Wow! The ball went in! Nankatsu forward Shinmotofu actually kicked a curved shot. This was his first time using it in this tournament, and he scored the first goal for Nankatsu! The commentator shouted.

Ah! Fengshen, you are amazing! You actually learned Xiaoyi's curved shot! Shi Qi Liao said in surprise, and then his face was ecstatic.

Nankatsu all ran to Shinmotofu to cheer and celebrate.

You are worthy of it, Fengshen! Xiaoyi praised calmly.

"What... It actually worked", Matsuyama was still in shock, and then his eyes were full of solemnity, "In Furano's plan, I have to keep a close eye on Xiaoyi, and never let him use the curved shot, and then rely on Furano's team advantage to win, but I didn't expect Shinmotofu to be able to kick this kind of shot".

In the audience

"Furano is in danger. Tsubasa and Shinmotofu can both kick long-distance arc shots. Matsuyama alone can't do it!" Misugi Jun said with a serious look.

This kind of shot... Hinata opened his mouth in astonishment, clenched his fists, and then murmured: "Shinmotofu". . . Even so, my super shot will not lose to you. . .

That's right! It is indeed an arc shot. I didn't expect Shinmotofu to master this kind of shot. He is worthy of being a talented player in Japan, the first batch of top players to land overseas. His football talent is no less than Ozora Tsubasa. Katagiri said with admiration under the sunglasses.

"No, when he gets serious, Shin Benfeng might be better than Ozora Tsubasa. He was a midfielder in the team when he was in Shuzhe Elementary School. At that time, he could kick a very powerful shot, and even Wakabayashi was not sure to block it. His excellent attacking and commanding abilities are both in the first echelon. His footwork is not the same as anyone else. His defensive ability was also fully demonstrated in the game. It can be said that he has stronger overall strength. He is a player who can handle any position with both offense and defense. It's just that he personally prefers offense. Based on his performance overseas and in this conference, he is enough to be called the first striker of the Japanese team." Coach Jianshang praised without concealment.

Katagiri was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Jianshang teacher's evaluation of Shin Benfeng was so high. . .

The game continued. Furano served the ball, Oda passed the ball to Matsuyama, Matsuyama attacked alone with the ball, and Xiaoyi immediately ran forward to block it.

Uh, this will be a wonderful duel between the two No. 10s! The commentator exclaimed.

Matsuyama, who was dribbling the ball, used his speed to overpower Tsubasa and immediately ran with the ball from the side. Tsubasa kept watching him closely, and their shoulders kept bumping.

Humph! Matsuyama suddenly stopped the ball, but his feet kept moving, still firmly protecting the ball, clenching his teeth and staring at Tsubasa's movements, looking for flaws.

Tsubasa also responded tit for tat, tightly blocking the space for Matsuyama to break through, looking for an opportunity to steal the ball.

Suddenly, the two kicked the football at the same time, and the strong collision sent the ball flying into the air.



The two looked at each other, their eyes full of fighting spirit, and said at the same time: "I won't let you control the midfield." . .

Let's go! The Nankatsu team shouted.

Go! Furano shouted immediately.

Both sides looked at the football in the air at the same time and rushed forward.

The tall men on both sides fought for the ball at the same time, which side would grab the leaked ball? The commentator said loudly.

Oh my! Izawa intercepted the ball first and immediately ran to the Furano penalty area.

Defend quickly! Matsuyama shouted and ran back immediately.

"Next! Lai Sheng!" Izawa saw the opportunity and immediately passed the ball.

Seeing the football sliding at a low speed, Lai Sheng immediately slid and kicked it!

Damn! The Furano defender also slid and kicked the ball away! He successfully blocked the ball and shouted: "Clear it quickly!"

The Furano player who received the ball immediately kicked the ball in the direction of Matsuyama.

Matsuyama was about to jump and chest stop the ball, but a figure jumped up faster and chested the ball. It was Shinmoto Feng.

After landing, Shinmoto Feng was about to kick the ball, and Matsuyama immediately slid from behind.

Ha! Shinmoto Feng smiled contemptuously, jumped up immediately, and passed the ball directly without waiting for Matsuyama to intercept it again.

"Beautiful!" Izawa Shou shouted, and immediately jumped high at the flying football and headed the ball into the goal!

Ah! The Furano goalkeeper shouted, jumped to the right, and hit the ball with difficulty.

Beautiful! Kato! The Furano defender shouted happily, caught the flying ball, and passed it to Matsuyama again.

"Good defense! Let's go together, avalanche tactics!" Matsuyama turned around and shouted after receiving the ball.

"What? Avalanche tactics?" Nankatsu defender Ishiki was surprised.

Ah, Furano counterattacked from a disadvantage! Now all the players are heading towards the Nankatsu goal! The commentator said.

Okay! Go, everyone! I will pass the ballPass it to you! Matsuyama thought to himself as he ran with the ball.

"What a bold tactic! Everyone from Furano, do you really trust Matsuyama's ability to hold the ball?!" Xiaoyi thought in shock as he looked at the Furano players who were rushing over.

Raito, Takiichi, broke through in an instant, and are recognized as the No. 1 in ball holding ability in this tournament! ! Ah, Xiaoyi also rushed up. The commentator explained.

Matsuyama, who flashed past the crowd, immediately made a long pass.

Let's go! All the Furano players immediately ran towards the pass.

"No matter how many of you come, there is only one!" Mori Qi in front of the goal encouraged himself.

All the defensive players of the Nankatsu team also ran up to fight for the ball.

If you are kicked out, go to fill in the position immediately! ! The Furano players shouted immediately.

Damn it! Clear the siege quickly! The Nankatsu defensive players did not show any weakness.

No way! Even if we clear the siege, they will continue to come up to fill the position! ! Shi Qi Liao said in horror.

Even if one person loses the ball!

Everyone else fills each other's position!

This is Furano's "avalanche tactics"! Furano players shouted one after another.

Can Furano's avalanche tactics collapse Nankatsu's stronghold in one go? ! The commentator said again.

Then! A Furano player kicked the ball in front of the goal.

Goalkeeper Mori Qi immediately took the initiative and bravely hit the ball with one hand.

Tsubasa and Matsuyama immediately ran towards the ball at the same time!

"Captain!" Leave it to me! Oda shouted, and immediately slid and kicked the ball to Matsuyama before Tsubasa.

"Okay! It's mine! The two giants of middle school football are Nankatsu and Toho... Furano is obviously lagging behind in scoring ability. If I want to improve this, as a midfielder, I will learn to shoot long shots while organizing the attack! I don't want to have natural talent like Tsubasa and Hinata, so I can only train. People without talent can only rely on hard work!! So I can only show you the powerful shot I practiced in the snow at that time," Matsuyama thought while running with the ball, and kicked the football hard with his bare feet close to the ground.

"Matsuyama-san!" Tengze in the audience immediately shouted nervously in a low voice, holding the corner of his skirt tightly with both hands.

Ah, it appeared! The powerful shot that appeared against Nanyuwa, Matsuyama's kick was close to the ground, sweeping the dust, and it was a bold long shot! The commentator immediately said excitedly.

In the audience, Hinata, Wakashimazu, Sawada, and Misugi Jun all stared at this shot.

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