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Chapter 214 An army of tens of millions

For Dawn, who is accustomed to war, the laws of Tobu City are now a hot spot on the Internet.

The trend of the Internet is becoming increasingly confusing.

Under the leadership of the players, some people with stories gradually spoke up, and they calmly told their somewhat humble stories.

There are more and more posts like this, but they cannot stop the resistance of capital and small families, although they are not sure whether this reform will extend to their side.

Some real-life conflicts began to break out, and the political reform represented an absolutely sensational event.

If only Tobu City were to reform, it would be enough to cause the entire federation to be in turmoil. Public opinion is not the root, but interests are the source of everything.

Only a small number of people can see the situation clearly. Even those congressmen passed this proposal in a childlike manner only because of the huge power behind Diane and the benefits that the reform can bring.

Every congressman is not naive, or the strong men of their era are not as naive as the strong men of Diane's era.

They are existences that have truly climbed up from humble beginnings. How could they be changed by Diane's simple words?

What really made Diane successful was the power of momentum.

For example, when she and Yuantang Tifeng went to find the first top elf genius.

Behind her stood the huge power of Tobu City and Tifeng. It was the power of five top potentials, three council members, the richest city in the federation, and the most powerful city in combat effectiveness.

Maybe Diane is not clear about it, but the Yuan Ming family can definitely understand how powerful the white plague is now.

First of all, White Plague is a top-level person, and has tied up two top-level geniuses and two gold-level leaders, and he did not tell the council what he used to contact the Federation of Stars.

As well as the undisclosed A-series city protection mecha knowledge, S-series city protection knowledge, and even support from the distant federation.

But such a huge force can only change groups that can bear it and will gain greater benefits in the future, but it can never change those whose benefits are irreversible.

A rebellion that should not have existed rose up at dawn, and the minor nobles began to unite to put pressure on the Parliament.

Originally, White Plague just wanted to use the upcoming war to tell the parliament about his even greater power, which was [Frenzy and Bloom], a super-high-level transformation similar to nuclear weapons.

As well as the full strength of Tobu City that they have never seen before, plus what Tifeng and Tobu City represent, to ensure that Tobu City can survive the reform.

But now, under the operation of Diane and the knowledge of a large group of old men and women, it has gone in a direction that Bai Bing did not expect.

Otherwise, would the family represented by Luo Wa really be so easy to compromise?

The consent of more than a dozen parliamentarian families, plus the emergence of the remaining five top potentials and the parliament that is still in session.

These are the partition meetings of the reformed federation. At dawn, 80% of the power still comes from the parliament.

As long as Legend doesn't care, no matter how much trouble the people below make, they can't stop the top beings from preparing to carve up the federation again.

For example, the current law enforcement team composed of Ogna in the capital, the Silver Legion of the Tifeng family, and the private soldiers of other congressmen began to teleport in all directions the day after Diane's proposal was passed.

Those who resist the reform will eventually sacrifice their own blood to ensure that this reform can be implemented as soon as possible.

Tobu City has enough power to suppress any reform, but the power of other cities may be a force that hinders reforms.

Therefore, the people at the top began to clean up and consolidate these forces.

The moment the lawmakers reached a conclusion after deliberation, it also represented the moment the endless bloodshed stopped.

This also includes Bai Bian's deployment of Tobu City. There are many reasons why he wants to start reforms when the war breaks out. Public opinion is only a necessary thing.

Force is the only thing. The better this war is won, the less impact it will have on Tobu City.

Of course, few people know these complicated things. What they only know is that the originally extremely tolerant parliament is about to reveal its iron-blooded methods that will shake the federation.

It is now the fourth day since the White Epidemic entered the night world, and it is also the third day of the federal meeting.

In the past few days, the opinions of players and supporters have gradually gained the upper hand on the Internet. This is not because the turmoil caused by the reform is not huge enough.


For example, Fatty Luo, who built railways to the entire federation, is still very warm. His words and resistance may be just a casual discussion to the parliament.

And suddenly the door of the Federation was pushed open, and a soldier's words made everyone look at him.

"Dear Members, there are changes in Tobu City! War is coming!"

Diane, who was a little drowsy but still insisted on staying here, suddenly woke up and instantly turned her head to look at the alchemist. She was a little confused, and occasionally she would hear the words of the city chief to withdraw.

But she didn't pay much attention to it. She was just waiting for a result, but this result was a bit long for her.

The congressmen all looked at each other, and finally looked at Heidinger.

Heidinger nodded: "I know, I have confidence in him, you won't regret it."

He reached out and patted Eric's shoulder, and the shadows of the two slowly disappeared.

The other council members smiled, and as a huge projection began to broadcast the situation in Tobu City, the various emotions in their eyes were hidden.

"I'll go support you."

As soon as Diane opened her mouth, a wrinkled, old palm appeared on her shoulder.

Misius said with a smile: "Don't worry, let's wait until the results show up over there. You can't keep repeating it. Since you said you want to listen to it, then listen to it. If there is really danger, we will take you with us."

Diane pursed her lips and nodded: "I understand."

Misius turned to look at the scholars and asked calmly: "Where did you just say?"

The scholar paused and said cautiously: "Second-level sixteenth border city: Chaoyang City."

Misius said with a smile: "This is very close to Dongwu City. When the old guy retires, let one of my sons manage it. How about it? After all, Bai Bian has a good relationship with the Tifeng family, and Diane's uncle If we go there, we can help each other.”

The other council members exchanged glances with each other. Among them, the Rowa family's faces no longer showed the initial discomfort, and turned into smiles and asked: "We are discussing reforms, and the city lord has not yet stepped down."

"Yes, yes, I am confused." Michus looked at the scholar and asked with a smile: "Then what are the characteristics of this city? According to the current reform of Dongwu City, how can it be changed? Please tell me. ."

"I understand." The scholar lowered his head and replied softly.

It seems that in just a few words, these beings who control more than 80% of the force and wealth of the entire federation simply divided a piece of land.


"It's time to close the city gate!"

"Close the city gate!"

"Wucheng Army gathers!"

The orc Badu, who was already at level 50, hurried up the city wall and looked solemnly into the distance. He was surrounded by soldiers shouting hoarsely on their communicators.

The law enforcement team, which has expanded to 100,000 people, was dispatched to strictly maintain law and order in the city.

The entire Tobu City was silent at this moment, and the people with smiles on their faces no longer smiled at this moment, and ran to the assigned houses with worried faces.

They had no power and could only pray in the room, praying that the city that brought them hope could survive this crisis, and that they could survive this crisis and witness the truly beautiful world that only existed in distant legends.

The Whispering Legion, which has been assembled in advance, is ready to move at the east city gate. Military achievements are a good thing. When their military achievements reach a certain level, they can be exchanged for more advanced transformations made by Bai Bian himself.

At this point, even X-transformed officers whose strength reaches gold can continue to become stronger.

This made the fighting spirit of this legion infinitely higher.

With 40,000 Wucheng troops and 30,000 Qingyu troops, plus the densely packed players gathered due to the current commotion, the east side at this moment is completely packed with people.

Eric and Heidinger separated from the parliament and stood on the inner city gate, looking outside with solemn eyes, but they saw nothing.

"Where's the white plague?"

Eric looked at the dwarf next to him, whom he could not even see through, and asked calmly.

"Don't worry, Principal. In Miss Luo Ning's dream, he will come out at a critical moment, and now is the time to test Tobu City's combat effectiveness."

Sabo said flatteringly: "Although your weakness of Qi and blood has stopped, it may continue to fade after a battle, so please go to the Qingyu Station to guard it. Miss Irene and Miss Luo Ning are also there. , if some people want to move, it will be at this time."

Eric paused, nodded, and slowly disappeared.

Heidinger was somewhat impressed by the young man's ability to make trouble, and asked curiously: "Then what plans do you have for me?"

Sabo still had the same attitude: "Congressman, you are free to do so, but the west gate may need your support. Most of our pressure this time comes from the east gate, so a large part of our troops will be gathered at the east gate."

Heidinger nodded, looked at the sky, and sighed: "Then let them see your fighting power."

As he spoke, space fluctuations flashed, and Sabo was the only one left on the city wall.

The residents of the inner city looked outside one after another, but amid the strict patrols of the three thousand Apocalypse warriors who remained behind, they did not dare to make too much noise, and the tense atmosphere was permeating the air.

The flattery on Sabo's face disappeared. He took a deep breath and murmured in a low voice: "If you want to start, let me see how much your power is worth my investment."


"Something big has happened in the grass. No wonder you are urging us to come back. No wonder the White Plague wants to start reform at this time. I am really in the grass."

Demacia, Wei Brigade, and Xiahou Fuxing were hiding on a high mountain. Looking at the scene in front of them, the cursive words never left their mouths.

Without him, the scene would have been too spectacular.

They were obviously still dozens of kilometers apart, they were obviously standing on the highest mountain range in the surrounding area, and they obviously didn't use anything to assist them.

But everything you look at is filled with monsters, both in the sky and on the ground.

As black as locusts.

The hillside was instantly trampled to the ground by this force, and a black wave could be seen appearing in every canyon.

Like a black wave, it stretched for hundreds of kilometers, forming a tsunami surrounding Wucheng to the east.

"Fuck! Isn't that tens of millions? How many players and soldiers are there in Dongwu City now?" Xiahou Fuxing swallowed his saliva: "With this scene, any reforms or reforms will seem pale and feeble, right?"

Boom boom boom. Buzz buzz.

It seemed that the propagation of sound had finally reached them. They could hear nothing, only the buzzing sound, and the mountains beneath them began to shake. The extremely exaggerated quantity and quality made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"There are 600,000 players. I don't know how many can be online. The law enforcement team is 100,000, and the legion is 180,000. The law enforcement team has little combat effectiveness and will most likely not appear before the city is threatened." The tone of the guard brigade was full of solemnity.

"Damn it, if the law enforcement team is not counted, even if it is counted now." Demacia looked at the crazy increase in the number of viewers of the three people: "If you count half a million players, there is still a gap of nearly 20 times. It is difficult for the soldiers to be alive. let's hit?"

"In the battle of chasing deer, Xiang Yu defeated 400,000 with 8,000, which is fifty times. Don't panic, hold on, you can win!" Xiahou Fuxing swallowed his saliva and said with some confidence.

"The difference between eight thousand and four hundred thousand is only three hundred and ninety thousand, but the difference between seven hundred thousand and ten million is more than nine million. How can it be calculated like you do, unless"

[Trigger the main mission. 】

Demacia paused for a moment, then was surprised: "Fuck! It's coming, it's coming!"

[Name: Kingdom Invasion (2).

Attribute: Large main line mission.

Mission description: The last invasion was just a test. This time, it has really come, and it is the most grand invasion in hundreds of years. Countless waves of mutations and countless catastrophic countries are threatening this upcoming... Coming from the city.

The blooming of reform is the turning point of Daybreak. Please help Daybreak complete the protection of the border town.

Mission reward: 50 gold coins, 3 free attribute points, 1 skill point, and 1 optional feat.

Continuous Rewards: Each time an enemy unit is killed, the reward continues to increase.

Failure penalty: All player attributes are reduced by 50%.

Mission support: During the war, the player's resurrection time is fixed at five minutes.

Mission Difficulty: Hell.

Introduction: They have ignored the sharp sword hanging above their heads, crush them and start a real new era! 】

"Holy shit! Damn it! Damn it! The last mission didn't have a difficulty mark at all. This time it's a direct large-scale hell mission, and there are also rewards and support, ah this, ah this, ah this"

Demacia couldn't help but exclaimed. He knew how difficult the hell difficulty mission was. The example of the black dragon Lixteen was right in front of him.

Demacia had just used money to win the victory, but it was still dead.

The barrage was also going crazy. Damn it. As the most popular anchors in this game, these three people still received a lot of attention.

Especially for this extremely shocking scene, the number of people in the live broadcast room is growing like crazy.

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