Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 2 The Alchemist Demon

As the golden light dissipated, Bai Bian shook his hands. His strength seemed to have increased a little, and his mental strength had also been enhanced.

The most important thing is that the magic power in the body has more silver brilliance. Is this a direct transformation?

And the panel I just mentioned

Bai Bian was a little excited. When he came to this world, he called the panel countless times, but there was no response.

Players will now arrive one year and three months later.

Now that I have the ability to predict, at least the general outline will still happen. Butterfly wings can affect many things, but they cannot affect the decisions of gods.

Concentrate, swipe, and a long panel appears.

[Name: White Plague.

Race: human.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Level: 31 (0/50000).

Experience: 0.

Gold coins: 0.

Personal attributes: Strength 10, Agility 10, Endurance 10, Intelligence 75, Spirit 103, Charisma 7, Luck 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

Legend: 30 (famous far and wide.)

Rank: Silver lower level.

Skills: Elementary Alchemical Pharmacy (2753/3000) (expand), Intermediate Alchemical Technology (2361/5000) (expand), Elementary Alchemical Transformation (998/3000) (expand).

Skill points: 0.

Personal Expertise: High Concentration - You can concentrate more easily and have a +10% success rate when making alchemical products.

Profiteer - Your alchemical creations are more likely to be accepted when you set a high price. This is your innate talent.

Boss template expertise: Alchemy Demon - Alchemy Genius, your comprehension rate of alchemy knowledge +100%.

Boss growth: You can choose a boss specialty every ten levels. Now the number of feats you can choose: 3.

Evaluation: A lucky man who broke the original trajectory. His will is no longer to take over the position of the Greedy Wolf of Blood Prison, but a brand new boss. Perhaps the myth of alchemy was born at this moment. 】

When White Plague's eyes light up, his expertise is equivalent to a passive skill, such as a warrior's high resistance, and this boss template is equivalent to giving a passive skill every ten levels, which is very strong.

No wonder those bosses are so difficult to kill, every passive can be said to be combat power in addition to combat power.

For example, everyone is a level 10 warrior, and if I have an extra passive that improves defense, I can easily kill guys who don't have a passive.

In the game before, he had been highly focused on farming Alchemist for a long time, but... what the hell is that profiteer?

Not paying attention to these small details, Bai Bian turned his attention to the [Alchemy Demon].

This thing is the most powerful thing for alchemists. Every alchemist will choose an alchemy path to specialize when he reaches silver.

That is one of focusing on learning potions, technology, and transformation.

Of course, only players have the mandatory option, and there is no compulsion for natives, but everyone also chooses a specialization.

The reason is also very simple. No matter how talented you are, you cannot master the huge knowledge system of alchemy, because no one will directly stuff knowledge into your mind, you need to learn it bit by bit.

And create his own new path, which is his own alchemical knowledge.

There is only so much time, and you still have to do research, so you have to study in a timely manner.

After selecting a specialization, when silver reaches the upper level, the difficulty of alchemy continues to increase, and then the three major categories have to be subdivided, the energy and matter of technology, the poison, curse and gain of potions, and the mechanical transformation and flesh distortion of transformation.

Although they all feel complementary to each other, each branch has a huge treasure trove of knowledge.

The Alchemy Demon doubled his comprehension rate, which meant that Bai Bian had more time to learn other alchemy knowledge.

Whether you are specializing in one thing or developing multiple things, you have more choices.

Bai Bie's slightly pale face turned rosy, and he quickly focused his attention on the optional boss specialties. There were three passives, and this wave took off directly.

[You have enabled optional boss expertise x1. 】

[Please choose one of the three specialties. 】

[Magic Fountain - Your magic power will be purified, and the quality of the alchemical formations you depict will increase by 30%. 】

Bai Bian's eyes lit up, what is this? Bai Bing only saw that the price of his alchemy products would double in the future.

Read on.

[Spiritual growth--Every improvement you make will lead to an improvement in your spirit, which is now increased by 90. 】

Bai Bian's heart was violently moved. For alchemists, mental power is undoubtedly very important. When mental power is strong, the success rate will continue to increase when refining potions or making weapons.

And mental power also means the potential of the alchemist, and it can even be combined with some of the spiritual attack methods of the psionic master to enhance the alchemist's combat effectiveness.

Bai Bing looked at the last one.

[Strength Growth--Every time you improve, your physical strength will be enhanced, now increased by 30. 】

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Bian chose spiritual growth. Magic power purification was important, but looking at Bai Bian's intelligence and spiritual attributes, we can tell that he was originally an alchemist specializing in spirituality.

The main focus is low failure rate and profound knowledge.

As for the power growth alchemist never relies on himself to fight, even if he has to rely on himself, what about the alchemy transformation?

Equipped with mechanical prosthetics or direct flesh and blood distortion, the Silver Alchemist can fight hand-to-hand with the Silver Warrior. Although he has no skills, his strength can work miracles!

In one go, Bai Blight directly opened the remaining two specialty options.

Among the six options, five are about endurance (defense and HP), agility, and strength.

Although these physical attributes are exaggerated for every boss, Bai Yian, as a scholar, never lacks thugs and equipment.

But this specialty is indeed very interesting. It seems to be specially prepared for him. Can it only be said that it is a boss template?

[Spiritual Defense--Your mental power will naturally build a solid layer of defense on your body, and the defense will grow as your mental power increases. 】

And the last white plague choice was.

[Soul Gourmet - You can increase soul strength by eating soul. Soul strength and spirit are interconnected. The stronger the soul, the stronger the spirit. 】

After the selection was completed, Bai Yi felt his spirit growing stronger. Looking at the gorgeous panel, he felt completely happy.

He saw hope. The alchemical technology created by the legendary Alchemist Great Sage could even shake the gods. The Star Federation in the north was considered the strongest of the three federations.

Because the sage's main focus is technology, his technological weapons can easily resist or even kill legends.

What's more, there is a legendary Master in the Federation of Stars, which is quite stable.

Once the alchemist sage no longer has to worry about being attacked instantly, other professions will be able to see how terrifying the profession of alchemy is.

After taking a look at the old wolf, Bai Bian walked out in a good mood. Three small round machines flew out from the hem of his windbreaker again, dragging the old wolf out.

Wolf meat is not as delicious as expected, especially the meat of such an old wolf, so it is better to get rid of it.

When he came outside, Bai Bian looked at the wind and snow on the screen, his eyes lost in thought.

The period between the old wolf's escape and the player's arrival lasted for one year and three months.

During these times, White Plague needs to plan carefully. What is the difference between boss templates and NPC templates?

Can you send tasks to players? Can you take the mission?

These issues are relatively important. As for whether it will be killed by players as a monster?

That's not the case. He only needs to get a position in the Dawn Federation, and there is no possibility of being attacked.

After all, Rise of Dawn is meant to help the Federation. As long as it has a certain positive influence on the Federation, players cannot attack that NPC.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian suddenly said: "Connect to Mr. Sabo."

"Okay, please wait."

The communication device shimmered, and the alchemical inscriptions gradually outlined a symbol. Soon, a high-pitched voice sounded, with a hint of treachery: "Oh, my friend, you have contacted me. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Mr. Saab, if you have anything to say, you can tell me directly. I think with our relationship, we don't need to beat around the bush." ​​Bai Bian smiled.

Alchemy is a profession that consumes a lot of money just like the Master. More than half of his experience points come from the help of this dwarf.

Sabo's voice also brought joy: "Mr. White Plague is still so happy, okay, let me tell you straight, our border guards made the new energy gun you developed famous.

Now the Will family wants to buy five hundred energy guns from you. We can discuss the price when you have time. "

"Five hundred?" Bai Bian's tone suddenly showed a hint of excitement.

"Yes, five hundred." Sabo said with the same excitement in his tone: "I don't need to say more about what the Will family represents."

Bai Bian calmed down his excitement: "As always, Mr. Saab, I can work overtime here. As long as the materials are in place, it can be almost done in half a month."

"My friend, your speed still amazes me. I understand that the materials will arrive at your warehouse in the evening, so let's do this for now. I need to entertain friends from afar." Sabo said with a smile and hung up. Got the phone.

The smile on Bai Bian's face couldn't stop.

The energy gun is an alchemical weapon made by White Plague using the energy science of alchemy technology and based on Barrett's prototype.

It is no longer a firearm that requires gunpowder to propel it, but a small explosion of extraordinary energy that pushes out special bullets. The kinetic energy is even more powerful than the original Barrett.

In addition, it is contaminated with extraordinary attributes, so this is the strongest weapon that White Plague can create at present. It can kill warriors without special expertise within level 30, as well as those unprepared masters.

This is how he got his 30 points of fame.

And Sabo is the quartermaster of Tobu City, a dwarf, who is the bridge between White Plague and the official cooperation of Tobu City, and he makes money from it like crazy.

The most important thing is that because Bai Bicheng has made practical things more than once, Saab can also be regarded as the spokesperson of Bai Bing's business.

And Bai Bian also discovered Sabo's talent. For example, some materials cost about thirty gold coins, and the market price was about three hundred.

Bai Ying's own price may be as high as 400, which in Bai Ying's opinion has reached the limit.

After all, one gold coin is equal to ten thousand copper coins, and a farmer's annual income is two thousand copper coins, which is about twenty silver coins.

An increase of 100 is already very bad, but if it is sold by Saab, even if White Plague is 50-50 with him, then White Plague will definitely make more profit than selling it himself.

And there is no need to produce raw materials.

This time, I may be able to exchange more advanced alchemical knowledge with the Federation.

Standing up, Bai Bian picked up the communicator and walked out.

He needs to return to Tobu City.

The golden finger has been obtained, but this is still a secret base, and some secrets that don't want people to know can be moved here.

Please collect it, please vote, and ask for everything.

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