
The passage between the abyss and Shia slowly opened.

The purple halo burst out crazily with a strong ominous aura, darkening the entire sky.

In the strong purple light, a pair of scarlet eyes peered at Shia.

The abyss lords were originally too strong to be repelled by Shia and unable to enter Shia, and those who were too weak had no way to come.

As soon as this passage opened, more eyes were peering into the bottomless abyss.

The abyss is ready to move.

Bai Bian calmly walked to the front of the abyss passage, lit a bloody incense and placed it in front of the abyss passage.

Looking up, staring at the peeping eyes in the abyss, a smile appeared on his face.

Malicious threats!

Scarlet light filled his eyes.

[You used malicious intimidation, and your charm value dropped to -27. 】


The white plague's hair was lengthening extremely quickly, and they were twisting unconsciously, like some kind of indescribable monster.

The saint's terrifying soul power was colored with a hint of crimson, and a pair of eyes covered hundreds of kilometers.

Extremely evil realm.

Bai Bie's scarlet eyes showed no emotion, and he stared calmly into the abyss.

He just looked at it, and in the bottomless abyss, countless eyes quickly disappeared, and they all looked away from looking at Shia, without the courage to look at this young man.

The saint's powerful spiritual power circulates in the extremely evil realm, and the slow-moving restricted area is coming in the direction of the white plague.

As soon as the notorious restricted area was released, more beings extinguished their thoughts of rushing over and withdrew their prying hearts.

The restricted area was getting closer, but the young man standing in front of the abyss passage had no intention of leaving.

The few remaining powerful legends are starting to move around. Entering Shia is what every creature from the secondary plane wants to do.

The Shia brand in the soul of a Shia creature is a precious thing for any existence on the secondary plane.

For them, going to Shia is a shortcut to becoming powerful.


A low roar sounded in the abyss, and a huge abyss demon ape was rushing towards the passage. This kind of demon ape did not have much sense.

The slightly weaker demon apes would only instinctively want to stay away from the white plague, but the powerful demon apes didn't think so much.

Not only the demon ape, but a violent demon also walked out of the abyss of unknown levels and ran towards this side crazily.

Some rational abyss creatures, led by these irrational powerful creatures, also began to make moves.

Bai Bian calmly watched the approach of many legends.

Opening the abyss channel was the way he had considered, which could perfectly solve this indestructible restricted area.

As for these existences

Bai Bing smiled and raised his hand. The deformation module of the hive continued to reorganize, and a Barrett Blazing Sun appeared.

At the same time, save the soul!

The ghost of spiritual power appeared, his body was stained with a hint of scarlet, and the saint's soul became vicious at this moment.

Many legends in front felt a strong threat and hesitated on the other side of the passage.

Bullets are always the most dangerous thing in a gun.

Because they don't know whether the bullet will hit them.

The disordered races such as the Demon Ape and the Violent Demon are restless and restless. They want to move forward, but they are hesitant because of the huge threat.

The orderly races such as the succubi and the balrogs also hesitated a bit when they looked at the evil being. They knew that they would not be able to stop the evil being when they swarmed forward.

But there is no integrity in the abyss. No one would want to die. The higher the wisdom, the less they want to die.

After just a moment of hesitation, these people suddenly felt that the threat from the evil creature ahead was no longer so great.

Those disorderly races began to run towards the abyss passage again, towards the direction of the white plague.

But the next moment, the huge restricted area swallowed up the white plague and completely blocked the abyss passage. He ran over the incense stick with floating smoke and was pushed towards the abyss by a powerful spiritual force.

After Bai Bie, who had regained his light side, appeared in the restricted area, there was a smile in his eyes. The effect of the malicious deception was quite good, at least it confused those legends for a few seconds in the end.


Bai Bian looked at the creatures who were still trying to get closer to the passage, with a mysterious smile on his face.

[Leave the abyss layer where you are. 】

Bai Bian sent a reminder to Mark, and at the same time, thousands of magnetic mechanical bodies appeared, pieced together into a human figure in the air, and rushed towards the abyss holding a huge golden ball.


As a 10,000-magnetic mechanical body hits the center of the golden ball.


White Blight's heart was beating crazily. At the same time, all the abyss creatures in the abyss, whether ordered or disordered, stopped all their movements at the same time, and then fled crazily into the abyss.

I don't even know if it was an illusion, but the rebirth restricted area also accelerated towards the abyss.

The moment the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body entered the abyss passage, Bai Bian decisively closed the passage and locked the restricted area in the abyss.

[Because you triggered the restricted area into the abyss, the abyss's favorability towards you is -10. 】


A buzzing sound seemed to resound through Bai Bie's mind.

At this moment, a large amount of data flooded the panel.

[You used Praise of the Sun to kill the level 34 Abyss Demon. Due to the large level gap, the experience value was greatly reduced. You gained 36 experience. 】

[You killed with the Praise of the Sun]

【You praise with the sun.】

[䱱has been upgraded, reaching level 75. 】

[Your creation Mark Silk Life is marked by the abyss. 】

[Because you killed too many abyss creatures at once and your favorability with the abyss was too low, you were awarded the seven-star title, Abyss Hate. 】

[Name: Abyss Hate.

Attribute: Title.

Star rating: ★★★★★★★.

Wearing effect: Your hands are stained with a large number of dead souls of abyssal creatures. You are a person who even hates the abyss. By wearing this title, your power will compete with the power of the abyss, and the damage caused to abyssal creatures will be increased by 20%. The damage caused by abyssal creatures to you is increased by 10%.

Wearing requirements: Abyss favorability reaches disgust.

Introduction: The disgust of the abyss? It just so happens that no normal creature likes the abyss, double-edged sword, see which side is sharper. 】

[Your intelligence has reached 803 points. Please choose a safe place to undergo magic transformation. When the transformation is completed, your intelligence attribute will be converted to holy intelligence. 】

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment and looked at the panel with thoughtful eyes. Since the spiritual transformation of Saint, all the attribute points he gained have been piled on intelligence, and now he seems to have reached the level of transformation.

It’s just that this transformation doesn’t seem to come with a so-called test, that is to say.

Bai Bian looked at the three attributes of strength, sensitivity and resistance. There is no so-called test for these three?

It seems that as long as the saint passes the initial trial, he will really be on the same page. The obstacles are very small and the potential is quite high.

He felt inexplicably happy. If he awakened another powerful specialty like Holy Soul, Bai Bian felt that he could defeat high-level legends at level 75.

Before long, perhaps his opponents will only be Taboo and God!


A low voice sounded in my heart. The voice was very weak and extremely sharp.

At the same time, a scene emerged in Bai Bian's mind.

It was the scene of an abyss, but at this time, the ground of that layer of abyss was collapsing and the sky was cracking.

Many abyss creatures felt the passion of the sun when they faced it for the first time, and eventually melted in this passion.

A black field spreads slowly, seemingly unable to withstand the greetings of the scorching sun.

White Plague is still very satisfied with the power of Praise of the Sun.

This delayed Sun Salute is the ceiling of power. The standard Sun Salute is 10 centimeters in diameter, which is about the size of a slightly larger apple.

And this one is one meter, which is ten times more powerful, and has the power to destroy top legends.

It's a pity that the speed of the legend is too fast and the legend is not exploded. Otherwise, maybe I can get special skill points or expertise?

[I know, wait for a while, you will get what you want. 】

After the white plague recovered, he turned around and the space fluctuated and flickered, and continued to flicker towards Dongwucheng.

Still not looking for Pu Sheng, mainly because he made a sudden attack just now, but only killed one scapegoat. If the white plague was Pu Sheng, he would have definitely gone back to the abyss by now, and would come out to cause trouble after the limelight was over. .

Back in Dongwu City, Bai Bian breathed a sigh of relief.

Go directly to Luo Ning and prepare to predict the inheritance of the saint.

When they came to the restaurant, besides Luo Ning, Irene was also there.

Now Irene is a senior surgeon at Tobu Hospital. She is so busy all day long, but does she still have time to come back?

The moment Irene saw White Blight, her eyes were extremely resentful.

The elf is obviously almost ninety-five years old, but now he looks younger than Luo Ning, making him the most immature face in the city lord's mansion.

"Capitalist, I think our model should be changed."

Eileen said with some resentment, and there was some determination in her voice.

Bai Bian sat over with great interest, and after letting Ms. Elena prepare his dinner, he asked: "What?"

"I know a lot of sword skills now, and I have the Fate Gold Coin. I can also control the cursed doctor's things very well. I think it is pointless for me to be that damn doctor."

She said seriously: "I'm almost in the golden middle. I can feel what I want, so I plan to leave."

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment: "Leave?"

"Yes, I plan to travel around the Federation." Eileen put down the food in her hand with longing.

"I have witnessed too many lives, separations and deaths over the years. Many times, even if I am a powerful life priest or a feared curse doctor, I cannot keep all the lives."

"In fact, sometimes even if I work continuously for a month or even longer, there are still more and more patients."

"I am tired and helpless. Under your pressure, I clearly understand my own insignificance. Gold is powerful to all living beings, but it is also insignificant."

"I am so small, it seems that there is no need to feel pain for the passing of life."

Erin said and concluded: "Birth, aging, sickness and death are the laws of the world. I only want to save the people I want to save, not everyone."

Bai Ying took the food sent by Elena, wore the title of taster, and started to enjoy the food.

He asked: "Can you ensure your own safety? Do you remember Rose of the Night?"

Irene was stunned for a moment, recalling what happened a few years ago, and a slight smile appeared on her face: "I can protect myself."

Bai Ying tasted the food: "Have you told Ms. Mina?"

"Well, my master has nothing to teach me now. I want to follow my intuition." Erin nodded.

She said with a big smile: "Don't worry, capitalist, I just went out for a walk and it's not like I won't come back. I still owe you a lot of money."

Bai Bian thought for a moment, lowered his head and continued eating: "Okay, just be careful."

Erin's smile became brighter: "Thank you, capitalist."

Erin thought of many things. It could be said that the white plague had saved her life more than once, such as the initial contempt of the Will family.

For people with little talent, the attitude of these congressman families is actually not very good.

After all, the survival of the parliamentarian families does not depend on civilians, but on strength.

If it weren't for the White Plague, she might have had her memory extracted and become an idiot.

There were also squeezes again and again. Although she felt quite painful, looking back, she was still very moved.

She felt lucky that she could encounter the white epidemic.

"I'm leaving."

Erin stood up and walked out.

She was originally waiting for Bai Bian to say goodbye and thank her in person. Now it was time to go out and explore. Her path could not be like Luo Ning's, staying in Tobu City all the time.

"Take this with you."


Bai Bian said and a mechanical ball flew towards Irene. She subconsciously took it and she turned her head in confusion.

"An inter-dimensional communicator that does not require an Internet connection. If there is still a legacy of the Curse Doctor, remember to contact me."

Irene was stunned, emotions surged in her eyes: "Bai"

"You still owe me 113 million. Remember to collect money when you rescue people. If you don't have money, I will take you back to work."

Erin: .

"Damn capitalist!"

Eileen's excitement collapsed and she walked out cursing.

Luo Ning looked at Irene's back with strong reluctance in her eyes. She liked Irene quite a lot, but she couldn't stop her. After all, everyone has their own way to go.

Others cannot block this path.

"Can't bear to leave?" Bai Bian asked with a smile.

"Yes." Luo Ning nodded: "From now on, brother, you will be in seclusion, and I won't have anywhere to visit."

"It's not like I won't come back. Don't make it look like you are parting from life or death." Bai Bian said helplessly, "Please give me a prediction after dinner."

"Okay." Luo Ning nodded obediently and speeded up his eating.

Not long after, a waiter stood in the lake pavilion anxiously.

This is one of Diane's maids, an ordinary person. She is also very nervous when facing big people besides Diane.

Luo Ning comforted him and explained the rules. Suddenly, the waiter's eyes gradually changed from uneasy to bright, and finally full of surprise.

Diane is very generous. The wages given to them are paid by the housekeeper according to the highest standards, and the occasional rewards are more than other waiters can imagine.

But one hundred thousand gold coins is still not a small amount, even the kind that ordinary people dare not think about.

Luo Ning took out the crystal ball and the inscription of God, and looked at Bai Bian: "Brother, can you predict it?"

"There's something different this time."

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