Walking out of the city lord's palace, he was actually prepared for Sabo to trick people. In this era, everything had to be fought for.

Before Bai Bian became the acting city lord, he had not received any free resources.

Therefore, as long as the basic laws are not violated, that is, large-scale massacres, holding evil sacrifices to evil gods, ancient gods, abyss, hell, etc., cutting off the way for civilians to rise, and making it impossible for civilians to survive, all other means are within the rules. .

It was just a struggle for resources, and Bai Bian never worried about the revenge of the Councilor family. His only worry was that Sabo would offend all the Councilor families to death, resulting in being isolated and helpless for some time.

Therefore, Bai Ying never thought of handing over 20% of the network's shares to Saab for operation.

However, things like the Internet were basically in the development stage in the previous year and there was no profit. The Koman family needs to wait until all the extraordinary people are accustomed to the Internet before they start charging for the Internet.

Then it was time to really make money. Back at the pharmacy, Bai Bian called out his two employees.

Irene was a little unhappy. After all, she was focused on the money in the hands of her boss, but her boss just ignored her.

But this was all a minor problem. Bai Bian extracted six hundred gold coins from the panel and divided them up. Four hundred of them belonged to Luo Ning and two hundred belonged to Irene.

“Boss, is something wrong?”×2

The two voices sounded almost at the same time. Irene looked at Luo Ning with a somewhat relieved look, which seemed to say: [My little sister has grown up and knows how to resist the capitalists. She really deserves her teachings. 】

"Oh, yes, Erin still has something."

Bai Bian waved her hand and with a bang, two boxes of books appeared at her feet.

Under Irene's sudden surprise, Bai Bian continued: "These are the basic knowledge of life sacrifice, but in order to make you more proficient in using the skills, Dawn Pharmacy will set up a medical clinic window in the future. You have to provide services to the people in the city." Cure.”

Erin looked at Bai Bian with bright eyes. It seemed that for the first time, she felt that capitalists were also handsome. She was about to say something to express her gratitude and admiration for her boss.

Just listen to Bai Bian continue to add: "As for your diagnosis fee, you can keep 20% for yourself, and the rest can be regarded as a loan for you to purchase this knowledge. After all, there is no shortage of knowledge, so it is useless for you to ask for so much money, right?"

Eileen's face fell instantly, and she looked at Bai Bian with resentment, and couldn't help but mutter: "Damn capitalist, you talk so nice, aren't you squeezing me?"

Bai Bian turned around happily: "What's wrong with Luo Ning?"

Luo Ning was a little confused, glanced at Eileen carefully, and said weakly: "No problem."

"Very good, I'll give you one day to prepare and use your own money to buy what you need." Bai Bian nodded with satisfaction.

The resources required for life priests and diviners are not many, and the main thing is practice and cultivation. This kind of thing is not a worry at all. With his reputation, if the news is released, they will have enough opportunities to practice.

"Al, change the sign and add a medical center and a divination house below the Dawn Pharmacy."

Bai Bian gave a loud order, took out a piece of soul essence, placed it on the front desk, turned around and walked to the laboratory.

Employees should be squeezed when they should be squeezed, but they should also be squeezed in a healthy way. After all, the two girls are talented players. Their lives were sacrificed before the Dark Age, but they are one of the noblest professions among the elves. They are born to be extremely suitable for life. The power of the goddess.

It is said that every life priest will receive the oracle from the goddess of life and become the most powerful wet nurse in the Shia continent.

But now there is no oracle, but it is still much stronger than the treatment of alchemists, pharmacists and druids.

Healthy squeezing = rapid growth = the higher the level, the higher the medical fee = making money during training = you will get two powerful helpers = the most perfect worker.

Somewhat pleasantly, the materials polished by the skeletons have now become materials for making Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body.

It has begun to produce some output now, but those skeletons seem to have been working non-stop for more than two months. They can't stand it, right?

Just as he thought this, a crashing sound was heard from behind.

Bai Bian's hand that was about to push the door paused, and he turned his head. He immediately saw several skeletons that were shaking and holding some materials falling apart. The soul fire was extremely weak.

He was silent for a while. The skeletons trembled together under a force, and then dispersed with a crash. Even the hand bones and leg bones of some skeletons broke in the slight collision and turned directly into Bone residue.

And the crumbling soul fire was finally overwhelmed at this moment and slowly extinguished.

White plague:.

It seems that the immortal undead died due to the ultra-intense work.

So outrageous?

Thinking, he raised his head and looked into the eyes of a pair of scarlet soul fires.

"Damn capitalists, look what you did to them? They are less than a year old! You really deserve to go to hell!"

Al couldn't help roaring, and the breath of the undead spewed out crazily, causing some dust to fall on the walls of the pharmacy.


Suddenly, a powerful wave of life flashed through, and when those bones and scum came into contact with this life energy, they turned into powder with a bang.

Irene was stunned, raised her head, and looked at Bai Bie in confusion.

White plague:.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, and he scolded angrily: "What do you think about using life recovery on the undead? What is the difference between using holy light?"

"Well, isn't this healing? I want to try to save them." Eileen's eyes were a little wandering. She really didn't think so much about it.

Al watched his men transform from healthy skeletons to brittle skeletons, and finally turned into this handful of ashes, and became even more angry.

"Damn capitalist, you will go to hell, absolutely."

Luo Ning shivered and shrank back, not knowing where to look for a moment.

Bai Bian was helpless and took out a soul crystal (large) from the ring and threw it to Orr.

The original angry curse suddenly stopped. He took the soul crystal with one hand, looked at Bai Bian, was stunned for a while, and then coldly snorted: "Next time, pay attention, isn't the life of the skeleton life?"

After dealing with Orr, Bai Bian looked at Irene, whose eyes were wandering: "Luo Ning is looking at the store, you go and memorize the restraint and gain of energy. Next time I come out, I want to listen to you recite it from top to bottom, otherwise your salary next month will be lost." there is none left!"

Erin's eyes wandered: "That, the medical center."

"Medical clinic? A quack who uses the power of life for the dead has the nerve to open a medical clinic?" Bai Bian pointed to her room, stared into the elf's wandering eyes and ordered: "Now, take this knowledge and memorize it!"

Eileen felt guilty and did not dare to look at her. She lowered her head and quickly walked to the room dragging two boxes of books.

Bai Bian turned to look at Luo Ning, and the little Loli suddenly shrank her head and said cowardly: "Old boss, I didn't say anything. You can't scold me after scolding Sister Eileen."

Erin: .

She paused for a moment, then quickened her steps and closed the door as fast as she could.

Bai Bian calmed down, but fortunately he didn't open a medical clinic directly, otherwise he was afraid that this quack doctor would ruin his reputation in a lifetime.

"Check the store carefully. You are now a bronze-level diviner. You can raise the fortune-telling fee a little. For specific prices, you can refer to the online price." Bai Ying finished speaking gently and walked into the laboratory.

What we need to do now is the AI ​​brain, and then the gold-eating bug. After the gold-eating bug appears on the panel, as long as the points are full, there is basically no need to waste skill points on the other two.

【Growable Artificial Intelligence AI (3/2000)】+

After looking at the panel, Bai Yian decisively clicked the plus sign twice, and instantly a large amount of knowledge poured into his mind. He quickly created AIs one after another in the spiritual world, and his understanding of this kind of AI was as good as that of the founder.

After his proficiency was completely stabilized, Bai Bian rubbed his brows, and there were still twelve skill points left.

Although the skill points of the boss template are much more powerful than the skill points of the player panels, the consumption of mental power is also terrible.

Putting a soul crystal into his mouth and chewing it, Bai Bian looked at the thirty free attribute points accumulated on the panel, and Bai Bian decisively focused all of them on his spirit.

In an instant, a huge amount of mental power poured into his mind, and his mental power soared to 575, which was about to reach the golden level.

This is a huge number. He is only at level 45 now, and his spirit is still growing. He predicts that when he reaches the golden middle level, he may have legendary mental power.

When the time comes, he won't be able to forcefully try the legendary alchemical creations, and the potions related to the soul crystal core will have to wait for gold before they can be made.

Now he still has one soul crystal core (middle) and eight soul crystal cores (small), which he still keeps in case of emergencies.

As his mental strength gradually recovered, Bai Bian began to manufacture AI contact lenses.

With his current understanding of AI, it shouldn't be difficult to create one, but it is still considered an innovation and will take some time.

And with the closure of the White Epidemic, the Shia continent has not calmed down.

The first is that the players' levels are getting higher and higher, causing them to become part of the people who oppress the civilians. In the end, they have to force the federation to re-issue new laws for the players.

However, this is an inevitable conflict. Although civilians have always been at the bottom of society, there are many fights and stalemates.

When the players were still weak, the Daybreak residents headed by the goblins liked to steal the players' things, especially when they discovered that even if they killed these players, they would not be wanted.

And the players have also figured out the rules of this game, which is that they can compete for resources at will without killing people.

When they are weak, they may only steal things from NPCs, such as food, copper coins, and other things that can be sold for money.

It is fair if one of the two parties steals and the other robs and steals.

But when the average player reaches level seven or eight, the goblins are no longer an opponent. The role of robbery suddenly switches, and the players begin to gain the absolute upper hand.

They would rob goblins and gangsters, and steal things from normal civilians to quickly accumulate copper coins.

Even some goblins who once bullied players will be killed in certain corners.

They gained experience in killing weak goblins, and they discovered that as long as these scum of society were killed without surveillance, the law enforcement team would not be too slow to pursue them.

The conflict between players and residents escalated, and some players began to hunt lone goblins, gangsters, and even some ordinary residents.

After all, in the eyes of most players, no matter how real it is, it is just a game.

Some of the civilians who were killed also had their own social circles. Their children, friends, and relatives might be soldiers of a certain legion or escort servants of wealthy businessmen.

The conflict between players and residents escalated again. A soldier whose relatives had been killed angrily killed a player from level eight to level one. Players' hunting became increasingly unrestrained.

It seems to be evolving into a direct conflict between players and official forces.

At this time, the Federation began to promulgate laws regarding players, and the army began to suppress players and civilians, announcing new laws and placing restrictions on both players and residents.

[Spectacles are not allowed to cause killings in the city. Violators will be executed consecutively and all belongings on them will be confiscated until their strength is reduced to the weakest. Those who commit more than three consecutive crimes will be punished by permanent ban from the Federation and will not be allowed to return to the resurrection point. 】

[The wonders enjoy the treatment of ordinary residents in the city. As long as there is evidence of being killed, the other party will be sentenced to intentional homicide, become a mine slave, or be directly executed. 】

[Robbery and theft, if caught, you will be fined twice the value of the stolen items. 】

These three items were added to the law, which temporarily resolved the conflict between players and residents.

These three items also represent that the federation's research on players has reached a very deep level. For example, players rely on killing and doing things to level up, their levels will be reduced after death, they will be resurrected in fixed rooms, and a series of other rules.

Of course, some players did not believe in evil and went to try it. Then other onlookers saw a mage cast a scene recall magic. Suddenly, a level 7 player in Chaoyang City changed back to level 1.

At this point, the first conflict between players and NPCs stopped, and everything returned to its original harmony.

"It's scary, this is the second real world." Demacia said with emotion as she turned off the video of the player being killed.

"The reality level of 97% is an exaggeration. Except for us players, there is no difference between this place and the real world." Wei Lv nodded, also feeling a little emotional: "A lot of times I don't actually believe that this can be a game. Otherwise, why would other game companies focus on VR at most?”

"Whatever, now there are hidden professions, and the rare Summoner. I also plan to start a live broadcast. We are destined to rise!" Demacia waved her staff excitedly.

Among the five hidden professions, Demacia chooses the summoner, which can locate those wandering continents, summon a permanent summon, and summon ordinary summons for sacrifices.

This profession is very rare, and its main attribute is charm. Especially for players who have a level upper limit, as long as they are a little bit European, fighting across levels will no longer be a problem.

The Wei Brigade is a space-time assassin. It is a rare space-based job transfer in the assassin profession. After being promoted to the bronze mid-level at level 17, he can temporarily hide in the cracks of space. This is for a big anchor. , is the best profession.

Because, in this way, he can go to more places that he could not go before, and he can also avoid most threats.

After all, if you want to tear apart the space of the current Shia continent, you must be at least gold level, except for special professions like theirs.

Wei Brigade thought for a while and replied: "I plan to go on an adventure. The theme of the open beta will most likely be things outside the city. It is probably those mutation areas. It is always a good idea to go and see it in advance."

"Let's come together. Do you mind if I use your traffic for a while?" Demacia asked with a smile.

"You cried twice, but you are still very popular. Don't underestimate yourself, young man." The guard patted Demacia on the shoulder and walked out of the city.

Demacia's face darkened: "Mard, that's called wisdom, otherwise how could you ask for a silver-level staff?"

"Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right."

"What's your attitude? Don't run away, Mad, do you believe I will summon a monster to bite you right now?"

"Didn't you say that I would wait for you to buy lottery tickets for a few more days and wait until all the bad luck has run out before summoning the permanent summons?"

"Do you want to take care of me? Look at my great summoning technique! Huh? Damn it! Nocturne Piranha? What do you want to do? Don't bite me, don't swallow me, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh talking about."

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