[Name: Praise to the Sun.

Properties: Explosive.

Effect: After a standard unit of Solar Praise explodes, it can destroy everything with a diameter of ten kilometers. Any energy that does not belong to the sun will suffer a large amount of real damage.

Within three natural days after the explosion, any creature that enters this place will lose health ranging from 1% to 100% per second depending on the creature's resistance.

Introduction: Greeting the wrath of the sun, the noble blazing sun cannot allow any energy to be in the same area as it. 】


Bai Bian rubbed his forehead. The appearance of the Divine Bone just now and the Praise of the Sun now made his mental power start to feel tingling.

However, when he looked at the introduction on the panel, he still felt that it was worthwhile. The improved explosion method of Praise of the Sun had changed, if it was originally just to fill an area with explosions.

So now the Praise of the Sun is to let the solar energy continue to fission and erode when it explodes, to achieve the purpose of destroying all other energy, and leaving a restricted area outside of the solar energy.

Very strong

Moreover, White Plague's four increases in solar energy can continuously strengthen this thing.

But there are two disadvantages.

First, if you want to make the ultimate solar tribute, then it cannot explode instantly. The ultimate solar crystal must be made with inert substances, and inert substances will make the explosion take a lot longer.

Second, even if you don't use the top-level solar crystals, just purify the crystals once, if it explodes instantly, it seems that it will not be so easy to escape with such a large explosion range.

As for the improved Praise of the Sun, White Plague always felt that he had to trigger the demon soul blood as soon as he fired it.

Thinking, boom, boom!

"Mr. Bai Yifei, the scholars from the Wei Brigade have arrived."

There was a knock on the door and a soldier's voice. Bai Bian shook his head and shook those strange thoughts out of his mind. Now is not the time to think about fighting.

For the ultimate version of Praise of the Sun, White Plague feels that it only needs to reach one standard unit of information, which is ten centimeters of the ultimate sun crystal, and one meter of less than the ultimate sun crystal. Then the ordinary legend will directly turn into ashes without any negotiation.

"come in."

Bai Bian responded and looked towards the door.

There was a bookish air about Wei Lu who was wearing glasses. It was a piece of alchemy equipment. Bai Bian could tell at a glance that it could help the wearer translate, interpret, and record some text. It was considered a lower-level AI.

"Lord City Lord." Wei Brigade saluted slightly, with a smile on his face.

After helping White Epidemic reform, he is now a four-star scholar with high authority in the Scholars Mansion. He has also awakened the title of scholar, and his legend among NPCs has also increased. For him, this is very convenient.

Because he can access more secrets and knowledge through his status.

For example, if he buys some knowledge from some NPCs, as long as his relationship with that NPC is okay, it is still okay to borrow it for reading.

The Federation does not reject the spread of knowledge. As for whether anyone uses this to do business.

There are many black markets, but as long as money is collected for communication, it is not possible in the open. Who will be a philanthropist if they don’t collect money?

Perhaps the federal environment will get better and better in the future, but this is the beginning of reform, and those who were bullied in the past have not yet changed their mentality. This kind of charity can only be found in schools.

After all, all the schools in Tobu City, except for the aristocratic schools, are losing money, without exception.

"Sit down." Bai Bian rubbed his brows: "Demacia discovered something, have I told you about it?"

Wei Lu thought for a moment and nodded: "I told you."

"Then I won't introduce too much." Bai Yi asked: "Can you contact the Sun Federation? I need to talk to the legends over there and spread some knowledge."

The Wei Brigade thought about it and found that the players on the American side were easier to contact than the players on the Bear side.

So he nodded decisively: "Yes, but it will take some time."

"Okay, go get ready, I'll wait for you here." Bai Bian nodded, and the spread of mental power was gradually recovered.

"Two hours." Wei Lu turned and left. He needed to find some anchors over there. People in the same circle always have better contact.

The moment he stepped out of the room, an announcement swept the entire player community.

[1.0 will end in thirty natural days, and 2.0 will start in ninety natural days. 】

Wei Lu paused and walked out with some reluctance in his eyes.

Is it going to end again?

Bai Bian also noticed the announcement on the player forum and was a little surprised.

It seems to be no different from the internal testing to 1.0, one month followed by two months.

I just don’t know how long it will take for players to come back this time.

The two months I mentioned last time are almost a year here.

In the two months of the previous life, ten years have passed in the game.

But what is gratifying is that the war is over, and the ancient god's kingdom will not start a war in a short time.

And even if it is turned on, it will not be on the side of Dongwu City. As for the wars in other cities, wasn't this the same way before there were no players?

Although players are very important, they are mainly the icing on the cake. If they are to provide help in times of need, it is not yet

Time passed slowly, and two hours passed quickly. Bai Bian was mainly thinking about how to translate this skill into multiple languages.

The magicians and alchemists over there are different. Alchemists can communicate with each other using alchemical formations instead of words, but there is a difference between alchemists and magicians.

If the same method is used, the magician over there will definitely look confused.

After all, the Sun Federation is the federation with the least connections.

They have never contacted the Federation of Dawn and Stars. Not only do they not understand the language, they also do not understand the language.

Fortunately, Bai Bian is fairly familiar with the profession of magician, and some of the history he studied in school can help him, such as using the names of certain gods and some of the simplest alchemical inscriptions to replace words.

It doesn't matter if you can't understand these alchemy inscriptions. As long as there is a silver-level alchemist over there, they can always translate them.

Dong. Dong Dong

"Mr. Plague."


Federation of the Sun.

This federation is different from the other two federations.

There is no technology in this continent, and there are no laws that only depend on talent.

The entire federation, which has a diameter of more than 30,000 kilometers, is filled with idols and the atmosphere of faith.

When the power of the Lady of the Night was overwhelming the mainland, the people here also started their own prayers. They were praying to the god who didn't know where to bless them.

The endless power of faith reaches its peak when God appears.

All the magicians received a great wave of enhancement at this time, which improved the weakest federation, including the ninth-level legend.

"Bishop, I'm asking for a visit. It's the envoy who said there are other things from the Federation."

In the center of this federation, a peaceful city, some respectful voices rang out, and a young man kneeling on the ground to pray slowly opened his eyes.

He has golden eyes, and although he looks very young, he gives off a sense of majesty.

His name is Hurley, he is the only legend in the Sun Federation, and he single-handedly supports the entire Sun Federation.

In front of him is a god sitting on a throne. He is the sun god of this world and the source of the name of Hurley's faith and the Sun Federation.

On this statue, there is an incomparable glow of faith, as if this stone statue is a true god, making people dare not look directly at it.

"Other federations?" Hurley's golden eyes were full of thoughts, and the huge power of faith was flowing around him. His voice did not sound like one person's, but countless people speaking at the same time, as if his questions had also changed. It became a question of faith.

"Yes, according to our understanding of the Wonders, there are two other huge federations on this continent, but those two federations seem to have given up on gods, and the proportion of magicians is not high." The speaker It's an old man.

He is the king's attendant.

Although the Sun Federation is called a federation, it would be better to call it a kingdom, because although the Sun Federation is also a parliamentary system, it is mainly controlled by royal power and divine power.

The councilors are also bishops of various gods. Only the king here is an eighty-level powerful swordsman, only one step away from the sword master. And the king represents the interests of other professions except the magician, and his power is still very high. of.

After all, 70% of the extraordinary people in this federation are magicians, but this does not mean that other professions cannot survive on this land.

In fact, on the contrary, Hurley is deliberately cultivating other professions, such as this king!

Even though Hurley is still a young man now, he is a strong man who rose from the wasteland at the beginning of the Dark Age and established the entire federation single-handedly.

Cultivating this king also wants a second legend to appear. It is difficult for a magician to give birth to a second legend in this land, because this is a profession that relies on faith.

And now the faith has reached a bottleneck, at least the bottleneck of the Sun Federation.

"Let him in." Hurley said softly, standing up slowly.

He bowed to the statue, put down his faith as a tribute, turned and left his practice room.

Magicians always have more reverence for God. After all, that is the source of their transcendence.

Although if the gods return, seeing this group of magicians who deceive their masters and destroy their ancestors will make them suspicious of life, I have to say that they still do a good job in respecting them.

Outside the prayer room, an extremely beautiful elf girl was already waiting here.

When she saw Hurley, she did not salute, but said calmly: "In another distant continent, a powerful federation called Dawn has brought you some news, and I need to deliver it to you personally."

"Sit down first."

Hurley nodded and the two took their seats.

This continent is a continent of faith, and the elves are not under the control of the Sun God. Therefore, no elves need to salute the bishop of the Sun God Religion, even if the bishop is very powerful.

Because between gods, the goddess of life and the sun god both belong to powerful divine powers and have no superior-subordinate relationship. Their believers are equal.

This federation is indeed very strange in some things.

While they blasphemed the gods, they also showed great reverence for the gods.

It is equivalent to the feeling that a monk starts to pray after kneeling down to worship the Buddha. After finishing reciting the Buddhist scriptures, he looks at the Buddha's OK gesture and scrapes off the gold paint on the Buddha's body to sell it for money.

"You say."

"This is the information that came from over there. There is only one thing that can be said orally."

"A very powerful person favored by the ancient gods has come to our federation. He is planning a huge conspiracy that can destroy you."

"And the information about this ancient god's favored person is also included."

The God Envoy player stretched out her hand as she spoke, and the radiance of faith appeared. Photos appeared in her hand, arranged in an extremely neat manner.

For other professions, space ability requires a very advanced level to be used.

The magician is different. His faith is very magical and he can do many things that other professions cannot do.

This is also what makes this profession stronger than other professions. If you insist on saying so, their power is like pseudo-divine power that has not experienced the blessing of gods.

The effect is miraculous, but the quality is not as good as the previous magicians who used divine power directly.

Hurley was a little silent, perhaps because he felt underestimated. The aura around him was a little unpleasant, and those beliefs also had a dull meaning.

But he didn't say anything, or even show it. He just took the information silently and looked at it silently.

As time passed, his golden eyes became a little more solemn.

There are many things recorded in these first documents.

For example, the information and personality of an ancient god's favored person named Charles, and the information and personality of an abyss lord named Pu Sheng.

There is also some information about the secret realm, which seems to be about the relics of gods.

If what the information says is true, that Charles is quite dangerous.

Continuing to turn the pages, he was suddenly startled.

I was a bit silent looking at this garbled information. It was mainly written in divine writing, with some regional writing and contract writing interspersed.

He could understand these things, but the order was extremely confusing. He even saw some magical inscriptions, but these magical inscriptions were shapeless, that is to say, to a certain extent, they were not particularly advanced. The magician will regard this thing as gibberish.

After all, the shapeless magical inscriptions are like words written incorrectly and eliminated, which makes people feel a little dazzled.

But those alchemy inscriptions were very standard, even for a layman like him, they felt a little pleasing to the eye.

So this information is something passed down by a powerful alchemist.

Fortunately, his understanding of divine inscriptions allowed him to interpret texts other than alchemical inscriptions.

These words were continuously sorted in his mind, and finally formed an explosive effect that he could understand.

Surprise appeared in his eyes. He couldn't help but glance at the prayer room. Is this a use of the sun?

Sure enough, God was right: both alchemists and mages were potential blasphemers.

He took a deep breath and suppressed some complicated things in his mind, as well as the idea of ​​continuing to interpret this article, because he could see the value of these things.

We can also understand why such a troublesome way is needed to convey information. This kind of explosive seems to be very advanced. If some of the above purification methods are used, the solar energy is purified until it is neutralized with inert substances.

So as long as the sun has enough energy, this kind of explosive can destroy a small world!

Moreover, he also read a message of concern from the distant federation, which made him feel a little warm.

That was something that had appeared in the magician's heart since he started to change his profession, a kind of uneasiness.

They are looking forward to the coming of God and praying every day, but they are also afraid that one day God will really come and directly destroy this blasphemer of the Federation.

He thought for a while and looked at the elf player: "Miss Edoma, thank the Dawn Federation for me, and then help me transfer some information in the same way."

Edoma looked at the tasks on his panel, smiled and said, "As you wish."

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