Finally, the 0-0 stalemate was broken. The ball blocked by Wakashimazu was scored by Ming Hedong's shovel shot. So far, the Toho defenders, who have always been proud of their iron-clad defense, finally lost points for the first time in this tournament. The commentator's loud voice rang out in the silent venue.

Audience seats

Toho was ahead of them and scored. . . Nankatsu's Tsubasa said in disbelief.

Hinata on the bench opened his mouth in astonishment, staring at the goal with an unbelievable face. . .

"Great! We got a point!" Ming Hedong shouted excitedly.

The words 1 point finally appeared on the screen! Ming Hedong is one step closer to advancing to the finals! The commentator said.

Seeing this scene, Hinata on the bench immediately stood up and hurriedly took off his sportswear, and rushed to the court.

Captain! The Toho player on the bench shouted in confusion.

"Stop, Hinata! What do you want to do! I don't plan to use you in this game, sit down, Hinata! This is the coach's order!!" Coach Kitazawa Makoto shouted.

Hinata stopped when he heard the voice, and his trembling body showed his inner restlessness at the moment.

Order... Order... Are you the most amazing person in the world? Is everything you said right? Hinata immediately turned around and shouted. Then he grabbed his jersey with his left hand and said tremblingly: "Why can't I play in the game..."

Captain... All the Toho players on the field looked at Hinata nervously.

Hinata, who was shaking constantly, slowly loosened his clenched fist, and immediately turned around and rushed to the court again...

"Stop! Hinata!" Coach Kitazawa Makoto immediately shouted nervously.

Hinata stopped running to the edge of the court and shouted angrily to the court: "Don't lose, everyone! It's just one point! There's still plenty of time, you can definitely turn defeat into victory! The more I am not in this game, the more you have to win! Win it, everyone!"

Hinata... Coach Kitazato Makoto looked at Hinata and muttered to himself.

Captain... Senior Hinata... The Toho players looked at the angry Hinata and their eyes slowly burst into fighting spirit.

"I will definitely play in the finals!" Hinata declared again.

At this moment, everyone inside and outside the court stared at Hinata with complicated eyes.

"Let's go, everyone! The captain is right, it's just one point, we can get it back immediately!" Wakashimazu said immediately.

All the Toho players nodded seriously, and a serious blazing fire began to burn.

Yes! So far, no captain has won, let them see, our Toho's confidence! Toho center Sorimachi also encouraged.

Looking at the Toho players who rekindled their fighting spirit, the silent Takeshi Sawada thought to himself: "We swore before the start of this game that the more we don't have Senior Hinata, the more we will win this game. And if the coach doesn't use Senior Hinata in tomorrow's final, we will collectively boycott the game."

Everyone... Looking at this scene, Hinata felt complicated.

Okay, the game continues. What kind of attack will Toho, who is leading by one point, show us? The commentator said.

The players of both sides stood in position again and prepared to kick off.

"Haha! We have seen through all the actions of your main player, Takeshi Sawada. We will advance to the final with this point," Minghe East forward Zemu thought to himself as he looked at the Toho players on the opposite side.

The whistle sounded.

Let's go! Toho immediately launched an attack and blew the horn of counterattack.

Toho quickly entered the Minghe East half! The goal was to tie the score, but Minghedong's defense today was a perfect 100 points. Facing Dongfang without the ace Hinata, would it take extraordinary skills to break through this solid defense? The commentator said.

"If we play the Dongfang football we have played so far, we will definitely win!" Sawada ran with gritted teeth and immediately passed the ball.

But the ball was intercepted by the Minghedong players who had predicted it in advance! Sawada's pass failed again!

Damn it! The angry Sawada immediately turned to the Minghedong players with the ball and slid to intercept the ball.

Beautiful! Sawada! Dongfang players shouted.

"Yes, that's the energy, Sawada!" Hinata outside the field also waved his fists and praised.

If it's taken away, go get it back, that's how football works! That's right, Senior Tsubasa! I want to be a midfielder who can score like Senior Tsubasa. Sawada, who was running with the ball, thought of this and immediately became agile. He skillfully faked and passed three people in succession.

Sawada broke through the middle with the ball! The commentator shouted.

"Oh no! He's going to shoot, go and block his shooting route!" Ming Hedong shouted immediately.

"Senior, I'm growing up too!" Sawada shouted, immediately got into a shooting position.

You can't score! Two Minghedong defenders immediately followed up to intercept.

Sawada's eyes flashed, and his agile left foot immediately changed the shot into a pass, kicking the ball to the side with one foot.

That's Tsubasa's move! Nankatsu team's Ishiki said in the stands.

Wow! This is the first time today that the ball has been passed to Sorimachi's feet! The commentator said.

Before the captain comes back, leave this position of center forward to me--Sorimachi, thinking of this, immediately kicked the ball hard and shot.

The football flashed through the goalkeeper's hands and entered the net! 1:1!

Good! Beautiful shot. Wakashimazu in front of Toho's goal said happily.

Toho! Relying on excellent cooperation, the score was tied to 1:1 in the 15th minute of the second half! The commentator shouted immediately.

Great, captain! Senior Hyuga... All the Toho players ran towards Hyuga excitedly.

"Nice shot, Sorimachi! And Sawada who changed the shot into a pass with a sudden judgment." Hinata praised happily.

"We won't lose now! Because no matter what happens, I won't let the opponent score!" Wakashimazu said excitedly.

At this time, the audience seats

Toho, who was anxious because of not being able to score in the first half, regained their confidence. Nankatsu team's Ishiki Liao said happily,

"The 1 point just now was thanks to Hinata's encouragement," Furano's Matsuyama also said admiringly.

"Damn it! It's just a tie. Looking at their appearance, if you don't know, you would think they have won!" Ming and Dongzemu said angrily.

The game continued, and Dongfang, who tied the score, took the opportunity to launch an attack! The commentator said loudly.

Go! Get rid of them in one go! Toho striker Sorimachi immediately ran forward.

In the audience

"Dongfang has relied on everyone's strength to fill in Hinata's absence in this tournament and has fought until now, so it has also honed teamwork, and each player's skills have been amazingly improved. If Hinata is added, it will become a very strong team," Xiaoyi frowned and murmured.

"Not bad! But Xiaoyi, your vision is too low! Even if Dongfang has Hinata, it will only make it a little more difficult for the current Nankazu to win the championship. It is still not enough to beat us." Shinmoto Feng smiled and said. After all, Nankazu now has his own joining, and its strength is no longer what it used to be.

There is not much time left. If it is tied and enters a penalty shootout, it is because Dongfang has the No. 1 goalkeeper of this tournament, Wakashimazu, that the situation is not good for Minghedong. The commentator analyzed.

A tie means Minghedong loses. . . Matsuyama of Furano also said in agreement.

"It's come to this, how can we lose!" Minghedong forward Zemu murmured.

Everyone, don't think about a tie! Dongfang's football will definitely win the game! Hinata shouted loudly from the sidelines.

Yes! The Dongfang players who were running immediately responded.

Coach Kitazatoshi Cheng looked at Hinata who was encouraging the team on the sidelines with mixed feelings, and murmured: "Sure enough, Dongfang's captain can only be this guy... You won the preliminaries, and when facing such an important national competition, you left your teammates and left alone... Even so, the players still rely on Hinata Xiaozhiqiang..."

"No, if we just defend... we have to find a way to attack", Minghedong defender wiped the sweat from his forehead and said anxiously.

"No, just let them attack, bet on the only counterattack, seize the decisive opportunity, and if you want to score from Wakashimazu, this is the only way." Captain Minghedong walked over and said.

At this time, a player from Toho Gakuen was throwing the ball out of bounds, and the ball was passed to Sawada's feet

Senior Sorimachi! Sawada immediately kicked the ball in the direction of the striker Sorimachi.

"Now!!" Captain Minghe Dong intercepted the ball along the passing route, and then immediately kicked the ball in the direction of Ze Mu in front!

Ah! Minghe Dong intercepted the ball! And kicked the ball out decisively! A quick counterattack was launched in one go, the ball was passed in place, and at this time the backcourt defense of Dongfang was empty! The commentator immediately shouted.

Damn it! The Toho defensive player shouted and ran back immediately.

Minghe Dong Ze Mu rushed to Minghe's goal with the ball alone!

"Not good! Toho!" The Furano player in the stands said with a cold sweat on his face.

You wish! Facing the empty defense, Wakashimazu took the initiative to attack and unexpectedly tackled Ze Mu's ball.

Worthy of being Wakashimazu! Matsuyama from the Furano team in the audience immediately stood up and said in surprise.

"If you go out of the penalty area, the goalkeeper is also a member of the field. We want to win rather than tie!" Goalkeeper Wakashima Tatsu who tackled the ballHe immediately gave up the defense in front of the goal and rushed to the opponent's half with the ball.

Hinata on the bench looked at this scene blankly and murmured: "Wakashimazu..."

"Damn it! How dare he look down on people? Stop him!"

"As long as we steal the ball from Wakashimazu, there will be no one to defend this time. This is a great opportunity!" Minghedong players shouted and immediately stepped forward to intercept.

As long as I pass one more person, your goal will be even weaker! Thinking of this, Wakashimazu increased his speed and passed the two intercepting players of Minghedong in succession, and passed the ball to Sawada who came to respond.

Sawada, who received the ball, immediately passed the ball to the forward Sorimachi without hesitation. Sorimachi immediately attacked the front of Minghedong with the ball.

"Don't let him shoot!" Minghedong's returning defense players immediately reminded.

The two defenders in the penalty area immediately rushed to Sorimachi, and Sorimachi immediately passed the ball horizontally when he saw this.

Ah! At this time, goalkeeper Wakashimazu ran up! The commentator said in surprise.

Wakashimazu, who received the ball, immediately kicked the ball and the ball flew into the net!

The ball went in! Wakashimazu's amazing leg strength turned the game around 2:1 before the end! The commentator shouted loudly.

Well done, Wakashimazu! Hinata smiled.

"Damn it! I forgot that Wakashimazu was originally a striker, but Minghe FC had Hinata, so in order to dominate the country, he followed the instructions of Coach Kira and switched to goalkeeper... He knew it..." Minghe East striker Ze Mu said unwillingly.

"Whether it's defense or offense, Wakashimazu is Japan's No. 1 goalkeeper," said Jun Misugi of the Musashi team in a low voice.

Yayoi next to him looked at Misugi and thought to himself: "Jun, who scored two points from Wakashimazu, I want to let him play the whole game like everyone else!"

Ah! At this time, the whistle of the end of the game sounded, and first of all, Toho Gakuen advanced to tomorrow's finals! The commentator shouted.

"We won! Captain!" All the Toho Gakuen players shouted happily to Hinata.

Good! Well done, everyone! You performed very well! Hinata also said to everyone happily.

Seeing the laughter and joy among the Toho players surrounding Hinata, Coach Kitazawa Makoto stood up and left silently.

"Katagiri, I have decided. Even if he doesn't play once in this tournament, I will choose Hinata Xiaozhiqiang as the center of the All-Japan and take him to Europe!" Coach Jianshang said with a face of approval.

Yeah! Katagiri smiled slightly.

"Sawada! You must win the championship in tomorrow's game. You defeated us. It depends on you, the junior of Minghe FC!" Minghe Dongzemu led the players to come over and said.

Yes... Yes! Sawada immediately responded happily.

"Wakashimazu! Tomorrow, you must keep the score at 0 points no matter what. Then we will be the only ones who can take 1 point from you," Ming Hedong encouraged Wakashimazu next to him.

Oh! I will do my best! Wakashimazu also replied happily.

Audience seats

"Okay! It's our turn next!" Nankatsu team captain Ozora Tsubasa immediately stood up and said to everyone.

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