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Chapter 227 Invitation from Difeng’s Family

Walking out of the room, the waiters at the City Lord's Mansion were cleaning something.

Judging from the faint blood in the air, the city lord's mansion is not at peace either.

When these waiters saw the white plague, the emotions in their eyes were very complicated, including fear, admiration, fanaticism, resentment, and so on.

Bai Bian remembered the resentful looks and sent a message to the person in charge of the waiters in the city lord's palace.

Looking at a middle-aged man in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

This is just a golden middle, but there are positive emotions such as relaxation and joy between his eyebrows.

He saw Baiyi and saluted him: "Lord of Baiyi City."

When he straightened up, there was a sense of intimacy in his eyes. Without waiting for Bai Bian to ask, he smiled and said: "That's it, my name is Jiaguan Difeng, I am Diane's uncle, and I am the head of the family who is here this time. Your Excellency invites the City Lord to visit Difeng’s house, everyone wants to meet our reform hero.”

His attitude was very respectful, but not too flattering or snobbish.

Bai Bian thought about it for a while. Although there are still some things that have not been completed, it doesn't hurt to follow him. The intercontinental missiles in Tobu City have been cooled down, and 186-A has also begun to use resources to recharge and repair. There will be no problems in this city now. of.

Bai Bian sensed it, and the extremely terrifying spiritual power silently enveloped the entire Tobu City.

Luo Ning and Eric were in the Swordsman Academy and were safe. Irene seemed to be a little weak and was in a daze in her master's room in the City Lord's Mansion. There was no danger.

"Wait a moment, I'm going to explain something."

"Okay, Lord White Epidemic is busy first. I'll inform the family leader first." Jiajia nodded, his smile unchanged.

Bai Bian turned around and walked towards the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, the room closest to the Tree of Life.

After planting these ten trees of life, Irene strongly requested to move there. The elf had reached a state of obsession with the trees of life.

As for the rooms in the City Lord's Mansion, except for some of the waiters, the rest are empty. Of course, they can live wherever they want.

Bai Bian walked to the door and knocked on the door.

After someone said please come in, he opened the door and walked in.

Erin sat on a vine swing growing out of the beams in the room, while her master sat opposite her and was explaining something to her.

"Lord City Lord."

Mina greeted him respectfully. In this era, strength is everything, so her attitude was more respectful than before.

Eileen, on the other hand, had no reaction. She looked at him and said languidly: "Hello, Mr. Capital. City Lord."

Bai Bian didn't care about her name and walked forward to explore her body with his mental power.

Suddenly, Bai Bian frowned.

He thought for a while and decisively used four skills to upgrade the newly learned [Soul Solace] to the full level.

After Bai Bian was stunned for about ten seconds, he stretched out a hand.


An almost terrifying soul power instantly invaded Irene's body, and a warm and healing aura was revealed. The emotions in Mina and Irene's eyes quickly disappeared, and they smiled unconsciously.

Bai Bian thought for a while, then touched Irene's eyebrows with his fingertips. The extremely pure blue soul invaded Irene's soul. After forcibly tearing a piece of black mist from her soul, Irene trembled, and her eyes were extremely peaceful. He slowly closed it and remained motionless on the swing.

Bai Bian looked at Mina and saw that she had no reaction to Irene's abnormality. Bai Bian was a little silent. He felt that something was not right about their current state.

However, Bai Bie didn't care so much. He took out a bottle of the source of life from the demon dimension and handed it to Mina: "Feed her when she wakes up. Just take good care of her. It's no big deal."

"Okay, Lord City Lord." Mina nodded, reached out to take it, stood up, carried the sleeping Irene to the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

Bai Bian canceled the spiritual comfort skill, looked at her strangely, and then looked at the instructions for spiritual comfort.

He thought of something and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

In the introduction, "Peace is valuable, sometimes there is no need to use violence" means to force people to obey, right?

Fortunately, in his fantasy, the owner of the old voice should be an old immortal full of sage energy. Is this a magical method?

Walking out of the room, Bai Bian asked: [Ask when Sabo will be back, don't go too far. 】

Zero: [According to what has been traced on the Internet, Mr. Sabo has plundered the mineral resources of 103 cities, as well as some extraordinary relics. The remaining cities are all guarded by parliamentary soldiers, but his aura is still lingering. Trying to keep searching. 】

Zero: [A message has been sent to inquire. Mr. Sabo replied: My dear friend, the opportunity is only once. If this opportunity is lost, we will only have Tobu City again. I will come back when the dust settles. 】

Bai Ying: [Just leave him alone and don’t do anything that is not conducive to unity. 】

Zero: [Mr. Sabo replied: My Lord, the resources found now have exceeded three times the assets of Tobu City, and 90% of them are yours. Are you sure you want me to stop? 】

Bai Bian paused and hesitated: [Consider the bottom line of the federation. This is what they are doing with this reform. 】

Sabo: [I know, I know, what I took is unclaimed property. Now that the entire federation has been redivided, our Tobu City must occupy at least 10%, right? After all, we started the new era, and you are now the hero of the entire federation. I know where the bottom line is. 】

Bai Bian thought for a while and didn't reply to the message. It was like this anyway. It was okay to stop when the council had opinions.

Tobu City should have nothing to waste on resources.

No longer thinking about Sabo, Bai Bian followed Jiaguan out of the city lord's mansion.

On the streets, various official personnel were still washing the floor, and a large amount of blood was discharged into the sewers, filling the city with a somewhat uncomfortable smell of blood.

The word "reform" is simple, but now the number of people dead in the entire federation has exceeded ten million. Especially at the moment when the parliament made clear the reform, millions of people died, and they were all extraordinary people.

Compared with the Reform Movement, the combined death toll in the four major battlefields was incomparable to this clean-up.

If it weren't for what Bai Bing showed in the battle, and if the things Bai Bing didn't master were valuable enough, only Tobu City would be isolated in this reform.

But these are normal.

When we walked to the Adventurer's Guild, it was much cooler than at the beginning. The people coming and going were gone. There were only a few people left in the huge Adventurer's Guild.

Those were the staff who did not rebel, and those who rebelled were all dead.

Fortunately, the Palace of Knowledge is not something controlled by personnel. Otherwise, if there is an impact there, it will be a real loss.

The white plague's spiritual power senses Dongwu City.

There were celebrations everywhere in the outer city. For the first time, the civilians were sincerely celebrating the victory of the war.

But the inner city area was much empty. In many mansions, only a few ordinary waiters were left, leading people from the finance department to ransack the homes.

The current second-in-command in the finance department also learned a lot after following Saab for so long.

At least he is quite sensitive about money, and he almost knows what to do without any instructions.

There is another reason why the inner city is empty. A large number of monster corpses have been transported into the inner city, but Tobu City does not need such a huge amount of materials.

It can only be sold at a price that is almost one-third lower than the market price, which allows many peaceful extraordinary people and businessmen to see business opportunities.

They exchanged almost all their gold coins for monster corpses, and then transported these materials using teleportation arrays and sold them throughout the federation.

This is also the reason why federal gold coins have always been valuable. In addition to the gold coins themselves being valuable, it is also because there are so many adventurers.

Such materials are indispensable whether they are used as food ingredients or research materials.

Adventurers get money when they come back from hunting, use the money to buy the prey or treasures brought back by other adventurers to grow, and then go out to hunt stronger prey. This cycle creates a complete industrial chain.

The teleportation array is not far from the Adventurer's Guild. It is a huge open space outside the city wall on the far left side of the City Lord's Mansion. There are five tower-shaped buildings in the open space similar to the Palace of Knowledge.

However, there are nine floors in total, and there are no staff guarding it.

Of course, the top knowledge of the Star Federation is not simple. These towers are not as small as they appear. There are countless layers of space and many separate spaces.

It is also equipped with a series of devices such as collecting money.

It almost perfectly solves most problems. The only disadvantage is that it requires the power of time and space.

Except for the legendary mage, other legends cannot absorb a small amount of time and space power from the space turbulence until after the eighth level.

Otherwise, the time and space stone can only be used to replace the power of time and space, which is also the reason why the transmission fee is expensive.

Following Jiaguan into the teleportation array in the middle, everything around him suddenly became illusory, as if he was in the sea of ​​stars.

A cold female voice appeared.

[Identity: Jiaguan·Difeng, Tobu City·Baiyi, this teleportation fee has been waived, please choose the teleportation tower. 】

[Optional teleportation towers: Capital City, Xiling City, Nanling City, Beiyuan City, Chaoyang City, Wuduo City, Red Lion City]

Many city names appear, including almost all important cities.

Although this kind of magic teleportation array is violent, it is more expensive than the alchemy teleportation array. Therefore, in terms of the number of connections in the city, the alchemy teleportation array is more expensive.

In terms of positioning, the magic teleportation array belongs to the military, while alchemy is an everyday thing.

As Jiaguan chose the capital as the teleportation point, the space shook, and the female voice appeared again.

[The teleportation tower and capital have been selected, and the teleportation is about to begin, 321]

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding stars began to move, almost instantly stretching into thin lines, giving people a dizzy feeling.

However, Bai Bian didn't feel anything. His powerful soul perfectly controlled his current body almost instantly.

After his physical attributes reached the gold level, Bai Yie felt that his current resistance was frighteningly high, beyond the reach of an alchemist.

In just an instant, the surrounding stars returned to stillness from slowness.

[Current location, Capital Teleportation Tower. I wish you a pleasant journey. 】

"Lord City Lord, this way."

Jiaguan smiled and led the way, leading Bai Bie out of the teleportation tower. A powerful red dragon was already waiting not far from the teleportation tower.

And this dragon is no stranger to White Plague, it is none other than the golden middle red dragon Tina Anderson.

Her whole dragon is now much more rounded, and the arrogance she had at the beginning is gone. Instead, the whole dragon has an aura of joy.

The dragon cannot be enslaved, but the Tifeng family is too wealthy and gives too much. As long as the gold coins are enough, the dragon cannot temporarily 'cooperate'.

Even the vicinity of the teleportation tower in the capital was filled with the smell of blood. Although it felt a bit unbelievable, there were many rebellions in the capital. After all, there were more than four million and close to five million extraordinary beings gathered.

There will always be some crazy people trying to make something happen during the reform.

"Ms. Tina, this is our guest, please excuse me." Jiaguan said to the red dragon politely.

When Tina saw Bai Bian now, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. After all, she had wanted to steal Bai Bian as a man's favorite.

But now she didn't have so many thoughts. She flapped her wings and a warm force brought the two of them to her back.

In the eyes of the people around, either with fear or fear, the red dragon soared into the sky and flew towards the east.

Looking down from a high altitude, many buildings are vacant and the land is being sold. A lot of the land has been cleared and is much newer than other places.

After bypassing some golden residences, we arrived at the territory of the Tifeng family.

The red dragon did not fall at the door, but rushed directly into the forbidden air formation. After a burst of light, she walked through the city within the city unimpeded.

Yes, in the city within the city, the diameter of the Will family's territory reaches three kilometers, and the diameter of the Tifeng family's territory reaches eight kilometers, which is much larger than the average county town.

At a glance, Bai Bian saw many parking areas for spaceships, numerous extraordinary botanical gardens, and even quite a few Warcraft breeding bases.

Bai Bian recognized some plants and magical beasts. He didn't know how many times he sighed that the family that owned the Soul Master artifact was really rich.

Legendary materials that are hard to see outside are grown here like wheat.

In the gold-level monster garden, all the monsters inside were chubby. He even saw some monsters eating the leaves of gold-level plants.

No wonder the proud dragon willingly became a mount.

After a short flight, the giant dragon brought the white plague to an extremely luxurious palace. Waiters were coming in and out one by one, holding various ingredients and ingredients in their hands, looking a little busy.

Dai An and a somewhat unhappy Yuan Tang were waiting at the door, presumably to greet him.

The dragon leaned down, and the warm energy lowered them down. Then the dragon took off and flew in the direction of the small artificial volcano specially built for her.

"Bai Bie, you are finally here!"

Dai An came forward with bright eyes, but she was still a little restrained compared to before. She grabbed Bai Bian's hand, turned around and said, "Come on, hurry up, the banquet is about to begin. I haven't had such a sumptuous banquet for a long time."


There was a slight cough with dissatisfaction. Dai An paused, subconsciously let go, held Bai Bian's sleeves and smiled ingratiatingly at Yuantang Tifeng, and continued to say with great interest: "A lot of people came today. Ah, I’ll introduce you later.”

Diane has been protected by her brother since she was a child. Her eldest brother is still very intimidating in her heart. After all, she can only say a few words to her parents when she is naughty, but his brother can take her to the study and hire four or five tutors. , let her study continuously for a whole day.

That kind of nightmare would make her afraid to talk back to her brother even when she grows up.

Bai Bian smiled at Yuan Tang, followed Dai An inside, and whispered something.

In the battle outside Tobu City, a lot of hostility was eliminated, including Yuantang Tifeng. After all, besides Helen, he could not find anyone better.

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