The moment the mechanical sound fell, in the sky, the scarlet-covered sun burst out with its own brilliance, and a bloody sun could be vaguely seen, burning the desperate scarlet in front of him.

The huge propeller behind 186-A rose.

A series of electronic sounds only appeared between it and the white plague.

[Target locked. 】

[The Eye of the Fierce Sun has been opened. 】

[The target energy level is being calculated, three first-level legends and one third-level legend. 】

[The success rate of this extermination is being calculated, the success rate is 60%. 】

[Success rate of instantly killing one person: 100%]

[Executing an instant kill mission, the mission target is the Abyss Demonic Wolf! 】

[Yangliu, the wrath of the burning sun! 】

The moment these electronic sounds sounded, 186-A's whole body was enveloped in a layer of golden light.

This layer of light instantly became extremely dazzling, like a replica of the sun, making people feel a little hot.

A trance.

It seems that the sun is still there, but also seems to have disappeared. There are three suns in the world at this moment, a scarlet sun in the sky, and a disappearing shadow of the sun.

And the blazing sun suddenly bloomed at the center of more than twenty terrifying existences.

Hambuna was the first to react. Her expression changed. The power of the sun restrained her very much. Vampires hated this power of the sun.

She turned around in an instant, and the scarlet power in her body suddenly erupted, and a very fast bloody light shot out from her fingertips and hit the huge mecha.

Others also reacted very quickly. These existences with very powerful auras spread wildly. Orcs, humans, elves, and giant beasts raised their hands at the same time, bursting out their most powerful power.

Trying to kill this alchemical creation directly.


At this time, the sound of steel colliding was heard, and the huge mecha, which was three hundred meters tall, held another legend in its recently repaired hands.

The faint howl of a frightened wolf loomed, as if the legendary abyss demon wolf had just reacted.


Incomparably hot brilliance erupted, and a sun lit up high above the battlefield. The endless scorching heat dispelled the scarlet in the sky, and now the sky was full for two days.

The attacks from many surrounding legends and golden superiors suddenly hit the sun.


A more blazing light suddenly rose, and the power of the sun easily blocked all attacks except Legend.


The scarlet power collided violently with the mecha, and the sun began to rise.

[The fuselage is damaged, the left shoulder has a penetrating injury, the source of the injury is a third-level legendary vampire, the left shoulder is damaged to 38.43%, and the estimated recovery time is 30 seconds. 】

[Wrath of the Sun Three Stages of Judgment Energy Accumulation]


[Destroying target, 10 0%]


The high temperature of tens of millions of degrees appeared instantly, causing the creatures below to start wailing. Even if the sun was still far away, it was not a temperature they could bear.


Bang bang bang.

Hysterical wolf howls sounded from the center of the sun, accompanied by the sound of steel colliding.

The two voices intertwined with each other, making it difficult for the abyss lords and ancient gods' favored ones who were preparing for the second round of attacks.

They can indeed withstand this kind of temperature with magic power. What stops them is the legendary wailing. That is the terrifying thing.

Hambuna's expression was extremely ugly. In her perception, she could indeed cause damage to this big guy, but this obviously mechanical creature was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

She couldn't help but look back, her eyes fierce. She no longer cared about the sharp sword in the federal area.

There was some anger in her voice: "Sith, Waller, you stay with me and dismantle this mecha, while the others go to Dongwu City and massacre this city!"

The golden-ranked gods and abyss lords breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to fight the sun. The battle of legends really had to be left to legends.

In just an instant, the seventeen golden figures present disappeared.

The other two legends, one is the Lord of the Abyss, a ten-meter-long red ant. This ant's body is covered with dense tentacles and has steel-like but transparent wings.

The other was an orc, holding a huge battle ax in his hand.

The two of them began to expand their moves without hesitation. The flapping wings of the insects brought out strong sound waves, and the sharp edge of the giant ax began to shake the void.

Two pointed teeth appeared under Hambuna's lips, her eyes were completely occupied by scarlet, her blood-colored nails extended to half a meter, and the terrifying scarlet power began to rise.

Three powerful forces rose in the sky, all aiming their moves at the blazing sun in the sky, gathering momentum, and the three legends suddenly disappeared.


A strong buzzing sound sounded.

Suddenly, the blazing sun in the sky exploded, and endless golden flames shot into the sky.

The huge body of more than 300 meters appeared in front of everyone, its golden eyes were full of silence, and the mechanical sound kept ringing in his mind.

[The trial was successful, the first-level legendary abyss demon wolf has lost its vitality. 】

[Obtain legendary materials, legendary abyss power x 1, and legendary demon wolf teeth. 】

[The Eye of Flame is tracking the target, has locked three legendary creatures, and the killing mode is on.]

[Recalculate the winning rate, the energy consumption is 30%, and the winning rate is 53%. 】

[The possibility of trying the legend again: 100% for the first-level legend, 0% for the third-level legend. 】

[The survival rate of 186-A after the trial is 0%. 】

[My Lord orders, kill the legends as much as possible to ensure your own survival. Judgment skills are temporarily turned off, and fighting knowledge is turned on. 】

186-A's figure suddenly disappeared, and the huge body burst out at a speed that was not worthy of its tonnage.


An ax blade suddenly cut across the place where it was originally located, flying downward at an incredible speed.


The earth shattered, tens of thousands of players and countless groups of monsters were instantly killed, and a huge gap stretching for dozens of miles was formed in the ground.

The immense power of the legend destroys everything that stands in its way.


However, the next moment, the legendary orc was flying upside down. The huge mechanical iron fist hit his back, causing him to fly upside down and crash into the group of monsters.


The earth was trembling, and the terrifying air waves overturned a large number of monsters. The earth turned into powder at this moment, forming a deep pit of several hundred meters.


There was a sound like metal rubbing against the ground. Above 186-A, a huge ant appeared. The vibration of its wings formed a shock wave and hit 186-A hard.


[Suffering a strong sonic attack, the Abyss Red Ant has a sonic energy level between 1.5 and 2nd level legend, with strong stagnant energy. 】

[The overall damage level is 1%2%, the sun shield has been activated, and the sound waves have been isolated. 】

[It is detected that the ultra-high-risk energy source is approaching, block and counterattack. 】

186-A's upper body suddenly began to rotate, and the 180-degree rotation caused his arm to wave out a huge prototype.




A violent collision sounded, and the newly condensed golden shield instantly shattered, but Hambuna's scarlet figure flew out upside down in the battle of forces.

[The damage to the right hand is 34%, and recovery is expected to take 60 seconds. 】

[Calculate the attack energy level of the Scarlet God's Favorite. The energy level is Level 4 Legend, which has been listed as the first target to attack. 】

[Calculating the location of the Scarlet God’s Favorite, calculating the weakness of the sonic restraint, and escaping from trouble.]

The computing core created by the Alchemist Sage for 186-A has now become a weapon in battle, performing various calculations.

This fourth-level legendary huge mecha pulled out a long golden tail flame in the sky in the gap between the arrival of another wave.

His explosive speed seemed to be no slower than that of an intercontinental missile. Mach's unique air waves erupted in the sky, as if the sky was roaring.

After being stunned for a moment, the red abyss ants flapped their wings and chased out in an instant at a speed that was not much slower, leaving afterimages in the sky.


The power of the blazing sun, the abyss, and the ancient gods exploded crazily in the sky.

One punch from 186-A was not enough to kill a legend. The legendary berserker jumped out of the pit and looked at the battle scene in the sky, the scarlet in his eyes gradually blazing.

His power is rising. The berserker is different from other professions. This profession can become the most popular profession in Daybreak. The reason why it is even legendary is because of its offensive nature.

The angrier the berserker becomes, the stronger they become, the more seriously injured they become, and even the higher the killing intent in their hearts, the more their power will rise.

He looked at the battle above and held his giant ax tightly. The next moment, he instantly joined the battle with terrifying power.

The legendary battle also fell into anxiety at this moment.

The conflict between players, legions and monsters has also reached a peak. There are shouts of killing everywhere, and blood and fire are blooming.

"Damn, it's exciting! Look carefully, the one in front is the enemy. If you kill me again, I will start the crazy fighting mode!"

"Damn it, where did the damn Xiahousi horn go? Where's my charge song? Play it! If you don't charge now, what are you waiting for?"

"Hahahaha, is this a war? Is this a large-scale war?"

"Although this is not for the Celestial Empire, I still want to say that today's war game, brothers, may be an exercise for us to defend our country at some point. Brothers, charge at me! Crush them!"


"Come on, come on, Xiahou Sihao, I owe you some attention! Kill!"

"Ah ah ah kill! Hack him to death!"

Amidst the vast fighting spirit, the inexplicably tragic charge horn sounded to the Shia people, piercing the huge battlefield of hundreds of kilometers.

A horrifying fighting spirit broke out among the players. They shouted passionate, tragic, or heroic words, and used their strongest skills against the enemy.

Even if they were bitten to death by a monster the next moment, no one would take a step back.

Bloody intent filled the world, and the average player of level 20 was no lower level than the opponent. Stimulated by this fighting spirit, the wave of terror actually started to push back against the wave of monsters several times its size.

The chants of mages, the roars of warriors, the howls of monsters, and the collision of blood and flesh make up this vast war.

Bai Bing, who was hanging in front of the disappearing city wall, slightly touched his chest with one hand. Listening to the players' heroic words and the familiar sound of the trumpet, his blood seemed to be boiling.

Looking back at the players who had been resurrected and rushing towards the battlefield, the pupils gradually turned scarlet. Their war had already begun, but his war had just begun.

A sense of voyeurism came over him, and a dagger appeared in Bai Bian's hand, and he smiled slightly in the direction of the sense of voyeurism.

Ahead, seventeen golden high-ranking officials slowly surrounded us, with a very clear goal: kill him first, and then massacre the city!

Buzz~boom boom.

At this moment, in the inner city, only thirty or so missiles were launched into the air, thinking about the tide of beasts falling in the distance.

The legend has been blocked, and all the gold is here. How can they still detonate these missiles?

The expressions of these newly arrived golden high-ranking officials changed. Their eyes were either cold or staring at Bai Bian crazily, and their auras were rising.

Bai Bing plays with the extremely evil blade in his hand and wears the title of hunter. The role of this title is not only for hunting, it can also help the wearer to hide himself.


In the distance, the moment the mushroom cloud rose, the white plague disappeared instantly, and the strong killing intent made the seventeen golden leaders in front of them feel uneasy.

Some of the top gold masters instantly became vigilant. Various fields were superimposed on each other at this moment, creating a huge network within one kilometer outside Tobu City.

The other part disappeared into the air instantly like the white plague, rushing towards the city at a rapid speed.

But the next moment, seventeen phantoms suddenly appeared in the void, and with an aura that made them feel fear, they rushed towards the seventeen golden figures.

【Malicious threats! 】

[Your charm attribute briefly dropped to -18 points. 】

[Malicious deception: You can condense a shadow that is exactly the same as you and has no flaws. The number of ghosts you can condense is now: 27! 】

Those charging or vigilant golden leaders stopped in mid-air, and powerful attacks blasted upward in an instant.


The power of the ancient god and the abyss tore through the sky, tearing apart seventeen white plagues in an instant.


The expressions of the ancient gods' favored ones and the abyss lords all changed.

Before they could react, White Blight had already appeared between the two closest to the charging man.

Mental stagnation!


The blue light suddenly bloomed, stopping the two people.

Before anyone else could react.

[Title switch: Soul Master! 】

[Title Skill: Abandoned Dimension·Soul! 】


Behind Bai Bian, a huge gap appeared, and all the surrounding colors suddenly disappeared, forming a gray field with a diameter of five hundred meters.

In this field, blue soul fragments slowly fell, and a suffocating feeling suddenly came over.

"Ah ho~"


A demon ape and a huge python outside the range of mental stagnation seemed to have been burned, and they ran out with fear in their eyes.

The two people in mental stagnation struggled hard with frightened expressions, but the spirit of 800 points was the ultimate power of the golden upper level, and they could not break free.

The moment their hands and feet were touched by the soul fragments, they began to crystallize, and the color on their bodies quickly disappeared.

[Abandoned Realm·Soul: 20% of health will be deducted every second. The higher the soul strength and resistance, the less it will be deducted.

Cooling time: 30 natural days. 】

The panic in the eyes of the two ancient gods became more and more huge. Their health points were rapidly falling. At a certain point, their strength suddenly increased.

He even vaguely broke free from the shackles of mental stagnation and struggled to escape.

But their bodies turned completely gray at this moment, Bai Bian's face changed slightly, and he immediately stopped the restraint of mental stagnation.

Another, more powerful sense of restraint appeared, and big hands of souls reached out from the void and grabbed their ankles.

Phantoms appeared one after another, struggling and making extremely weird sounds unwillingly, causing the beings in this field to feel fear erupting from their hearts.

This even includes the white plague itself.

He even had a premonition that if he prevented them from coming out just now, it would make them unhappy and something bad might happen.

This title is not absolutely safe!

"Lord of Souls?"

A hoarse, unpleasant, even loud exclamation sounded.

Bai Bian turned around and saw that it was the two abyssal beasts that had just escaped from [Abandoned Dimension Soul].

The Ancient God's Favorites looked a little confused, not quite sure what these four words meant.

Bai Bian's eyes were a little heavy. This title skill seemed to be the ability of a god!

The abyss lords quickly retreated under Bai Bian's gaze, staring intently at the realm that was about to engulf the Ancient God's Favorite.

Their bodies are shaking.

The consciousness of these gods or demigods is afraid of a mortal!

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