Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 140 The Devil’s Game

This castle is very big, more than fifty meters high, which is the height of more than ten floors.

There is a blood spring on the left side of the castle. The blood in it is bubbling, exuding pungent blood, but it looks like lava.

To the right is a forest, with pairs of scarlet eyes looming in the forest, like evil spirits from hell peering into the world, full of malice.

Maybe this is no longer a resemblance, but an evil spirit from hell!


The hell dog stopped suddenly at the door of the castle, then lowered his body, trembling more and more violently.

However, as the white plague lifted its malicious intimidation effect, his charm value returned to -6, and Silen's trembling slowly stopped, but he still did not dare to move.

White Plague stepped down from the evil dog's head, smelling the blood and feeling a little sweet. The blood pool on the left seemed to be somewhat similar to the blood essence, but it was more low-level.

Bai Bian walked towards Xue Jing, and a scalpel appeared in his hand. He tentatively put the scalpel into it.


The scalpel trembled violently, and blood vessels seemed to appear on the silver blade, which continuously absorbed blood and soon formed a small vortex.

It absorbs faster and faster, and the growth rate rises rapidly from 0%. It is also a weapon that absorbs blood, malice, and souls to grow.

It's similar to evil thoughts. When evil thoughts use it to kill people, both parties will grow together.

And Bai Bing still has more than 2,900 liters of blood essence, which is much more advanced than the blood spring in front of him, and Bai Bing has a feeling that within one or two years, the blood essence will become a gold-level material.

Only then will there be a qualitative change, so it has never been absorbed by the Blade of Extreme Evil.

But now, he glanced back from the corner of his eye, and saw that the wool would become white if it was not plucked.

The top floor of the castle.

A thin young man with black wings, wearing a suit and gold jewelry looked at Bai Bian's movements speechlessly.

As a devil, this was the first time he had seen such a person. There were many participants in the New God era who ignored the checkpoints, but no one used his things as soon as they arrived.

It's only been 1,600 years, and people nowadays have evolved to the point where they really have no quality at all. This really worries the devil.

Eugene's figure faded, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Bai Bing. He sorted out his complicated emotions and greeted his first challenger in two thousand years with a very enthusiastic attitude.

"My dear guest, it's a bit impolite for you to use the devil's things privately~"

Eugene approached quietly, and then suddenly made a sound.

Bai Bing ignored it and even put the scalpel into the pool. The growth rate of the extremely evil blade was: 68%.


"Dear guest, if hell summons you, then you must know the rules here. If you want the blood, then we can also use this blood pool as a bet."

Eugene continued to speak politely, his whole person exuding elegance, as if he was an elegant nobleman in the New God period.

Bai Bing continued to stretch his hand inside, and the growth rate of the extremely evil blade was: 80%.


The elegance on his face could no longer be maintained, and he looked at the blood pool that had lost one-tenth of its volume.

He roared fiercely: "Enough! This is not the group of sheep outside, this is hell! You greedy and shameless evil creature!"

Bai Bian had half of his hand submerged in the blood pool and still ignored him.

The growth rate of the extremely evil blade: 90%.

The elegance on Eugene's face completely disappeared. The terrifying power in his body suddenly exploded, and the blood pool in front of Bai Bian disappeared instantly.

Eugene roared again: "I've said enough! Greedy shameless person! Do you want to start the game of hell? If you do this again, I will sentence you to violation!"

Bai Bing ignored the devil and continued to violently attack the devil. The rule here was that as long as he passed through those levels safely, it meant that the game officially started, and neither party could harm the other until the end of the game.

After all, Eugene is also afraid of attracting some legends who are more powerful than him. Without the protection of Hell, this first-order legend would have been killed long ago when the players went to the Sun Federation to complain.

It's a pity for him, the growth rate of the extremely evil blade: 95%

It was almost there. He couldn't help but cast his gaze to the forest on the right. The evil ghosts at the bottom of hell seemed to be soul bodies. If you kill them all, maybe the extremely evil blade can transform?

Eugene noticed his gaze and roared again: "Despicable, greedy and evil creature, are you ready? I will bet your life on you!"

As he roared, the forest also disappeared with a force, and the regret in Bai Bian's eyes was obvious.

He took a look behind the castle.

Suddenly, the legendary devil appeared in front of his sight and shouted angrily: "No, I have nothing here. Do you want to start the game?"

Bai Bian felt even more regretful. He looked up at the legendary devil. The devil had always looked good. Many intelligent creatures would be confused by their elves-like appearance and eventually fell into the devil's hell.

"Tell me the rules of the game, devil." Bai Bian was a little undisciplined and complained: "You are so stingy."


He calmed down, turned around and walked towards the castle. His tone quickly became calm: "This extremely evil gentleman, please follow me."

Bai Bian felt a little emotional. With this ability to control emotions, it turned out that the devils were all experienced liars.

After this devil is dead, you can try to summon a similar copy, and then let Sabo come to the line, which should be able to obtain a considerable amount of resources.

The two walked into the castle. The moment the door closed, the huge hall on the first floor began to become extremely unreal.

The white plague lifted the dark side and returned to the light side. He sniffed the smell in the castle and felt a little disgusted: "Mr. Devil, this place should be cleaned. It smells like the dead."

Eugene paused. He seemed to feel the breath of someone. He turned his head and immediately saw the appearance of Bai Bing.

A little surprised, but as a devil who has lived for thousands of years, what hasn't he seen?

After quickly adjusting his mood, Eugene gave a slight salute. The negative emotions in front of him completely disappeared, and the whole devil looked like a noble aristocrat. :

"Sorry, dear guest, it's like this. Our games are simple games. If you lose, you have to give me your soul, but if you win, you can get generous rewards."

Bai Bian asked with great interest: "My soul? What can I exchange for it?"

As soon as these words came out, a hint of hidden joy suddenly appeared in Eugene's eyes.

Because according to the rules, White Plague can make corresponding bets, but as long as it acquiesces or indirectly asks about the price, then one party in this bet has already made a bet.

His eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his face was full of elegance: "What do you want to change?"

Bai Bian asked back: "I want to know first, how many rounds can the game be played? Can I raise the bet?"

"You can bet up to three consecutive rounds. If you want to raise your bet, you need to win the first round." Eugene answered with a smile.

"Then let's play three games." Bai Bian said with a smile: "In the first game, can I want the blood pool just now?"

"Of course it's no problem." Eugene said with a smile: "The blood pool is all made of the blood of extraordinary people, it is absolutely worth the money."

As a question maker in this kind of game, his winning rate is as high as 99%. Otherwise, these legends from hell would not be so diligent in playing the game. Are they really here to bring warmth?

Therefore, even if he felt that something was wrong with Bai Bing, he was not worried that Bai Bing would win.

Besides, how much better can a person who puts pressure on his soul first in exchange for some bronze-level resources do?

Thinking of this, the confidence and murderous intent in Eugene's eyes were completely undisguised: "Then let's start the first round of the game, okay?"

"We're always here for you." Bai Bian nodded.

The killing intent in Eugene's eyes became more intense, but his tone was extremely elegant, and he even had a smile on his face: "So, in the first game, you will play an ordinary person. In the fantasy world, you will not be able to use extraordinary power. And make the right choice, and as long as you make the right choice, you pass.”

Bai Bian thought about it for a moment, and a smile appeared in his eyes. Sure enough, these things are still the same. As long as certain cores are maintained, this game will be quite simple.

He replied casually: "Okay."

After Bai Bian's words fell, the smell of decay around him gradually disappeared, and the sound of joy continued. Bai Bian raised his head and saw that there were ordinary people around him, but his strength had not diminished at all.


Bai Bian suddenly heard the sound of the train's whistle. He looked towards the woods in the distance without moving.

There was an extremely noisy sound all around: "What's going on? Why are there children playing on the railway?"

"There's one over there too, what, what does that person do? Why is he there in a daze? He should be saving those children."

"Hurry, hurry, catch up, the train is coming soon."

"Oh my God, kid, get out of there, the train is coming, get out of here."

"The distance is too far. They can't hear it. Quick, switch the railway and let the train go to the other railway."

"No, there is a child on the other railway. You will kill that child."

"Is one child more important or these dozen children? Stop talking nonsense. Save as many as you can!"

"Hey, the one in a daze, quickly, pull the lever and switch the train track!"

[At the critical moment, seventeen naughty children came to play together, but sixteen children isolated one of them and drove him to another railway.

It's just a coincidence that a train is approaching at a high speed. Now many people have noticed you who are closest to the joystick. If you pull the joystick, only one child will die. If you don't pull the joystick, sixteen children will die.

Please make the most correct choice. 】

Gorgeous subtitles appeared in front of Bai Yian's eyes. Bai Yian glanced at the crowd rushing towards him. Not far from him was a lever. This was a very difficult multiple-choice question.

The rules of the game are that he cannot use extraordinary power, that is to say, he cannot use mental power or speed that exceeds the limit of mortals to save everyone, because that will directly result in defeat.

When you pull the lever, the lonely child should not have died, but you caused his death. However, if you had not done anything, sixteen more lives would have died because of your inaction.

This seems to be a choice with no correct answer. No matter what choice you make, you will lose.


The train was getting closer, and so were the people. Bai Bian suddenly stood up, pulled up his hood, turned around, and walked toward the crowd unhurriedly.

"What are you doing? Pull the control lever quickly!"

"Don't go, bastard, how could you do this? You are refusing to save me!"

"Shet, why can't I run faster? Faster, faster."


The train was getting closer, and the group of children finally noticed the train. They seemed to be petrified and watched the train approaching blankly.

At this time, the hooded Bai Bian passed by a person at a normal walking speed.

The crowd's accusations became louder, but they didn't have time to stop and curse now.

A young man at the front suddenly felt that his speed was much faster. There was a gleam of hope in his eyes because he was about to touch the lever.

The train got closer and made a rapid whistle. The group of children fell down in fear, their whole bodies trembling, and they made no move to escape.

The young man swooped down and pulled the control lever fiercely at the critical moment.

Click click click.

The sound of metal colliding sounded, and the rails not far away from the train suddenly reached the other side. The train quickly passed by the sixteen children. The strong wind made the children's hair dance constantly, and the fear in their eyes became more and more serious. It's clear.

On the other side, the lonely child felt something, turned his head, and immediately saw a train approaching quickly.

The child was stunned and stared blankly, his mind going blank.



"Oh~my God."

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, the train ruthlessly ran over the child, blood stained the railway, and an extremely vivid life disappeared.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's in time."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on his face. At this moment, he felt that he was a hero, the hero who saved sixteen lives.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the panting crowd looking at the minced meat on the railway with regretful expressions.

Hearing his voice, a question suddenly appeared in the crowd: "What's wrong with that kid?"

There was a hint of astonishment in the young man's eyes. He looked towards the crowd and saw that the person speaking was wearing a hood and seemed to be the person closest to the joystick.

Just as he was about to say something, the young man spoke again: "We are all naughty and playing on the railway. Why must sixteen people be more noble than one person? Those sixteen people deserve to die. That is their fate, but this child has nothing to do with it." You did nothing wrong, you killed him.”

The young man was even more stunned: "You didn't say that"

"What did we say? Do you know that you killed someone? Think about how grieved the child's parents are now. Originally, he could have avoided death, but he was killed by this person himself. He is the murderer!"

Bai Bian said with a smile.

This game is inherently a trap. Human nature has its bright spots and evil, and the devil's game does not require you to choose to be a hero and promote the goodness of human nature.

The devil wants your life, but of all the so-called choices, only one is not wrong.

That is to have someone replace you.

As long as you are not the one making the choice, then you are not at fault, and you can hide behind the crowd and blame the person who rescued the person for the choice they made.

If he chooses to save one person, then he is accused of disregarding human life and ignoring the overall situation. If he chooses to save sixteen people, then he is accused of murder.

This is also the only way to win, and it is also a chance of survival that must be left in the devil's rules.

In short, those who stand behind the crowd will not lose!

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