"Don't make any noise and let's get out of here first."

Demacia whispered, and under the leadership of Er Shu, they left for about two kilometers before barely breathing.

"Meila, is that the secret realm of God?"

Demacia breathed a long sigh of relief. He had slowly gotten used to the feeling of breathing sea water.


Meira was very silent, and there was not much light in her pure eyes.

The beautiful life collapsed overnight, and everything familiar to him, including his family, father, mother, and various playmates, was gone.

When they were around Vina, the little mermaids could barely deceive themselves, but when they returned to this dilapidated place again, the emotions that had been deliberately ignored surged up, filling her immature mind with deathly silence.

"That's troublesome. We have to go in to find a way to open the secret."

"Secret?" Meila had some mood swings.

"The treasure in the secret realm means something protected by a powerful race, something that can save the mermaid tribe. It's definitely okay to call it a treasure." Demacia scratched her head and explained awkwardly.

Meira lowered her head and said softly: "I have a way."


"I'll lure the Queen away, and you can just go in?"

"No!" Demacia refused decisively.

Under the gaze of the mermaid, he thought for a while and said with a smile: "You can always find a new way, otherwise, I am the summoner, we sign a contract, and then leave the rest to me!"

Meira's eyes were full of deathly silence: "No need, I'll lure her away and you go in. You said you would save the mermaid tribe."

"Don't be like this, Meira. There is always a way to survive. We can always find a way in. You can't give up on yourself." Demacia was very anxious. She looked at the gloom in the mermaid's pure eyes and didn't know what to do for a moment. What can I say?

Indeed, as Wei Lu said, contract mermaids are not the best choice for him. Although each version update will take a long time, more than 100 years is too long. It is not as fast as some contract mermaids. A race with stronger combat capabilities.

But in the eyes of Demacia, this is a person.

A person who had a mind, a soul, and was so cute died like this. He was not one of those perverts who used games to vent his anger, so it was difficult for him to watch Meira die.

Meira looked at him for a long time, then nodded gently: "Okay, sign it."

Demacia frowned, looking at the unchanged emotion in Meira's eyes.

After a long time, suddenly he stretched out his hand.

His gold-level physique allowed him to knock out Mira before she had time to react.

Wei Lv: [Hiss~ You are playing irrationally, Brother Dema. There is a high probability that the mermaid secret can only be opened by the mermaid tribe. 】

Demacia: [High probability, it doesn’t matter, let’s go in and take a look first. 】

He looked back and said softly: "Er Rat, take me out first. Let's leave the Mermaid City."


"We have to try. If we die, we will die. You'd better not die. I don't believe it. Gold-level Demacia can't get through a broken door! Just die, no matter what."

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

"Hey, don't you think your summoner is so handsome? I feel the same way, hahaha."

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"Damn it, I'm being targeted, Errat, run away!"

After Demacia finally left the mermaid capital after going through many dangers, he searched everywhere, but everywhere he looked there were scenes shrouded in the mist of the netherworld. It seemed that the safe place in the wild that he expected no longer existed.

Demacia thought for a moment and snapped her fingers. The two rats disappeared speechlessly. When they reappeared, there was already an extra shovel.

Demacia dug decisively, and after a huge three-meter-deep pit appeared, Demacia placed the unconscious mermaid at the bottom of the pit, then arranged a sealing array and isolation array, and left some food.

Demacia buried the mermaid with soil and clapped her hands: "Look, isn't this problem solved?"

He said proudly: "You want to sign a contract with me, and then suddenly run out to lure the boss away, and then say to me affectionately: Dema, you said you would save the mermaid, but the plot of her dying in the end is outdated."

“Now it’s up to the players to brave the world!”

Wei Brigade: [6. 】

Demacia: "Hey, are you shocked by my wisdom?"

Wei Lv: [No, I made you cry. You are dead, how can you come back? 】

Demacia: "You are stupid. Your whole family is stupid. If I die, just go find the big mermaid and use the same method to try and make mistakes."

"If Meira dies, then I only have one chance. Once I die too, the mission will definitely fail."

"As long as Meira is still there, as long as I can prove that she is still alive, then even if I die, finding the big mermaid will explain the situation and the player's advantage, and there is a high probability that she can come back.

Every mermaid has a chance to come back here, since the panel says that God's Secret can save the sea. "

"Then, I am determined to be this savior!"

Wei Lv: [His~ This is a path I have never thought of. Are you really a genius? 】

Demacia: "Haha, you are smart, I already have some ideas, let's see how I can lead the sea to turn around with my own life!"

"Er Shu is gone. When you get back there, you can come into my new space and have a look."

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"


The dragon's breath and magic collide with the curse of the netherworld and the power of the soul.

The sunset on the horizon was obscured by the collision. The power of the demigods was too strong. The two demigods in their heyday made the legendary beings completely unable to compete.

Even White Plague, facing the demigods in their heyday, doesn't want to touch them now that [Abandoned Dimension] and [Malevolent Slash] are both cooling down.

Without looking back, Bai Bian suddenly accelerated and quickly entered the sea.

He had to fight quickly to return before Diane was in danger.

Summoning demigods is a professional characteristic of the Necromancer profession, but Bai Bian has always known that if you want to get anything, you need to pay a corresponding price.

As for Gold ascending to summon the mythical dragon, the price cannot be compensated by three high-level mineral veins. There must be something that Diane is not saying.

But since the price has been paid, the best way to make up for it is to obtain profits that can make up for it.

The White Plague quickly sank to the bottom of the sea, and the so-called Shendi Trench was probably located at this location.

Vina doesn't know everything, but it shouldn't be too different.

It continued to decline, and the surrounding Netherworld Qi was completely ignored by the White Plague. It was impossible for this level of Netherworld Qi to invade the Abomination, and even the Netherworld Qi was actively avoiding the approach of the Abomination.

Netherworld's specialty is invading souls, but both demigods have no interest in invading the White Plague, and Erno didn't even try it until his death.

In addition to the fact that the holy soul is too powerful, there is also the reason why it is a sin.

When fighting Ernuo, he didn't let Bai Bian experience the feeling of having his soul invaded until his death.

Continuing to decline, White Plague's mental power spread crazily, searching for the existence of the trench.

Although being underwater has a certain impact on him, the impact is not too great.

During the space teleportation and mental-power-covered search, it only took Bai Bian more than ten seconds to find an extremely huge trench.

This is not so much a trench as it is a celestial abyss.

If it weren't for the mental power of White Plague, he would have thought that he hadn't reached the bottom of the sea yet.

There was endless darkness, and the cracks that formed the trench could not be seen at all.

Everything you see is a scene of the deep sea.

In Bai Bian's mental power, the width of this trench reached more than 700 kilometers, which was quite exaggerated and shaped like a huge and straight eye.

Bai Bian could even imagine a scene in which a god controlled an artifact and almost split the sea in half.

Choosing to continue sinking to the bottom, Bai Bian's mental power gradually reached the bottom. He was stunned for a moment. There was actually a building here?

Just when he was about to continue sinking, Bai Bian noticed something, stopped, and looked calmly into the darkness not far away.

"Since we're here, then"

"No, no, no, we are all friends, don't be so grumpy."

A timid voice sounded, and Pu Sheng appeared at the end of Bai Bian's line of sight. There was space fluctuation behind him, as if he was ready to run away at any time.

"I know you put that thing in the abyss. You said, let the lords who are fighting for the artifact [Pandora] know the truth." Pu Sheng's voice gradually became more confident.

Save the soul!


"Damn it, don't, brother Bai Bian, we are friends after all, right? You cheat me, I cheat you, keep cheating, won't our relationship become deeper and deeper?"

The stored soul launches!



The entire trench shook, but because it was soul energy, there was no collapse-like scene.


"What a monster."

Pu Sheng narrowly escaped the influence of the Soul of the Soul. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered with a smile.

Seeing that Bai Bian began to accumulate energy, he quickly said: "Wait a minute, it's business. Although I want to trick you every time, when has the information I told you been false? When has it been useless to you? At least you You have to listen before taking action."

The spatial fluctuations around Bai Bian gradually disappeared. He rubbed the dagger in his hand and said calmly: "I'll give you ten seconds."

"Damn, he's so powerful."

He muttered and immediately said: "The birth of the Siren can restore Shia's magic power again. At that time, the age of divine envoys will be skipped directly and promoted to the age of true gods. Ancient gods and evil gods will begin to be eligible to enter. You Do you really want to let God in now?”

Bai Bian had thoughts in his eyes and asked directly: "What does it have to do with it? What does the emergence of the Sea Clan have to do with Shia's recovery?"

"Rules! The New God broke many rules, so the world was severely damaged. There are some ancient rules in the Sea Clan's sealed land. As long as the Sea Clan is born, these rules will fill up Shia."

Pu Sheng immediately said: "Just as the Netherworld Invasion requires additional rules for Shia, otherwise the demigods will not be able to come in, and Shia will not be able to give birth to a taboo."

He saw thoughts appearing in Bai Bian's eyes, and his face was slightly happy: "So, as long as we cooperate and bypass the God's Guards, we can obtain these rules. Those are the real rules of Shia, and each one represents the origin of the world. , if I get any of them, I can’t imagine how smooth the road will be in the future.”

"God's Guard?" Bai Bian was a little confused.

"Yes, God's Guards: Deep Sea Titan, this is a race as perfect as the dragon, and that is a truly top-level demigod, able to suppress the existence of some true gods, emmm combat power is similar to some powerful colossus." Pu Sheng said with a smile.

"As long as we keep that thing from coming out, we will definitely make a lot of money."



Bai Bian looked at some blood left on the spot and said coldly: "Okay, your time is up."

Ignoring Pu Sheng who fled into the abyss, Bai Bian looked at the bottom of the sea. He most likely knew what the so-called inheritance here was.

This is really a deal with [Destiny's Child], and that deal is the Deep Sea Titan from Demacia.

If you take something from God, you have to help God release that Titan, right?

But again, the birth of the Sea Clan is a good thing for the three major federations. As for the ancient rules.

Bai Ying didn't know whether it was true or not, but what Bai Ying knew was that it was definitely right not to let Pu Sheng take any advantage.

The God Hunter's blow should have some effect on that weakling.

Bai Bide took out a communicator from the demon dimension. This interdimensional communicator was a gadget that Bai Bride found from the [Star Sea Battleship]. The rebellious woman in hell also had one in her hands.

White Plague made more than one, even Diane had one, but he didn't have time to hand it over to her.

Turning on the communicator, a subtle buzzing sound soon sounded, followed by a familiar voice:

"Hey, my friend, aren't you out? Let me guess, there must be something good for me, right?"



"Hi~ It's so cruel."

Pu Sheng covered his lower back, but the blood was still flowing and couldn't be stopped no matter how hard he tried.

He even felt that he was poisoned by dozens of poisons, making him feel dizzy.


A weak meow sounded, and Pu Sheng was helpless: "I can't help it, my friend seems to have changed. He seems to not want to participate in anything that is not in his plan."


"What should I do? How do I know? Let's look at the situation. The layout should be about the same now, but it's a pity that Shia has entered the scene. It will take at least ten years, right? It's difficult to do it. Become a god in ten years? Who dares to think?"

"Me? I'm over thirty. I'll be thankful to God if I can become a god before I'm a hundred years old."

"Go and recuperate first. Hiss~ This poison is getting more and more outrageous. It's just one knife, but it's more than seventy kinds of wounds. It's outrageous."




"Why is there Pandora everywhere!!"

"Not counting the two Pandoras, that evil cat Pandora appears again!"

"As usual, kill the one who brings Pandora first, and then everyone will fight for what they need. Whether you can become a god or not depends on this time!"

"Ho ho ho"


"Ang ang ang"

Pu Sheng felt the sense of locking and killing intent from all directions, the increasingly difficult poison in his body, and the bleeding wounds.

Even when the scalpel penetrates the flesh, the trauma and hatred of his soul suck in the weakness of his energy.

I couldn't help but curse out: "Damn white plague, damn alchemist!"


"I know, run now!"

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