Waited for five hundred years? ? ! !

When Ying said this, Su Bai was stunned.

To be honest, it's no wonder that Su Bai thought wrongly.

At this moment, Ying's eyes looked like a confession! ! !

Combined with what Hu Zhaigong said before, this Ying wouldn't really like me, right? !

Su Bai thought to himself.

Of course, Ying didn't say it directly, so Su Bai couldn't be too sentimental.

After all, when fighting Osel, Ying also pulled himself into the Pure Land of One Heart and chopped him.

So Su Bai could only smile and half-jokingly said: "General, it's not that bad, I just owe you a three-color dumpling, how can you hold a grudge for so long..."

With an awkward smile on his face.

But at this time, Ying couldn't laugh.

Not at all.

She stared at Su Bai with a bit of sadness in her eyes and said: "You owe me the three-color dumplings and the competition. I said that day that I would go to compete with you again, but you disappeared."

Su Bai never thought that Ying remembered so clearly.

Can he remember clearly what he said five hundred years ago? !

This damn memory.

Su Bai sighed and said helplessly: "So in Liyue, when we were dealing with the demon god Osel, you pulled me into the Pure Land of One Heart and killed me without saying a word?"

Ying nodded and said seriously: "You owe me."

Su Bai: "..."

Thinking about it, Su Bai suddenly felt that what Ying said made sense.

It seemed that he really owed her.

Damn the timeline, how can this match up! ! ?

Su Bai had a headache.

But now the new and old grudges can be written off.

It's still a good thing after all.

Thinking about it, Su Bai asked, "I do want to apologize to you for this matter, but you have already chopped it off, so you should be relieved now. Can we have a good chat?"

Ying shook her head, and a bit of sadness suddenly emerged in her eyes.

She said, "I am not angry, nor have I blamed you. I just..."

Ying paused when she said this.

She did not say anything, but just lowered her head.

Su Bai could not see her expression, nor did he know what was wrong with her.

Su Bai wanted to ask.

But he hadn't opened his mouth yet.

Ying forced him out of the Pure Land of One Heart, and then appeared outside Inazuma Castle.

Su Bai was dumbfounded at the time.

No... What does Ying mean by this?

Pulling him into the Pure Land of One Heart, and then questioning where he had been for the past five hundred years?

He hadn't said anything yet, and he was going to throw himself out again? ?

What's going on? !

Why is it so inexplicable?

If I had known earlier, Su Bai should have tried using his psychological control ability just now.

See if he can eavesdrop on Ying's inner thoughts.

This is so annoying.

Oh, the most annoying thing is.

Su Bai still can't enter the Pure Land of One Mind.

Think about it, although Su Bai has gained a lot of abilities.

But it seems that he has not gained any ability that can allow Su Bai to enter the Pure Land of One Mind at will, the space of will created by Ying himself.

Maybe he can try to use psychological control ability to see if he can enter Ying's will and talk to Ying.

But think about it, Ying has thrown him out of the Pure Land of One Mind.

Obviously, he doesn't want to talk to him.

Even if Su Bai can try to connect with Ying's will, Ying probably won't say anything to him.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the only person who can find a way to see Ying again is the scumbag fox of Yae Shenzi.

But where can he find this scumbag fox? !

Su Bai thought about it, and immediately tried to use his psychological control ability to eavesdrop on Inazuma's entire process.

With Su Bai's current control over psychological control, although he may not be able to eavesdrop on Ying's inner thoughts, but... it is always possible to listen to Yae Shinko.

So Su Bai tried it.

Unexpectedly, after such an attempt, Su Bai actually heard Yae Shinko's inner thoughts.

"Oh~ Really~ There is nothing good to read these authors' writings recently, tsk tsk, all the same, boring~ I'm going to Wuyou Pavilion~ I'm hungry~"

At this time, what Su Bai heard was Yae Shinko's inner thoughts.

According to her inner thoughts, Su Bai could infer.

Yae Shinko should be going to Wuyou Pavilion, which is a izakaya in Inazuma.

So Su Bai immediately used the ability of the Flash Fruit and rushed to Wuyou Pavilion at the fastest speed.

Unexpectedly, Su Bai arrived early.

Yae Shinko hasn't arrived yet.

But he estimated that the Eightfold God would arrive soon, so he sat down at the front desk of Wuyou Pavilion, waiting for the Eightfold God to arrive.

Before he could wait for a while, the fox Eightfold God came with a proud step.

See the picture!

Su Bai is not withoutI have seen Yae Goddess.

When I was playing games before, Su Bai also had the character of Yae Goddess.

But this time it looked very different.

Think about it, Yae Goddess was just a pink little fox before.

But in the blink of an eye, she became a graceful woman.

Sexy, charming, and a bit dark.

At this moment, Su Bai actually had a sense of déjà vu of my fox growing up.

Especially, for some reason.

Su Bai always felt that there was a familiar feeling about Yae Goddess when she grew up.

Or, Su Bai always felt that she... seemed to have the shadow of Kitsukosaiguni.

The only difference is that Kitsukosaiguni is a little more straightforward and lively than Yae Goddess.

Yae Goddess is not as lively as she was when she was a child.


Thinking of this, Su Bai felt a little sad for some reason.

But this sadness did not last long, and a voice sounded in his ears: "Have we met somewhere before?"

Su Bai was stunned, and when he looked up, he met the pair of light purple fox eyes of Yae Shenzi.

I don't know why.

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly wanted to hug Yae Shenzi in his arms.

Maybe it was because Yae Shenzi felt so good when she was a child.

Su Bai always remembered her furry fur.

But considering that it was too abrupt and might be regarded as a playboy by Yae Shenzi, Su Bai still held back.

"Is it possible that we met five hundred years ago?" Su Bai said with a slight smile.

In fact, Su Bai was testing to see if Yae Shenzi really remembered him.

After all, Yae Shenzi five hundred years ago was too young.

He was still a little fox.

Su Bai himself might not be able to completely remember the people he had met when he was a child.

Maybe Yae Shenzi was the same.

So Su Bai asked tentatively.

In fact, Su Bai still expected that Yae Shenzi would remember, but unfortunately, Yae Shenzi didn't seem to remember.

She just showed a charming smile and raised her chin slightly.

Then she said in a nonchalant tone: "Maybe, but who can remember such a long time ago~"

Yae Shenzi didn't think of Su Bai.

Perhaps she still felt that what Su Bai just said was too frivolous, so after she finished speaking, she went straight to the second floor.

She didn't want to pay any attention to Su Bai at all.

After all, for Yae Shenzi now, Su Bai might just be a stranger who was a little familiar but uncertain.

It was normal that she didn't pay too much attention.

But Su Bai came here this time just to recognize her, so naturally he wouldn't let her leave.

So Su Bai immediately stopped Yae Shenzi and said: "Master Yae Palace, do you... still like to eat fried tofu?"

Yae Shenzi was stunned, and immediately stopped and looked back.

Seeing the Eightfold God Child turn around, Su Bai quickly took out a plate of fried tofu that he had hidden before and said, "Perhaps, you will like to eat the fried tofu I made."

The Eightfold God Child was stunned again, obviously a little confused.

She hesitated for a moment, as if she was struggling whether to accept the stranger's feeding.

Seeing her hesitation, Su Bai told her his identity: "I am a Holy Light Knight, and I have helped Liyue. I just came from Liyue. I think you should have heard of me."

Holy Light Knight.

The Eightfold God Child had really heard of it, and was very interested in this "Holy Light Knight".

After listening to Su Bai's self-introduction, he saw the seven elemental god eyes hanging on Su Bai's body.

The Eightfold God Child seemed to be less defensive against Su Bai at this moment.

In addition, Su Bai's fried tofu was indeed very fragrant.

So in the end, she still succumbed to the temptation of fried tofu.

"Holy Light Knight, I have heard of your name for a long time~ I didn't expect you to come to Inazuma so soon~" Yae Shenzi said with a smile, and then took the fried tofu handed by Su Bai.

Without waiting for Su Bai to speak, Yae Shenzi said again: "Don't mention it, your fried tofu is quite fragrant."

Yae Shenzi took the fried tofu and took a bite while speaking.

As soon as the fried tofu entered his mouth, Yae Shenzi was stunned and stayed where he was.

"This taste is very similar to what I remember..."

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