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Chapter 209 The Beginning of Reform

"That would have a big impact on the existing system."

Bai Bian put down the book in his hand, raised his head and asked, "At least many of today's extraordinary beings will feel unbalanced."

"It doesn't matter, my friend." Sabo's eyes flashed: "This is just a minor problem. The emergence of arcane magic will have an impact on the original system."

"As for the little emotions of individual people"

Sabo spread his hands: "You are the city lord, not their nanny. If there is rebellion, suppress it. If they want to leave, they can leave. When Tobu City's extraordinary system is established, you can get more talents."

"But what you say is not unreasonable. We have to keep the inner city attractive to them."

Sabo muttered to himself. He thought of something and his eyes lit up: "My friend, if we can build something that cannot be replicated in the outer city, or continue to classify the outer city and the inner city, the outer city can only gain the inner city. If the city eliminates things, will your worries disappear?"

The books in Bai Bian's hand disappeared, and he began to seriously think about Sabo's proposal. It is not bad for everyone to be like a dragon. On the contrary, some people who were buried may also soar to the sky.

But Renren Rulong will have a great impact on many current systems, even from other cities, and will be forced to tie up the entire federation to reform together.

Because of the Internet, if civilians in other cities saw the lives of civilians in Tobu City, they would definitely want to move here.

If there are too many of these people, will Tobu City accept them? Population is the foundation of a city.

Even if Saab develops Tobu City, it will first go to other cities to recruit high-quality civilians, and then other developments.

Not long after Tobu City's reforms spread, Bai Bian couldn't even imagine the migration of civilians from other cities.

Tobu City will also be expanded again, but if the expansion continues, the city will be too big, and additional troops will be needed.

Moreover, as the number of cultivators increases, more extraordinary resources are needed to support it, and other cities are even needed to supply Tobu City's extraordinary resources.

A series of chain reactions, all of which are money, and this is what Bai Bian hesitates about.

But Sabo is right about one thing. If everyone in Tobu City is a transcendent, the potential of Tobu City will rise again, and the talent pool will be greatly improved, which will also be good for various developments.

Even just six million bronzes would be a terrifying force.

He looked up at Sabo and asked, "Have you considered the Federation?"

Sabo's face froze and his eyes were a little wandering: "My friend, what do you care about others? Let's just develop our own."

"Have you considered the expansion now and the upcoming war?" Bai Bian was a little speechless, and he roughly thought that this guy came over to propose it as soon as his brain got hot.

It is estimated that Tobu City's 10% income cannot keep up with the income from his sacrifices, and other cities are now frightened by Sabo, and it is difficult for him to cause trouble if his alert level is very high.

In addition, the ancient god kingdoms outside have obviously united, and it is difficult for him to get good things outside, so he is anxious.

"We have wonders, why are we afraid of war?" Sabo said a little unconfidently. He also knew what was going on outside, but he would go crazy if he couldn't make money.

"The last question, everyone learns arcane arts, so don't we need the four professions of swordsman, assassin, mage, and alchemist?" Bai Bian spread his hands and asked: "We also don't need hidden professions such as diviners and summoners. Is it done?"

Sabo's mind was thinking rapidly: "That. That"

Bai Bian thought for a while, smiled and said, "But I agree with your approach."

Sabo wiped the non-existent sweat. He was about to say that he would think about it again, but he was suddenly stunned: "Um? My friend, you are really a wise city lord."

"Let's do this," Bai Bian thought thoughtfully and said, "You need to get a household registration in Tobu City first. Other civilians need to apply if they want to move here. The law enforcement team should continue to expand. Tobu City can't cause chaos."

"You can think of reforms during the war. Go ahead. Tobu City's resources must be enough to launch a war. Don't spend too much money."

"Also, last but not least, let the scholars take action first. I think some of those scholars can now control the power of arcane arts. The arcane academy is opened, but don't lead everyone to learn arcane arts."

Bai Bian smiled and said: "You have to consider all aspects. As long as there are no problems in Dongwu City, then the pressure from the outside will not be able to pressure you."

Sabo's eyes became brighter and brighter: "My friend, you are really a genius, then I will go and get busy. Really, you are really a genius."

He walked out as he spoke. Not sure if it was intentional, he muttered in a low voice: "It's just a bit stingy. If you don't spend money on the city, why don't you wait for others to rob you?"

Bai Bian looked at the disappearing figure of this guy speechlessly, his eyes thoughtful.

The tide of the times has begun, and it is indeed time for Dawn to reform.

The top geniuses have almost emerged, with SSS-level potential. Each one has the talent to lead an era, and now there are nine in total in the Federation.

White Plague doesn't know whether there will be more, but as Sabo said, the Federation's current oppression of civilians no longer has the same effect as before.

That can indeed inspire more potential among civilians, and desire is also the best motivation.

But now is the era of magic recovery. God may come within a hundred years, or even shorter.

Instead of yearning for another top-level potential during these times, it would be better to allow commoners to enter the extraordinary and create higher value to support the top geniuses.

In this way, civilians will also have a sense of belonging to the Federation, their lives will be better, senior officials will also benefit, and there will be more soldiers in the war.

Although there are a series of negative effects, these reasons are enough to start this reform.

A hint of premonition appeared in my heart.

After a white epidemic, the third crisis is coming

Bai Bian looked outside the city. Perhaps this war would be the most difficult one.

Bai Bian stood up and walked out, taking a look at the specialty he chose when killing the legend.

[Blood cocoon: condense the negative effects on the body into a shell and take it off completely.

Cooling time: 10 seconds. 】

This is a control-relieving feat, but it has side effects, such as being poisoned by the dark side of the white plague or cursed or even suppressed by certain forces.

This specialty can condense the suppressed or poisoned parts into a skin, and then the white plague can directly break away from this skin, getting rid of all negative effects.

This feat seems to be paired with the extremely evil body.

Because the condition for the emergence of this specialty is that there must be an extremely evil body. For example, if White Plague's brain is poisoned, then this specialty will directly condense the brain into a shell and his body will no longer be poisonous.

If there is no extremely evil body, then abandoning the brain is fatal.

But now it has no effect. His consciousness does not reside in this humanoid brain, and his thinking is also done by his soul.

However, the negative effect of this feat is to reduce various attributes or blood volume.

You can choose this white plague. If you have a lot of blood, you can just reduce the flesh and blood tissue. If you don't have much blood, you can directly reduce the negative forces in the body to achieve the same effect.

This specialty is very good and greatly enhances the combat system of the dark side of the White Plague.

The White Plague has tested it. For example, if the extreme poison of blight acts directly on his heart, then this molt will only lose 10% of his blood volume, or the cost of reducing each attribute by 2 points will be completed.

During these two months of study, Bai Bian once entered a nightmare world.

He swallowed a C-level dangerous object scepter, and the prompt at that time made Bai Bian a little shocked.

[You swallow the dangerous object Desire Scepter. 】

[Your dark side has been improved, strength +15, agility +20, endurance +18, intelligence +10. 】

[Because the dark side has swallowed the origin of the Desire Scepter, the Desire Scepter will no longer appear in the next reincarnation. 】

These three hints explain a lot of things, such as dangerous objects composed of negative emotions that will not regenerate after he eats them.

This is like eating a small piece of the nightmare world directly, it is a lack of origin.

However, he still has a copy of The Sin of God in Sirsis, which must be used with the finger bones of the Goddess of Life, as well as the Heart of Sin.

It is difficult for the growth of the dark side to use the dangerous things in the world of Black Death and Pathogen.

He went to devour dangerous objects just to see the data.

If the dark side really lost control and completely swallowed up the nightmare world, he didn't dare to think how strong the dark side could grow.

The emergence of this new specialty has led to the emergence of a new combat system in the White Plague deduction.

For example, when fighting the devil, he actually didn't use many of his specialties.

Malicious deception can condense a completely flawless shadow. This expertise is combined with the blood cocoon's shelling expertise, and coupled with space penetration, then this will be a perfect assassination in front of the opponent.

An unprepared person will definitely become a corpse in this set of small combos.

Thinking about it, the white plague has arrived at the top of the main hall of the city lord's palace.

This building is the tallest building in the surroundings. The main hall of the city lord's palace is the place where foreign envoys are received or the city council is held.

Although there is only one floor, it is extremely tall and majestic. It is nearly 30 meters high, which is as high as ten stories.

There is also an unspoken rule for the surrounding buildings, which is that they cannot exceed the height of the city lord's palace.

But Bai Bian doesn't care about this. When high-rise buildings are needed in the future, he can at most use magic or alchemy technology to hide the city lord's mansion from prying eyes.

Sitting on the highest point, looking at the increasingly prosperous scene in the city, Bai Bian waited quietly.

Not long after, an old figure appeared next to him.

It was Eric. The vague sharpness in his body was gone, and he looked very gentle.

"Saab just summoned the officials."

Eric sat next to Bai Bing, looking at this familiar mansion full of vitality, with some nostalgia in his old eyes.

After all, he has lived here for more than three hundred years, taking care of every plant and tree in his spare time.

Although I just left, I still feel a little strange looking at some of the changes.

"Sir, do you think this is bad?"

Bai Bian originally thought it would be the old man with a hot temper, but he didn't expect it to be Eric.

But it’s not bad. In the future, the parliament, the Internet, and various places will be full of condemnation of Tobu City, but it doesn’t matter anymore.

Things decided by the White Epidemic will not be easily changed unless life is in danger.

"It's not bad, it's just that it goes against the original intention of the Federation."

Eric looked at the now prosperous Tobu City with some memories in his eyes: "When I was young, there was a very talented person who made the same decision as you."

"He led the common people in his city to become independent from the Federation, and vowed to build a country without hierarchy and capital, where no one has privileges. Ordinary people worship extraordinary people, and extraordinary people help ordinary people, just like a paradise. , a peaceful and stable life.”

"Do you know the ending?" Eric asked Bai Bian with a smile as there was some reminiscence in his old voice.

"He failed." Bai Bian's tone was very certain. According to the timeline, there was only one person with top potential at that time.

That is the current fifth-level legend, Berserker Luomen.

And the magic power was still very low at that time, so this kind of thing could only be a fantasy.

"Yes or no, he failed, but he also succeeded." Eric said with emotion.

"He successfully established that paradise-like country, but..." Eric raised three fingers: "It only lasted three years."

Bai Bian was silent, he seemed to know the reason.

"Three years later, he died, and the reason was very simple. I managed to get through it with great difficulty. Why can they enjoy the same treatment as me without paying any price?"

"Haha, this was the mentality of most extraordinary people at that time. This mentality would only make them hate this country."

"And the most important thing is that for the councilor families, ordinary extraordinary families, and even ordinary extraordinary people, ordinary civilians are the cheapest labor force for them. These two points are enough to crush a city."

"A golden middle, with millions of mortals and a few extraordinary people, established a country that could not even withstand the impact of the tide of abnormal changes. That extremely vivid country died in the abnormal changes. Under the changing tide.”

Eric sighed, as if it was a pity: "In this era, the people's hearts and minds of ordinary people are not as important as those of extraordinary people."

"Coupled with the federal policies, there are now more than 570 cities, and the city lords, civilians, extraordinary people, and even the parliamentarian families of these more than 570 cities will become your resistance. You really need to think carefully. Is it done?"

Bai Bian was silent for a moment.

He smiled and asked: "Sir, what do you think of the treatment at all levels in Tow City?"

Eric nodded: "The top in the Federation."

Bai Bian spread his hands: "So, am I short of soldiers? Am I short of officials? Those who want to leave because of this imbalance should just leave."

"Steam technology, arcana, intercontinental missiles, and even the network that may be used to attack me in the future are all provided by me. I even have Luoning, Irene, and Saab here. I don't believe that the Federation will fight with me for this matter. A rift arises."

"It's just a matter of interests of all parties. The rise of the people will indeed have a great impact on capital, but my purpose is only to develop Tobu City well. I can't control anything outside Tobu City."

"But in Tobu City, I have the final say now."

Eric was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "It's up to you, I hope everything will develop for the best."

"It's okay, just keep an eye on it. Maybe" Bai Bian smiled: "Other cities will follow the footsteps of Tobu City?"

"After all, our city, Tobu City, is always ahead of the entire federation."

"If necessary, Tobu City can become a huge empire."

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