and found that the center forward Takei was guarded, so... Only shooting!

Thinking of this, Ishida kicked a long shot and the football flew straight to the Furano goal.

Furano goalkeeper Kato jumped up and surpassed his instinct to catch the football that was about to fly into the net.

Come on, Kato! This kind of procrastinating game should end here! How can Furano lose to these guys? ! Matsuyama in the midfield immediately shouted back.

Captain... . . The Furano players looked at the angry Matsuyama with touched eyes.

Captain! Goalkeeper Kato immediately made a long pass in the direction of Matsuyama. At the same time, he shouted: "Everyone follow the captain, the captain is right, how can we lose to these guys."

That's right, we can't lose the game in such a place! Follow the captain! With a roar from the center back, the entire Furano team immediately ran to the opponent's half.

Furano, like an avalanche, launched a full-line attack and rushed forward with Matsuyama.

Good... What a strong spirit. The Nankatsu players who continued to watch the game on the tablet in the practice field exclaimed.

Furano is worthy of teamwork. Everyone is united because of Matsuyama's words! Xiaoyi said with an extremely serious look.

Matsuyama... Hinata in the stands looked at the cheered-up Furano and murmured. I don't know what he is thinking.

Hinata, catch it. A voice interrupted Hinata's thoughts.

When Hinata stretched his hand back, he saw a red can flying over. He raised his hand to catch it. It was a bottle of canned cola. Then he looked up and saw a tall figure in his eyes, holding a bottle of cola in his hand. It was Shinmoto Feng.

It's you, Shinmoto Feng. Why are you here instead of warming up? Hinata was stunned for a moment and then said coldly.

Shinmoto Feng lay on the fence in front of him, drank a sip of cola and smiled, "Warm up? No need. The opponent in the next game doesn't arouse my interest."

Don't worry, there are still 10 minutes. As long as you predict the pass like before, Furano will not score! Nanyu and captain Ishida encouraged morale. Then Nanyu and the players also ran to mark the opponent.

Damn, how can we lose to these guys! Gnashing his teeth, Matsuyama didn't pass the ball this time. He directly kicked a long shot, a close-in shot that he often practiced in the snow in Hokkaido. The football flew close to the ground and toward Nanyu and the goal at high speed.

Nanyu and his teammates, who expected to pass the ball, were instantly exploited, and all stared at the shot.

The power contained in the football flew over Nanyu and the goalkeeper's hands and flew into the net. 1:1, tied the score.

Let you see, the perseverance of our snow country. Matsuyama couldn't help shouting after scoring.

Only by training on a soft field and constantly exercising the waist and legs can you make this shot. This is the shot of the North Country! The commentator commented loudly.

Well done! Captain, it's a tie! The Furano players happily celebrated with each other at this moment.

Great, it's a tie! Happy Tengze and Daoxiang also congratulated each other.

What a great shot, I didn't expect Matsuyama to have such fighting spirit. By the way, that long shot close to the ground was so powerful. Xiaoyi stared at the replay on the tablet, feeling even more uneasy.

It is because of the training of waist and legs in the snow country that such a shot can be made. Katagiri also said in agreement, and then looked at Coach Jianshang next to him.

Yeah. And the other players were scattered on the passing path, not concentrating the pressure on Matsuyama, this is a goal scored by all the players together. . . Coach Jianshang also analyzed.

Looking at the cheering Furano team, Hinata in the stands said to himself in a deep voice: "But there is still one point, Matsuyama".

Oh, you still care about Matsuyama Hikaru, have you two reconciled? Shinmoto Feng shook the Coke and said with a wicked smile.

Hinata snorted disdainfully and drank a sip of Coke to cover up the embarrassment. Then he said coldly: "Furano will definitely win this game. You will be opponents in the next games. You should think more about how to enter the finals."

Hearing this, Shin Benfeng put away his smile and looked at Matsuyama on the field coldly: "Matsuyama is indeed strong, but if Furano is only this strong now, I don't mind sending them back to Hokkaido."

Hinata's eyes condensed and said: "Very good, then we will defeat you in the finals by Toho."

Oh, then let me see the result of your hard trainingAchievements, I hope you can make the game more interesting. Well, goodbye. Shinmoto Feng smiled and left.

Humph, I'll show you. Hinata clenched his fists as he looked at Shinmoto Feng's back.

On the field, Furano, who tied the score, was in a very good situation. Matsuyama intercepted the ball again and attacked forward.

Be careful, Matsuyama not only passes the ball, but also dribbles and shoots from a distance! Captain Ishida reminded loudly.

Matsuyama passed the ball to Kaneda, who continued to break through with the ball. With the careful cooperation of Furano players, the football was passed back to the midfield commander Matsuyama again.

I won't let you get the second point. Nanyu and captain Ishida gritted their teeth and ran straight to Matsuyama.

Ishida, as you wish. Matsuyama also gritted his teeth and shouted. Let's have a one-on-one duel!

At the moment the two clashed, Matsuyama quickly used his right toe to slide the ball from his left heel and dribbled past Ishida.

Ah, he passed. In the battle between the two captains, Matsuyama won! The commentator shouted.

Ishida was passed. He actually... lost after competing with his ball skills! Takei said with a big mouth in astonishment.

Matsuyama, who was not guarded, dribbled the ball to the front of the goal, but instantly passed the ball horizontally to Oda next to him again.

Captain... Oda was stunned for a moment and shouted.

You come to score, Oda. You are the center forward of Furano. Matsuyama encouraged.

Captain, everyone... I am still trusted so much after two consecutive failures. Okay, if I can't score this time, I'm not a man. After hesitating for a moment, Oda immediately kicked the ball hard, go ahead...

The goalkeeper finally couldn't dodge and the ball went straight into the net. 2:1

Oda, three times the limit, this time it really went in, and it was scored very powerfully! The commentator shouted excitedly.

Goal... Goal. Oda jumped up excitedly.

Damn, we got defeated and won... Nanyu and captain Ishida said dejectedly.

At this time, the final whistle sounded. Furano advanced to the semi-finals by turning defeat into victory.

Very good, the next one is Nankatsu, and then the final and Toho Gakuen. Matsuyama said confidently.

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