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Chapter 110 Epidemic Medical Base

As for the core of the world, it is not very tempting to the ancient gods.

They don't lack time or money.

Therefore, this group of gods' favored ones may have entered this world just for the origin stone and some projections of disaster objects that were not destroyed.

Because in the previous life 2.0, a piece of space debris with the curse of black death fell into Dawn. It is very likely that it fell into the Dawn Federation after the destruction of this sub-time and space.

Bai Bian looked outside and felt a little uneasy.

This conjecture is relatively reasonable, and the timeline is also correct.

But this shows that the group of gods' favored ones can destroy the world, or know how to destroy the world, but he doesn't know, which is a bit dangerous.

He looked at the group of plague doctors. Maybe he could destroy the gods' favored ones before they took action, and then try to find the core of the world.

More epidemic doctors came to Sunset Street. Their leader was an epidemic doctor wearing a white robe. He approached with an instrument about fifty centimeters in diameter in his hand.

And while he was operating the instrument quickly, a wave of waves appeared from the instrument and spread quickly.

Bai Bian did not avoid this fluctuation. He played with the dangerous object in his hand. A little black appeared in his scarlet pupils, but it was not obvious.

But the Embrace of Pain in his hand began to stir, its trembling stopped, and some roots of the soul appeared from behind the mask, seeming to be testing something.

Bai Bian stared at the faceless mask with extremely calm eyes.

Evil thoughts are taboo knowledge of alchemical transformation, and are inherently dangerous. However, they are not a dangerous object mutated by the Black Death Curse, so in order to prevent misunderstandings, White Plague exudes the aura of the light side.

But this resulted in the Embrace of Pain seeming to be dissatisfied with him and wanting to resist.


As white plague's fingers exploded with tentacles, as if they had grown countless fingers, he gently stroked the mask, and its soul root system retracted instantly. This time, it didn't even tremble anymore, and it was motionless. It looks like an ordinary mask.

Satisfied, Bai Bian stretched out his other hand and pressed back the tentacles one by one.

Epidemic doctor at the door:

He looked at the [Dangerous Object A-031] displayed on the instrument, then looked at what Bai Bian was doing, and was silent for a while.

The instrument was not broken, and the alchemist transformer named Bai Bian was indeed not dangerous, but he always felt that something was wrong with the current style of painting.

Is it reasonable that a Class A dangerous object is in the hands of an alchemist? And the alchemist will also have tentacles exploding on his body. Is this reasonable?

Thinking of the weirdness of the alchemical reformers in the records, he decided to suppress some discomfort in his heart and said politely: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bai Bian, my name is Ha Hai. Fenghuo is now in crisis, and we have to be cautious. .”

Bai Bian raised his head and his pupils turned pure scarlet again. He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm very interested in the dangerous object here. It seems to be very similar to my transformation."

Ha Hai's tone became more relaxed. He looked up and said, "Mr. White Epidemic, do you want to go to our base? Maybe you don't know much about it, but this country is a bit unsafe at night. The Black Death Curse will appear at night. If not, Things that are isolated have a high probability of being infected with the Black Death Curse.”

Ha Hai was silent for a moment, and then said with some sadness: "This kind of curse is very dangerous. Although you are special, a legend of our country was infected with the curse, and his soul withered and died in the end. Maybe you should be cautious What about a little?"

Bai Bian did not refuse and said with a smile: "Of course, this is my honor."

"Then follow me. We'll talk when we get to the base." Ha Hai turned around, made a gesture, led the epidemic doctors to surround Bai Bing, and walked to the edge of Fenghuo City.

It's just that they don't seem to want to get close to the White Plague. It may be because of the -5 charm, or it may be because of the Painful Embrace in their hands.

But Bai Bian didn't care, he looked at the city's style.

It was almost like a sunset street. It was deserted and dilapidated. Most of the shop signs on the roadside were damaged and there was no one in the store. It was like a city after a disaster, but it looked even more dead.

A few rats and cockroaches were running around on the streets. Without other intelligent creatures, they were the most active.

Some groaning sounds could be heard from some relatively complete residential buildings, as if the residents inside were suffering from illness.

Bai Bian couldn't help but get curious: "Are these people all quarantined due to the Black Death Curse?"

Ha Hai shook his head: "No, everyone who has been cursed by the Black Death has died. These are plague patients. Because of the pollution in the air, the plague has some effects of the Black Death, which makes the plague incurable. We cannot To kill them directly, we can only put them in isolation here and give them food at designated points."

Bai Bian nodded clearly. The extraordinary world never lacked food. What it lacked was only magic materials. As long as there was no magic, both alchemists and magicians could create extraordinary plants and obtain almost inexhaustible food.

Therefore, as long as order still exists in this world, no matter whether the order is corrupt or not, very few people will starve to death, and the main causes of death are natural disasters and man-made disasters.

The group of people quickly came to the West City, where there were a few extraordinary people walking toward their destinations with numb eyes. Although there were people there, they didn't look very lively.

The Black Death Curse will come at night, and no one knows whether it will affect them. Moreover, the Black Death Curse is so contagious that these pedestrians intentionally avoid any contact with other people.

Only when he saw the epidemic doctor, there was a hint of life in his dead eyes.

The headquarters of the epidemic doctor is an underground building, with the ruins of a military camp above it. The bottom is completely hollowed out. A giant steel door is opened, and the magic power fluctuations and some special fluctuations are flowing inside.

Not far into it is another giant metal door, which is still filled with various extraordinary auras.

After passing through more than a dozen metal doors, I finally entered an open place. This seemed to be an underground city with many buildings in it.

The special thing in the air almost disappeared after entering the underground city. It seemed that there were filters on those giant doors that could filter out the pollution in the air.

As we go deeper, ordinary people also appear here. Their condition is still intact. The smiles they have not seen since entering this nightmare world can also be seen in this underground base.

Bai Bian looked at these people and asked, "How many people are there in Fenghuo City now?"

Ha Hai said in a heavy tone: "A little over 800,000 people. They are all scattered in other underground bases. The base that brought you here now only has about 30,000 people."

Bai Bian thought of Fang Heng's words that the average lifespan of an alchemist was ten years, and became a little silent. This city is completely a dead city. Each underground base is more like an opportunity. Once a certain base appears, Curse of Black Death, then that base is basically hopeless.

But there are other bases that keep the city alive.

Looking at the smiles of those civilians now, Bai Bian always feels a little forced. Are there really smiles in this kingdom?

As the group of people sneaked all the way, they finally came to a stop in front of a building in the center.

"Master Zai, we brought him back."

Ha Hai pressed a button and said with some respect in his tone.


The roar of steel sounded, and the giant metal door in front of him was opened. Inside the door were a dozen epidemic doctors wearing beak masks, white coats or death robes.

Bai Bian found that there seemed to be no difference in status between the plague doctors wearing white coats and death robes, but the plague doctors wearing death robes gave people a more fierce feeling.

The leader is a plague doctor wearing a death robe. The aura of the plague doctor is very powerful, although the plague doctor's system is somewhat different from other systems.

But Bai Bian is still certain that this epidemic doctor is a powerful being with a golden rank.

There were not many legends in ancient times, but they were not a big deal. Only the legends under the ancient gods had many legends. The high-end combat power in other places was still dominated by gold.

Gold's ascendancy is not considered weak in any era.

This is also the reason why the dragon race is called a mythical race, because it is not difficult for a normal dragon to break through gold, and there will even be one legend in every hundred dragons.

The man named Zai Jin was also sizing up Bai Bie. He seemed to be a little afraid of Bai Bie. He was silent for about ten seconds before politely saying: "Mr. Bai Bie, please come in."

"Mr. Zai, I have some questions." Bai Bian played with the mask in his hand and followed them into this relatively high-tech building.

This building is very large, and there are small rooms. Occasionally, a little wailing sound can be heard in the room. One by one, the epidemic doctors shuttle between these rooms, seeming to be performing operations or doing research, and they look a little leaky. people.

After entering the building, the epidemic doctors who had just returned with Bai Bing dispersed and went to those small rooms to get busy.

"What do you want to know?"

Zai kept walking, feeling like he was in a hurry.

They need to find a cure for the plague, otherwise those infected with the plague will die. Also, they need to study those dangerous objects and continue to study them.

The plague doctors firmly believed that the key to solving the Black Death Curse lay in the dangerous objects, and in the end they did take away the curse and all the dangerous objects.

"Can you guys contact other bases?" Bai Bian followed Zai into an ordinary-looking room. The other doctors were guarding the door and did not follow him in.

There was an operating table in this room, and a deformed orc full of dangerous aura was tied to it. He was making meaningless roars, and he looked a little weak.

"Okay, the magic communication device has not been affected by the Black Death Curse for the time being." Zai quickly walked to the corner and took out a black box. The cage was covered with page-number inscriptions, which looked a bit cool.

Zai picked up the cage and put it on the head of the deformed orc. In an instant, the cage rapidly deformed and extended into a black curtain, covering the entire orc.

The orc also stopped struggling at this time, motionless like a black corpse.

Only then did Zai turn his head, and the pale yellow light on the bird's beak mask looked at Bai Bing: "I can help you find your partner, but I have a request."

"you say."

"Give me your transformation information. We need this transformation information very much." Zai's tone was very sincere, like a request, but there was also a hint of toughness in it.

For epidemic doctors, the emergence of the white epidemic is like a ray of hope. They can catch dangerous objects with bare hands. This is very incredible to epidemic doctors. They do not wear epidemic doctor clothes to touch dangerous objects. There is a probability that it will be directly eroded by dangerous objects.

But Bai Bian does not need it. Starting from confirming that he is not a dangerous object, the value of Bai Bian's transformation technology to the epidemic doctors will be infinitely higher.

Bai Yi paused and became somewhat silent, because the reason why 'evil thoughts' can suppress dangerous objects is simply because they are dangerous objects in the nightmare world, not dangerous objects in the outside world.

The effect of evil thoughts is infinitely strengthened in the nightmare world.

His pause, in Zai's eyes, was a sign of reluctance, and he said in a deep voice: "You can also make requests. As long as you can give us your transformation technology, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Bai Bian's eyes moved slightly: "Really?"

"Of course, you can make your request." Zai was so busy that he was not afraid that White Blight would make the lions cry out loud, because since White Blight entered the Beacon Kingdom, he could only choose to cooperate with them.

The Black Death Curse was really not something that ordinary people could resist. He didn't believe that White Blight would fall out with them for some benefit.

Bai Bian thought for a while: "Please help me find my partners first, a mechanical bone dragon, and an old man with a golden rank, who looks like this."

Bai Bian raised his hand, strong malice flowing in his hand, and gradually the shapes of the old city lord and the bone dragon were outlined.

Zai casually took an instrument and took a picture of the scene in Bai Bian's hand. After about three seconds, he put down the instrument and said, "We've already informed them. As long as they are still in Beacon City, there will be news before dark."

"What if it's in other cities?" Bai Bian asked.

"Now only we and two surrounding cities are left in the Beacon Kingdom. I will contact the Catastrophic Object Containment Agency and search with the Knights of Light. If there is no news before dark, it proves that your two friends were among those who died. There is nothing I can do in the city." Zai said calmly.

There was a slight pause when he mentioned the dead city, but he quickly skipped it and looked at Bai Bing: "What else do you want?"

"I need to know the strength of the epidemic medical organization"

Bai Bian was a little hesitant. It seemed a bit uncomfortable to pry into other people's privacy, but Zai answered faster than he expected. He said calmly: "The top gold level is seven, the middle is thirty-five, and the bottom is one hundred. 12th place, 920th place in silver, 2154th place in the middle, 4832th place in the bottom, there are too many bronzes, I can’t remember.”

Bai Bian was shocked, more than a hundred gold?

But then he thought of the timeline of this era, and felt relieved. The concentration of magic power was a hundred times higher than that of the Federation era, and those who survived to this day were all strong. It was understandable that there were such a large number.

Then he decisively took out a booklet, which was a book about the creation of evil thoughts.

"Help me find some people and kill them, and this thing will be yours."

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