Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 245 Destiny Gold Coin

"Eh? Boss brother, hurry up, now!"

Luo Ning suddenly exclaimed. Suddenly, the waiter's eyes widened, full of excitement. Finally, is it finally here? Her dream of being a rich woman?

White plague:.

Isn’t it worthy of being extremely lucky to be fifty?

He just thought about prescribing something that Luo Ning could use, and immediately bypassed 90% of the crisis?

That. I can use it.

"Um, Brother Boss? What's wrong with you? It's over." Luo Ning's big eyes looked at Bai Bian with some despair.

She watched Cat People for three days. Although she felt good accompanying Bai Bie, it was boring.

Why are the items of full value that I finally had available at one time suddenly gone?

Bai Bian was silent for a moment: As long as Luo Ning can use it.

"Eh? Boss brother, here we come again, here we come again, come on, come on, come on!"

Waiter (wagging his tail wildly, looking forward to it): Rich woman’s dream, rich woman’s dream!

White Plague: What you can use

"Boss" Luo Ning seemed to have discovered something. He looked at his palms and showed a true expression in his eyes.

Her fate actually had some fluctuations.

Bai Bian was a little helpless: "Well, I'm experimenting. I seem to know whose problem it is these days."

Luo Ning was silent, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but he immediately held it back: "It's okay, brother boss, we can wait. A person's luck will not always be bad."

White plague:.

He thought silently in his heart: I hope to come up with something that both himself and Luo Ning can use.


[You have opened the gift of the weird doctor]

[The weird doctor’s favorability towards you is -5. 】

[You get destiny gold coins. 】

[Name: Destiny Gold Coin.

Attribute: Destiny.

Effect: Whenever you throw the gold coin of destiny, destiny will appear, and you can see whether something succeeds or fails.

Equipment requirements: Charisma 30+.

Introduction: An ancient product from an unknown era, its holder always likes to toss the destiny gold coin before placing a bet, because it will make a lot of money.

Price: 300,000 gold coins. 】

There was a burst of distortion in the void, and then a gold coin crossed countless dimensions and slowly fell down.

There was an air of reluctance circulating, like the spying of some terrifying existence, and also like some reluctance.

Bai Bian reached out to catch the gold coin, and in the expectant eyes of the catman waiter, Bai Bian threw out a Daybreak Badge.

The cat man's vertical pupils turned into circles at this moment: "Thank you, City Lord, thank you, Miss Luo Ning, I will take my leave."

She made no secret of her excitement. After receiving the consent, she ran directly outside the lake pavilion. Her steps were so erratic that she might fall into the lake at any time.

"What is this?" Luo Ning was full of curiosity.

"The gold coin of destiny seems to allow ordinary people to predict the future." Bai Bian reached out to take it and looked at it.

Luo Ning thought for a while, and a golden light flashed in her eyes. Looking at the gold coin, she thought thoughtfully: "If I give this to Sister Eileen, will she be able to become a normal doctor?"

Bai Bian was stunned. It seemed that it was true. If the destiny curse doctor held the destiny gold coin in her hand, it seemed that this profession would be complete. She could kill whoever she wanted to kill and heal whomever she wanted to heal.

It just so happens that the original owner of this thing is also the source of curse medicine, the weird doctor.

But Bai Bian thought for a moment: "We can't give it to her yet. The Curse Doctor should have strong melee capabilities. The surgery can make her abilities continue to increase. Let's wait for a while."

"Well, listen to brother." Luo Ning said and yawned: "Then I'll go to bed first. I'm a little sleepy because I've been concentrating."

Bai Bian thought of something: "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Luo Ning grabbed the crystal ball and asked Bai Bie in confusion before lying down.

Bai Blight took out something from the Demon Dimension that he had almost forgotten.

Luo Ning's eyes suddenly widened: "Eh? This, this, this"

Luo Ning let go of the crystal ball, quickly approached Bai Yi, stretched out his finger, and touched something like a tombstone.


A bit of golden light lit up, and the divine words seemed to have undergone some changes, or they seemed to be simply glowing.

Bai Bian was a little helpless, okay, okay, he really couldn't study the God's inscription thoroughly. The God of Destiny's things must come from the Daughter of Destiny, right?

"Take it and play with it, but don't expose this thing to too many people. It belongs to the God of Destiny." Bai Bian said and handed the inscription of the God that was eight centimeters in diameter and fifteen centimeters long to Luo Ning.

As for the destiny gold coin, he would try it out first to see if it worked. Predicting good or bad luck was sometimes quite important, but he didn't know if it could predict the fate of the saint.

Luo Ning was stunned and raised his head: "Really give it to me?"

Seeing Bai Bian nod, Luo Ning carefully took the inscription of God with both hands. She held it in her hands and said with bright eyes: "Thank you, boss brother, you are so kind."

Bai Bian unconsciously showed a smile: "Go ahead, contact me if you need anything, and I will create an AI for you in a while."


Bai Bian walked out of the lake pavilion and fumbled for the gold coins in his hand. He thought about it and asked in his heart: Can the transformation of the evil being be successful now?


He tossed the coin of destiny and watched it spinning in the air. The power of the saint's destiny was flowing. Bai Bian was silent for a while, and then turned around.


"What's wrong?" Luo Ning held the inscription of God, followed by a crystal ball, and looked at Bai Bie curiously.

Bai Bian looked at Luo Ning, and then at the thing that kept spinning in the air and gave him no answer at all.

Sure enough, there will be gains and losses, and the fate cannot be predicted by the saint?

He grabbed the gold coin and threw it to Luo Ning: "I'll give this to you. Don't give it to Irene yet. What she needs now is surgery."

Luo Ning did not let go, but the gold coin seemed to have finally found its owner, floating in front of her together with the crystal ball: "Okay, thank you, boss brother."

“Have a good rest”

Bai Bian felt a little boring as he said it. There is nothing better than relying on yourself. As expected, only what you learn is your own.

Space fluctuations flashed.


There was a roar that seemed to come from another dimension, and the gold coin flew to Luoning's head at some point. Then it seemed that these two things gave her a lot of destiny power, and she was directly promoted to the silver middle rank.

Taking a step forward, the white plague disappeared.

When he came out again, he had already arrived at the Palace of Knowledge. His transformation studies were far ahead. After thinking about it, he used a special skill point on the Divine Bone.

Bai Bian's vision suddenly went dark, and then dense crowds of figures appeared. A god and a demi-god were slaughtered in his consciousness, and pieces of bones full of divinity were being dismantled and spliced ​​together.

In this consciousness, God is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, becoming the alchemist’s experimental subject.

After reaching the master's degree of transformation, his proficiency increased rapidly, and his understanding of the divine bones continued to improve, allowing Bai Bian to understand God better.

What is God?

Godhead, rules, or beliefs?

To the average person, that certainly seems to be the case.

But for the alchemist, it is more like the removal of shackles and the fusion of certain substances.

The upper limit of gold is 800 attribute points, be it spirit or strength. Once it reaches 800 points, it will be a huge bottleneck.

However, demigods have no such upper limit.

Demigods can easily overcome the limitations of this attribute and reach attribute values ​​that non-divine creatures can only break through according to rules.

If we extrapolate in this direction, God is just a creature with a higher upper limit.

As the picture continues to deepen.

Bai Bian's understanding of God continued to rise, and he gained new insights.

The lifting of the shackles is only a necessary condition for becoming a demigod. The saint is a kind of lifting of the shackles, but is the saint a god or a demigod?

No, it's not!

The saint simply opened the upper limit of the creature, not the god.

God wants to be more profound.

White Plague's huge mental power is being consumed by the power of the panel, but it is quickly becoming new knowledge.

You can become a divine creature by replacing the bones of a god. As long as a divine creature is not something with a fixed talent, it is qualified to become a demigod.

There seems to be something very special about divinity!

How did this thing appear? Why is God stronger than all races?

Is that some kind of bloodline? It doesn't seem to be the case.

That seems to be the product of certain rules, and there are several of them.

For example, the goddess of life, she is the god of life.

If He did not become God, then any divine creature in the world that focuses on life would have the opportunity to become the God of life.

Once the life god has a place, other divine creatures in the life system will be demi-gods at best and cannot become true gods!

Bai Bian's eyes were thoughtful, but this was just a new god and a plane god.

What about the ancient gods?

In the spirit of White Epidemic, one transformation after another continues to rise. When a certain moment is reached, buzz~

His face turned pale, but he still felt good looking at the prompts on the panel.

[You understand the unnamed skill. 】

The original divine bone transformation is to replace the bones of gods with your own bones, which can turn a normal creature into a divine creature.

But this kind of divine creature is only the lowest level of divine creature, because the bones of the gods will have a rejection reaction with the creatures, that is, the gods cannot be upgraded, and they may even die if they are not careful.

This knowledge can be classified as forbidden knowledge. In addition to being absolutely dangerous, it also has something to do with God.

But now the spirit bones are different.

[Named, Divine Bone X. 】

[Name: Divine Bone X.

Attribute: Alchemical transformation of forbidden knowledge.

Effect: The bones of gods can be transplanted into extraordinary beings, turning ordinary extraordinary beings into divine beings.

Introduction: The forbidden knowledge has been perfected, and its original creator could not even imagine that this skill could actually be perfected! 】

Compared with the description of the spirit bone, this description lacks the part of rejection, because the white plague has been able to perfectly integrate the divinity of the spirit buried in the bones into the bones of living creatures.

But if a divine creature wants to become a demigod, it still needs rules.

Fortunately, his dark side is evil!

Otherwise, the three skill points may not be able to completely perfect this knowledge, because this is a terrifying god-making knowledge!

The kind that uses a mortal body to create a true god.

Rubbing his swollen head, Bai Bian thought for a while, but with this knowledge, he already knew how to safely transform into the dark side and prevent it from getting out of control.

I took a look at the current progress of the three major alchemy categories.

Master-level alchemical pharmacy (7910/50000), master-level alchemical technology (39420/50000) (expand), and master-level alchemical transformation (8800/100000).

Technology first, medicine later.

However, the remaining two special skill points can basically be learned from dispensing.

Flesh transformation cannot be separated from pharmacy, just as mechanical transformation cannot be separated from mechanics.

The promotion of the knowledge of the divine bones gave the transformation science a proficiency of eight thousand, but the pharmacy was also forced to increase its proficiency by more than two thousand.

This is because replacing the spirit bone requires the help of many potions, and he has passively learned those potions through the comprehension of knowledge.

As for science and technology, Bai Bian once again took out the inheritance of the Star Sea Battleship, then opened the weapon classification and began to study the secondary guns.

If this one is not enough, there are more things in the Star Sea Battleship. After he learns a few of them, he can easily reach the master level.

Even if Bai Bian doesn't learn anything else but just learns this Star Sea Battleship, his knowledge may be as good as that of a sage.

Because this knowledge is too vast.

Bai Bian looked at it, silently looking at the mechanical life form leaning on him, grabbing it, and silently rummaging through some information.

Many of the above materials are not available in this era. He needs to find alternatives before he can get started with these things and then gain skill points.


"Xiao Mo? You're still transforming. That's the only thing bad about this game. There's no acceleration or anything like that."

"Yeah, I'm thinking about it too. What is the anchor doing?"

"Don't you know? According to the speculations of some big guys, the three major federations should be an equilateral triangle, and they are even located in the three continental plates of this world."

"And those big guys roughly figured out some locations through some explanations in history and local costumes."

"As long as I leave Dongwu City and keep walking eastward, I will eventually reach the Federation of Stars one day."

Demacia took two rats to rest in a forest, chatting with the audience somewhat boredly.

Because the war plot has passed and Demacia has reached its maximum level, the transformation learning items that can be redeemed are too expensive.

Therefore, he might as well take on a challenge and walk to the Federation of Stars as far as he can.

Moreover, this is not boring, because it is actually no different from taking risks.

The mutated areas and the catastrophic areas were almost defeated in that battle, but there were still a lot of creatures of various races on the road. In addition to some new mutated areas, Demacia also relied on the luck of that bat to avoid Death, live well until now.

"What does this game feel like?"

Demacia sat on the tree trunk and took a fruit from the hands of the two rats, with some memories in her eyes.

He took a bite of the fruit, touched the down on the big bat, and asked with a smile: "Is this a game?"

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

"Um, I didn't ask you."

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

"Who is the retard? Can't I just chat with other wonders?"

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

"Damn it, don't even think about eating the extraordinary plants I bought again."

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

"Do you want to fight with your summoner? there any movement?"

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