Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 120 God’s Fall and Dividing the Spoils


In the far distance, the collision suddenly rose, and black and red were intertwined again.

Bai Bian looked at A-031, which was only half in his hand, and felt a little silent. It was really strong.

Obviously he only struck twice from a distance, but now his health dropped from 70% to 54%.

Losing 8% of health every second is really outrageous.

He drank several bottles of mental recovery potions and physical recovery potions, and his huge spirit continued to pour into his body.

A thin shield appeared. It was a special mental defense. It had been consumed just now, but now it was being replenished rapidly.

675's spirit is higher than that of Sirsis. Even if he was chopped off just now, it is still not a problem to charge the shield four or five times.

While White Blight was charging, he was still taking drugs crazily, and at the same time he also discovered his own shortcomings.

The dark side really must be perfected, otherwise if the dark side cannot awaken its expertise, it will be a big disadvantage when facing these bosses.

Originally, White Plague regarded the dark side as a stronger stage to create. Now the evil thoughts are indeed growing very quickly, without even spending any of his resources, but it just seems very vain.

Apart from panel data, there is nothing to show for it. Instead, we have to rely on bright-side means to make up for it.

During this short battle, Bai Bian had a low opinion of his dark side. He could bully the weak, but he was just a sandbag when dealing with the strong.

"Sir, the curse on that god is gone. How about we withdraw? If we can't defeat him, we can't defeat him at all."

Pu Sheng's somewhat feeble voice sounded. Don't look at it. He just released some curses outside and summoned a tiger that was stunned.

But his role is not small. Without his curse and weakening, it would be impossible for White Plague to get close to Sirsis, let alone bring him the Embrace of Pain.

And then, under the attack of double weakening and the self-destruction of hundreds of thousands of magnetic machines, there was a situation where Charles almost won.

To reach the current situation, it can be said that none of them would be possible. In the original trajectory, Charles may have been directly summoned [Evil Secret Black Death], otherwise there is no reason for him to defeat this three-stage ancient. God is right.

Bai Bing ignored Pu Sheng, and his mental defense was recharged to 100%. Now that he entered the realm of the ancient gods, he would no longer lose health points, but the shield value of his mental defense.

The dark side and the light side are almost completely separated, but because they share the same soul, most of the White Plague's specialties are actually common.

For example: [Spiritual Defense--Your mental power will naturally build a solid layer of defense on your body, and the defense will grow as your mental power increases. 】

These specialties are mainly based on mental power, and except for mental defense, the others are all growth specialties. Their main function is to enhance the power of the soul and spirit.

Only in this way can his mental attributes surpass those of gold at level 50.

He looked towards the darkness that was approaching in the distance. Only ten thousand magnetic mechanical bodies were left and quickly combined into three giant mechanical hands. Bai Plague let the remaining three missiles fly up to the sky with the mechanical bodies.

These three missiles happen to have three attributes: ice, thunder, and fire.

The scan was turned on, and this time the white epidemic did not worry about Charles.

[Charles, health value: 65Wq2%]

[Sersis, HP: 81\u00100•\u00100%]

Obviously, Charles in the second stage cannot defeat Sirsis in the second stage.

This is normal. Sirsis was weakened by the Window of God and was always at level 80, while Charles was only at level 65, and he was only at level 50 with White Plague.

The gap in levels is difficult to bridge.

Bai Bian took out a thousand milliliters of blood essence from the space ring and soaked the Embrace of Pain in it. The huge energy of the blood essence instantly caused the Embrace of Pain to begin to recover.

After touching the Embrace of Pain, he dropped the mask casually.

At this time, Charles and Sirsis were already less than 10,000 meters away. The terrifying mental power directly inserted into the battlefield, locking Sirsis.

Ding ding ding.

The rhythm of the metal storm started again, and ten gold-eating insect cones flew out quickly beside Bai Bian, leaving traces of scarlet in the air.

Sirsis sensed the threat and was about to dodge when an arm stretched out from the darkness and directly grasped the back of the scythe.

Thersis' movement was blocked.

Ding ding ding.

Ding ding ding.

The panic-inducing metal rhythm approached instantly. Under constant acceleration, these gold-eating insects were all damaged before they even got close. However, the material of gold essence is very strong, and it can barely allow the speed of more than three million times to be superimposed.


There was a sound like a bullet entering flesh, and the sound of micro explosions came from the dense holes in Sirsis' back.

In an instant, the god's health dropped directly to 30%.

However, when Sirsis saw that he could no longer dodge, the scythe had already been forcibly withdrawn.


The rapid sound of the knife took away one of Charles' arms, and the blood spread crazily. Divine blood and human blood were mixed, and the lines on the ancient god's thin body became more and more ferocious.

Ding ding ding.

The life-threatening metal music was approaching rapidly.

He turned around sharply and looked at Bai Bing. The one who had caused him the greatest injury from the beginning to now was not Charles, but Bai Bing.

If he hadn't been killed just before he was about to die, his second form wouldn't have come out so quickly.


The scythe slashed diagonally, and the darkness that was just about to entangle was split into two. While Charles was temporarily forced back, Sirsis' figure quickly grew taller.

The agility and strength of 650 allowed him to explode with extreme speed. As long as it was not a sudden attack, he could still avoid even the sharp cones of the gold-eating insects, unless the number of gold-eating insects exceeded a certain limit.

But in that case, the material of the gold-eating insect cannot withstand such extreme power, and will naturally decompose when it accelerates.

Xersis stood at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

His sickle continued to grow in size, forming a sharp contrast with his thin body, and the sky began to change from dark red to dark.

Sirsis held the scythe in front of him with both hands, and slowly raised the scythe. An extremely sharp breath continued to spread, and some tiny black thin lines began to appear in the air, like eyes, which began to appear continuously. opened and closed.

He looked down at these mortals silently, and his calm voice spread throughout the ruins.

"Have you ever seen a real God?"

Charles, who was chasing after him, stopped instantly, then quickly retreated, running away without any hesitation.

White Plague put away the remaining gold-eating insects and rushed out crazily.

"Fuck! I'm about to use my ultimate move! Ahhhhh. Just wait for me."

Pu Sheng's somewhat panicked voice came. He turned into a beam of light and ran a little slower, but his mood was very good. At least he was really panicking when he screamed.

The three people ran in three directions in perfect agreement, so that at least the group would not be destroyed.

In the sky, the three magnetic mechanical arms acted in the opposite direction. There was a clanking sound of gold and iron at the tail of the arms. In an instant, the speed increased to an extreme, with the activated energy. The missile flew towards Sirsis.

Sirsis stared at the backs of the three people, and finally locked his eyes on Bai Plague, and suddenly swung down the huge scythe that had turned into several dozen meters in his hand.

A huge black crescent-shaped blade hundreds of meters long slowly fell down, and there were some tiny stars twinkling next to the black moon.

It looks extremely gorgeous.


A subtle sound sounded, and a long tail appeared behind the black crescent moon, which looked like the space was being torn apart.

From the tail wing, one could even vaguely see a gray figure wandering aimlessly outside.

That's S-002 wandering around Sunset City.


Blazing flames erupted in the sky, and the fire-based missiles exploded before they even got close. The legendary energy jet was unable to stop the black crescent moon from falling, and the flames were forcibly swallowed.

Boom, boom

Two consecutive explosions followed, and ice and thunder intertwined, blooming into an extremely gorgeous firework in the sky.

The huge power that can wipe out a city has lost its color under this black crescent moon.

Their shock waves even knocked the gods away, but they could not stop the crescent moon's progress. They only turned the crescent moon of several hundred meters into a crescent moon of tens of meters.

Bai Bian felt a fatal sense of crisis, and the black moon had reached his back without knowing when.

On his body, even before the crescent moon touched his body, his mental defense collapsed.

He couldn't block this blow!

He stopped escaping and turned around. The terrifying power in his body was accumulating crazily. In the space ring, a golden ball half as tall as a man appeared.

This is the Praise of the Sun.

[Name, Praise of the Sun.

Properties: Explosive.

Effect: Explosives made using solar energy have a high restraint bonus against undead, filthy, distorted, and dark creatures. The more solar energy added, the greater the power and size of Sun Praise will be.

Current power: 120%

Introduction: Please praise the sun as much as you want. All darkness will dissipate when the sun comes out, right?

Price: 8,000 gold coins. 】

This is a solar tribute made with two months of solar energy, but this is already the limit. The naturally collected solar energy cannot be superimposed infinitely. With the current materials, two months of solar energy will explode at most. Silver is on top.

Even if he has a solar energy compression device, it will only blow up the gold at most.

The reason why White Plague took out explosives with little power at this critical node is because the energy of the sun is very overbearing and has a powerful suppressive effect when it encounters other energies.

How could the sun that brought light to the world be suppressed by darkness?

When the black crescent moon came with the stars, White Blight detonated the Praise of the Sun without hesitation.


It was as if the temple bells were ringing, and as if the space had been hit hard, golden light began to bloom.

The extremely hot breath pushed the white plague into the distance in an instant, and the crescent moon that could not be stopped by intercontinental missiles was blocked by a small sun.

The golden flames kept spinning, trying to expand, but were blocked by the black crescent moon.

The energy of the sun seemed to feel the provocation and poured into the black crescent moon crazily.

The sizes of both sides are constantly getting smaller, and their energy is being offset rapidly.

Ding ding ding.

The rhythm of metal sounded again, and the sound that sounded like a reminder broke through the barrier of the sun and hit the black crescent moon hard.


The black crescent moon shattered at this moment, turning into dots of light that dissipated. These lights fell on the ground, corroding holes of varying sizes.

Bai Bian stood up awkwardly. The Apocalypse Curtain equipment had long been damaged. The energy of the sun seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, making the windbreaker a thing of the past.

Bai Bian's upper body was not wrapped in any clothing at the moment, and his lower body could only barely cover his shame.

The beehive, demon hunting revolver, and a medicine box he placed inside this piece of equipment fell out.

They are not destroyed.

Bai Bing stood up, took out the only two bottles of life recovery potion from the medicine box, drank it, and then put the three pieces of equipment into the space ring.

His ring is also slightly damaged, but the space ring is a relatively sturdy piece of equipment and has some durability left, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

He looked at the sky. Charles and Pousheng had already rushed back when the crescent moon locked on him.

Now darkness is intertwined with scarlet again, and Pu Sheng has begun to release curses remotely.

As a burst of darkness erupted, the blood quickly gathered, and even the dark red horizon of the sky converged on Sirsis at this time, condensing into a giant bloody cocoon in the sky.

The increasingly oppressive aura is gushing out crazily, making people even more desperate. The third stage of the ancient god is about to arrive.

Without thinking, Pu Sheng ran away again, shouting: "It's started, He's about to explode, run!"

Bai Bian did not move, and looked at Charles who was quickly moving away in the sky, but then stopped a thousand meters away.

Charles is now covered in scars, his aura has been weakened to an extreme, and the power of darkness in his body has been exhausted, making him much weaker than at the beginning.

He was a little helpless: "There is no way, just use whatever trump cards you have. Ancient gods with many lives are generally weak, but their ability to save lives is very strong. If you don't have the power to erase the root, you can only rely on grinding."


Suddenly, Bai Bian moved, and he rushed towards the giant bloody cocoon in the sky without any warning.

At the same time, Charles, who was still talking helplessly just now, had appeared further ahead. At the front, a violent aura of disaster suddenly flashed across.

Pu Sheng, who was originally running out, arrived at the surroundings of the giant cocoon with the two of them.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura circulated in the sky.

The dozens of meters of bloody giant cocoon suddenly shattered, and the third stage of ancient god Sirsis was suddenly interrupted. His body fell slowly like a broken sack.

At this time, his face was covered with a white mask, and the soul roots behind the mask penetrated deeply into the brain of the ancient god.

On the chest was a pitch black dagger, and the skin showed a strange black color.


Sirsis fell heavily to the ground. His condition was very bad. A pair of scarlet eyes looked at the three of them through the eye sockets of the mask.

A low murmur sounded: "The ant kills the god. I. I don't seem to be. Sirsis. Who am I?"

The three people ignored the ancient god's last words. They formed a triangle around the ancient god, and they all looked at each other in silence.

When the Embrace of Pain penetrated the ancient god's body for the first time, it sent a large number of dormant gold-eating insects into it.

These gold-eating insects were added with a large amount of alchemical poison by the white plague. These poisons have only one effect, and that is to numb the senses.

Coupled with the fierce fighting, although the gods are not undetectable, the chance of being discovered will also be reduced.

This is also true. Almost all the gold-eating insects of the White Plague were killed by the Ancient God when he started the second stage.

But through the performance of the ancient god when he switched states, Bai Bian discovered that the ancient god was a little relaxed when he switched states, just like the new life after death always has a trace of relaxation. This relaxation may not be that obvious, but Indeed there is.

So when the mask was fed with blood essence and blood just now, the White Plague and the Embrace of Pain reached some deals, such as giving Sirsis the soul to it, and it helped bring more alchemical poisons and gold-eating insects into the god's body.

In other words, this god's body is now filled with gold-eating insects, and there is no chance for him to complete his transformation.

Because when the gold-eating insects eat the flesh of the god, microscopic explosions will occur because the strength of the flesh and blood of the god is too strong, although these explosions are not very powerful.

But we also have to look at the location of the explosion. In a place like the brain, even if a god is exploded, there will definitely be injuries, let alone death.

But he didn't expect that these two guys actually had this idea, especially Pu Sheng.

He obviously looked like he was going to die, but he still kept so many hands.

"You broke the contract." Bai Bian looked at Pu Sheng and said calmly.

As if to confirm Bai Bing's words, in the sky, the extremely terrifying aura of the abyss dyed the sky red, and an aura that was more powerful than the threat of God began to spread.

Pu Sheng looked at Charles and then at Bai Bing. A breath of disaster rushed out of his body and flashed crazily in the sky. The breath of the abyss hesitated slightly.

He spread his hands helplessly: "Sorry, I still have some time now. Let's discuss the distribution of things. I want His soul."

Charles looked at Pu Sheng helplessly: "You're not going to die, that's outrageous. Well, I want the body of an ancient god."

The two of them looked at Bai Bian at the same time.

Bai Bian thought about it, and now that 70% of the gold-eating insects have been consumed, the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Machinery has been wiped out, and the dark side has emerged, it seems that it is not enough to compete with them now.

"Sickle, the core of the world." Bai Bide said calmly.

"Perfect, no conflict." Pu Sheng said with a smile: "Everyone is happy, friends."

Charles doesn't have any objections. If the white epidemic doesn't come, then he will still use the God's Showcase, but he won't enter here.

But now, being able to get a complete body is a benefit that is hard to imagine.

As for God's mission, he doesn't care. At least, he doesn't think that the ancient scroller is God's dog. When his interests conflict with God's interests, he will only protect his own interests.

God. Let’s wait until God can come into Shia.

Bai Bian raised his hand.

Ding ding ding.

The mechanical metal rhythm sounded, and three mechanical cones suddenly appeared, shooting at the ancient god's eyebrows, heart, and neck at extremely fast speeds.

[Ding, you leapfrogged the level and killed the ancient god]

When the voice on the panel sounded, the three of them looked at each other and disappeared at the same time.

The figure of the god was quickly divided, and Bai Bian caught a purple ball with some red stripes and a sickle that was shrunk to three meters long.

The corpse of the ancient god has disappeared.

Only Pu Sheng shouted angrily: "Bai Bian, are you cheating on me? Take off this damn mask quickly!!!"

Bai Bian and Charles turned and walked away, leaving only Pu Sheng's angry shouts.

"Damn mask, don't eat it, I told you not to eat it! That's my soul!"

"Abyss, I want to use the soul of an ancient god and the blessing of the God of Disaster in my body as a sacrifice to join the abyss."

"No, 70% of the souls of the ancient gods and the blessing of the Lord of Disaster, damn it, hurry up, 60% of the souls!!"

"Abyss, I c"


A bloody thunder struck in the sky, and everything became quiet.

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